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winter youtube

closed captioning offishing saskatchewan has been provided by greatwestern brewing company. please enjoy responsibly. [music playing] fishing saskatchewanis brought to you by the fishin' hole, norsaskfarm equipment, aluma craft boats, and evinrude. 70 years of making the industrystandard in aluminum boats. at aluma craft we arecommitted to building

the dreams of our customers. whether it's a hardcorefishermen or joining your family for agreat day on the water. from shallow water jonboats to 20 foot deep v's suited for big waves. aluma craft's exclusive2xb hull with double bladed aluminum from bow to sternoffers the quitest and softest ride available. at aluma craft it's all aboutfamilies fishing forever.

when i entered [inaudible]. i mean, throw acompensation entry in and you think, come on,wouldn't that be good. and i said to rob, look i betin this competition if i win it, it'll be awesome. and he said, well what is it? i sent him the link. and yeah watching you guys catchpike, and walleye, and the carp fishing one, and trout.

and it's just fantastic. the scenery-- wehaven't got any-- we've got some nice scenery. don't get me wrong, ilove england and we've but we haven't reallygot a great outdoors as such that's good forfishing as it is here. well, day two isa little cooler. yeah. a bit more bounce on the water.

a little more fishon the screen. yeah, we've got goodindicators today. i think we're goingto have a good day. sitting right on our spot. seen lots of fish on theunderwater camera yesterday. more than i thoughtwe were going to. couple of surprise fish too. it's going to be a beauty so. give that a littlekiss for luck.

off we go. bring it on. [inaudible] [laughter] all right. do we smoothies, you think? nice, nice. real down, real down, real down. there you go.

that one's on. all right, allen. now we're good. good one. now we're talking. come on mr. pikey. look at the colors on that. that is a nice fish. that's beautiful.

that's bigger thati thought it was. wow. he's got his [inaudible]colors on that. he's got his old[inaudible] on that. that is a big fish. holy crap. there we go. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. good morning.

morning, mate. oh yeah. little kiss and a cuddle. thanks, mate. that was wonderful. what a start to the moaning. so does that compare tothe ones you get back home? it doesn't. it doesn't really.

we catch pike at home. but nothing, nothinglike the size. you'll catch fish likethat but it's hard. you'll sit all day. bite alarm, wrapped up, food,[inaudible], television, internet. yeah, it doesn't comparelike the home fishing. it's totally different. this is wild, the fish are wild.

it's brilliant, it's brilliant. honestly, trip of a lifetime. can't believe it,can't believe it. yes, baby. oh. that might be a crail. that's on your bait runner. yes, mate. that's your english.

oh, i can get himin the net for sure. come on, baby. let's have you air-born. oh, nice. stay in there. hey. lovely little snapper,we'll start with that. nice work, buddyon the english rig. nice work.

maybe these guys do knowhow to fish, smitty. nice pike. first cast, eh? first cast. told you. the lure of death. all the way from the uk. well somebody phoningme to congratulate me. oh good sir, howwonderful is the internet?

yeah? you twatter. it's costing me a fiver now. oh, then bucks later. are your parentscalling already? yeah, yeah already. how good is their internet? no actually it was mysponsor, show that lure again. yeah, yeah, the lure.

yeah, first cast, mate. i'm not casting it outagain because i don't want to spoil a good thing. but thanks for calling. send me through the nextbatch of one hundred. cheers, bye. good job, allen. it's all i've ever known. my picture of my first fish--well of me with a fish-- i'm

sitting in a high chairwith a trout in front of me that my dad had brought home. allen says, you wantpictures of your kids. well in our familythat's pictures of fish. with your kids? my sister now she'llsay to dad, i've looked through all the familyphotographs, why have you got 3,000 pictures ofrobert and four of me? he says, because youdon't go fishing.

nice fish. drop? catch and release. (singing) theycall him catch 'em, catch 'em, catchand release them. no one can see themfaster than he. come on, sam. oh, this one's staying on. well past the requiredeight seconds.

just tell me when. we've still got time, pike. you do realize it's rob. you do know your matesare going to laugh at you. they're all going to laugh. oh, i'm proving it. here hold that [inaudible]. he tried, didn't he, oncatch and release rob. he looks very happy.

look at that. way to tie your [inaudible]. steve would be proud. he's a good one. let the rod do the work. just keep that tip upunder the water there. that's going to be a good one. there's our lead. you're going to have to liftway up because that lead--

oh, there's onechasing behind you. do you see that pike? oh no, that's a bird. that's a bird. that's a loon. is that a bird? yeah, it's a loon. yeah beauty.

that's why i said, i'mhoping the loon don't get it. that's a beautiful walleye. that is absolutely stunning. that's gorgeous. that's fantastic. first walleye. oh, yeah. it's wonderful. what do you think, rob?

he's beautiful isn't he? yeah, that's a walleye. that's a heavy fish. that's a nice one. that is a very nice fish. i may catch andrelease this time. get him up here. oh, yes. woo!

that a boy. good job, rob. one happy angler. can you open the bail there? yeah we're good. thank you. those are pretty closeto the same size. mine's a little bit bigger. actually, i think it'sa little bit smaller.

if we're going toget competitive. which we are. nice. oh yes. that's a nice fat walleye. the colors in thatare spectacular. they fight a lot differentthen the pike, eh? get your fin up. i'll just put myfinger behind it.

maybe on a bounce. beautiful color. so how does that compareto zander fishing? zander comes in likea wet paper bag. yes. they don't fight. they don't fight untilyou get them on the bank and then they go crazy. so yeah, that was menudging right there.

ok. beautiful fish. today's ice anglersneed to be efficient. and ht offers a hugeselection of premium ice tackle designed to meetvirtually every application. whether you fish bluegills,croppy, perch, stocked trout, whitefish, walleyes,pike, or lake trout ht has what it takes to makeyou consistently successful. nothing beats ice fishing.

nothing. when we went out the firstday and you brought out that-- the inline camera? i mean, set the bobber up on it. that was spectacular. you missed the first bite andit didn't-- it just come up. thursday was prettygood fishing. we had quite a few to the boat. and we did pretty well,we got some nice fish.

but we did have that cameradown only for about two hours and we fished all day. 10 hours on the water. we had that camera downfor about two hours. and we didn't-- we hadtwo or three bites? i think we had two. we had two bites on it. but later that night weturned to watch the footage-- --i was surprisedhow many fish we had.

i was amazed, i was amazed. after watching things likethat it changes the way you approach your fishing. it has to. it's the next bestthing to actually being down there with a pair ofgoggles and watching them. and then to seethe different ways different fish approach yourbait, what's scaring it, why isn't he taking that bait?

they come up and nudge it. or they come up and grabit and then let it go. the water was circling aroundit like he was upside down. just like the walleye did. the other pike was looking at itand backing up, going forward, backing up. that was the thing when yousaw all the fish coming up from underneath. and we've got all our hookstop mounted because we're

hanging the baits. and the fish are coming up fromunderneath and grabbing it, pulling it, and letting it go. and you'll see the floatmove but you haven't got a hook anywhere near the fish. when i come back ini changed my rigs. we tied them so the fishwere lying head down. and then when thefish comes up it's got a hook right in front ofit with the head of the fish

there. and it goes for the grab,the float goes under. this time when you pickit up, and real into it, you've got a fish on ratherthan just bringing back a bait with a set ofteeth marks in it. and it goes to showday two i don't know that we had any morebobbers go down but we put way more fish in the boat. definitely.

on the smaller baits thatgave us a huge advantage. a huge advantage. do you think those pike knew? do you think they knewthere was a hook in it? or do think it was just the waythey were hitting that bait? the ones that we had oncamera that came up just took the middle, pulledit, and ejected it. because we didn't landanything on it did we? no.

we just saw them. and we saw five or sixdifferent pike-- two at a time coming up and nudgingit, and looking at it. but the ones that hit ithit the middle of the fish where there was no hook. are they doing that because theyknow or is that just the way they're hitting it? i don't know that theysee or identify the hook or be able to translateit into anything

that, i can't have that. that's dangerous. but when you lookat the presentation on that underwater footagethe line is very obvious, the hooks are very obvious,and they're taking it. we're also using-- youguys switched your floats as well-- we're usingfairly sturdy bobbers. and when the pike were going tograb that bait and pull it down there's quite a bit moreresistance with the bobbers

that we were usingthe first day. right? and they feel that. normally when they'retaking a live bait, if they're eating alive fish, they're going to feel something. but that feels different. it just feels pulling back. so that might bea reason that they

were dropping a lot as well. i'd like to see howthe approach it the way we're rigging them now. and the next timewe're out i want to have baits hanginghead down and see how they're hitting the baits. because that's whatwe don't know now. we know we're havingmore fish with it, but are they comingfrom underneath

and taking it the way wethink we're presenting it. or will they still come fromthe side and grab the belly? we've now put hooks down thatside so we're catching them, but we don't know howthey're hitting it. i think the mostinteresting thing with having that cameradown is we caught good fish on the first day. we're used to catching more alot of times out in this spot. we were talking backand forth on the boat

that maybe they're justnot feeding actively and maybe there's just notthat many around right now. we're waiting forthe cisco spawn which is what's bringingthe pike and big walleye into that area. and we're kind of throwingaround the idea of well, maybe there's not a lot around. but when you throw thatcamera down-- and like i said, that camera wasdown for 20% of the time

in one location-- wegot four baits out. and we've got one locationwhere maybe they're not that many around. well what you see on the camera. for that day we sawmore fish on the camera then we did in the boat. yeah but then what's thatcamera done to you now though? what's it done? if you didn't have thatcamera and you went out

and like you say, therejust no feeding today, they're all lying onthe bottom, they're not moving becausethey're waiting. they're not here. they're there. they're looking at it. they're laughing at you. and that's what we did day two. and we came in day one,we watched the video,

and we made someadjustments on the rigs. and it did make a difference. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and that's technology. that's how it helped us. in one day we learned these fishare not as silly as we think. it teaches people. like the anglers hereit teaches vary it. if you're not catchingsomething, change it.

there's a reasonyou're not catching. our partner stevewho's not here-- that's one of his philosophies. he washed most of thehooks in the tackle box. he's rarely settledfor one lure if he doesn't change it every hour. and the interesting thingis whether the fishing is good or badhe'll have something on that's gangbustersthat's working every third,

every fourth cast, we'regetting a fish on it. he's taking that offto see if there's something in a box that'llget him one every second cast. so here we are at the airport. holiday's come to an end. and what a great holiday it was. we couldn't go home withoutsaying a big thank you to tourism saskatchewan. to chuck over at prudencepoint who gave us a lovely log

cabin to stay in. to great western brewery whokept us lubricated for the four days we were there. and also big center tv forgiving me the opportunity to win this prize which waslike a lottery win to rob and i. thank you very, very much. we also need to say thank youto the new friends that we met, smitty, and neil, terry,kyle, chad, and gord, all from fishing saskatchewan.

guys, we can't waitto see you again. we've had a spectacular time. the fishing wasout of this world. the weather didn'talways play ball, but you always madeit happen for us. it always found usfish wherever it took. i worked so hard, didn't i? i just worked and worked. there was nothingmore anybody could

have done to have madethat holiday better for us. it was awesome, guys. and if ever you comeover to the uk, please, we'd love to try and replaysome of that kindness you showed us both. because we love canada,we love you guys, and we had the best time. promise you, the best time ever. thanks ever so much.

thanks very much. take care. i think so. that'll do it. it's a wrap.

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