competition secrets part 14. a movie by gã¡bor dã¶me method feeder tricks for large fish yesterday we were fishing mainly for smaller carps on the shallow section of the maconka reservoir, but it was a really pleasant surprise for us that we managed to land some bigger-sized fish too. these were wonderful koi carps. today we are going to try ourselves on the deep-water section of the reservoir and the competition field, where probably we can expect significantly less bites, but bigger-sized fish at the same time. with a little luck, we can catch the fish of our dreams here as well. grounding feedingbrutal liver
we will start with the grounding feeding today as well. i chose the suitable rod for this. yes, this is the one, which line is clipped into the reel’s line keeper exactly at 80 metres distance. it is a very interesting and important information that one does not have to fish any further than this here neither, thus the 80 metres distant fishing, and feeding is highly enough. later, just as we did in the shallow water, if it is necessary, the large fish that are located on the edge of the fed spot can be caught easily if we cast 5-10-15, or even 20 metres further away. well, of course, it will only turn out later how easy it is to catch these fish. gã¡bor, jã³zsi, we can start the grounding feeding! of course i will take the hook off for the time of the grounding feeding, for safe casts i will put on the casting gloves again, this way it is guaranteed that the line won’t cut my finger. all three of us will use the brutal liver fancy-named groundbait both for feeding and for fishing.
i will wait at least one minute after every cast, in order for the groundbait that i filled into the feeder to have time to dissolve properly. by the way, i can control the time of dissolution with the amount of force that i use for pressing the groundbait into the feeder. as for the grounding feeding it is important that this process should happen very quickly. obviously later we will press the groundbait harder, during the course of fishing we will fill the groundbait a little bit harder into the feeder, in order for it to dissolve slowly, but continuously from the feeder, and so the late-comer large fish can also find some delicious, sinking particles. the last groundbait dumpling was cast, my trace has been emptied, this is just enough for the beginning. sipi will feed a spot 30 metres far from the shore and thus he will show us how is it possible to catch bream fish with method feeder technique in the mid-water level, since in 30 metres distance, using fish-meal feed he is going to go for the bream fish species. this is not a small player.
i like it when the rod stops like this, and the fish is moving sluggishly and dully, it is not shaking his head, and it is going nicely and definitely to the left side. the technique of playing the fish is the same as with the little-sized ones, furthermore, it is even more significant here to keep the rod definitely either to the left or to the right side, and try to turn the fish away from its fleeing direction, thus forcing it to stay in that sector, that specific area, where we are fishing, in order to avoid tangling with our neighbours. and of course we either succeed in doing so or not, since the tackle has its limits here as well, i cannot force it endlessly, plus we also have to try to protect the fish, and its power also cannot be underestimated. of course the first fish is a wonderful koi carp here as well. the first and most significant aspect is always the safety of fish, and this is especially important in the case of such beautiful large fish like this one here. it is not accidental that the use of a carp mattress and a big-size carp landing net is obligatory for every angler here on the maconka reservoir,
with such a big landing net a fish like this, or an even bigger one too, can be landed safely. i could not even imagine a more beautiful and more colourful start than this. end-rig pellet feeder, method flat feeder the tackle that we use today, rods, reels, end-rigs are basically all the same, that the other ones were, which we used on the shallow water, with that difference, that the smallest hook we can apply with the method flat feeders in this case, instead of the size 12 guru qm1, is minimally size 10, while instead of the size 12 korum expert power hook that we used with the ribbed feeders, now we use size 8 in the speed bead quick snap. the reason for this is that the sizes of the baits that we are going to use here will also be a little bit bigger,
and the expectable sizes of fish also deserves this to ensure secure hook ups. the 8 size hook might seem a little bit big, but this is a very big gap hook which ensures good hook ups. the bend of the hook, which is important, and it is determined in the method feeder regulations, since the maximal size of hook that is allowed to use taking the manufacturer’s numbering is size 8, and considering its bend, it can be maximally 10 mm wide. i will measure the bend of this hook now with the help of a digital calliper. the equipment shows 6,82 mm for me, well, this is way under 10 millimetres. the bait range that we used on the shallow water broadens here with another very important member, which is no other than the quatro fluo pop up boilie in size 11 mm version. it is very important that in this version too there was only one taste, which proved to be very effective, and this was no other than the orange coloured squid flavoured variety.
the lift of this bait is entirely equal to the lift of our other favourite bait, the fluo dissolving floating sweet pineapple pellet, and more precisely its smaller, 12 mm size version. these two baits suit perfectly the end rig combined with a pellet feeder, where, as you know, we used size 8 hook and size 10 bait sting. in this way this is an easily absorbable, well-balanced bait. while we use the hybrid method pellet also laced on to a bait sting, with the other end-rig, combined with the method flat feeder. and now we are going to show you another useful trick with which we could make these baits, groundbaits even more effective. this is going to be demonstrated by no other than jã³zsi sisa, the master of aromas. i also hooked my first large fish! after we completed the well-established grounding feeding, we might get a bite immediately if we have some luck,
as gã¡bor’ first cast also proved this, he caught a wonderful koi carp at once. this is my first cast, and behold, here is another nice fish! and this was the first cast for you too! wow, how wonderful, huge fish! wow! a tiny, hybrid method pellet, and such a huge, wonderful big fish! as you can see my first cast also gave a fish, though gã¡bor has already played and released his fish, and jã³zsi has also landed his carp. and i was sitting here in the middle intimidated, waiting and hoping that perhaps i would also catch my first carp. while i was watching jã³zsi how masterly he was playing his fish, a fish, probably a nice carp, took up my bait too! this is the biggest fish of the day so far. i can hardly hold it up, but i hope that there will be even bigger ones than this.
it has shown itself already, there is a beautiful stout common carp on my hook. it is losing strength… oh, no! we got this already! this is not a tiny fish! jã³zsi, as i see your fish is already in the carp sack. there is a rule here on maconka that if one catches a more than ten kilograms big carp, they should inform the lake-watchers, they are going to measure and register the fish, since they can be rightfully proud of their record list which is the biggest in europe, and they have a punctual database including almost every fish. so until we are waiting for the lake-keeper to arrive, we have to keep fish in carp sacks for their protection. it is apparent that the hookset was very good! although the little method hybrid pellet has fallen of the bait sting already, but this hookset is perfect.
the hook is small, but it held into the fish’s mouth here very well, i can hardly take it out of its mouth. jã³zsi’s fish was the biggest fish of the day for less than five minutes only. jã³zsi, unfortunately i managed to catch a bigger one than that, but may this be our biggest problem today! congratulations! behold, the newest fan of the hybrid method pellet range! please, come out here to the beginning of the dam, because we have two large fish for measuring. thank you very much! 14.55 the measuring process have been done, and now we are going to release the two nice fish. the total weight of the two fish is nearly 30 kilograms! now that these two beauties swam away, let’s say some words about the aromas that gã¡bor mentioned earlier. jã³zsi, you and gã¡bor together started the row with very beautiful fish. you both managed to land extraordinary size fish right at the beginning.
what is that tiny trick which will help us to keep up large fish’s interest continuously? there has been always great significance of using aromas here on maconka. let’s think about it! a grounding feeding was made, if we cast our rigs with the same groundbait to the fed spot, it would not stand out from that medium, this is why we direct fish to the feeder with aroma impulses. for this purpose i used the dense aromas of the fluo energy product line, which will come out in 2017. its name is method spray. jã³zsi, how many flavour varieties will this product be available in? in all flavours of the fluo energy product line, namely six different versions. what is the difference between the method spray, and the fluo essence which comes in similar taste? the carrier material of the two aromas are entirely different. the fluo essence is a dense aroma
which arouses fish’s interest with its irresistible taste and the cloud that it produces during its dissolution, and its effect can last even for 30 minutes. the method spray is not as dense, but a really thick aroma concentration, which exerts its influence explosively, it works extremely quickly. thanks to this i had more bites, which appeared within one minute after the cast, even during competition circumstances! another nice carp pulled it away again. it had a very sluggish bite. after the strike i thought that i got stuck in a snag, it was entirely static, then it started to move very slowly, and it started to pump, this is why i think that this one is not from the smaller ones neither! i managed to force it here near the shore. i think it has just recognized that the shore is so near, because it has headed back into the lake. jã³zsi, didn’t it pull it away?
my friend, jã³zsi was cheering for me to manage to play this fish successfully, then i saw he was running back to his rods, because he had a bite too! got it! i believe we are doing everything very synchronously today with jã³zsi, we caught two fish simultaneously again, but this time he came out of it better! congratulations jã³zsi, nice fish! thank you! i hope we will have some more similar experience during the course of this day. i also hope so, let’s release them! since the rig is not fixed on the top, fish can basically pull it endlessly, thus the angler has to intervene at any cost in order for the hookset to be safe. so, you know, this is not a self-hooking method. with the rising of the rod you have to pull the hook into the fish’s mouth, but with these needle-sharp big-gapped hooks usually it is not necessary to make big strikes, as you could see it now.
it makes my tackle work hard, and of course the angler as well. but you know, these are the experiences, these are the moments why we are fishing! here is the bait. it is a size 11 mm, squid-flavoured pop up boilie, the hookset was perfect! another wonderful, large carp from maconka caught with a little bait. this one is also an old, experienced fighter, since it is apparent that it has been hooked many times before, but it still couldn’t resist the delicious food! mid-water level feeder method fishing for bream fish it is apparent that the strategy which we apply whole day today is working perfectly well now as well, since we have managed to land many beautiful carps already, but at midday, well, this whole thing gets a little bit dull! it is really difficult to extort a few bites even with the best bites and best groundbaits too.
gã¡bor, what can be the reason for this? this is because in this hot weather large fish, like all the others too, rise up from the bottom to the mid-water section, they are floating there, and they are inactive now, thus they are not feeding anymore! well, i believe that they might feed, but not in that water level where we offer our baits for them, isn’t it so? yes, yes. this is the time when one could try the zigrig technique, but it is not so successful here in maconka. the other possibility is that we start fishing for bream fish in the mid-water level. we prepared a very effective bream fishing end-rig for this, which meets the regulations of the national method championship in all respects, namely it includes a line-through feeder. i chose a 25 gram pellet feeder for this, which lower stem i curved a little bit.
you have to heat up the tube a little bit for this, bend it a little, and put it immediately into cold water, or in this case, into the water of the lake, and then it will remain in this stance nicely. what is the essence of this? why didn’t you leave it in its original stance, why did you curve the tube like this? because, if i hadn’t curved it, so if i had left it straight, then during the casts, the long hook line, you know since we are talking about mid-water level fishing i am using a one metre long hook leader line, and it would have got tangled up on the main line, and on the upper stem of the feeder. but in this way, this curved stem keeps the hook line away and so it cannot tangle up on the braided shock leader line. this is a simple, but very effective practice. right! you know, here you can see the one metre long hook line, it is very far from the feeder, this makes this kind of fishing difficult a little bit. the first thing is that i lace the bait up, which is no other than a half eye of puffed rice, plus one soaked maggot.
why is the dead, or seemingly dead maggot better? because you know, we know that the soaked maggot revives after a while, but it is absolutely motionless in this moment. this is exactly the essence of it, namely that it is not moving, thus it won’t tangle the hook line, and on the other hand, because we soaked it in water the maggot got a little bit lighter, and so it does not draw down the puffed rice so much. you know, since there is a maggot on the hook, it is obvious that i mix a few pieces of wetted maggots into the groundbait too. the significance of this is that bream fish will pick up the maggots, which fall out of the feeder in the moment it hits the surface of the water, in the mid-water level, this is exactly why i will probably have a bite very quickly on this one single floating maggot too. it requires some practice to avoid getting tangled up into anything on the fishing seat with this long hook line, but one can get used to it. you don’t have to press the groundbait into the feeder too much, because the essence is that it must scatter apart on the surface of the water.
the cast is the following step! we should practice this technique not too far from the shore, just in about 30 metres distance. like this. i hold the rod in my hands continuously, since the bite can happen in any moment, and in the meantime i keep the line tight. got it! it is not too big, but in these hours, when the chance of catching fish is almost zero, every gram worth gold. the first victim is a silver bream. it is around 15-20 decagrams. and from this point on we have nothing else to do, than to do all this as fast as possible, and collect such amount of fish, with which we can overtake those competitors who are waiting for carps in this period of time as well! what do you think how much fish we can catch altogether with this method? we can count with 3-5 kilograms per hour, but for this we have to catch them in a very fast rhythm, so if we managed to catch 20-25 kilograms from large carps in the first two hours,
then in the three hours left, we can increase this weight further with 12-15 kilograms more, with which we might be able to overtake the other competitors in our sector, who put the competition on large carps only. if everything goes well!? it is apparent that you are using an entirely different groundbait for bream fishing, than what we offer for carps. why? the explanation for this is that the brutal liver, just as we showed it in the previous episode, is a heavy groundbait, and beside all this, because of its inner content, it selects carps very well. thus it is not too expedient for bream fishing, since bream fish does not feed on this. as opposed to this, what i am using now is a high fish meal content groundbait, which is light particle-sized, thus basically it is ideal for me for this kind of fishing method. this is no other than the mixture of the maximum green and the premium halibut groundbaits from the haldorã¡dã³ top method feeder range.
by the way, these two mixture are very good method groundbaits, but you know, the bream fish of the maconka reservoir here get used to the fish meal-based groundbaits so much that it is astonishing. we experienced that one can actually catch bream sooner with fish meal characteristic groundbaits than with the traditional, sweet, spicy groundbaits. it is already shaking the rod tip!fish gathered at your spot nicely. they are there in big numbers! this is the time when one can proceed nicely with this technique. since you have mentioned the premium halibut groundbait, as the determinative ingredient of this mixture, then we should tell the viewers that this was a major member of the top method feeder range. i say this in past tense because in the past two years it was not available, but we managed to solve the problem, and from 2017 it will be available in stores.
we can proceed with this! i have a very agile carp on my hook. i haven’t even met such strong carp yet today. it holds on so aggressively near the shore as well, it is fighting so hard, i am curious to know how big it will turn out to be. but i am sure that it is more than 10 kilograms! i got you! the bait is the hybrid method pellet. one piece. the barbless hook held the fish wonderfully! congratulations for another beautiful carp, gã¡bor! thank you very much! i am fishing for bream fish zealously in the meanwhile, but you know, this is what we have been talking about, namely that no matter that bream fishing affords guaranteed catch, at the same time it is risky too, because the other competitors might catch one or two nice carps in this period of the day as well.
alright, but don’t forget that you may have possibly lost 10-12 kilograms against me now, but you can still keep your second place in the sector, or in the worst case, the third place. that’s right! i might be able to step on the podium with a mixed fishing technique, since my own example also proved this on the i. haldorã¡dã³ method feeder cup, but one thing is for sure, only that person can win here, who purposefully fish for carp during the entire five hours of the competition. and of course if he or she catches as well! that is no harm for the purpose either! i believe that the past two days of fishing that you spent with us on the shore served eloquent proof for that how serious and coordinated work we need to accomplish in order to start with some chance for podium places on a competition, while in many cases this is not enough either to win a competition. however i wouldn’t say that the many-many days we spent on the shore were useless, since these help us,
to develop such products that do well even in tough situations. we can leave behind of us another successful fishing day again, we managed to land lots of beautiful large carps during the day. if you liked the tricks that we showed you this time, try them yourselves as well!
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