mommy ! elif... are you awake dear? what happened, mom?why are you coughing again? i'm fine dear. it'll pass. where were you going then?to the hospital? to the pharmacy dear.i'll come back after i get medicine. mom, i'll go. you have a fever, too.you should rest. i'll take it. i can cureyou. my dear daughter... i'm fine.come on, go back to the house. but you said i've grown up.please mom, let me go and take it.
okay... but please be careful! i promise, mom. come on, go to sleep,okay? my dear mother. elif... come play with us. no. why not? my mother is sick.i'll take medicine for her. kitty? come here kitty.where are you? come here kitty... come here kitty... where are you?
don't be afraid. i'll take you to your mother. mommy. mommy... come on dear. come on. melek? why are you up?you're sick. you're sweating, too. elif isn't still here! where did she go? i was going to go to the pharmacy to take my medicines. she wanted to go and take it. she is still not here. i'll check her.
she must be playing with the children.i'm sure she'll be back any minute. no, zeynep... it's been a while.i'll go and check her. okay, let's search for her then. meleeeek! zeyneeeep! where are you?hey! i'm talking to you! do you want to die?why is the breakfast still not ready? how many times do i have to tell you!the breakfast must be ready when i wakeup! dad! dad, stop. what are you doing?what do you want from her? she's already sick! yeah, sure! she is sick! are you being her lawyer again?
dad, don't do it. don't!!! she's still talking!! as long as you protect her,i'll beat you, too. what am i here? get inside, quick!!! my head aches! you shouldn't have drunk too much then. are you okay melek? i'm fine zeynep. but elif...? come on zeynep,get inside and prepare the breakfast. do not care about him.he's having a hangover anyway. come on! what if something has happened to her, zeynep?! i'm sure she's fine. we'll find her. come on.
eliiiif... where are you eliiifff! eliiifff! come here dear! open the door with your key. good morning! did we wake you up? no, of course not. yes? don't say yes to us! is the kid ready? oh... is this the day? are you kidding with us!how can you ask about the day! where is the girl?!
she's inside. bring her here! eliifff! wake up! where is she! she's missing for hours.i think something has happened to her. elif! don't cry kitty. i'll protect you, okay? i'm sure your mommy is worried about you.i'll take you to your mother. don't worry kitty. where is he?what if he tries to deceive us? if he dares to!
eliiiiiiiffffffffff! she's not around.i'm sure something has happened to her. i'll check the upper neighbourhood melek! okay, i'll ask to the pharmacy. okay. we've stopped. don't be afraid.i won't give you to anyone. what!! why are you here!! hi... has my daughter come here? who?
elif, my daughter. she is six years old.she wears a yellow dress with flowers. has she come here? no, she hasn't. thank you. elif, dear...where are you? who are you? kitty it got stuck here. i see like you. is this place very far? it is... what is your name?
elif. elif? tell me then, elif. where is your house?where did you get into the van? near the grocery. i was going to take medicine.my mother is sick. i was goingto cure her. really! then i saw the cat here i wanted to get it off the van. then you got stuck inside. yes. you're so little yourself.why did you go after the cat? mom will get worried about me.what am i going to do? she's got no medicine!
come here. come here, my little guest. you two wait here. i have a thing to do.i'll come back after i take care of it. don't go into the back of the van! okay, mr. driver. he's here. where is the girl? she... she's not here! what do you mean she's not here! didn't you gamble with us while you didn't have no money? i did.
and didn't you lose it? didn't you beg us saying you don't have any money? didn't we make you a favourand accepted the girl in return of your debts? who am i talking to! how do you dare to swindle us now! idris won't like this at all!i'm warning you veysel! they've sent it from the office. catch your breath captain. what do you want? i don't want anything mr. kenan. thank you. no, i don't accept it. ayse!
yes, mr. kenan? bring him a glass of buttermilk. right away. is that your little one? no, mr. kenan. i was buying some stuff from the grocery in soguttepe. she followed a cat and climbed up to the back of the van. she's come here with me in the back. she's really scared. really? take her back before it gets too late then.her parents will get worried about her. of course mr. kenan.
please welcome. enjoy. ayse, can you prepare something for the kid?a sandwich or something like thatå¯ so she can eat it on the way back. her mother is sick, too.she was outside to take medicine. take it. buy the medicine for her motherand then take her to her house. thank you mr. kenan. veysel are you kidding with us!didn't we tell you we would take her today! her passport and plane ticket are ready! i swear, she was here last night. she's goneoutside this morning. i'm sure she'll be back soon.
do you think this is a game!we're not taking her to a fun fair! idris tells us to wait for a few hoursand shoot him if the girl doesn't come. do you hear it? eliiiiiif!! kids, have you seen elif? she's gone that way, but it's been a while. melek! she's gone this way. where are you? melek, what happened? elif is missing, hatice. she's goneto the pharmacy and haven't returned.
children are like that.i'm sure she'll be back. no, something must have happened!! are you bored, little girl? no, but mom will get worried about me! we're on our way. don't make me hurry.we'll get in an accident otherwise! but i have to buy medicine! okay... the mister in the house told us totake the medicine before going to your house. i'll take it. i'm a grownup now. i've forgotten about it.here you go. this is for you.
elif! elif! ä°smail! what's the matter dear?why are you in a hurry? my daughter is missing, ismail. elif... don't be afraid, melek. children are like that.i'm sure she'll be back in a little while. no. it's been hours since she went. mothers are like that come on why don't you eat? thank you, but i can't!
why is that? mom told me not to eat anything a stranger gives me. she is right, but eat it just for this time.they made it for you. come on, eat it. you'll feel full. do you like it? yes. but mom won't get angry with me, right? i'll tell your mother that itwas a treat for you. okay? i don't know. it's okay. enjoy it. they made it very delicious. it's tasty.
god, i'm about to lose my mind!please bring me my daughter! elif! welcome. hello. we're going to buy medicine for this girl's mother.tell her dear. whatdo you want? tell me, little lady.what is the matter with your mother? she coughs. she has a fever, too.she always lies down and cannot get up. hmm... here you go. tell your mother to take these pills in the morning and in the evening with a full stomach. repeat it to me. morning and evening...with a full stomach... well done. you're a clever girl.
how much do we owe you? 48 liras, mister. no, i have money. put it in your pocket, elif children cannot pay here, sweet girl.we only take money from the grownups. but, it's not right. my mother will get sad. my dear daughter. my dear... she isn't anywhere....
but mom can't take these pills. why? because she would get sick since we didn't buy themedicines with our own money. she cannot take these. of course she can. tell your mother about it. tell her that you went to a bighouse and the mister in the house gave us money to take medicine for your mother. is it not going to work? okay, you're a good man.just like that mister... of course, mr. kenan is a great man.he is one of a kind. my mother is great, too.she helps everybody. it's obvious. she's brought you up very well.
you couldn't find her, right? time is up veyseeel...what are we going to do now? please don't do anything!i'll find and bring her to you! we'll give you time until tomorrow. either bring her to the airport tomorrowor think about how you want to die! beat it now. mom!! mr. driver, stop!it's my mother. mom... mommy... don't hurry. you'll fall down. thank god. my dear daughter...
mom... don't worry. she got in the vanfollowing a cat. are you okay? i'm fine. thank you very much. elif, let's go. kitty, go to your mother, okay? elif, come on dear. where are you going in a state like this?let me take you to your house. no, thank you.
come on... come on, mom. he is a very good man. dear girl. eliiif! eliif!! elif! where is elif!! i don't know! what's happening there?! who are you?what are you doing in his van? who is this jerk?
hey!! what are you saying?!!! what are you saying!who are you! stop, dad. what are you doing! dad, don't! he's a good man! veysel!!! please stop.he did us a favour. i've brought your daughter, bought the medicine.pull yourself together! you're scaring the little one! medicine! do you want me to stuffyour throat with these pills! medicine, huh?! take these pills! dad, stop!!they are my mother's medicines. don't!
you can take them in their powdered form now melek! she's sick! can't you see it!why do you do that to the pills! come on, we're going home! medicine. i'll kill you all and burn the house in the end!(looks behind) comeon! walk! zeynep. come on go to your school.you're already late. forget about the school, melek.how can i leave you now? aren't you going to hand in your project today zeynep?do you want your effort to go waste because of us? it's okay melek. it's not precious than you. you should finish your school zeynep. finish your school and save yourself.
come on, go before your father sees you. i'll tell him that you've gone to the work. melek, my dear one. don't leave the bed, okay? little one, take care of your mother, okay? i'll cure mom. but i just wish the medicine were here. i'm fine, elif. i'm fine, don't cry my dear one. come on, zeynep. go to your school. okay. i'll leave after i get my files from the house, melek. are you still here?! wake up, bonehead! it's afternoon!
hey! who am i talking to! you don't even know what happened!i've nearly died and you still sleep. wakeup! lie down, mommy. thank you dear. sure, mom. melek? come on, zeynep.go to your school. i'm fine. but i'll be thinking about you! go to the school, zeynep.don't worry. i'm here!!
good for you. have a good day. thank you, melek. i'll make you feel better, mom.lie down, okay? oh! elif! what happened? nothing, mom. hush, little baby, don't say a word, mama's going to buy you a mockingbird. and if that mockingbird won't sing, mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.
meleeeeek!!! meleeeeek!! well, well mrs. melek, i see you're resting. veysel! what are you doing here at this hour?why didn't you go to the work! i'm sick sure! don't try to fool me! get up.you can't earn money while you lay there. i'm not feeling fine veysel.why do you torture me? i'm already taking care of your kid.i don't want to deal with your sickness!get up, come on! mom, look. i've heated some soup for you.
look, she's heated some soup for you!you're really pushing my patience mother and daughter! but mom is very sick, dad. don't call me dad! why are you looking at my face! go get a cloth to clean it! and you! get up and get prepared! don't lie down. you're sick, huh? mom, don't cry. i'm sorry! i've disturbed you, right? i'm very unlucky. i always find these kind of people.look at that. get up, bonehead!
okay, dad, okay. i'm awake. look at yourself. how can i have a son like you?!such a lazy jerk. wash your face. then go to selahattin's store.he has goods in his store that has to be carried. he might need a man. am i going to be a porter again? sure, i'll find you a general director job right now. really. what are you doing there? nothing, murat. don't trouble yourself dear. i'll clean it.
but you're sick, mom. you have to rest. darling! hello. mrs. figen, i was going to call you. no i'm not going to make it today. i'm very sick, mrs. figen. what do you mean that you won't make it! of course you're going to make it! but veysel. no buts! you're going to go if i say so! and you're going to give me the money you've earned in the evening. do you understand me! do you understand me!
dad, please don't hit her! shut up! get out!! what a great world you have in your mind! you can't rest whenever you want. why are you still stalling! get out! go to the work! you're not sick! don't even think about loafing around. beat it. mrs. melek... how can i do my work if you don't go? i'll see your daughter off. wipe that already! you're really slow! i'm hungry! why are you looking at me!come on, prepare my breakfast. okay dad, i'll prepare it now.
meleek? why are you here?you should have rested. it's okay, doctor.i'll do the best i can. it's no good melek. you look very pale.rest inside a little then. thank you. i'm fine. if you feel bad yourself, you can have a rest. ok? it's ready dad. thank god! it's afternoon and i've stillnot eaten anything. it's because of your troubles.
oh, there is food.i'll go after i eat a little then. don't come here. beat it. okay, okay. hey! get out of my sight! wait. take it.you shouldn't be hungry. i'll need you. melek! melek?what happened! why didn't you say anything to me until now, melek?
it's not a simple cold!your immune system has collapsed. you've caught pneumonia. pneumonia? yes. for you to be able to stand is a miracle and you've come to the work in this condition. really, melek! i have to, doctor. i'll be fine after i take my pills, right? i can't rest. i can't lie. i guess you don’t understand how serious your condition is. it is serious. it can get worse if you aren’t treated. i don’t know how to say it. it can have worse results… am i going to die? you have to be hospitalized as soon as possible. elif?
how can i leave elif, doctor?! good day, selahattin... thanks, murat! my father has sent me.he said you need a man. oh, that one. it's done already, but our employee forgot about the receipt of the goods. come on, take it there then. it's a little far though. it's okay. okay then. come inside.i'll tell you the address. can you give me these medicines please?
how much does it cost? 100 liras. let's put it aside then.i'll take the others. sixty liras. eliiiif! come outside.let's play together. okay, i'm coming. where are you going? to the street.they're playing a game. a game! you're not going anywhere!don't make me angry!
but dad, please. shut up! you're not going anywhere and that's final! you can't. i'll need you. if you go outside, you'll regret it! if you go outside, you'll regret it! dad, don't! don't! eliiiiff! dear! don't! veysel, don't touch my daughter! stay out of my way! please, don't veysel!
i'm sick of you! you'll act smarter now. we'll be patient, elif.don't get sad, my beautiful daughter. this is my lucky day.thanks.i hope my luck continues. take these bags. what did you buy? we'll make a feast today! i got angry with you in the morning, right? i want to make up for it. prepare these and let's eat. i'm hungry! did you buy them with a righteous money?
why do you make me angry? why do you ask about that? i've come to the house with bags and you're asking if it is righteous or not. is it that important?! it is important. it is important if we're going to eat it.i don't want to eatwith the money from the gambling. what happened, mom? nothing, dear. we'll see, mrs. melek. we'll see if you're going to beable to act this way you're your daughter is gone. what's happening, dad?i could hear your voice from outside. are you questioning me!you're coming to the house at this hour and questioning me! i worked overtime, dad.
and do you bring more money when you work overtime?! where is murat? i don't know.how can i know about murat? isn't he your brother? i shouldn't ask anything to you, right? all of you arelike barbed wires!! always complaining about things. look at the bags. prepare them andbring them. don't make me angry! choke on them! mom. why doesn't dad love us?
of course he does, dear. but he always gets angry with us. he wouldn't get angry if he had loved us. the water is over. bring me a new jug of water from the refrigerator! okay, go inside! yes, mr. rä±dvan? mom, aren't we going to eat? i'm hungry. you are, right? wait here.i'll bring you something.
that work is over. of course, there is no problem. don't worry. i'll bring the girl to you tomorrow. no, i'm telling the truth. i never lie. what? no, her mother does not know about it. how is she going to learn it? she's sick anyway. don't worry. if i say it's done, then it's done. i never lie. i'll bring her to you tomorrow. no, her mother does not know about it. how is she going to learn it? god, what am i going to do now? how am i going to protect elif? how?! oh god, what am i going to do?
should i call ayse? please god help us. my deardaughter. my ill-fated girl. i have no other choice now. come on, please pick it up ayse! is my grey denims clean? where is it? i've washed it and put it into your closet. hello? ayse? melek...
dear, is that you? where are you? what? okay. of course i'll come, dear. hello? okay of course, i'll leave right away.i'll be there right away. okay. mom, good morning. what's happening? good morning, elif. nothing.come on, wash your face and we'll have breakfast. okay, mom. come on. you told me to be quick andi've come here right away.
what are you doing here, melek?what have you done? who is it? ayse! it's me, dear. i'm glad you're here. yes, i'm here dear. come on, open the door. i can't. veysel locked the door on us.there is a key under the wall frame. please take it and open the door. i'm very glad to see you. look at her,so beautiful. is she your daughter, melek? veysel, all of our plans are spoiled because of you. idris is angry with us. if something goes wrong today, you'll regret it!
of course not, everything will go fine. you have my promise. i'll bring the girl this evening just like you want.have you called me here for it? i'll do it! we'll take you to the airport today. you've made many mistakes already. the kid's mother won't be a trouble for us, right? no, she's sick anyway. still, be careful. if you cause us one more problemå¯ what do you mean he's going to kidnap your daughter?aren't we living in a city? i heard it when he talked about it on the phone, ayse. he said he's going to do it today. he even has a passport, but luckily i've found it. seriously! why did you marry such a man? we've not heard anything from you. you just disappeared.what happened to you? ayse... terrible things happened. tell me about it dear. what happened? why did you marry such a man?you and your child are in a bad condition.
ayse. years ago. they've separated me and kenan. my dear girl please take away elif. hide her. what? melek. how can i separate a child from her mother? how can i take her? they've brought me into doubt for no reason!what's happening! elif yes? meleeekkk! veysel is here! he'll kill us both if he sees you here!what are we going to do now? hide behind the closet.
what's happening!why don't you answer to your phone! i didn't hear. where is elif? inside. why is the front door open? answer me! well... zeynep came to the house and then went away. i guess she forgot to lock it. don't open the door while i'm not here!you won't go outside without telling me! do you hear me! otherwise i'll kill you both!
melek? melek are you okay? mom! mommy! what happened to mom? come on, dear... melek!! mom! mommy! is the girl ready? yes, at house. get in. are we going to take her now? do you want us to wait for the next winter? what do you mean are we going to take her now?
i thought you would come later. sooner rather than later.if the girl is ready, let's get it over with! why is the door open? what's happening? veysel, they've taken your wife to the hospital. who took her? why? i don't know. a middle-aged woman was with them. melek was unconscious. she was yelling to the street to call a taxi. i found a taxi and sent them to the hospital. you did great! did they take elif, too? of course, elif went with them.
are you playing a trick on us?!you said the girl was ready! they were at the house. i swear. we'll kill you! find the girl! quick! this was not our agreement, veysel! we don't forgive a man who tricks us!there isn't any tricks. let's talk calmly. why would i calm down! the girl is not here.this isn't your first failure! her mother has taken her! they're in the hospital. you heard it, too. my wife is sick, i guess that's the reason. we'll take her.there isn't any problem. we'll solve this problem! if you can't solve it, i swear we'll kill youso that people can learn a lesson from it. get in the car!
mom, please get better! don't cry, little one.she'll be okay. she'll wake up. mom, wake up. god, please help us. have mercy for this child. hello dad?! but it's dad. god, what are we going to do now? show us a way. that woman! i'll destroy you!
you couldn't keep a little child! but don't answer! it'd be good for you if they're in the hospital. otherwise, we'll skin you and wear it as shoes. god, protect us. take her. please take my daughter away. dear. melek take elif. they're here. it's definitely them. i entrust my child to you. take her to her father.
sir, who are you looking for? can you stop for a second? sir? to her father? take her. mr. kenan? melek, you've kept a great secret all these years. promise to me! you'll not tell it to anyone. i'll tell you about everything! i swear i will! please go now! be quick! take her before veysel comes!take her to the farm, but don't let kenan know. promise me. my god. help us.but why do you keep it a secret, melek? i'll tell you about it later,but take her away now. save my daughter.
this elevator is no good! come here elif. mommy, don't leave me. my dear child. elif. mom! come here dear.your mother will be fine. come with me. mommy, don't let me go. mum, don't. dad!
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