>>ladies and gentleman please join us in welcoming sebastian stan the winter soldier! (a lot of applause) (still more fanfare) ("whoohooo!") (yay!) ([this constant applause is kinda the normfor this whole interview btw]) >> it's been... let's have a promotional opportunity here!
smile everybody! (audience still offering encouragement) >> (384) guys i love you. (this got a bit of a response, what a self effacing group.) this is so great! thank you so much for having me! >> this room is intense! (guy in audience): thank you for coming! (cheers in agreement)
so i kinda wanted to start at, cause i think that it's the elephant in the room, and i know that marvel has snipersthat exist around all their actors, you just left, acutally my hometown of atlanta filming a something called "civil war" (cheers) >> *uh huh...* >> i know you can't say a word. but any tales from set
that it was a good shoot? like where is the process of it right now? >> uh, we are in post production. um... it is really weird to think that we are done. because it was such a long time, it was about 5, 6 months and and uh,
it's never really easy to goodbye. but, you know, you always thinkthat you're going to come back and you're gonna see everybody again. so, it is not *really* over. >> as an actor and a product of the 80's myself. what inspired you to become an actor? was it actors themselves, films, or >> i dunno, i was watching a lot of movies when i was growing up,
in a, you know, in my friend's basement and stuff, so i just decided at one point that it was something i wanted to try out. and one thing led to the next and then, i guess, here i am. >> i had the pleasure, this past monday,to actually see "the martian." and uh, first off, go see it. absolutely go see "the martian."
cause it is phenomenal. >> yeah um really, if you liked "apollo 13" and you like "2001: a space odyssey" and those kinda movies. i really honestly feel like this one is up there, it's good. i wish i had a bigger part [in the movie] >> you were still good!
what was it like working with ridley scott? >>it really was amazing. he was... it was like... the wizard of oz, in a sense too, you know, i never got to see where he was. he would sorta speak on this loud speaker and give you notes and you would hear this voice from far off somewhere just telling you what to do.
um and you never really knew if you were on camera cause he shot with 8 different cameras at all times. so, um uh he yeah, it was definately one of those dayswhere you wanted to *know* what you were doing when you're showing up to work. >> now as the winter soldier.you haven't had a lot of dialogue yet,
and i say yet cause, >> why did they why did they even have me say anything in this one,i don't know... >> do you find that easier as an actor or harder? >> well it was freeing in a sense, uh and then also it was definitely difficult, but i just, again, the way that the guy looks in the comic books
and then the costume, you know,it's just so, its such a strong presence. that i feel like sometimes all you gotta do is just stare. you just stare. you do, the, you know, do a "zoolander" stare and you're good. (winter soldier stare) >> should we see your "blue steel" o there we go... >> (mouths): oh no blue steel!?, i don't know
(attempts blue steel) (mouths): i can't do it! i'm so happy that anthony mackie is not here.i really am. i know he's coming, and please just,just don't make any noise, when he comes out. >> all right so we are going to take questionsfrom the audience and, uh, let'er rip. >> hi, my name's steven murray, and my question is,if you can make your own opening song, what would it sound like? >> (mimics foreboding percussion) i guess that is "terminator" by the way my opening song?
like just in daily life? or routine? yeah it would have to be some sort of heavy bass, you know, pink floyd, i dunno, something like... "we don't need no [mind control]" thanks
>> hi, my name's andrew, i was wondering what was your favorite comic book growing up? >> i actually didn't read comic bookswhen i was growing up. because i was a communist. i didn't have comic books uh i just had weird cheese and stuff. but you know captain america, was really in a way,was my first comic book, and so i...
you know thus i'm very biased. >> hi, my name's rosa, so i know thatto promote "the martian" you went to nasa. now that you have had a couple of days in betweenhow much fun did you have reflecting back on your exp? >> nasa is amazing. i mean its incredible. you know for me just cause i wanted to be an astronaut obviously at some point when i was a kid but, um,
they're they *really* are super heroes, i mean that is just the truth. i mean, you know the astronaut that we had, his name was *hopper* and the guy had, like, veinsprotruding out of his forearms, you know this big watch, and this *amazing* hair cut. * cheekbones! * and i was like, "yeah of coursethey are going to send *you* to space! who else?
would they perfect, buzz lightyear... so it was really inspiring, honor to be there. >> hi, my name's erica [...],what was your favorite part or scene from captain america first and second [movie]? >> my favorite part? well... in the first movie i really liked the partwhere we go to the, sort of.. the... uh uh...
you know where we go to meet the, dr. who girl... who knew? say "hi" to her again. i was like, "hey i saw you about five years ago..." but in that scene, we sorta go to this, uh, i forgot what it was, it was like a display... >> [audience member probably says the stark expo] >> that's right! there you go. and i kinda wish thatthey would've showed, like the night,
you know? and like us going on these double datesand what would've happened. and like, i kinda wished that, that scene was bigger. in the second movie, um, i think for me, the uh just everything on the causeway was my favorite part.
yeah. in the *third* movie... i don't want to jinx anything... but uh, i would say the fight scenes that have, and that i was involved in, definitely blow the stuff in the second one away. >> i had the chance to interview the cast of "ultron" and i had two questions for themthey really tell us about the person
and i will ask the same ones. number one: what is your go to karaoke song? >> "do you have the time(mouths): to listen to me whine?" no, that one [green day's basketcase] just came to me... i don't know! the problem is i never know, when i get there, i'm always looking through the book. "suspicious minds" elvis presley probably one. >> the second question: who living today is worthyof lifting up thor's hammer?
>> ... uh living today could pick up thor's hammer... >> i said betty white. >> say that again? >>i said betty white.>>(sotto): "betty white"?! yes, absolutely, that could do it. absolutely, that could do it. um... i dunno i was just thinking about,you know, that character, vision. i was like so interested in this character,because he's in civil war, and so i was always like, "where's paul bettany?"
and someone would tell me,"dude, he hasn't been out of his trailer in over a week. the guy is still getting his make-up done" that is a really bad ass character though. that one i'd be worried about. >> we'll just say paul bettany could lift it up. >> say that again? >> paul bettany could lift up thor's hammer. >> no probably not. >> all right next question.
>> hi, i'm holly, [...] i think the most interesting thingabout you is that you grew up in romania, and i was wondering what made you move to america and do you like america better than romania? >> holly, the answer to that question is *yes* i was very lucky to move to america. incredibly, incredibly lucky. it's, it's, uh i wasn't asked, i was sorta like told that we were going. i was twelve at the time, and my mom remarried and then, and you know
i found my way over here. but yeah, i think uh i think i lucked out. >>(in romanian): good morning! my name is allie. >>(still in romanian): my name is sunnie and we wanted to know how often you go to romania now and what do you like to do when you go there. >> gesundheit >> (in romanian): are you from romania?
>> no, but i've lived there for about a year and a half. >> wow!(should i give my answer in romanian or english?) >> if give the answer in romanian that's the ending of civil war, i'm going to be really mad. >> (romanian): it is a pleasure and thank you for coming here! i haven't gone to romania since... 2003, but i have to go back maybe, i was thinking, this summer. >> we can go together! >> ah! and civil war will be an amazing movie!they don’t know what i’m saying right now. >> thank you!
>> you're welcome! >> what you didn't know was that i hadmy google translate on, so its all right here. that's right. >> next question. >> hi my name is kendall, who did you likeportraying more good bucky or the winter soldier? >> the winter soldier definately and the reason for that is in civil war;i remember they like, there was one pointwhere the writers and the russos came up to me and they were like,
"you remember that guy that like, you know, that was from the first captain america, bucky? you remember him? like we may want like kinda try and remember what he was like at this point." and i was like oh i dunno if i can, you know, go back. winter soldier was definitely a lot more fun for sure. >> real fast, with paul bettany, i asked him, also that how soon did he realize he wasgoing from jarvis to the vision and he said he'd known for two years. that he was going to have it before the vision.
how soon/long did >> paul bettany is very lucky that way. >> how soon after being cast as bucky that youfind out you were going to become the winter soldier? uhhhh.... well i found at the san diego comic-con... from a friend, who called me and he said "dude i didn't know that the second movie's title was gonna be 'captain america: the winter soldier?!'" and i was like "weird, neither did i." glad we are doing that story.
>> next question >> hi my name is danielle and i think you are brilliant actor, i would like to see you in more marvel films and >>thank you. >> on that note, in the comic books,bucky becomes captain america and i know no spoilers, but do you think there isa possibility that we could see bucky pick up cap's shield? >> (sotto voice): please spoil! spoil away! >> it's it's so impossible for me to say.
i mean i'll say this: they sure like to dangle a cheese in frontof my nose a lot that's for sure. they were like, "oh yeah that's when you pick up the shield!" and i'm like, "yeah i have heard that one before." there it is again but um i don't know, i will say one thing, if anyone can have anything to do with it, make any of that happen,
it is *you* make it happen! show up! >> hello my name is micheali was wondering what was your biggest inspiration from the comicsgoing into this role as bucky/ winter soldier? biggest inspiration, well, for me i what i found most helpful were were all the comics and the series
when he sorta has hismemory back, and we kinda find him the things piecing together. and uh but, everything thing about his childhoodwas extremely inspiring. i mean, i didn't know, the fact about that he has a sister that ends up going to an orphanageand later on dies of alzheimer's... and stuff, you know what i mean,
the fact that his whole story with his father, like all of those things were just very real for me and very helpful in termsof building a person together. and also it showed me, the fact that, this is why he ends upbeing used by hydra and the russians and so on, because he always, he comes from a really troubled past. >> (audience is all bummed out) >> look he's really cool! all right?! he's fine, believe me. >> in the first movie "captain america," when you fell off the train, how did you survive?
>> what happened was, i uh... i was trying break my fall with my *left* arm and i kinda like wasn't really able to do that and so fell and i knocked my head against a rock and then next thing i open up and there were just like all these lab coats around me. >> i would just say a wizard did it. >> (what?)
>> a wizard did it. >> oh yeah a wizard did it, yeah ridley scott was there... >> hi my name is abby and i just gotta tell youthat my 'best friend' loves you. my question is what was it like working with the crew and cast of the captain america movies? >> it was great. i mean we all... surprizingly, [...] we all really get along. it was uh it was awesome.
i spent obviously a lot of time with the whole cast, but i did spend a lot of time with mackiethis time around. he's like a, he's really good and so is chris, and scarlett. and so its great, because years go by, and we all go off and do our own things
and then we come back again and its like nothings changed. >> [...] hi my name's amanda, thank you for coming. i was wondering what you like to do when you aren't making kick butt movies? >> well thank you for having me. second of all, well what i usually like to do is, is uh, look for the next job! you know it's super fun when you come home
and you have like two weeks, three weeks, a month some times, that you get time off to relax and your body is usually just beatento a pulp from a shoot like that but then, and right around that time,you start itching for the the next job. i'm just like i'm like right back, looking for the next thing. >> sebastian, my name is gaimon, thanks for coming.
my question is how much of the civil war are you actually apart of and what can we expectafterwards for the winter soldier? >> snipers >> they are out there, i know they are... i... i'm *in* civil war. that's all i got. sorry i know
boring, but that is all i can really do. >> hi i'm kristin and i was wondering since you were the mad hatter and the winter soldier, you're kinda psycho inboth those roles. are you secretly psycho or a little disturbed? >> i definitely don't think i'm well. as i grow older... i... mean i'm...
i'm not well. no, um, i dunno know, i mean, those are just better parts to play but i suppose you gotta be a little crazy. i don't know. >> i was going to ask you about the mad hatter,
because obviously, it is such an iconic character that's been portrayed in so many different ways and how did you wrap your head around itand say i wanna do it this way? the thing with the mad hatter was that it was all just written out, it was just in the script. the whole episode was just fantastic he has such a big arc, so many different scenes to
sorta show different colors and so on. so it was all there from the start and that is what made it so compelling, it was just the writing. i think those guys really made a kick ass show [... ] >> next question >> hi my name is oliva, i'm from atlanta, [...] with the extensive history betweennatasha and bucky in the comics
do you think that they will bring that to the big screen? >> yes they can. they should. they *really* should. >> hi i'm aubry and i was wondering as an actor you are asked to do a lot of crazy things [...] [...and do you remember a time when] you were self conscious and how you got over that? *sigh*
plenty *clears throat* i think sometimes you just have to *do* it. whatever it is, that it is, thatyou're self conscious about, i mean i think that it's just jump into the water, you have to just do it. one of the things i've started recently, is that i've always dabbled in writing and so on.
and now i'm like,you know i had a little bit of time, back to the question of what i do in myoff time er whatever and i decided you know what? screw it, i'm just going to start taking some writing classes. i dunno. i gonna start writing. i'm gonna start... i have my... you know, i'm always self conscious of it or whatever,
but i am just going to *do* it. so i think no matter what it is, as long as you kinda give yourself a push, and jump in whatever that water is then you should start to be okay. >> i'm emily and i just recently saw "ricki and the flash" and i was wondering if you can tell usabout working with meryl streep?
>> we want the dirt! >> there ain't much! no well she's a legend to me! of course! you're it's, again, one of those situations where
i felt nervous going to work. *self conscious!* and feeling like you know, i need to bring it. or need to sorta make her think i'm a great actor. and i was sorta over thinking everything and i realized that i was getting in my own way.
so the best way, to sorta do that is to that is to just kind of accept your place sometimes. accept that you are there, and i sorta accepted that i had a job and it was, it got a little easier for me, i was less nervous around her. but she, is an incredibly generous person
and i you learn a lot from someone that dedicated. definately makes you sorta step up your game that was best lesson that i had. other than somebody telling methat i could actually smile in a movie for once. >> hello i'm maku i actually started reading comics right
when your character became captain america, so i am really passionate about your storyline, right now in the comics sam wilson, anthony mackie's character, is captain america [summarized as: off evans/ rodgers in movies] [you or anthony mackie as cap in da movies?] >> myself! having anthony mackie be captain america would be like biff from "back to the future ii" [???, "the whole world would be falling apart if that happened"]
you know what i mean? so there you go. >>[summarized as:] [i've only watched the movies,] [summarizes mcu movies with ws and ws cameos] how did captain america catch you? all of this will be resolved for you in the next one. >> hi this is dan, first of all thanks for coming. it's good to have you here
>> thank you >> i think you are a great actor btw, my question is i know actors like to play a wide variety of roles is there any role you would refuse to do? i... uh i don't know... i'm sure there is, there's gotta be come on i dunno,
nothing comes off the top of my head right now i don't want say anything and then kinda like sorta regret it later on. i'll try anything until there is something that sorta jumps out and then i go "there's gotta be someone better for this," i'll move out of the way
but, if i can give it a shot i'll do whatever. >> hi, my name is matthew and my question is hi, my name is matthew are you a "star wars" fan? >> yes. yes i am.
>> [megan: are you and evan's close after the movies?] >> yeah we stay in touch you know here and there. i mean once in a while we run into each other like, we will in a few hours. but yeah i mean it's always
like i said, like i may not see chris for a few months i may not see him for a year or two but it never, it always picks up where we left off last time. so >> i'm with you to the end of the line! [previous spoken by: not chris evans]
>> me too. me too. >> [allie: dubsmash board betweencast of agent carter and the agents of shield?] >> i think agent carter, i think, i've seen some of those dubsmashes that [???]'s done, they're really great. >> you should join the board. >> i have so many on my phone you have no idea.
i always get very close to putting one out there, but i haven't done it yet. [>> arianna: what's yr fav.action scene in winter soldier?] my favorite action scene? i really like that samuel jackson car chase. i thought that one was that one was really great, that reminded me of "terminator 2"
and like all those great movies sort of back, you know, back in the day growing up, just cause, it was, i just loved everything about it, so that one i would go with [>> (medicine?): what's yr favorite role and why?] well * this one * is obviously my favorite role! no, i love playing this role
because i feel like, i've it's the only role again, i'm still, kinda, just beginning, in my opinion. i know it's been some years that i've been acting. but, like to me, it still feels like a beginning each time and when i look back, i feel like this is the role that i've gotten finally, gives me the chance to
get a lot of tries at it. and sometimes when you get to do two three movies you get to learn a lot about a character and sort of the things you didn't think about. so this is probably the most full fleshed thing i've done so far. >> what's it like to be where you are now? >> bright.
>> bright? extremely gratifying and extremely. you know, i mean, i'm at a lost for words. i'm just standing here in front of all you guys, and i'm from romania. so what can i say?every moment is a pretty great moment. >> ??: i'd like to what [would] happen if yr char. becomes captain america, what would you like to do differently from the currant captain america? >> brood.
i dunno know i'd probably smash the shield repeatedly with my arm to make it mine. >> i think the right answer is to not die. >> not die. not die. not die. >> frankie: weirdest thing that has happened to you on set? i uh.. >> my pants have fallen down a few times. it's definitely a weird thing to go through,when y'r trying to be a bad ass.
weirdest thing. i've definitely i've definitely landed some of the punches. and been like "o my god, i'm so sorry!" but we do that all the time, it just happens. in the first movie i went through a wall, like that whole train sequence before, you know, he falls off, it was one time where i'm dodging bullets, er whatever,
and i threw myself into the wall, and i was *very* into it, and i just went like right through it. [??? "wasn't a problem"?] accidents like that happen to me a lot. (false start from guy in mask, [prob. faux ws]) >> (masked guy): i just, quick question, >> it's pretty tough in that mask though isn't? >> i was going to say, that wasn't my question, to say that i respect you for *handling* this,
because that is what you do! [what is your process of filling in the blanks for character's history that are important and aren't necessarily going to be seen on film?] the best thing to do is for me was to again like every year i go back to the comic books. i go back to, one of the things someone actuallysuggested to me this time around, why don't you just watch the first movie, and the second movie, before going into this third one.
so you remember your arc. but it's all in the comic books, there. and then. i do i just looked up a lot of different, post traumatic stress disorder, stories and things about soldiers coming back from war. and what their lives are like trying to integrate themselves back into
into, uh reality. what you strive for, you go to set, you know what you are going to shoot that day, but there might be an opportunity about for something you didn't think about before. you know um some sorta, and you wanna be wanna sorta have your weaponsfor that,
you wanna be ready for it so you can pull it out of your trick bag. ya know, um and i think with this character, for example, one of the things, like, i always (sl. aside) i stole this from a greater actor, er whatever, but i was like music is a very important thing for me with this character, because especially...
in a lot of the places where he's not thinking... he's not *saying* much. er like where's his mind? where is he going? especially as the winter soldier, um, i would always just had him kinda playing a lot of different kinda music in his mind, and stuff...
that kinda helped me always have something going on. because it could be anything, could be, he could be looking at something and think maybe he recognizes it or not, or it can trigger him in a certain way. so. [>> anastasia[?]: yr writing, poetry or prose?] >> no, i uh, these are just short story classes, basically,
it's just, stuff that, you know, i was writing in different ways and different purposes ever since i was in high school. it's something i've always come back to and i'm not trying to write a book er anything. i just was like
let's build build on those things that excite you, or that you like. i think sometimes we get *so* or at least i do, you know, especially with writing. i get so bogged down with expectations. you have this idea, "where are you going to take it?" where's this going to go? what are you going to write a book er something?" and its like
if you're gonna think that way, then you're going to squash the whole thing altogether. i mean sometimes i think it is just about seeing, like, what's at least, in front of your face, go to that. there's a piece of paper,just start writing on the piece of paper, and then take it to next, maybe the second page. and i try to think about that in life too sometimes, you know, it's like,
i'm here with you right now. let me try and be here. i dunno what's going be tomorrow. that got deep, i'm sorry. >>??? (false start) i've loved your stuff since "the covenant" (appreciation for male witchery) (correct sl. embarrassment from 384) [we've talked about "ricki and the flash" i want you to tell us the story about how you fanboy-ed out for rick springfield.]
>> well i obviously wanted him to get into (imitates hook from: "jessie's girl") i wanted him to play that song so badly, every time, they were, the band was up. but he would never do it, he never like, i think he probably hated playing that song. ummm umm yeah, i just
i just love the i love 80's music, and i love him, i was blown away by him in the movie. because he does he does such an incredible job. he's actually a really good actor. and he's really good inthe second season of "true detective." >>next question
[ >> charley[?]: what do you wish you could've known when you started out in this business?] >> that you need a lot of patience definitely. uh you know it's so fun when you're starting out in high schooland camp and so on. you're doing plays, you're doing musicals, like you just get up there and do it. and the trick is you can't loose that excitement like as a kid, you can't, you need that every time
to turn it up when you show up for a job. but at the same time you have to like kinda hone it in and like have patience with it. you can't like, just let it diffuse quickly, i guess so patience, patience is a big one. >> we got time for one more question. [>> you were just here with "the bronze" in january for sundance film festival,]
>> fantastic film [>> i was wondering what your experiences was here with that. [doing indie or bigger budget movies better?] >> no, i don't have a pref. of what kind of movie it is. if it's if i really like the character, if, if the people involved are people i want to work with, and it's a good script
then awesome. whatever it may be. and i had a great time at sundance, it was awesome. it was my first time, we were the opening night film. i think it was a little too much for people, to be honest. it's a very raunchy movie, i'm glad it's coming out in march they got a little sidetracked with relativity [media?] but now it's coming out in march. yeah
it's it was fun and park [he means park city] is a great city. >>well one last time, ladies and gentlemen! please give it up for sebastian stan!
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