welcome to the photoshop training channel.i have yet another awesome tutorial for you, guys, today. as you might already know, i'ma big movie fan, which is why from time to time i will do a movie poster for our tutorial. i think that movie posters are not only goodto look at, but we can learn a lot from them, and today's movie poster is no exception.we'll be creating the man of steel teaser poster, which you, probably, already seenby now. we'll start out by creating the background using images of steel and rust. we'll thenhave shadows using the layer mask and an adjustment layer. and we'll also create a backgroundhighlight. for the superman logo, we will use a shapelayer, which we will apply later styles to,
and we'll bring in more shape layers; thenwe'll finish off giving form to the logo. then we'll add various textures to the supermanlogo, such as a grunge texture and old steel textures. after adding highlights, we'll makethe logo more 3 dimensional by creating an extrusion layer and adding some cool effectsto it. and we'll top it all up by adding a shadow that will finalize the logo effect.and, of course, we'll create the man of steel text. there is a lot to cover in this tutorial,so i'll be going faster than usual. if you get stuck, don't hesitate to pause or rewindthe video. and please keep in mind that the original artist, probably, took a few dozenhours creating this poster, but we'll try
to do it all in under 40 minutes. the point of this tutorial is for you to learnthe general techniques, and for you to then spend some time on your own, improving thecomposition and making that look as good as you can. but anyway, let's get started. the first stepis to create a new document. you can create a new document by pressing ctrl n on yourkeyboard; that's command n on the mac. i'm going to name my document superman poster.my width is going to be 1280, height 720, and background content is transparent, theni'll press ok. first, i'm going to create some guides, splittingmy document in half vertically and splitting
my document in half horizontally. to do that,you can click on view, view guide and in position, type 50%. we'll check horizontal and it willcreate a horizontal guide right down the middle. then, we'll do the same thing for the verticalguide. so, we'll go to new guide, click on vertical, and type 50%, press ok, and nowwe have our guides. next, we're going to bring in our backgroundimage. i'm going to click on file place and select my background image; click on placeand i'm going to press enter. notice that when we brought in the background, using theplace command, it automatically converted the image into a smart object. if your image is not a smart object, i wouldrecommend turning it into one. you can convert
it into a smart object by right clicking onyour layer and selecting convert to smart object; then i'm going to click on filtersharpen unsharp mask and set my amount to 93%, my radius to 5.2 pixels, stretch thresholdto zero and press ok. and the reason we converted this into a smart object is because if i wantto come back and make adjustments later, i can, by double clicking on the unsharp maskeffect name here, and i can make any adjustments i like to this layer. i'm just going to presscancel over that since i don't want to make any changes and i'm going to hide the smartfilters, that way there's not so much clutter in my layers panel here. next, i'll bring in my rust layer. i'll clickon file place and select the rust.jpg, click
on place and all that the same sharpen filter.i'll just press ctrl f or command f or click on filter and just click on the first optionhere, unsharp mask, which is the last filter that we used, and it will apply the same filterwith the same settings, which is what we want to do. and once we do that, we can come into thechannels panel and select the channel that's got the most contrast. in this case, it'sgoing to be the blue channel. we'll click on it and drag it over into the new channelicon to duplicate it and we'll go into image adjustments and levels and we'll give morecontrast, so we want to make the darks darker and the lighters lighter, and we don't wantthere to be so much gray, so we'll try to
get rid of that gray by turning it into whiteand the dark grays will turn into dark; something like that. now, make sure that your blue copy channelslayer is selected and click ctrl i on your keyboard, command i on the mac to invert.now, if we ctrl click or command click on the mac, you'll select all the white pixels,which is the rust in this layer. and if i click in the layer mask icon, here in thelayers panel, it will hide everything else that is not the rust, which is exactly whatwe want. we'll set the blending mode to overlay andchange the opacity to 50%. next, i'll add a new layer, i'll name it background vignetteand i'll fill it with black by pressing alt
and backspace, or option backspace on themac. i'll add a new layer mask and i will also fill it with black. on the layer mask,we're going to add a filter render and clouds to get this effect here. then i'm going topress b on my keyboard for my brush tool. i want to set my brush size to about 400 pixelsand make sure that it's a soft brush. and i'm just going to click right in the middletwice to get that effect there. and you know what? maybe, i'll make this justa little bit bigger, maybe i'll just go in a circular motion just to give it a littlebit more of a highlight. then i'll change my foreground color to white, make my brushjust a little bit smaller and i'll just draw around the edges like so. just make it darkon the edges. and you don't have to go on
a straight line. you can do some wavy; youcan draw some wavy lines if you like, like so, then set your opacity to 75% and you getthe result you see here. next, add a brightness and contrast adjustmentlayer by clicking on the adjustment layer icon here, click on brightness and contrastand set your brightness to -90 and your contrast to -4, and add another adjustment layer, butthis time, add a hue/saturation adjustment layer, click on colorize and set your hueto 220, your saturation to 25 and your lightness to zero, and change the opacity to 30%. next, create a new layer and we'll name thislayer highlight. select your brush tool. make sure your foreground is set to white and witha brush of about 300 pixels, click in the
middle twice, and this is going to be thehighlight for the background layer. now, the highlight is not blending with mybackground as well as i would like it to be. i'm just going to double click on the layerto bring in my layer styles and change the blend if options in the underlying layer.if i move this icon here to the right, you'll see how the dark areas of the background startto come out a little bit, and that's what i want; but, notice that the edges from thehighlight in the background are too dark. if i alt click on the icon here, and splitit in half, and i can create a much smoother transition between the two, and that's whati want to do. so i'll move this icon on the left here tothe right, just a little bit more, somewhere
around 38 and move the icon on the right alittle more to the right to about 90 or so, and then i'll press ok. then, i'll click von my keyboard so that my move tool, i'll hold shift and press up key on my keyboardto move that up, and i'll duplicate that highlight, and i'll bring that down, pass the middleof my horizontal guide and i'll press ctrl t and i'll make it smaller, since i don'twant it to be as big. i'll press enter and then i'll bring the opacity down of this layerto 60% and this is my result here. next, i 'll add one more layer, and, actually,this layer needs to be at the very top, and i'll call this border vignette. and all i'mgoing to do here is with my brush tool, and i'm just going to draw, once again, a borderaround my image, set that to 35 opacity, and
that's it for our background. what we'll donow is we'll click on the top border vignette layer and click on the background layer whileholding shift to select all the layers, then i'll press ctrl g; command g on the mac, tomake it into a group and i'll call this group "background." now, the next step is going to be creatingour superman logo. now the way we're going to do that is we're going to have to tracea superman logo, or whatever logo you're using if you don't want to use a superman logo.let me go ahead and open up a file that i created in advance, so we can see how thatworks. this is a superman logo here. this is actuallycreated by using many different shapes, not
just one shape. so this is how i created thelogo here. and what i've done for you is i created this layer here so you can trace theimage and you can use the pen tool, and you can go around the image like so, using thepen tool to trace that logo. now, you can, also, add new anchor pointsif you need to, to refine the shape that you're drawing, and you can also draw in the gaps,like for example, this gap here on the side of the "s" and let me show you one trick.if i click and drag, you'll see how that curve is bending perfectly on the side of the "s"right here. but if i come to this side here to add to the top of the logo, notice howi get this weird bend up here. i don't know how clear this will be in the video, but there'sa weird bend going around here and that's
not looking too good, because if i close offmy path—and i'll zoom in so you can see that—you'll see this weird bend going onhere, and that's not good. so, i'm going to put this ctrl z to undo thoseand i'm going to select my pen tool once again. i'll click on this point and i'm just goingto move around and i'll start drawing that again. so when i get to this point here, ifi click and drag to create that bend, what i can do is hold alt on my keyboard, optionon the mac, and notice what happens. i can move this handle independently from the other,and i can click on this side here and we don't have that weird bend anymore. so i can comeback and close out my shape here, and i could also add another anchor point if i want to,to match my shape a little bit better.
so, i'm going to just fit the image on screen,and once you trace this image, make sure that your shape is selected by clicking the pathselection tool and you can click on the adjustment layer icon and click on solid color, and noticehow that filled in the shape that you were just working on, and you can select whatevercolor you want, and you can come back into this shape if you need to at the direct selectiontool here, and you can move these anchors around if need be. but, anyway, i'm just going to go ahead anddelete this because i've already done that. remember that when you trace the image tocreate new layer paths for each section, that's going to help you out. and you should havea result similar to what i have here, which
are these different shapes. now, i'm going to be nice for you guys, andi'm going to include this psd file, so if you're lazy and you don't want to trace thisimage, you can just use the shapes i have here, but i would highly recommend gettingsome practice with the pen tool. i think it will do you some good. so i'll include thisfile over here. you can go to photoshoptrainingchannel.com and look for the superman movie logo tutorialif you're not there already, and look under the tutorial assets for this psd file. anyway, since i have my shapes created already,what i'm going to do now is i'm going to click on the top shape and at the bottom shape,select all my shapes and right click on your
layers, and click on duplicate layers. i knowthe screen capture software is cutting off that option here, but it reads duplicate layers,just click on that and you'll get this dialogue box here and you can click on the destination.select the superman poster, which is the file we're working on and press ok. if you go backinto our superman poster document, you'll see that the files are brought in. i'm goingto press ctrl g on my keyboard now that all the layers are selected and we name that group"logo" and as you can see, it was brought in and it placed here, right down the center,which is exactly where i want it. what i'll do now is i'll open up my logo group,click and drag on the eyes here so all the layers are hidden, except for the last one;except for the main shape layer, and i'll
double click on that layer so the layer stylestyle box comes up, and first, i'll add some bevel and emboss to this image. i'll set mydepth to 100, my size to 5, soften zero and i'll uncheck use global light and for anglei'll type 135, for altitude, i'll put in 37. for my gloss contour, i'll select this oneright here, the second one from the bottom titled ring, and i'll change the color ofmy highlight to efd4d4, which is a pinkish color, then i'll press ok. and i'll change the color of my shadow to60%, then i'll click on texture to add a texture to my shape and i'll select the pattern titledgray granite, which is this one right here. these are the default patterns that photoshopcomes with. if you don't have that on your
screen now, just click on the little flaticon here and click on reset patterns and press ok, and then you should get these patternshere and click on the one titled gray granite and leave your scale at 100% and change yourdepth to +4. then click on inner glow, change your blending mode to normal, opacity, leaveat 75%, and we'll change the color to 67001f, which is sort of a dark red color. press okand we'll increase the size of this to about 55 pixels; so i just type in 55 and clickon gradient overlay. we'll select the style radial, we'll click on reverse, make sureyour angle is set to 90, and we'll change the blending mode to overlay, and make sureour align with layer is selected, and then press ok.
and what we're going to do now is turn onthe eye for the upper shape, which is this shape here and i'm going to hide all the layerstyles there, again, to keep things clutter-free, and if i hold alt on my keyboard, which isoption on the mac, click and drag the little fx icon here. i can add exactly the same layerstyles onto the other layer, as you can see there, but the layer styles are not exactlythe way we want them. they're almost there, so i'm just going to change those styles justa little bit. so i'm going to click on that layer and thefirst thing i'll do is i'll change my bevel and emboss and i'll change the size to 3 pixels,add an angle of 104 and an altitude of 26. i'll change my gloss contour to linear, justthe first one here, and i'll increase my shadow
just a little more. a hundred percent willbe fine. then i'll change my texture depth to +10, remove my inner glow, click on satin,and make sure it's set to black, multiply; opacity, we'll bring that down a bit to 40%,angle is fine at 19 degrees and we'll set our distance to 11 pixels and 14 pixels. we'lluse the s curve you see here and make sure invert is checked. then we'll click on gradientoverlay. bring our opacity down just a little bit to 80% and change our blending mode tomultiply, and we'll bring our scale to about 60% or so, and we'll uncheck align with layer.and what i can do now is i can come to the left here and i can click and drag that highlight.i want to place that highlight right in the middle here to match the other highlights,and this looks like a good spot for it so
i'll just leave it there. next, i'll click on drop shadow, leave theblending mode at multiply, type 85%, uncheck use global light, and angle of 90 degrees,a distance of 4, a spread of 70 and a size of 4, and press ok when you're done. and onceagain, hide the effects and i can do the same thing as i did before. i'm going to hold alt,click and drag those effects to the other shapes of my logo. and i'm going to turn the visibility backon by clicking on those eyes there and this is my result here. i'm going to press ctrlh on my keyboard to hide my guides and that's what you get. and you know what? one thingi just noticed is that my main shape, this
layer here, it's looking a little bit brighterthan the rest of them and i think i made a mistake earlier with my gradient overlay,and, yeah, i set my blending mode to overlay. what i really wanted was my blending modeto be a multiply. so that makes it darker and that's what i originally wanted. so imade a mistake, i apologize. i guess i was going too fast, but as i said earlier, i wantto try to do this in a timely manner. anyway, the next step is to create a layermask for this group, so what i'm going to do is i'm going to ctrl click on the mainshape, that's command click on the mac, by the way. and i'll click on my logo group andclick on the layer mask icon and it creates a layer mask around my shape. then i'll clickon the small, lower shape, which is the top
layer of this group, and i'll go to file placeand i'll bring texture 01.jpg onto this composition, and i'll press enter. i'll set the blendingmode to overlay, and if i press v on my keyboard, i can move this texture around, and you canfind a spot that you like. i'll just leave that here for now and i'lldo the same thing for layer number two; so i'll click on file place texture 02.jpg andi'll do the same thing. i'll set this to overlay, and, again, you can move this around if youwant to, or maybe, you can resize layer so you could get a better texture for your logo.i'll do the same thing for texture number 3 file place, texture number 3 and click onplace. once again i'll set this to overlay, and this time i'll bring the opacity downto 55%, and you could also move this around,
and you can resize it if you like. i'll justleave that there for now. next, i'll add an adjustments layer. it willbe a curves adjustment layer, and i'll just give it a little more contrast, so i'll bringthat down and maybe bring this up just a little bit like that to create that highlight therein the middle. and i'll add another adjustment layer, this time a hue saturation layer andset my hue to zero, my saturation to -38, lightness, i'll leave at zero, and what thatdoes is it saturates the logo just a little bit. it's still as bright but not as saturated,which is what we want. next, i'll come back and select my main shapeand duplicate that layer, and the main shape copy, i'll just place that right behind thebackground and move it right above the background,
so it's outside of the group. i'll go aheadand close that folder. and with my main shape copy selected, i'm going to press ctrl g onmy keyboard to turn it into its own group. i'll rename this group "extrusion" and themain shape copy i'll rename to "extrusion shape." then i can press ctrl t on my keyboardto select the extrusion shape. if i hold alt and shift, i can make that extrusion smaller. and, let me remove the layer styles by rightclicking on it and clicking on clear layer styles, and you'll see the extrusion here.i'm going to zoom in just a little bit, and if i select the white arrow tool, which isthe direct selection tool, i can select the points from this extrusion and i can movethose around, so there's no weird gaps like
here and up here. so, i'm just going to move those around alittle bit, and, actually, maybe i'll move this one up. i move this one up as well. andi would like for it, for the bottom here to have a little more of an extrusion effect,so i'm going to click on that one, hold shift, click on this point here and i'm just goingto move those up, just a few pixels. i'll do the same thing for this here, like so,and, maybe, i can move this to the left a little bit and move this to the right a littlebit. and i'll actually move this down to give a little bit more extrusion here at the top,so i'll just move them down just a little bit; something like that. and, maybe, thisone and this one here i can move to the left
to give it more extrusion there and i'll dothe same thing for this one here, something next, i'm going to double click on my extrusionshape. i'm going to click on gradient overlay and then i'll double click on this icon hereto edit my gradient. i'm going to double click on this black square here to change its colorand we're going to make it into an orange color. i'll type in e55b17. i'll press okand i click, again, so it creates a second color swatch of the same color and i'll dragthat to the right just a little bit. then i'll click here and it creates a third orangeswatch, but that's not the color i want so i'll double click on it, and the color thati want there is a brown color, so i'll type in 29180e, press ok, and click to the rightof that about here to create a second brown
color swatch for my gradient. then i'll doubleclick on the white one here, and this time i want to make it yellow; so i'll type efbb3e,press ok and click a little bit to the left of that to create a second one. and if you'llnotice, the yellow ones are highlights right at top here, the brown colors are shadowshere and here, and the orange are the neutral colors at the bottom. and if i drag this tothe left, you can see the shadow, it's a little bit darker here, if i drag this to the right,you'll see the same effect up here. i don't want the shadow to be that high up so i'llmove it back to the left. and when you're done, just press ok and then click ok on yourlayer style dialogue box to accept those changes. what i'll do now is add a new adjustment layer.this time i'll add a pattern adjustment layer
and i'll click on the fine grain pattern here,press ok, set my blending mode to multiply and set the opacity to 40%, and, actually,you know what? my pattern is just a little too big, so i'm going to double click on thepattern here and just scale it down to about 50% or so, and then press ok. now, if you noticed, our pattern is affectingthe entire layer. we only want it to affect the extrusion shape, so if we hold alt onour keyboard, you could see that down pointing arrow with the square next to it, and thatwill turn it into a clipping mask. now, what this usually does is it makes it so that theonly pixels that show on this top layer are the pixels that are visible in the bottomlayer, but since we have layer effects applied
to this layer, it's completely hiding thatpattern effect. so watch what happens if i disable my effects. you'll see the patternon my extrusion layer. if i enable those effects, the pattern goes away. so how can we keepthat gradient, but also add that pattern overlay? well, one of the things we can do is justclick on the layer, and then click on layer, layer style and click on create layer, thenpress ok. what that does is it takes the layer style, adds it into its own layer and createsa clipping mask out of it. so now, we're going to have the pattern, the gradient and thelayer, and everything works beautifully. what we can do now is keep adding layers andapply clipping masks to them, so that they only show what the visible pixels of the extrusionlayer. so what i'll do now is i'll click on
the pattern adjustment layer. i'll add a newlayer, i'll fill it with black, then alt on my keyboard, command on the mac, put my cursorin-between those two layers until i get the down pointing arrow at the square next toit and click to create my clipping mask. then i'll go into filter render fibers, my variancei'll set to 6, and my strength to 45. i'll press ok, then i'll change the blending modeto color burn and bring my opacity down to about 20%. i'll add one more layer. i'll fill it withblack. i will, also, make a clipping mask; then i'll set it to 30%, add a layer maskand fill it with black. and that hides it completely. what i'll do now is i'll grabmy polygonal lasso tool and i'm going to give
this extrusion layer some dimension. and whati'll do is i'll click in the edges here, like so, and make sure that my layer mask is selected.i'll change my foreground color to white and i'll fill it with white, and i'll zoom inso you could see, it created that edge there, which is going to give our extrusion layersome dimension. i'll set this to fit to screen, and you know what? actually, i'm a littletoo far away. i'll zoom in just a little bit more. and what i'll do is, once again, i'll selectmy polygonal lasso tool and i have to figure out where i think the shadows would be orwhere the darker side would be. of each of the sides of this extrusion layer, so i canfill it with white, which, in turn, will make
it black. and i can click on this here. fillthat and, again, you'll see the results here and, you know what? i think i need to makethis dark here as well. and this is the last one i need to fill. putwhite to make it dark. and that's the result there. as you can see, and i'll zoom in, itcreates these edges and that makes it look a little more 3d, as you can see there, hereand here, then i'll click on fit to screen so we can see the entire image. i'll add onemore layer, and this layer i'll name "highlights" i'll make it into a clipping mask. i'll pressb on my keyboard to select my brush tool, and i'll press x on my keyboard to make myforeground white. and now, i'm going to paint wherever i thinkthere will be highlights on this extrusion
layer, so i already know that there's goingto be a light behind this text, the lights coming, probably, from the top somewhere.it's reflecting off the steel in the background and coming in hitting my logo. so there will,probably, be some light here, maybe some here, maybe some here as well, something like that.then i'll set my layer to overlay and bring the opacity down to about 50%, and what thatdoes is it gives the background layer just a little more shape. so that's before, andthat's after. so you can see it looks just a little bit better. i'll add another layer, of course, make itinto a clipping mask and i'll title this layer "shadow" and we'll do the same thing, butthis time with black. and we, also, have to
think, more or less, where we think the shadowswould be. so maybe here, maybe coming up here, something like that, and, again, i'll setthis to overlay and i'll bring my opacity down to 50%. that's after and that's before,and that's after. again, adding these shadows and highlights gives it a little more shape,a little more dimension. what i'll do now is i'll close this folder here, go back intomy logo folder, click and drag texture number 2 to create a new layer, and then click anddrag it down to our extrusion folder and drop it in there. i'll go ahead and close this logo folder sincewe don't need it at this point and i have to find the texture number 2, which came hereto the bottom, so i was going to drag that
up to the very top, and, of course, i'll makeit into a clipping mask, but this time, we'll change its blending mode from overlay to softlight, and change the opacity to 65%. i'll add one more group on top of all these groupsand i'll name this group "highlight" then i'll click on my logo layer mask here andi'll shift ctrl click on the extrusion shape, so it selects the entire logo shape, includingthe extrusion. then, i can create a layer mask with that shape for my highlight there. i'll add a new layer to that group, and withmy brush tool selected, i'll set my foreground color to white, create a highlight for thistext, something like that. then, i'll set my blending mode to overlay, and, maybe, bringthe opacity to about 80%. we'll add a new
layer, and we'll name this layer "top highlight"and the bottom one; might as well name it now, i'll call it "general highlight" andon the top highlight layer, i'm just going to paint on top here. and this is where thelight is actually hitting the logo here. and we'll do what we did with the background layerbefore. we'll have some of the blacks come out, just a little bit, so we'll double clickon that and we'll change our blend if options and we'll move this to the left, and clickon alt as well to split this. and this time, i actually want it just a little bit brighter,so somewhere around here at 4 and the other side, i don't know, somewhere around 26. thatwill work okay; then press ok. and i can actually create a layer mask and with a black brush,i can hide the areas where i don't want the
highlight to appear. i can click and dragthat layer to create a new layer, and i can bring the opacity down on that layer to createa stronger highlight, like so. and i can actually press ctrl t, and, maybe, decrease the sizeof that layer, so it only applies to a certain spot here and there's a stronger highlighthere in the middle, and the highlight is not as strong on the sides. i'll go ahead andclose that folder. what i'll do now is i'll click on my backgroundgroup and click on the create new group icon, and i'll call this group "shadow," which willbe the shadow for the entire logo. i'll click on the highlight layer mask to select theentire group, including the extrusion. i'll create a new layer within my shadow groupand i'll fill it with black. and i'm going
to select my move tool and hold shift andpress down once, then i'll click and drag my shadow layer and i'll hit shift and downonce again, and i'll bring the opacity to about 75%, and i'll bring this group to thebottom. so the group on the top is the one that'sset to 100% and i'm going to zoom in so that you can see what's going to happen. there'sa hard edge here. i don't want that. so what i'll do is i'll go to filter blur gaussianblur, and somewhere around 3.2, the hard edges appear and that's what we want. so, i'll leavethat at 3.2, then i'll press ok, and i'll click on fit to screen, and everything's lookingpretty good, except for two areas here on the left.
it's a little jaggy, so what i'll do is i'lljust grab the marquee tool, and then just fill with black, and i'll do the same thingon the other side, something like that. and there, that looks pretty good. and then i'llclick on fit to screen, and now we have the shadow for our logo, and if you want, youcan move it down, maybe just a few pixels. i think the shadow needs to come down justa little bit more, but i'll leave it there for now, but within your composition, feelfree to move as many things as you want, to try to get them to look just a little bitbetter. okay, what i'm going to do now is i'm goingto click on the highlight group and shift click on the shadow group, select all of thosegroups, press ctrl g on my keyboard to make
it into one group, and i'll just call thisgroup "s logo" s for superman, of course, and now, it's all in one single group, andi can move it around if i want to. i'm going to add one group on top of all thesegroups i'll title this group "text" and then i'll grab my text tool and i'll type the wordsin ebrima bold at 43 points, centered with the color white, and i'll type "man of steel"in capital letters. now, i got the spacing by clicking on the character and paragraphpanels, and changing the tracking to 1070, so you can do that as well. i'm going to click on my move tool and theni'll press ctrl h to bring my guides back, and you know what? i'll add a guide here atthe edge and i'll add another guide here at
the edge, so i can center my text just a littlebit better, something like that. i'm going to press ctrl h again. this is, probably,not centered 100%, but, again, we're a little short of time here. this tutorial is alreadygoing a little long and few pixels off won't make too much of a difference, so we juststick with this. what i'll do now is i'll duplicate my backgroundlayer. i'll bring that into a text layer and put it above the text we just created, createa clipping mask out of it, and set the opacity to 75%. next, we'll add a new layer. i'llmake a clipping mask out of it, and with my brush tool selected, i'll set my foregroundcolor to white and i'll paint right on top of that. so the top half of my letters arewhite and you can see the texture in the bottom
half of the letters. then i'll add an adjustment layer—a curvesadjustment layer—and i'll create an s-curve to give it just a little more contrast. and,of course, i'll make that into a clipping mask, and i'll double click on my man of steeltext, and i'll add some bevel and emboss, and just bring the size down to zero. i barelywant to see that bevel, something like that. and, maybe, add a drop shadow, but, again,i don't want it to be too prominent, so i'll bring that just so that you can barely seeit and, maybe, increase the size one or two pixels to feather it a little bit, and i'llbring the opacity down all the way to zero, but then i'll bring it up, maybe, to 16 or15 so you could barely see it, then i'll press
ok. i'll click on fit to screen. what i'll donow is i'll click on my curves layer and then click on the new layer icon. i'll fill thislayer with black, go to filter, render, lens flare, and click right in the middle of thispreview box here and set your lens type to movie prime, press ok, then go to image, adjustment,hue saturation, we saturate, and curves. and do this s curve here just a little brighter,then press ok, change the blending mode to screen, press ctrl t on your keyboard, holdalt shift and make that smaller and place it right on top of the s, like so, and i'llzoom in so you can see that better. and i'll place that, maybe, there, and i willalso add the same layer, and, actually, i'll
just name it "s highlight" so we'll know whatthis layer is. i'll duplicate this layer and i'll add this to the letter m, so i'll goahead and move that to the m, and i'll rotate that just a little bit, just to give it adifferent shape than the s here. i'll duplicate the s layer once again, and this one is goingto be for the letter n and i'll press the v key to move that to the letter n, and i'llplace it there, i'll press ctrl t again on this one. and i'll make this one even smaller. you can barely see the highlight on that n.i'll duplicate the s highlight once again, and this time, i'll place it in the letterl, and i'll move that here and i'll make it smaller, but not as small as the other two;just a little bit smaller, and then i'll rotate
it, you know, just to give it a differentlook than the s there. then i'll click on my zoom tool, right click on the screen, andclick on fit to screen, and that is our superman man of steel movie poster. my apologies if i went a little long, buti really wanted to complete this project in one video. remember; go to my website phototrainingchannel.comif you're not already there, to download the images that i used in this tutorial. also,while you're there, take the time to subscribe to my free newsletter by entering your emailon the top right of the page, or under each tutorial. once you subscribed to my newsletter,you will not only receive email notifications every time i put up a new tutorial, but iwill send you subscriber only tutorials and
other goodies every so often. also, check out my facebook page and don'tforget to click the like button if you enjoyed this tutorial. if you have a youtube account,click here to subscribe to my channel, or go to youtube.com/user/photoshoptrainingchto subscribe. as always, i hope you learned a lot from watchingthis tutorial. thank you for watching and i'll talk to you guys soon.
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