subject 89p13. calls itself "rocket." theresult of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form. // what the hell? // theycall it "groot." // a humanoid plant that's been travelling recently as 89p13's personalhouseplant / muscle. peter jason quill, from terra. raised from youth by a band ofmercenaries called the ravagers, led by yondu udonta. // oh, i'm sorry... i didn't knowhow this machine worked! // what a bunch of a-holes. // this is movie night! hello and welcome to movie night, in-depthfilm reviews in five minutes or less. still battling a cold i developed a week ago, i'myour host, jonathan paula. as 2014 draws to a close, it's already obvious this has beena fantastic year for cinema, and some of the
biggest releases over the summer are a greatreason for that, so let's discuss four of my favorites, and the lone disappointment.we'll begin with "the dawn of the planet of the apes". this clumsily titled science fiction actionfilm by matt reeves is the first sequel to the 2011 "planet of the apes" reboot, andthe eighth film in the franchise overall. following its july 11, 2014 release, the $170million dollar adventure was a big success, scoring over $600 million at the box-office.ten years after the events of "rise", a deadly disease has wiped out most of mankind, leavinghumans and super-intelligent apes on equal footing - but uneasy relations between thetwo groups eventually leads to war. motion-capture
extraordinaire, andy serkis returns in thelead role, as caesar, the highly intelligent leader of the apes. having built a communityof talking, family oriented primates, serkis is confronted with the responsibilities ofdiplomacy, as he advises his people to remain peaceful and patience, signing, "if we goto war, we could lose all we've built...", before finishing his thought out-loud by softlysaying, "home. family. future." as the cgi-character, he is able to effortlessly bring an emotionaland human performance to a decidedly non-human character - most of this accomplished witha furrow of his brow, or with his menacing green eyes. unfortunately however, he's theonly cast member from the last installment to return - and while the original characters,including james franco, are referenced, their
presence here is definitely missed. jasonclarke, gary oldman, and keri russell all portray hopeful, but cautious humans, whohave survived horrible conditions only to reluctantly be thrust into a war with theirviolent primate counterparts. we're introduced to this growing conflict when a scout partyunwittingly stumbles into ape-territory, sparking an extremely tense stand-off, both sides ona hair-trigger. meanwhile, toby kebbell and judy greer provide the voice and motion-capturelikeness of two other apes that anchor the drama on screen with a surprisingly effectiveemotional depth. the tension that builds between these two groups is the entire driving forceof the expertly-paced 131-minute film, which should leave most audiences breathless asit unravels. the taller 16:9 frame brilliantly
captures both the lush forest areas of theamerican north west, as well as the haunting desolation of a ruined san francisco. thevisual effects work from peter jackson's weta digital might be their best yet, perfectlyblending the authentic locations and people with digital creatures that are just as lifelike.the pg-13 rated picture doesn't have many twists or surprises, but the final climacticbattle between apes, humans, and other apes is a true spectacle to behold... and one ofthe more exciting and well-executed action sequences in recent memory. an extended pov-shotthat's fixed to a mounted tank as it lays waste to enemy forces as bullets and fireslight up the battlefield is a particular highlight. michael giacchino's score provides a deepand drum like rhythm that further emphasizes
the seriousness of the realistic narrative.although we're left with a satisfying conclusion, some plot threads are appropriately left unresolved,as a third film is already slated for release in 2016. the question remains as to whetheror not this rebooted franchise will come full circle with the images and story we saw inthe 1968 original... but i for one am eager to find out. covering themes of trust, community,and betrayal, this is a touching story mixed with captivating and exciting action. an excellentsummer blockbuster i can't wait to watch again, "dawn of the planet of the apes" is the best"apes" yet... but let's see what you had to say about it. with outstanding visuals and a gripping story,we both agreed this was a worthy successor
to the 2011-remake, and an awesome film. fortonight's poll question: who is your favorite cgi-character in film history? jar-jar binks,buzz lightyear, gollum? leave your response as a comment below. second up tonight, "boyhood". following a strong showing at sundance, thisextremely ambitious project from director richard linklater was released theatricallyon july 11, 2014. the coming-of-age drama film was produced on a small budget of only$4 million, and has already scored back ten-times than amount at the box office. shot intermittentlyover an eleven-year period from 2002 until 2013, we're treated to a truly unique experience,as we watch the talented ellar coltrane literally grow up right before our eyes. co-star ethanhawke remarked on this captivating approach
by saying, "it's a little bit like timelapsephotography of a human being." the lengthy 165-minute narrative follows six-year-oldcoltrane until he sets off for college 12 years later. forced to undergo all of theawkward and embarrassing phases of adolescent and puberty in a feature film can't be easy,but coltrane is an endearing and relatable protagonist. aging alongside him is patriciaarquette as his determined mother, lorelei linklater as the typical older sister, andhawke as the absent ex-husband and dad. this core group turn in some excellent performances,that really carry emotional weight as their lives drift from one milestone to another.plenty of other characters float in and out too, and much like real life: they don't alwaysget a proper introduction or goodbye, they
merely exist as players in the story of ourlives for a few scenes, never to be heard from again. thanks to its interesting productioncalendar, a large majority of the r-rated script evolved as they filmed... resultingin a very organic, if incohesive narrative. indeed, "boyhood" is very inconsistently paced;moving through the grade school years within 30 minutes, but spending over 90 minutes whenellar when finally attends high school. throughout it all we follow coltrane, as he deals witha parade of dysfunctional father figures, drugs, girlfriends, video games, moving awayfrom home, and discovering his ambitions. no matter how or where you raised, there areaspects of his character everyone can identify with. he's not the strongest kid, or mostconfident teenager... just an average american
boy experiencing the struggles of growingup. the events of his turbulent upbringing unravel in small vignettes. they're an honest,un-manipulated view of life; perfectly encapsulating all the highs and lows of childhood. a campfirescene filmed in 2008, which sees coltrane and hawke debating the then-unknown futureof the "star wars" franchise is a particularly amusing scene, that feels so natural... andit's exactly something my dad and i would have been talking about when we were theirage. another fantastic father-son chat late in the picture puts a nice bow on everything,when coltrane flatly asks, "what's the point". hawke's response, "we're all just wingingit." is a good of a explanation as any. unfortunately, the film doesn't end on that high note, butinstead drags on for another 15 minutes...
that fail to add any real value to the story.linklater's steady and unobtrusive cinematography allows the talented actors to dictate theenergy and direction of each scene. with no original score of its own, the film smartlyincludes plenty of popular music from across the years: quickly providing context to wheneach moment takes place. it's weird to call any story set during the 21st-century a "period"film, but that's precisely what this feels like. definitely worth seeing at least once,if not for its incredible filmmaking methods, than for its compelling characters. althoughit lacks some focus, this an effortless narrative that has a nostalgic quality to that is impossibleignore. "boyhood" utilizes unique techniques to craft a wonderful experience about growingup. here's what you had to say about in the
youtube comments. praise was overwhelming positive for thisone, with you calling it memorable, brilliant, and groundbreaking: your scores averaged toan awesome. a magical film that will almost certainly score a "best picture" nomination,i'll give it was a nine out of ten as well. next up tonight, the biggest movie of thesummer, "guardians of the galaxy". the latest, and dare i say most ambitiouseffort from marvel studios was released worldwide on august 1, 2014 to rave reviews and massivesuccess... grossing over half-a-billion dollars in a single month. produced on a budget of$170 million, this sprawling space epic follows chris pratt in the lead role, a human light-yearsfrom earth, caught-up in a massive manhunt
for a mysterious orb. when asked why he wantsto save the galaxy, the "parks and rec" star angrily yells, "because i'm one of the idiotswho lives in it!" fortunately, he does get help along the way from a few truly bizarrealiens, zoe saldana as a green-skinned professional assassin, dave bautista as a muscled-up brutewho doesn't under metaphors, vin diesel as walking 12-foot tree who can only speak asingle phrase, and bradley cooper as a gun-wielding, talking raccoon. together, the rag-tag quintetmake up our titular heroes... and are endlessly fun to watch spar, and collaborate with eachother. all threats and antagonists aside, i could watch an entire movie of just thesefive characters running errands and bickering amongst themselves. but, for better or worse,this is a super hero film, so we do need a
villain, and while lee pace fits the bill,he's honestly forgettable and disposable in that role. meanwhile, other recognizable nameslike michael rooker, djimon hounsou, john c. reilly, benicio del toro, and glenn closepopulate the 122-minute story with smaller, but no less effective performances. everyplayer here does a fantastic job, but special mention needs to be made for pratt, who trulycarries this film with his charisma and humor, recounting the plot of the 1980's movie, "footloose"to an unsuspecting ally in the guise of an inspirational speech. later, went confrontedwith a seemingly unwinnable situation, he just starts singing to himself, and challengeshis adversary to an impromptu dance-off. in this, the tenth entry in marvel's cinematicuniverse, it's easy to take special effects
for granted... but the visuals here are nothingshort of incredible: especially since every single location and cosmic environment hasbeen created from scratch. from the volcanic planet of morag to a giant floating criminaloutpost called "knowhere" - the attention to detail and realism here is a sight to behold.although director james gunn has been kicking around hollywood for years, this pg-13-ratedextravagant is easily is biggest project yet, and he absolutely delivers the goods: framingthe attractive cast with bright and colorful lighting inside the steady anamorphic frame.there's an effective and atmospheric score from tyler bates... that's all but overshadowedby the picture's remarkable pop-music soundtrack, often heard through pratt's in-film sony an otherwise unfamiliar universe, the inclusion
of so many great songs from the jackson 5,the runaways, blue swede, and others really anchors this picture in a wonderful, and necessaryway. in fact, the picture's soundtrack became the only album in history to reach the #1spot on the us billboard charts without a single original track. great excitement forall ages, this film also reminds audiences that no matter how weird and alone you mayseem, there's always someone else out there willing to help. i'm sure this movie has someflaws and mistakes, but to be frank... i was having too much damn fun to even notice. topto bottom, this is a flawlessly paced blockbuster with big thrills, great characters, beautifulvisuals, funny dialogue, and spectacular action. "guardians of the galaxy" is one of the bestcomic-book adaptations yet, and one i'll be
re-watching this one for years to come. lotsof feedback for this one, so here are some of your comment reviews. although a few had less-than-stellar thingsto say about it, the vast majority loved this picture's visuals, humor, and entertainmentfactor: scoring it an amazing. an instant classic for sure, this gets a ten out of tenfrom me as well. a reminder now to check out the movie night archive channel for an organizedcollection of all our reviews, and to hear my thoughts on upcoming movies - includingmy initial reaction and thoughts on the "star wars: the force awakens" trailer. fourth tonight,i need to rant about "the expendables 3"... this third entry in the high-stakes actionadventure franchise was released stateside
on august 15, 2014... where it managed tosqueak out $15 million in profit above its $90-million budget. not that the plot mattersany, but the 126-minute narrative follows lead mercenary sylvester stallone as he recruitsa new, younger team of killers to take out his old partner, a ruthless arms dealer. havingfinally ditched his unsightly mustache, stallone leads the absolutely enormous cast with hisusual dry wit and excellent fighting skills, but is far too serious for the ridiculouspremise. sadly, the same can't be said for anyone else. although a number of playersfrom previous installments, like chuck norris, bruce willis, and jean-claude van damme haven'treturned... the cast here is something that would have made 14-year-old jonathan wet hisbed. "the expendables 3" features jason statham,
antonio banderas, wesley snipes, dolph lundgren,kelsey grammer, randy couture, terry crews, kellan lutz, ronda rousey, glen powell, victorortiz, robert davi, jet li, mel gibson, harrison ford, and arnold schwarzenegger. and whilethis is unquestionably the greatest group of action stars ever assembled, it also painsme to say how horribly mismanaged and wasted they all are - li and ortiz don't even punchanyone! statham is still second-billed, but is absent for a great deal of the picture,finally returning late to bail his friend out of a jam by remarking, "you were stupidenough to get yourself into this mess! and we're the only ones crazy enough to get youout of it!" meanwhile, the other returning players, lundgren, couture, crews, and lihave literally less than 15-lines of dialogue
between them - and should have probably justbeen removed entirely. the new fighters get a smidge more development, but they honestlydon't deserve it... rousey's performance is especially awful, seeming confused and unsureof herself in the massive sausage-fest. i hope stallone isn't leveraging these youngguns to take over the franchise in future installments, because none of them are interestingenough for the task, and it goes against the very concept of what birthed these was wonderful to see davi in a film again, but his single-scene appearance amounts tolittle more than a cameo. free from his tax-evasion and direct-to-video exile, snipes is a welcomeaddition, and definitely still has his ass-kicking chops, even delivering a great self-referentialjoke as his own expense. grammer is featured
briefly during a recruitment phase, and lendscredibility and gravitas to the slower, plot-building aspect of the story. ford has some of thebest and most vulgar lines, and it was wonderful to see schwarzenegger once again yell "getto the choppa!" but the stand-out performances come from banderas and gibson... the formerbringing some truly amusing comic relief and latin charisma, while the latter is an excellent,and imposing villain. in an effort to convey how sinister gibson's war crimes have been,stallone is shown a classified dossier with photos of dead bodies, immediately causinghim to well-up with emotion, in what is the most laughable and pointless scene in "theexpendables 3". are we really meant to believe that these hardened hitman would weep at thesight of death or destruction, especially
after they, themselves have murdered countlesshundreds of henchmen? the underutilized and bloated cast issues aside... this film doesunite the terminator and indiana jones on screen together for the first time, and that'spretty damn cool. a cold open sequence where our heroes rescue snipes from a maximum securitytrain has some genuine thrills and solid gunplay, like when the team uses a high-tension wireto clothesline enemy sentries on the locomotive's roof... but the watered down pg-13 ratingis an inescapable misstep for the picture. unable to show blood, or really violent action,every scene is chopped to pieces, leaving nothing but a loud and messy experience vaguelyresembling explosive carnage. i honestly don't think there was a single action shot lastinglonger than one second, resulting in a confusing
experience that never allows the stunts tobreath, or the battles to have any chronology. with awful and incomprehensible cinematography,it's hard to tell what's a visual effect, and what's practical - but a number of explosions,and other sequences looked decidedly computer animated. which leads me to believe directorpatrick hughes blew all his money securing the cast. the heavy, drum-like beat of briantyler's score is mostly reworked cues from the previous films, but is serviceable enough.unraveling at an unrelenting, yet laborious pace, this is a preposterous experience thathas absolutely no lasting impact or moral integrity. for fans of these iconic heroes,"the expendables 3" delivers enough enjoyment for a single viewing - but the bloodless andpoorly constructed fights are a disappointing
waste of superstar potential. well, now thatthat's out of my system, here's some of your reviews. there's no other way to say it: everyone thoughtthis was a huge let-down, but still decently enjoyable - you scored it a five out of ten.not nearly on par with its predecessors, the i'm reluctantly scoring this an alright aswell. finally tonight, let's check out "gone girl". adapted from gillian flynn's 2012 novel ofthe same name, this david fincher mystery thriller was an immediate box office hit,grossing over four times its $60 million dollar budget within only a month after its october3, 2014 release. following the suspicious
disappearance of his wife, ben affleck isforced to deal with a growing media circus that begins to suspect he may be complicitin the crime. this however, is a gross oversimplification of the r-rated narrative. the twisty 149-minuteplot is presented in parallel narratives, one set in the present, the other in's during the later that we follow rosamind pike's side of the story, where her undeniabletalent positively commands the screen. the gorgeous rosamund has been kicking aroundhollywood for over a decade, beginning her career as a bond girl... and she's quietlyturned in a dozen great performances since then - but it's her sultry portrayal of aforgotten housewife in "gone girl" that will undoubtedly make her a household name. i wouldn'tbe surprised if she scored her first oscar
nomination next year. although this show-stoppingperformance all but overshadows her co-stars, neil patrick harris as an obsessive formerflame, kim dickens as an unrelenting homicide investigator, and even tyler perry as an savylawyer contribute some very effective beats in their supporting roles. affleck meanwhileis the true center of the picture, and he carries the delicate emotional range on hisbroad shoulders easily. when he's forced to improvise and lie regarding his missing wifeduring a live television interview, he balances his anxiety and confidence brilliantly. earlierin the picture, unable to recount his wife's blood-type, a younger officer is eager topin the crime on affleck. he reminds dickens that that simplest explanation is often thecorrect one, to which the doubtful detective
responds, "actually, i have never found that to be true." this is a smart and modern storywith realistic dialogue, that employs the "unreliable narrator" mechanic in wonderfulways that are best left unspoiled. in fact, the audience is kept in the dark and misdirectedalmost as often as the other characters, making the few bits of dramatic irony that much moreeffective. despite the layered, and pitch-perfect editing, this complex narrative does takea few too many detours before arriving at its satisfying, yet surprising conclusion.fincher's meticulous attention to detail pays off with some gorgeous cinematography... everypart of the anamorphic frame is lined with sharp lighting and cold backgrounds. the passivesounding score from trent reznor and atticus
ross is a droning and uncomfortable one, constantlyinstilling a sense of dread and uneasiness. a harsh, yet stylish examination of 21st centurymarriage, dishonesty, and the media's obsession with a good story - this is a decidedly originaland fascinating film every adult should seek out and watch. "gone girl" is a sexy thrillerwith a fantastic and unpredictable narrative. and here's some of your comments about it. this was smart and twisty thriller that demandsyour full attention: and we all agreed, it was also an awesome movie. finally tonight,let's check out your tweet critiques to see what you're saying about films currently playingin theaters. if you see a new movie in theaters, tweetyour review with the #jpmn hashtag. tonight
we review five movies from summer week we'll take a look at five films from the fall: "nightcrawler", "the theoryof everything", "the hunger games: mockingjay – part 1", "horrible bosses 2", and comingout next week, "the hobbit: the battle of the five armies". once you've seen these films,share your opinions by voting in the polls below, or by leaving a comment review. ifyou're tired of seeing the same dozen users submit reviews every week, leave your ownin the comments below! i read every single one, and do my best to include a variety ofopinions. if you'd like to watch more movie night reviews, check out the "related videos"on the right, or click subscribe to be notified of future uploads. and tell your friends orsomething! i'm working my ass off every week
to create this show, and no one's watchinganymore! anyway, be sure to follow me on twitter, facebook, google+, instagram, or letterboxdfor updates between episodes. once again, my name is jonathan paula, thank you for watchingand listening. until next time, have a good movie night!
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