help is anyone there welcome home jeff, i hope you recognize this place hahaha help any updates on jeff not much sir, we don't have much information on morgan stanley no records on himno sir who is this guy anyways, i haven't even heard of him
did you speak to your informers yeah i did, but no one has any information about him how are we even so sure that detective jeff is still alivei mean what if he is already dead detective jeff is one of the most trained officers in this countryhe won't be easily gunned down like any low level constable how can you say so. once you got a gun in your hands.....aye... do a background check on his family please well his father has a few unpaid parking tickets check his sister well this might be of interest to you
his sister filed for a rape complaint who was the officer who registered that complaint? registered....abdul ariff he closed the case within a week saying there was insufficient evidence ah, abdul ariff i know him sir, he's a pretty shady officer.he has been investigated a couple of times for taking bribes and guess who was registered as the rapistandy cole now this is starting to make sense it's either jeff is the cleaner, or he mightbe the dirty scum
well then, i guess he got what he deserved aye, last time i checked, this morgan stanleyis not a law enforcer its not upto him, who dies, or who gets arrested we do our job, bring jeff back and the rest thecourts will decide, got that yes sir now tell abdul ariff that he is suspended until further notice and then what about the police car that they escaped with well we traced the car to masjid jamek,from there we don't know where he went maybe he used the trains,since the train station is just nearby
the train station has cctv cameras.he's way too smart for that keep searching. in the meantime make sure youstay clear of the media. no press at all. ok remember son, laws are there to establish and maintain order which is good. but they don't always serve justice please have, have mercy on me look at me, look at me mercy. your asking for mercy did you have mercy when you raped my sister did you ever consider your actions could ruin an innocent girl's life
i buried my conscious along with my sister's body and now, her soul lives in me, thristy for your blood hellogood morning sir, nancy here nancy, talk to mei met the informer, i got the information you doyes i'll text you the information right away okay awesome. good job sir are you sure this is the place. cause it doesn't looklike stanley would bring detective jeff here i agree with eriksen, do you really think that this mightbe the place. maybe you should call nancy and confirm well this is what we got from nancy.but just in case, i'll call and confirm yeah
helloyes nancyyes sir are you sure this is the place? i'm pretty sure thats the location cause thatswhat the informer told me and sir, i just did a bit of background check and discovered that detective jeff actually owns an apartment in this building so it's highly likely that this is the placemorgan brought him to also the informer notified me that he saw two guyswith morgan, so be cautious oh okay in that case be on standby, and get the backup ready alright, thank you, okay ok so apparently jeff owns an apartment here, so this isdefinately the place
and again, there are henchmen, so watch your backsnow get ready to move out wrong place officer hand it over i didn't expect you to find me so easily, impressive it's over morgan, surrender now and i'll try reduceyour jail sentence surrender. i've already killed one person,what's stopping me from killing another and after all, who's in control, you or me well i'm a cop, i don't surrender to a murderermurderer! you think i'm a murdereryou think i enjoy doing this well one dead agent, another one tortured,who's responsible for all this huh
it's you! it's people like you, who sit in those damn offices doing nothing and expecting people like us to survive in this cruel world well you're wrong, just because one officer cooked the books, it doesn't mean the rest of us are the same what do you expect us to do.let bastards like this roam around freely no way officer, no way in hell well fine, andy cole is already dead, you got your revengewhy do you have to torture him then? idiots. here on a mission to save a great agentwhilst you don't even know what a bigger sinner he is he raped her along with andy you see stanley, you're not the only one with past demons
i lost my wife and my only child to robbers whobroke into my house when i was not there but that doesn't justify me going after them to seekrevenge, you know why morgan because vengeance is no justice, but just anotherform of crime, and it becomes a vicious cycle no no no, don't try your tricks on me, this guy isa sinner and he has to pay for it well so are you morgan, let me arrest himi'll get you justice justice, really. look me in the eye and tell methat this man won't walk away he's a high ranking officer for crying out loud,and you know that she won't get justice peter, peter you better get me out of this, you hear me or i'm going to make sure you pay for thisyou hear me huh
wait peter, peter where are you going,no please, peter morgan listen to me, i have money, tonnes of moneyjust name it, and its yours just, please. i don't wanna diei don't wanna die all i want is vengeance stanley, put your gun down, and get yours handsup where i can see them morgan, i said put your hands up where i can see them, now morgan what happened here sir? sir are you okay? sirhuh what?
are you okay sir?yeah yeah i'm okay call in for an ambulenceand call hq to get forensics here thus ended the most difficult case of my life if they had both lived, stanley would surelybe convicted, while jeff would have been a free man as much as morgan was a murderer he had a point!
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