we have come together to settle a debt with the gods. a debt, arisen from the most shameful deed a person with such status can commit. someone neglecting her responsibility in this way and unable to suppress her own needs is not worth the daylight, and shall continue living underground, below the banned fields. there she will discover the darkness of the underworld she will become part of at short notice.
she will forever vanish from everyone's memory. hello may i go to the bank to check my finances? fine, lucia but make sure you will be back in time for we are going to practice the preparation of mola salsa. i will. greetings, sir. is this the house of mrs aemilia? that's right.
well then, i've got a pleasant message for her. her husband, general myius, is coming home. isn't that fantastic news? - but doesn't he have to fight the barbarians from the east? the quadi? - he certainly had to, sir but he achieved a glorious victory. but that is wonderful, what a surprise. i will tell her immediately. it's such a nice, handsome young man you will certainly get very beautiful and strong sons. mom, i don't know if i want to marry him.
i mean, imagine he's a criminal. does dad know for sure i can trust him? - myia, your father chose agidus carefully many years ago already. when you get to know each other, you will see he is the perfect partner for you. i don't know... mistress. a messenger just told me that... - pollux, how dare you enter the room in such a respectless manner. sorry, mistress. but a messenger... just...
the general is coming home. - as a punishment you will get 5 strokes with the sti... what did you say? the general...? that's... fantastic. myia will you tell the others? that's much earlier than expected. how come? is he ill? quite the opposite. he managed to beat the quadi from the east. that's why he returns earlier. but then he will discover our secret for sure, too bad.
isn't there a way to hide it? maybe he won't notice it if you'd wear baggier clothes. but i can't keep wearing and sleeping in baggy clothes, can i? besides, the general wouldn't understand. maybe you should tell him you contracted an exceptional disease during his absence making you look thicker. hi quinta, nice to see you again. i am so delighted we finally have an appointment for tonight. - you can say that again. it's going to be a good night. - surely. i will make sure the wine is there the moment you arrive. - ladies and gentlemen
i'd like to draw your attention to the following. the roman army, headed by the mighty general myius, has beaten the quadi in a glorious way. who tried to cross our borders in the east of the empire. now that his job is done, he departed earlier to come home and celebrate this together with us. he will arrive today. spread the word, spread the word. o my gods, the general arrives today. that means i will have to work very frequently in the coming weeks, starting from tonight i'm afraid. you can't be serious. we haven't met for weeks, and now tonight's appointment is called into question as well? why spending so much time on working? don't you ever wish to relax yourself?
don't you agree that work is very important? work just implies duties. i need the money, donâ´t you understand? - well, go working then. it's afternoon, there's nothing to do for me now. men always want to make use of your services, even in the afternoon. furthermore, they haven't seen a single woman during the war. - sure.. have a nice day. rhodius rhodius, your brother and i were discussing his marriage with myia, general myius' daughter. we can't decide on which clothes he should wear during the wedding. what do you think? seriously?
you call me in to ask which cloth you should wear at your wedding? i don't care, it's all the same anyway. please don't bother me with that nonsense. his future's looking grim to me. can say that again. anyway, we planned to visit the market today. shall we do that now? what about rhodius? he'll join. greetings, gentlemen. how are you? - i'm fine.
i'm fine, psamate. there are still people who commit crimes so enough trials to handle. - good to hear. what about you, agidus minor? - fine! i heard about the marriage. - yes, i'm looking forward to it. fantastic, that's really great news. and... how about rhodius? rhodius is just a particular case. he has... he hardly gives a response to questions and he seems... - he's quite introverted. i'm very much concerned about his future, if he has one.
he'd better take his example. he has his house well in order. that whore is chatting with her clients again. - yes, with dad and agidus. they weren't speaking particularly positively about you. well, dad and agidus are just two stupid... why is everybody so excited about a vestal virgin? don't be stupid, honey. she keeps the fire in the temple burning, you know she's an important person. or would you prefer rome to be struck by misfortune? - yes. no, of course not. pollux, isn't it a bit strange? what is strange, daphne?
well, that aemilia is pregnant while myius isn't home. if he is not home, then where does that baby suddenly come from? that's bizarre indeed. no idea. the gods will know. is the soup finished yet? you look beautiful tonight. interesting jar? - very interesting. more interesting than me? - yes. this lid is needed to close that jar.
without this lid, that jar is unusable. am i interesting now? there are so many lids, why should i need that particular one? that's right, but this lid, and that jar are made for each other. they're destined to be together. myius, you're back already! aemilia, that belly of yours. i noticed something strange already earlier this evening, but decided not to mention it with all those guests. what's the matter?
i... this is... pollux has raped me. yes, i couldn't do anything. one night, he silently slipped into my room and before i realised what was happening, it was too late already. so, raping my wife, boy? myius, no, release him! both of you will pay for this deed. why did my lovely wife have to pass away? you!
she died right after your birth. demonished child! you killed her, you are guilty. you are the reason of all the misery. i blame you! from tomorrow, i don't want to see you ever again. and you will be judged by judge agidus. madam, madam, would you please thank lucia for me? she took away my guilt last night. she gave me her innocence. - innocence?
what did i hear? you gave him your 'innocence' last night? did you have... - no! i mean, i didn't want to. he entered my room and... - how dare you accuse a high-born young man of such a crime! come on. this court case has made clear that this slave has damaged the honor and social standing of a family. he is severely blamed for that, in particular because of his social rank as a slave in the society. consequently, i judge
that he will be executed on the stake. case closed. no! no, no! she will forever vanish from everyone's memory. - ladies and gentlemen our emperor, marcus aurelius has died. the intensive years
have led to his leaving. spread the word, spread the word! ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen our emperor has passed away. the many years of efforts to defend the empire had exhausted him. this is very sad news. let's postpone the execution to give thought to this terrible loss. no, we won't! i want to see that monster burning, now. you, finish your job, immediatly, now!
no, no, help me mistress, no hello, aren't you a vestal virgin? i used to be. not anymore. are you on the run? yes. my husband banned me. then it looks like we both could use some support. shall we? - yes. i'm innocent, mother.
how are we going to turn this into a roman haircut? bald. what about us, are we ugly enough yet? i'm a bad guy, a rapist. - a rapist? that's recorded now, so... why all men are coloured poop-brown? they've such beautiful colours. look, that's typically roman. in the next scene, i have to walk by.
extensive role. how do you pronounce... like he said or just i would say myius. what do you think? i don't care. it even contains water. i am myius, right? this is my husband.
i am.. aemilia? you don't know your own name? should i remain standing on the steps? well, i think you'd better come this way because there's a red door and a shield with 'greek house' on it, which is quite unusual in a roman town. ... to be handled. - good to hear. what about you, agidus minor? roel, i understand that i'm handsome, but why are you recording me all the time? he's so depressed that he wants to commit suicide. - yes, exactly. didn't it go well then?
say 'latin' ...run, run... another one?
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