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winter sleep

warren:we are live. you always get a little bit of our back-endconversation as we start the show. welcome to cellular healing tv, episode 54. here with dr. dan pompa and my amazing co-host,david asarnow. say hello, david. david:hello, david. dr. pompa:hello, david. david:hello, warren. hello, dr. pompa.

warren:this light, lamp, from the hotel room, you were right dr. pompa. i just—you can see everything about me rightnow with that light. it did a really great job. you can see my… david:i can see your beard coming in, too. warren:yeah, it’s coming in nicely. so let’s get into a topic that’s absolutelyamazing. if you’re watching this right now, and youhave trouble sleeping, you have trouble getting

to sleep, getting to—and if you do get tosleep, you wake up three to four hours later, and you can’t get back to sleep, or sometimesyou wake up in the middle of the night full of anxiety and thinking about things. you’re revved, as they say. you have heart palpitations. this topic, this show, is for you, sleep andanxiety. some of the same problems that occur becauseof hormonally, obviously, in your brain that cause sleep disturbance also is a big partof anxiety. so dr. pompa, this is something that i’vedealt with in my journey.

i know that you have, and even occasionallystill do when we get exposures like from perfumes, and colognes, and at times, formaldehyde,that can still cause that. but let’s get into this topic of sleep andanxiety. this is something you’re definitely an experton, and something you can share with our audience today that can really transform some livesbecause sleep is key, guys. dr. pompa:yeah, unfortunately, i think we both became an expert when—obviously, when we were sick. it was either the nights where we couldn’tget to sleep, or it was the nights where you wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning and can’tget back to sleep.

if that’s all it was, it’d been fine forme, but i would wake up with these feelings of dread and anxiety that just rose up fromhere. so, god, i dreaded those nights. as a matter fact, i even remember dreadingthe nights because i just—it was always that thing of, “oh, my god, if i spend anothernight laying there in bed,” and worse yet, with feelings of anxiety. nah, i wouldn’t go back to those days foranything. but i’m positive, though, it drove us. didn’t it?

i mean, we’ve learned—both of us, warren,i mean, we learned—we both became sleep experts because of it. i mean, obviously—and i want to say thisright at the top. look. you don’t ever solve those problems completelylike warren and i did until you actually get upstream to the cause. when i got enough of the mercury out of mypituitary gland, pineal gland, which i’ll talk a little bit about today, then, of course,i was never, ever going to be able to truly sleep.

but we sure did a lot of cocktails, and wesure found a lot of things that worked along the way as crutches while we got the mercuryout of our brains. so if you haven’t read my last article thatwe just released this week about the brain, you saw some shows on it, please do. i talk about brain detox, which really goesalong with this show as well, healing the brain, which goes along with this show aswell, so kind of promoting that article for sure. you will gain a lot of valuable informationfor not just but for your family and loved ones because so many people are losing cognitivefunction, memory, and let me tell you something.

you people who are out there who have anxietyand sleep issues, you’re at the front of that line. trust me. it’s brain decay. it’s brain degeneration. please read the article. all right, warren, so that’s at the topof the show. you have to get to the cause to truly solvethis problem, but we’ll go from there. warren:i think that’s what’s different, dr. pompa.

it’s like a lot of people who are doingshows, “hey, we’re going to do this, and take my sleep formula. you’re going to get your life back.” well, ain’t going to happen. i mean, it’s a great—it may work for oneor two nights. it may work one or two nights a week to helpyou knock down your cortisol. relax your body. there’s a lot of science behind that, butif you don’t get to the cause, you’re done.

along the way, i know—dan, just to say anotherthing about my story. why i’m passionate about it. a lot of these things lead into chronic inflammationas well and a lot of pain. that’s actually some of your brainwork thatyou discussed in your last article on the brain is the inflammation in the brain. what’s the number one cause of inflammationin the brain? obviously, mercury so this upstream source,and getting to the source, getting the mercury out of the pituitary, the hypothalamus, noone’s talking about that because they’re more interested in pushing a product, likea pharmaceutical company would, promoting

this happy, loving, wonderful lifestyle, eventhough you have incontinence. but yet, you can survive, or if you have lowtestosterone, well, you can get your life back. well, it doesn’t work that way. there’s no magic pill or bullet out there. we need to speak the truth. so honestly, [0:04:47]. dr. pompa:you know what? obviously, this show right here could be ournumber one show that people are going, “that’s

me,” right? i mean, honestly. i’m telling you, even people who considerthemselves not sick and healthy. “oh, yeah, well, i don’t sleep great alot of nights,” or “yeah, i get some anxiety.” none of that’s normal, by the way, and it’sa sign—this is a sign of neurotoxic illness, which several people have. how many people are going upstream, and reallygetting to the cause? no, man, they’re downstream, even the alternativefolks. they’re downstream with things that just—tryingto deal with it.

they’re trying to deal with their adrenals. because, obviously, we know that sleep problemsare a lot of adrenal related issues. you’re not adapting. you’re producing cortisol at the wrong times. it’s cell energy problems. you wake up in the middle of the night. you can’t maintain your glucose levels. you can’t maintain your energy levels. by the way, it takes a lot of energy to sleep,so you start releasing adrenaline in the middle

of the night. and we’ll talk about solutions to this becausethat one—that’s kind of the things that we realized that when you wake up at 3 or4 in the morning, your body’s just driving adrenaline and cortisol from your adrenalglands, maybe because your adrenal glands were wiped out through the day. and again, i’m going to give you all a wayto measure this, and even help you with this process because it gets very confusing. okay, i’m going to drop in glucose. we’ll send a rise in cortisol to adapt itto that—the body’s always trying to survive

or it’ll send out adrenaline david:you know what’s interesting? you mentioned, dr. pompa, that this couldbe the number one show. i just did a google search, and it said that75% of adult americans experience sleep disorders. i mean, everyone that i know, everyone, prettymuch, that i know, says that they have challenges sleeping at night. they get up multiple times a night. they have trouble going back to sleep. so this is a big challenge, and people justsay, “oh, it’s my back,” “oh, it’s

this,” “oh, it’s that.” “oh, let me take a pill.” dr. pompa:yeah. warren:and 25%, though, dr. pompa, the other 25% are probably males that say, “i sleep great,”or “i’m tough. i sleep four hours in a night,” and they’reactually proud of it, and they don’t realize that’s massively abnormal. so the other 25%, david, they’re probablyhaving sleep problems too. it’s probably 100% of america.

so if you’re watching this, “no, i sleepgreat. i sleep four hours.” uh-huh. not good. david:that’s not normal. dr. pompa:listen. this is the dog that bites you twice. i guess a wasp instead of a bee. because what happened—my son just had beedown his pants that stung him three times.

david:[0:07:17] a wasp. dr. pompa:yes, i was explaining him the difference. there comes that analogy. that was a warren-ism. anyway, so the point is is that you don’tsleep, and now your body’s not healing, right? so it’s now you start getting problems withthat. you start getting overuse syndromes, injury,pain. i mean, all kinds of other fatigue…

warren:fibromyalgia, chronic pain, back pain. dr. pompa:i mean, so it’s sleep [0:07:42]. and then here’s a lot of people. they’re in bed for 8 or 9 hours, perhaps. however, they’re not getting into that deeprem sleep. we’re going to talk about that too. so i do have a lot of things to talk about. we kind of set up part of the problem is that—look. the pituitary runs your thyroid.

it runs your adrenal glands. and everyone plays around downstream withthose, but we always that what’s really going on? warren, we had tons of mercury and toxinsthat bioaccumulated in our pituitary gland. that’s why our endocrine system was nevernormal. well, there’s another problem too, yourpineal gland, which actually makes melatonin. you need melatonin to get into those deeprem sleeps and those deeper phases of sleep. so a lot of people make it through the night,but they’re really not hitting any of those. and they’re wiped out, and they wonder why.

well, certain toxins, heavy metals—we’lluse that as our example because that was warren and i’s gig, and there’s others, but thepineal gland actually is part of the brain, but it sits outside the blood-brain barrier. and why is that significant? because it really takes the hits, so it startsto get very toxic and accumulate heavy metals, especially, and there’s reasons for that. but then it starts to drop your productionof heavy metals. therefore, now—i’m sorry, your productionof melatonin, so now that affects your sleep. now here’s the problem.

melatonin is a carrier of something calledsulfate. sulfate, your nervous system, your brain,actually needs to function with. so without enough sulfate—by the way, thisis a growing epidemic because of another toxin and heavy metals, the toxin glyphosate thatwe talked about in the past. but anyways, sulfate, your brain needs tofunction. so now you start getting depleted of sulfate. at night, your body produces melatonin. when you get enough sun in the day and theoutside exposures, your body produces enough sulfate.

so when your pineal gland gets toxic, well,guess what? now you’re not producing enough sulfate—andreally, we call it melatonin sulfate, which is how your nerve system works, and how yousleep. so this is one of the big problems. so again, you have to get upstream. then, if you have silver fillings in yourmouth, we know where most of that mercury is going. it is crossing the blood-brain barrier. it is going right into the pituitary hypothalamus,so again, multiple reasons why we don’t

it affects your pituitary, which affects youradrenals, which now you’re releasing cortisol and adrenaline in the middle of the night,can’t stay asleep. it affects the pineal gland, which affectsmelatonin, can’t get into a deep sleep. so this is the core issue. let me give you some tips that—warren, you’regoing to add into some of those tips because you have your… warren:yeah. i was just going to stop you, and this onequestion is that—you said something really important, and i don’t want to gloss overit because i remember when this happened to

you. which is you removed the source, r1, at atime in your life—and you probably know what that was because it was the first timeyou slept. so you didn’t take any sleep meds. you didn’t take any—some of the tricksand tips they’re going to give you, but that first night, when you removed that stressoff your body, your body went into healing. and what did it do? it went to sleep. and what did you do that first time you gotsome good sleep again, dr. pompa?

what happened? dr. pompa:well, i had some filling—it was like when my fillings came out. warren:exactly. dr. pompa:massive difference—actually, even when i had a root canal taken out, i felt a massivedifference drop in my anxiety levels, which was massive. and when they took the gold filling out, andi still had silver fillings in, i felt that anxiety level go out so as the sources cameout, i definitely noticed a drop but caution,

caution, right there. if you haven’t read the article, when detoxis dangerous, please read the article. there’s a zillion pitfalls. one of which i see all the time. people get this fixed, and then they don’tgo into the brain detox. i describe a little bit of brain detox inthe last article on the brain, but also, when detox is dangerous, there’s three parts. i describe it there. that’s magic.

if you don’t do that, we have a honeymoonperiod where we feel a little better, and then what happens is is you crash becauseyou never got to the source where the metals are bioaccumulated in other toxins. and that’s the brain. warren:it’s one of our big three. moldy home, same thing, get out of that. you sleep for the first night. if you stayed at a hotel, and then you sleepbetter, it’s like, “ah, so it’s the cause.”

i know that that’s a—we’ve done thaton past shows, but just as an example, there’s a doctor that we talked to yesterday. we’re training doctors, again. that’s what we do. dr. pompa’s on stage here in about an hour,actually, less than hour, 45 minutes. so we will wrap this show up at about 10:30mountain standard time. he got his amalgams out, but he’s stillsick because he’s not doing what he’s supposed to do, which is the body detox ofthe mercury in the brain phase. he hasn’t got into that yet.

and so he’s remained sick, and it’s hard. it takes willpower. you need a coach to coach you through. if i didn’t have a personal trainer, i wouldnot workout. i just wouldn’t do it. i need somebody to push me, and hold me accountableto doing what’s right. so i’ll leave that topic there, but i justwant to give you another example, guys. this is serious business when it comes toheavy metal detoxification. dr. pompa:there’s no doubt, and you do need a coach.

that’s why we’re training doctors aroundthe country. david:but, dr. pompa, it’s not just—they’ve got to do the detox properly, but then it’sgoing through the re-inoculation, fixing your gut. doing all those things that all of a sudden,doesn’t—isn’t that what—all of sudden, a light bulb goes off and you start feelingdifferently. you start sleeping through the night. is that part of the process? dr. pompa:well, i mean, as the metal started coming

out of my brain, i got my nights back completely,right, i mean, but it was process. as i started that brain phase of metal detox,then my nights started coming consistently, and that was huge. removing the source [0:13:26], i started feelinglike there was hope. but, yeah, david, of course i had to fix mydownstream detox pathways. my gut was obviously trashed, my liver, mykidneys. i mean, all those things. that’s why you need a coach. because before you go into this process, eventhe removal, you have to really make sure

that those downstream detox pathways are open. so imagine this. here you are trying to fix your little streamwhere you want to fly fish. i’m just talking warren’s language a littlebit. your fish are dying, and you’re puttingnew fish in there, and trying to get your place where you love to fish right. and the fish keep dying, or they’re goingaway. and you’re wondering what’s going on? and you keep putting new fish in, and youkeep doing things to help the algae and all

the good stuff. but meanwhile, you find out that upstreamthere’s a factory. it’s dumping little bits of lead and mercuryinto the water. well, are you ever going to get those fishto take hold, and the algae, and all the microorganisms? no way, man, so you have to go upstream inroot of the source. but in the meantime, we do want to get thoseorganisms back in the gut because this gut plays into this—well, this brain plays intothis brain so very important stuff that we just talked about. okay, so what do we do…

warren:[0:14:38], guys, i mean, just for the cellular healing tv. we always come back to this, and we discussthis all the time, and bring it into these different topics because it’s the truth. it’s a real solution. and we spend a little time talking about truecellular detoxification. that is so key to getting your life back. we don’t just want to give you little band-aids. although, you need some trick and tips toget yourself feeling a little bit better,

so that you can spend more time with yourfamily a little bit. get some of those pharmaceutical commercialmoments where you have a good day, where you get a good night’s sleep. but at the end of the day, we’re not goingto sugarcoat this thing. you have to remove the source. dr. pompa:if we looked at the statistics, how many people are taking anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressiondrugs, sleep drugs, forget it. what are we doing? i mean, come on folks.

you’re smarter than that. there’s a cause. there’s a reason. don’t live your life in effect. be a 3-percenter as we say, and live yourlife in cause. and what we just talked about right therein that moment is cause. it’s like, when you look at my 5rs, thatis really cellular detox, right? i mean, those things have to be fixed to seta level. warren, you just heard me talk to these doctorsyesterday, right?

and what was i saying? people are functioning down here doing coloncleanses, liver cleanses, and all these different things. far infrared saunas, all great, but none ofit is true cellular detox, right? we got to get the cell working, and then wecan use those things as tools to keep these pathways open. if you don’t fix this, if you don’t starthere, what good is it? we start here with these brain cells, clearingthose, in the pituitary, that’s how you fix your cellular problems, and your endocrinesystem, and your hormone problems.

but, all right, i want to give you something. i’m going to share this with even the doctorstomorrow, actually, but it’s a little trick to be able to help this issue with anxietyand sleep. you can do an orthostatic blood pressure. and warren doesn’t know this yet, but he’sgoing to help me with this tomorrow, with the group. warren:okay. dr. pompa:so one thing—and i kind of got addicted to it, i admit, when i was sick.

you can do an orthostatic blood pressure whereyou’re taking your blood pressure lying down. so you lie down for 5 or 10 minutes. get everything settled. then you take your blood pressure. write down your systolic number. that’s the bigger number. that’s the top number, okay? the bottom number for this doesn’t matteras much.

so you write down the systolic, and then youundo the cuff. keep the cuff on your arm. by the way, you can just use the drug storepumper upper. so you don’t even need the whole thing,right. you can do your own gig. then you can get those things for $20-$50. obviously, the more money you spend, the better,more accurate they are. warren:no, but there’s [0:17:17] one of those little electronic blood pressure cuffs, dr. pompa.

you can get them online. dr. pompa:yep. that’s it. so you put it on. you take [0:17:25]. then you un-deflate. wait a minute. and then you stand up, and as you’re standingup, you’re getting the blood pressure going again, start pumping it up as you’re standingup.

get up and pump it up quickly. and then you’re going to stand there andwait. and you’re going to look at your blood pressure. it should raise about ten. five is a little adrenal weakness. if it stays the same or drops, you’ve gotsome major adrenal issues. therefore, during the day, we want to supportthose adrenal glands because that plays into your anxiety. how you adapt to stress.

and it also plays into how you’re goingto sleep through the night. so we want to use things like—we use ga,warren, as a great product, and there’s some adaptogens types of products too. designs for health has one called adaptogenbut anyways, so we want to support those adrenals, really giving them some building power, ifyou will. okay, even some sea salt works really goodto support the adrenal gland. b vitamins, mors is a product, it’s a methylationproduct, that really does support the b vitamins so just some little tips there. and we’ve done some other adrenal showsin the past.

you can go back and watch those videos. that’s if your number drops to five below,and if it drops really below—meaning if you’re getting a drop of ten, it’s likeyou’ve got major, major adrenal issues. you need to [0:18:56] the day. now what happens when this happens? and i hated these days even worse. sometimes your adrenals come fighting backinto a hyper mode where you start producing more cortisol, at more anxiety. and this is where you can wake up in the middlenight just, like i said—or you don’t even

get the sleep. but here’s what happens. so you pump up the cuff, and you go up 20,30, or even 40. i remember times where it would rise up 50. so let’s say i’m 120. okay? let’s just use that as the bottom number. so what happens is you’ll end up being,instead of 130, which is normal, it should raise about 10—now instead of 130, you’regoing to 140, 50, or 160 on your systolic.

what’s happening is is you’re producingtoo much cortisol. you’re producing too much adrenaline tocompensate for just this standing up mode, and you’re [0:19:49] with that nervous system. your nervous system is firing too hot. typically, you don’t get to sleep. now we just developed a new product, whichis coming out this weekend. it’s called calm. so my suggestion there would be to take calm,obviously, through the day to taper that down. when your number drops, that systolic drops,now the best thing to do is take a product

like ga through the day, support the adrenals,and then take calm just before bed. just in review, if it rises up above 10, 15,20, 30, then we do calm throughout the day. there's another product called seriphos thatwe use for that. so we dose it through the day when you getthat rise too high to calm that adrenal down; we're resting the adrenals. everything's okay. you can't fix the adrenals if they're hyperall the time. we want to calm it down. when it goes drop, we want to support theadrenals with a filter, and then use calm

at night so it doesn't come firing back. because when your adrenals are low throughthe day, typically three or four in the morning, this baby's coming firing back to wake youup at night. we want to use calm at night, or seriphos,and if you wake up at three or four in the morning. that's a way to dose it; it's a way to useit. i probably got many questions now. warren:i want to go back and review that again. by the way, that new product, calm, we shouldhave it at the revelation health store, which

is online, revelationhealth.com. we should have that available, and you'reprobably going to have to call in to get that because it probably won't be up on our sitefor a while. but the ga, of course we have that. it's quite systemic. what's the other product that you mentioned? ga and then... dr. pompa:seriphos is— warren:and aplexis.

adaptogen's beyond organic. dr. pompa:adaptogen's beyond organic, which is adaptogen product, but it's called adrenatone plus. warren:adrenatone plus, and that's designs. we have all that stuff stocked for our clients. let's go back to this blood pressure cuff,because i think this is a great way to monitor it. then i know obviously when—if you have weakadrenals, you'll stand up. that's another way.

if you stand up and you get light-headed,your body's not adapting to essentially that— dr. pompa:[0:22:07] don't need to take your blood pressure. you're dropping. your systolic's dropping instead of rising. warren:yeah, so you don't even need to go spend the 40 bucks on amazon.com buying a blood pressurecuff. they do that automatically; blood pressurecuff pumps itself up. you don't have to do it by itself. it automatically does it.

if you want to get a cuff, it's a great wayto monitor, essentially, your health. because your adrenal health is a reflectionof, obviously, your endocrine system, of your overall health. again, sleep problems gets back to the brain,which dr. pompa's going to—this whole seminar's about the brain. it's a hormone issue. you're not producing melatonin. so you think that you have a sleep problembut again, you have a hormone issue. your body tells you to relax through hormones.

it tells you to rise up and get anxious andexcited. those are all hormone response. i say hormone, i go, “huuu,” like thisnow because my daughter does that when she says horse, so it's coming out. let's get back—so that's not a speech impediment. that's just hanging out too much with my daughter,which is probably a great thing because i miss her a lot right now. so the blood pressure thing, dr. pompa. again, i remember when you first explainedthis to me.

i just didn't get it with our viewers. here's my hand. i’m going to lay down, and i'm going torelax for about how long? a couple two, three minutes? dr. pompa:five minutes, five, ten minutes. warren:five, ten minutes, so i'm going to lay down there. i’m going to take my—push the button onmy omni—what's the name of the one that you use a lot?

dr. pompa:i don't remember warren:i don't remember, either. so a blood pressure cuff, a little electronicblood pressure cuff, amazon.com, electronic blood pressure cuff, and you take it and thetop number is your, what, systolic? warren:that'll be your systolic. you write that number down, and then you—afteryou get that number, then what? dr. pompa:just make sure the cuff's deflated. warren:deflate the cuff. dr. pompa:stand up and immediately press the button,

pump it up, whatever which one you have. take the blood pressure again. warren:okay, so you're up there, you get your blood pressure, and then you—after you get yourblood pressure and it goes beep, you have another number. is it the top number again? dr. pompa:always, systolic, yep. warren:systolic, okay, and then so let's give some numbers.

dr. pompa:let's just say this: normal, it should rise 10. warren:let's give some numbers. what's a good resting systolic? dr. pompa:the normal should rise 10, not above 15. warren:can we do a number, though? dr. pompa:okay, how about 5 to 15 as a normal range? warren:no, but what's the standing number, like 250? when you're resting, what would be a numberso we can show the math?

dr. pompa:we're dealing with 120 as a normal? warren:okay, 120, yeah. resting is 120. dr. pompa:look, 110 may be your normal; 130 may be your normal. warren:i just want to show them the numbers. dr. pompa:okay, so just work with the normal, so to speak, and let's not get caught up in that,but the “normal.” then you would stand up; what would normalbe?

130. warren:then standing, 130. dr. pompa:it could be 114. i'm sorry, it could raise 15, so let's sayit could be 130. if it was 135, okay, you're still okay. if it's 140 or 145 or 150, you need to takea product like calm or seriphos throughout the day. let me dose it for you. i would say, if you raise up 30 or 40 above—let'ssay you're 120 to 150, then i would say take

two pills three times a day throughout the day. by the way, mine would raise up sometimes40 or 50. i was taking the seriphos. i was taking probably 10 a day just to—andwhen i did, it was good. my anxiety level was so much better, and theni would sleep through the night. by the way, i would pump that sucker up, andi would see that rise sometimes when my adrenals were fighting back. oh, forget it. i couldn't even get to sleep those nights.

so if i saw that, my wife took my blood pressurecuff at one point and hid it from me. she was like, “you're creating your ownanxiety.” she was probably right, because i would seethat number, but it was a real number now. when i saw that number rising up above 20,i knew i wasn't sleeping that night. warren:[0:26:36] yeah, and you kind of knew in your heart that that was going to be the case basedon probably your behavior and how you felt but that you give yourself some number evidence;“i'm not going to sleep tonight.” dr. pompa:my adrenals would fight back, andi would just go days without sleeping at all. i learned this trick, right?

so if i would see that, i would get righton it, and i would use the seriphos and, like you said, calm is even better. it's a seriphos on steroids. i would use that through the day, and theni could sleep better through the night. so that's the trick, right? warren:so 120, and then you would pop to sometimes 160. your adrenals would push your systolic upthat high. dr. pompa:i was really irritable, too, when that happened.

when those numbers were higher, i had higherirritability, too. we can only last so long in that phase, andthen your adrenals go, pheww, and then they drop off. then you could be in that hypo phase for months,and then i would try to support my adrenals sometimes. then i would go hyper, so that's a lot ofthings that people don't realize. i would go hyper. what was wrong? my pituitary was wrong.

my hypothalamus, that's the feedback mechanismthat's why fiddling around down here with the adrenal glands was tricky territory. so the only way i was really able to dialit in was with this method of using orthostatic. so again, then i would drop. my adrenals would crash. so the only way i was able to support themusing some adrenal products is if i, at night, would still have to take a calm product, likethe calm, or the seriphos. so i'm not taking it through the day. i’m taking adrenal-builders through theday when my numbers drop.

then at night, i'm still protecting the adrenalsfrom firing back at three or four in the morning then i take the calm only at night, not throughthe day. so go ahead and review that. warren:okay, so resting—so this is when you crash, when your adrenals drop 10 or more? so your resting's at 120 and then you standand then your 110. dr. pompa:yeah, or maybe i'm just 120. i'm just 120. i don't rise or fall.

that's still not good. that's adrenal exhaust. or you go down to 115, 110. you're really bad. that's people that are getting dizzy. warren:i used to have vertigo constantly. every time i stood up, i was like, “ooh,i'm going to fall over.” then people'd get annoyed because i'd sayit all the time. every time i'd stand up—i'm sick of yousaying that, warren, but it was true, like

your wife with the blood pressure cuff. she's like, “we know. you don't have to tell us a thousand times. we already know that your adrenals are [0:29:27]you.” dr. pompa:remember the adrenal spot for fun, for those out there? remember the chronic fatiguer? the right side right here, you palpate yourneck or have someone palpate your neck, if you have a tender spot, something that doesn'tgo away and it's right here, we call it the

chronic fatiguer, remember? it's an adrenal thing where you're not adapting. your adrenals are blown out, and most peoplewith chronic fatigue syndrome have a trigger point right here. you can just palpate the muscle spasm. i'm sorry, i'm pointing to my left. it's on the right; i apologize. i’m pointing to my left because i was lookingat myself on this stupid camera. it's my right, folks.

david:we're all sitting here massaging our necks right now. dr. pompa:on the camera, that looks like my right. i spun myself around. that's a funny thing. so it's on the right side. the trigger point is on the right right there. warren:let me—we got to wrap the show up, obviously, and we'd like to keep to 30 minutes.

but anyway, i'm going to give them some ofmy tricks, as well. if your adrenals are revved during the day,you want to knock them down with seriphos during the day, but you still want to supportyourself at night with a calm or some of the tricks i'm going to share with you now. dr. pompa:during the day, that's when you use ga. know what i'm saying? ga and some sea salt to get them going, butuse calm at night. that's if it drops. okay, so now let's give some sleep tips.

i mean, just some other things you can take. obviously, melatonin works for some people,not others. so warren, go ahead and give them some ofyour concoctions. warren:okay, i got lots of them. but i'm going to review again. so if you have those weak—you have thatdrop. you go from 120, you stay at 120 or you go120 down to 110, 115, whatever it may be, you want to support your adrenals, sea salt,ga, very simple support. now again, we're not promoting this is allyou do.

this is just to help you feel better so youcan start making some—getting some extra energy. you need to sleep. sleep is key. so i'm going to keep repeating that. then you still, even if you have that drop,you want to support your adrenals during the day, but you still want to support your sleephormones and drop that cortisol, and i'll slap you guys with this one a little bit. cortisol puts you in a catabolic state.

you are destroying muscle, as well. you're cannibalizing yourself. your catabolic like a long-distance runningbecause their hormones, their cortisol is out of whack. so just from a weight loss perspective, togive you guys a little incentive, sleep is key and your adrenal cortisol management isreally key to weight loss, as well. so i just want to throw that out there, alittle extra incentive to take care of yourself, remove the [0:32:04]. let's go get well.

some of the tricks that i do—and again,melatonin would work for me in a small dose. so lots of products—i like straight melatoninsometimes. i would do just a straight [0:32:17] melatonin. dr. pompa actually taught me this trick. i think 10mg or 5mg under your tongue beforebed and just do that and try that. sometimes, that's—and dr. pompa can explainwhy this is the case, but if you have a weak thyroid, another endocrine gland, then melatoninis going to rev you, and you're going to get a cortisol spike in the middle of the nightand not what you're looking for. david:is that why when i take melatonin, i wake

up after three to four hours, wide awake,and i can't go back to sleep? warren:yep. dr. pompa:warren, on that note, it was funny. i just read something where they said thattaking the melatonin could have a little effect, a little stimulation on the penile gland. if the penile gland is holding a lot of metals,there's now a theory that it creates some release of heavy metals, too, which drivesthe cortisol. who knows? the point is you can try it.

if it doesn't work, bail. warren:yeah, i mean, i never used to be able to use it in the past. i can use it now, and it knocks me out. but again, i can't use it multiple days ina row. so another product that has a smaller among,along with an adaptogenic herb, some calming herbs, would be the drem or drem. i think it's drem by [0:33:30]. it's d-r-e-m.

great product; i would cycle that out. one of my favorite combinations, dr. pompa,that is my go-to—usually i can get two to three nights of good sleep out of it, andi mix up the amounts of this, but i'll do two magnesium[0:33:47] so it doesn't loosenmy stool, but for some of you who have constipation, you could take five of them and it wouldn'tcause you to have a laxative effect. i take two magnesium maleate chelate by designsfor health. i take two stress arrest, which has some cortisoladaptogenic herbs, adaptogenic amino acids like seriphos does, some of the same ingredients. stress arrest by designs for health, and theni'll do two to three tryptophan, which was

pulled off the market a while ago, but that'sa precursor to, i believe, serotonin, right? so tryptophan, so let me review that; twomagnesium maleate chelate, two stress arrest, and two to three tryptophan. so i would take that before bed and literally,if i got—for me in that place, when i was not doing well, if i at least got to sleepand got three to four hours of sleep, i was happy. now here's the other thing i—as i got better,i didn't need something to knock me out, if you will. i would fall asleep.

i wouldn't have trouble falling asleep, buti'd get that massive adrenal rush where the adrenals are trying to recover, like you mentioned,dr. pompa, and then i'll pop the stress arrest immediately. i still play this game with myself i stillwake up sometimes just because a stressful day; my adrenals are cooked. i still push it too hard at times. i wake up four hours later after getting tosleep, and i can't get back to sleep. and i always think i can pray my way out ofit, i can write down stuff on a tablet, all those things, but after an hour of still notsleeping, my go-to is three stress arrests

or some seriphos to that. i'll taper that cortisol so my body relaxesso i can get back to sleep. and i always fight this, dr. pompa. i’m like, “i can do it this time,” butno. some nights i wake up, and i know right awaymy brain's starting to go, that adrenaline's starting to come. the cortisol's elevating like it should normallyeight hours later or seven and a half hours later, but i'm revved, so i knock it downwith some stress arrest, some seriphos, things like that, to calm me back down and drop beback down so i can get another three, hopefully

four hours of sleep. those are some of my go-to tricks that i use. and then also the drem works great, and i'llcycle off of that one week and then back onto my stress arrest, tryptophan protocol, ifyou will, and just kind of move back and forth between them. and then sometimes what is great is as youget healthier, when you don't take anything, you get a great night's sleep versus takingsomething. so remember, don't keep trying to take pills,take pills. sometimes get off of them and see what yourbody can do.

sometimes you'll get a great night's sleepby taking absolutely nothing. dr. pompa:yeah, that's great, and here's another just write this down at home. try this: try starting with 3mg, low doseof melatonin, and matching it with 100mg of 5htp, which converts into tryptophan, so youcan do the same thing with the tryptophan, both sold on our website, designs for health,and complimentary prescription is the tryptophan, warren:complimentary prescription to tryptophan, designs for health sells 5htp. dr. pompa:yep, so here's what it is.

if that doesn't work, then you bump it upto 6mg of the melatonin, and then you bump it up to 300mg of the 5htp, and then you cango to 9mg as a high on the melatonin and 300mg on the 5htp. start at the low dose and if it's not working,work your way up to 300 and 9 as a high. if that doesn't work, you can try any otherthings even that warren said. start with the orthostatic and blood pressure. fool around with these adrenal glands whenthe problem's here is very difficult. this gives you a tool to use to try to figureout. otherwise, you'll cause yourself more problemsbecause you're pushing when you should be

pulling. i hope that helps. warren:alright, well, we do need to wrap it up. we went 10 minutes over, dr. pompa. i'm going to have to—you need to shuffledown to my room here. dr. pompa:i will. david:[0:38:01] today. warren:dr. pompa will. i get to be on stage tomorrow; that's great,not as a speaker but whatever.

david:a test model. warren:i'm going to be a test model. dr. pompa:that's right. warren:revelationhealth.com is our store, guys, just so you—just to make that clear, revelationhealth.comis where we take all the products with hundreds of doctors that we work with use these protocols,a lot of them. we've tired. we learned a lot of this stuff when doctorsgive us input. everything we have essentially been testedand used by physicians, natural health practitioners,

health coaches, from around the world. we have a new doctor coming in, flying into learn from us from the netherlands today and look forward to meeting him. he flew all the way out here. guys, we are changing the world. we are educating—it's about education. what we do, we could sell online productsand do all that stuff like a lot of other folks do, but the key is are people perishedfor lack of knowledge? so if you're not educating people and teachingthem what they need to do to get their life

back, that's what our coaches do, the doctorsthat we train do. that's what dr. pompa does. really, really challenge folks from aroundthe world. man, you have to educate, so you have to sharethis information. you got to give them truth, let them knowthat there's a reason and a cause that they're sick. they don't have to live sick and sufferingthe rest of their life. it's just—that's our heartbeat, and we'regoing to say it over and over again. thank you, dr. dan pompa.

dr. pompa:i'll see you in the lobby. warren:see you in the lobby. take care. david:see you guys.

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