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winter came

music is playing hello, you channel consta kids today, 4 november it snowed and we sledding go uuuuuu so cool ğ°ğ°ğ°ğ°ğ° we fell now we will ride again

hi ha ha ha where are we now ride do you like to ride one two three ... uuuu we all go home it was very cool cool if you liked this video

put huskies and subscribe to the channel consta kids bye bye and let me ride so cool cry baby do not cry do not cry now we shall cure you hello doctor i fell today with rocker

cure me please julia our doctor today we have such a small suitcase with different drugs julia will treat her wounds are necessary to handle take peroxide and wash all wounds on the handles

on feet now take zelenka and smear dr. julia handled all wounds and now it is necessary to sticking plaster glue on forehead oh thank you very much dr. i was now much better

now i have no pain vitamins should drink eat will not hurt to doll is no longer necessary to make a sick prick it does not hurt no longer crashes with swings do not fall doctor and what you have on your cheek

i hit but also let you attach let's doctor now you, too, in all plasters r. julia cured doll put like and subscribe to the channel consta kid today we came to the beach to swim

and brought balloons which burst in the water let's pour water balls see how many balls dumped them all and will be a bullet on each other how many balls julia sits and blows up all the balls all the balls burst let's go swimming

well as water normal so many people lots of and there is also a beach swim let sit sit today we removes challenge candy bin buzld here are our sweets we will conduct challenge

let's open and begin to try take one all here are candy take all the same color and try one two three a taste of one i pampers

and julia also pampers pampers all caught now let others take all grass let the blue sour and there across the blue blueberries and toothpaste i blueberries

ha ha ha ksyusha toothpaste and julia got that delicious now take the brown then take the other let's tutti frutti and smelly socks i tutti frutti you probably smelly socks they are strange

snot julia has everything eats all whether all tried it is a peach peach or vomiting i have a peach peach caught seva luck like everything

let's still try one this popcorn put like and subscribe to the channel consta kids it is not a good challenge

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