dude these professors! they dont even teach and then we get assignments doesnt matter we'll end up copying anyways dude kamini was lookin hot today! haha kamini? dont you know she's reserved? so what? not like she's serious with him... hnh you think she'll get serious with you? where the heck were you two? nothing man just had to get something xerox'ed and what's up with you dude? why have u been quiet all day?
yeah you were so dull in the class hmm? nah its nothing oh i'll tell you guys his girlfriend ran away thats why he's being all dev das oye she didnt run away, we broke up whats the difference? khushbu broke up with you? why? leave it guys its too complex... complex? come on, why do you guys get serious with these girls
when you know they're gonna end it up anyways i believe in my slogan "love and girls are all fake, girls are meant for nothing but f..." oye... you saying "love and girls all fake.." huh? show us your wrists come on... oye! no.. hey enough, lets get to the hostel now i thought you guys were doing quite well, then what happened? nothing yaar, its impossible to understand these girls see bro, all girls are alike, she must've found someone else oye khushbu isnt like those girls okay... leave it guys, anyways what are we doing these vacations?
me off to home, you guys are the only ones' left here just us? yea everyone'd be off by evening, you people are the only one's staying back this time nah dude suryaraj is staying back too haha suryaraj? he doesnt even get outta his room... it doesnt matter if he stays yeah what does he even do in his room all day? i saw him in the library once, he's got such a weird taste on books i met him in our first year once, he's a philosophical kinda dude philosophical? dude i'm scared of these philosophical people
hey rohan? all your corridor would be empty tonight n you being chicken... oye am not a chicken! but i was wondering.. if i could stay in with trishal tonite whats say dude am not keeping you with me.. get off... dont worry man, she'd be back before long nah man this time i screwed up bad, i dnt think she'd ever return yaar atleast discuss it out with her, there may be some solution she wouldnt even talk, how is there supposed to be any solution? i think we should drop it... i've gotta leave now why are you leaving yaar, stay back with us
abey yaar its my brother's marriage so i'll have to go and anyways i can come anytime whenever am free i dont live too far away alrite dude, i'll get going.. take care who're you messaging to? no one. then come on we should join the game too lets go no yaar i dont wanna come now man
no! come on yaar nope then i'll have it thanks rohan! what're you doing? rohan give the phone back come and get it then give it back idiot get off me or i'll throw it in
have you gone mad, give it back to me leave me or i'll throw it in alrite i'm leaving you but give the phn back thats like a good boy it fell yaar... sorry rohan you are dead damn man! get it back or imma kill you dont get angry yaar i'll get it dude this room seems to be locked
hey wait isnt it the restricted corridor? restricted? don't you know we're not allowed to go there? i dont care, get it now! but... we'll have to break in i dont care then am not going alone, you guys come along too its alrite, we'll go along dont get mad yaar, we'll go get it
hey what if the guard comes? just get the damn phone break it what happened? trishal! are you okay? trishal!? lets get outta here lets go trishal hey trishal, you're okay right?
i dunno yaar, it feels so weird i dnt understand yeah same here yea man weird feeling atleast none of you actually dropped down dhruv? can i stay in your room tonight, i dn wanna be up there alone ey dhruv? wake up yaar.. oye dhruv! whats up yaar? dude i need to piss real bad! come with me dude where do you get so much piss from, we dont need to go that much
what can i do? come with me dude you go yaar, lemme sleep please yaar huh trishal.. whats he doing here? oye trishal! dhruv! dhruv! dhruv wake up... abey trishal... trishal what about trishal? what happened man why the hell are you shouting trishal fell into the room we broke in
what? whats' he out there for ? i dunno the room just pulled him in! have you gone insane? what the heck are you talkin about... room pulled him in? seriously! i saw him being pulled in! and you came back here? whats this drama? oye! this isnt a drama, see for urself if u dont believe me alrite lets see whats this mess all about chicken...
see.. i told you he's just playing no man really i saw him fall in here! no he isnt here.. the room's empty, lets check his room out see i told you! he isnt in his room... he must've gone somewhere, he'd be back soon yaar i was having such a peaceful sleep! you guys dont believe me rite? arey yaar why would he go there? and if he did wherez he now? and therez no water? great..
oye where're you going? to get some water, wanna come? no ways... you go hey druv.... vikrant? he hasnt come yet? no man i think therez something wrong come lets see bro i aint goin anywhere u go.. i'll stay here hey wait!
dude... dont u think our hostel's quite scary? whats going on yaar? i dunno vikrant.... what the... how did it happen ? behind you... trishal you... knife? what happend to you trishal? no! wht are u doin standing there? help me here! abey yaar what happend to trishal man he had knife in his hands...
i was damn scared man.. what is up with trishal lets call somebody up you call i'll dress his wound up abey yaar your phone isnt working either.. then why dont you go to the main gate.. to the guard he must have landline there i aint going anywhere now (.. go out there man..try there.. he'll be able to help..) no am not going... you alrite? hold this down with your hand... what excatly happend out there? i was on my way to mess to get the water.. when i saw trishal walking down the corridor...
i called out at him, but he wouldn't listen and went on i went after him and looked for him... about 15 minutes or so later he suddenly jumped out at me with a knife in his hand.. i ducked away on time or i would be dead by now... abey yaar what has gotten into trishal? he's not being himself thats for sure... he doesnt listen at all f**k, am scared as hell i think i should go to hostel's main gate, you stay with vikrant no ways, i wnt stay..
arey try n understand dude he's got a wound its alrite i'll come too, and anyways i think we should stick together where did the guard go now? oh damn, the phone's dead what are you guys upto here? we.. locked him in here... tell me from the beginning... what happened? but why did you open that room? coz i dropped trishal's mobile in the room
come with me, i gotta show something to you guys these guys lived in that corridor and their bodies were found.. about 5 years ago... in this very hostel... bodies? ... what happened to them? the report says that two of them were strangled to death by the third.. who jumped off and committed suicide and no cause as such was discovered... and yeah... the room was found to be open... erm when we went in there.. we felt so weird... hmm... negative energy... when something really bad happens somewhere... a strong negative energy gets accumulated over that place
its a scientifically proven fact... like when we go to the temples.. we feel calmness spread over us thats coz.. therez a strong positive energy around temples but why did it affect trishal so much? he actually fell.. did trishal recently go through any strong emotional event that might have resulted into a vulnerable brain state? yeah, trishal had a breakup with her gf recently, he was really upset since a while explains... trishal was vulnerable to negative energy... vulnerable to possession possession!? trishal is being possessed by a dire soul... are these things... true?
a guy committed suicide in that room... about an year before this incident... what!? dont you even have shame enough.. telling me about such a low grade? but... your staying back at hostel during these holidays.. and if you get low grades again.. i would never let you step a foot in the house... you too? but i coudnt study because of you! you know what? you dont even care about my grades ever since i lost my leg... you've been avoiding me dont you dare forget! i lost it because of you!
yeah dont talk to me ever! go to hell! so what shall we do now? what if we just lock that room out? have you gone mad? no! actually he's rite... that room is like an energy source for that soul... if we lock it down.. then maybe.. that soul might not be able to survive too long... then what are we waiting for? arent you coming? no i dont wanna be near that room...
hey what if we find trishal? hmm.. lets see we just have to lock right? yeah but... dont touch it! he wont revive around this room.. we must take him away from here... trishal no! he's your friend... what are you doing? what would you get outta killing me.. leave me! what do you want narendra? i want you all dead
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