what's up everyone? welcome to 30 days ofyoga with adriene. i'm adriene, and today is day 3. can you believe it? let's get started. all right my friends, today we're going tobegin in a standing posture, with the feet hip width apart. crazy, i know. you can beat the front of your mat, you can be in the middle of your mat, it doesn't matter. we'rejust going to spend a little bit of time warming up nice and slow, and this'll be a great dayto just kind of forget what you know about yoga, and enjoy exploring your body. we'regoing to get a little bit of a workout, we're going to connect to the abdominals, but reallyi invite you today to just kind of forget what you know about yoga, and discover somethingnew about yourself, and see what the practice
serves up today. so feet are hip width apart, i'm going togather up that energy from the arches of the feet, and arrive here in mountain pose. i'lllet you choose whether, if you need a little more grounding, or maybe you're feeling alittle tired, even a little dizzy, off balance, you might bring the palms together. if you'relike, "yeah, third day of yoga, i'm feeling it!" you might want to open up the palms.try to avoid the zipped up feeling, just kind of open up. so we're here, we're here, andwe close the eyes. i'll guide you through this next bit with my voice. you don't needto look at the video, just close your eyes, go inward, and we're just going to gentlyrock front to back, so slow shift of the weight
back and forth and especially with the eyesclosed, and especially if you're new to the practice, you might feel this like "wooaahhooaahh"feeling, and i only bring it up to say that's normal, and we're here to kind of put ourselvesoff balance a bit, explore where we are distributing our weight, and how that informs the way westand, move, walk, live, breathe. so after you've shifted weight a little bitfront to back, side to side, we'll come back to center, a place that feels like centerto you, where we align head over heart, heart over pelvis. begin to deepen the breath here,nice deep breath, in through the nose, and out through the nose. drink it in. noticehow deepening the breath can affect some small little micro movements or affect the shoulders,the neck, and inspire some little micro movements.
keep breathing, deep, conscious, full breaths.we're going to drop the chin to the chest here. eyes can stay closed here, and justnotice when you drop your chin to your chest if your pelvis kind of spill out of alignmenthere, see if you can keep it underneath you. again, heart and pelvis still in line here,breathe, relax your shoulders down away from the ears. and then nice and slow, soft gazeor eyes closed i'm just going to send my nose up towards the sky, and then my chin to mychest. so i'm making this "yes" movement, and i'm resisting the urge to kind of speedit up, which i do in class all the time. i'm like, "yes, teacher, let's rock and roll!"but really slow it down here. and then back to center we go, and then we take it leftto right.
and it's amazing how it seems like we're notdoing a lot. we're going to get to those abs today and all that jazz, i promise, but alittle bit goes a long way, a little neck hygiene goes a long way. keep the shouldersrelaxing down. and then we'll bring it back to center. awesome.draw the palms together at your heart. thank you for joining me today. namaste. okay, herewe go. keep the sternum lifting to the thumbs. i'm going to slowly draw my right knee uptowards my pinkies. inhale in, exhale. flex your right foot and slowly lower it down.shift your weight, inhale, left knee comes up, flex your left foot. squeeze your leftknee all the way up towards your pinkies. and, exhale, release. that's what's goingto happen, we're going to lose balance and
fall. if you fall, don't worry, i'll catchyou. but see if you can move at a nice constant rate of speed. not only is this awesome forthe sacrum and kind of stabilizing the hips, but this just kind of gets us working intothose intrinsic muscles here nice and slow. when you get bored see if you can expand yourawareness to your neck, to your shoulders, you can kind of notice these trembling spotsmaybe. for me it's about, right there. and i'm also bringing a mindfulness into the feet.and release. let's do one more on each side, nice and slow.squeezing all the way up, up, up, up. holding on to a drishti, a focal point perhaps onthe ground or even on your video screen, and then we release. awesome. take a second tolift the sternum, observe your breath. then
we'll drop the fingertips down to come up.so down, then we inhale, reach it all the way up, full body stretch here. volcano pose.so, you can keep the feet wide here, about hip width apart, and we're going to bringthe pinkies in. so dial those pinkies in and drop the shoulders down. we open up like asuperhero here through the chest, and we draw the navel in slightly. pull the thumbs back,if you have space here, otherwise you can keep the shoulders forward. so we're justslowly creating space here. and then, oh my god, have you ever seen that ted talk aboutthe 'power of shape' and stuff? if this isn't an "i'm amazing" shape, i don't know whatis. so even if you're having a rough day, take a full present breath and here, i'm amazing!and exhale, rain it down. awesome!
hands come to the waistline, and now i'm goingto heel-toe, heel-toe my feet ease in. so the arches of the feet come to kiss together,and we zip up, kind of zipper up through the lower body. so i'm not creating tension inthe glutes or in the thighs, but i am kind of, finding that lift in the knee caps, andthat energetic pull up. again we find this upward current of energy, kind of a superheropose here. i use my thumbs here to just kind of remind myself to tuck the pelvis in. andthen i'm going to slowly draw my right knee up towards my heart, this time squeezing itall the way up toward the heart. hands stay on the waistline for a little grounding down.then i'm going to take my right hand to my right shin, think up as you inhale in, exhale,draw the right knee out. keep the left hand
on the waistline or send the left fingertipsout. so we're definitely working on balance today, gather that energy up. opening up throughthe hip, pelvis is going to want to come out. isn't this an attractive yoga pose? and insteadi'm going to counter that by softening my left knee and drawing my pelvis in. you can rotate the right ankle one way andthen the other. and then i'll slowly release my right leg to the ground, and release myright fingertips out. deep breath in, long exhale out. inhale, reach the fingertips up,shift your weight now to your right foot, and on an exhale i'm going to bring my leftknee and my right elbow together. inhale, extend, straighten your leg, straighten yourarm, and exhale. left knee to right elbow.
now here's again where that drishti, thatfocal point is helpful. hands can stay on the waistline as well, or out. and we beginto connect to our core. slow, mindful movement, it's really easy to kind of want to speedup and get the workout. so i encourage you to slow it down. it's challenging. inhale,extend. i'm on an old crickety piece of wood here! the floor. and crunching in, squeezingin, and let's do one more. spread the fingertips and toes, really drawing that knee up to theelbow. squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. and then we release, awesome. come back to your mountain pose and shakeit off. great. hands come to the waistline and we walk the feet together. great, pressinto all four corners of your right foot and
slowly peel the left knee up. so we're goingto squeeze, squeeze, squeeze it up towards the heart. so there's a lot going on, if you'refeeling like, then really see if you can press away from the earth. find that full body connection.left palm comes to the left shin, squeezing into the midline for stability. inhale, thinkup and over as you now open out through the left side. notice i'm keeping a brightnessand awareness in this foot, you might rotate that ankle again one way, and then the other. take one more breath in here, careful notto collapse into this hip, so if you're feeling a lot of pressure here, remember that upwardlift. and then we'll slowly relax the left foot down, and then maybe just notice howyou feel in the hips. all right. core connection
on the other side. we inhale, send the fingertipsall the way out, and then up, and now shifting your weight to the left foot now, inhale in,exhale. left elbow to right knee. right knee really squeezes up. we engage the abdominalwall and we move nice and slow. inhale, extend, spread the fingertips, spread the toes, andexhale, rounding it in. inhale, keep the shoulders down, and exhale. inhale, extend, and exhale,elbow to knee. so the big toe can touch the earth for stability, but for a more fierypractice in your core, you can keep those toes lifted. let's do one more, wherever you are. and thenslowly we release, and we shake it off. awesome. so if you're not at the head of your mat,walk to the head of your mat now. and whenever
you're ready, whenever you arrive, inhale,reach the fingertips all the way up towards the sky. on an exhale, bend the knees generously,and we forward fold. take a second here to let the blood rush down to the brain, findwhat feels good, clasping the elbows a little left to right here, bending the knees generously.then whenever you're ready, release the arms, and we'll inhale, lift up to that flat backposition, keep it nice and slow, and exhale, slide it down. great. from here we're goingto step the right foot back, come into your low lunge. stay light on the fingertips, inhale,heart radiates forward. smile. exhale. plant the palms, slide the left toes back to plankor half plank. inhale in, exhale, pull the elbows back, andslowly we lower down. inhale, lift up to cobra,
keep it smooth and soft. exhale, release,inhale in, exhale to downward facing dog. deep breath in, and deep breath out. stepthe right foot up into your lunge, and again light on the fingertips. inhale, loop theshoulders, let your heart open towards the front of your mat. smile, take a deep breathin, and on an exhale we'll plant the palms, slide the right toes back. vinyasa. so halfpush-up, or top of a push-up here, choose your own adventure. move with your breathand on an exhale send it back, downward facing dog. so we're going to drop through the left heelnow, bringing it back to the core in the hips, i'm going to bend my right knee, and i'm goingto lift it up and draw slow circles with my
right knee. one way, and then the other. fullbody strengthener here, stick with it, use your breath to get through, to move with.then we'll take that right knee, hug it all the way up and in towards the heart, and thenstep the right foot down as you pivot on the back foot, and rise up tall, warrior i. frontknees bent, we reach the fingertips high up towards the sky. tuck the pelvis, take a deep breath in, andthen exhale, open out, warrior ii. maybe you adjust your stance, maybe you're just fine,sink deep into that front knee. send the energy out through the fingertips. beautiful. nowstraighten through that front leg, turn the right toes in, so now we have both big toescoming in towards each other. we'll draw the
hands to the waistline here again, tuck thepelvis, inhale in, and exhale, wide legged forward fold. try to maintain that flat backas long as you can, stay listening, present, aware, and then whenever you're ready release.hands can come to the earth or fingertips. maybe we stay up nice and tall here, or maybewe're ready to plant the palms, bend the elbows and walk them, the palms in line with thearches of the feet. and maybe in time then we draw the crown of the head to the earth,if you're nowhere near here yet, don't worry, it takes time. it takes so much practice.so, just wanting to give a little option for everyone, but stay positive, stay present. wherever you are take one more deep breathin, and then on an exhale, press into the
outer edges of your feet, bring your handsback to your waistline, and then on your next breath in we open up, lifting the heart uptowards the sky. there's that superhero pose again. pardon me. and then i'm going to turnmy left toes out, right toes are in. coming into our warrior ii, really strong here, sendingenergy out past the fingertips, deep breath in, long breath out, and then reversing, makingyour way back to the ground, by first coming into that warrior i. so i drop the right fingertipsdown to come up, inhale in, long exhale out. warrior i. inhale in, go ahead and pivot offthis right heel, come onto your toes, and rain it down as you come back to your runner'slunge. great, this time we're going to press intothe palms, lift the left foot up, bring the
left knee all the way up, and we draw circlesnow, here one way, nice and strong, anchor down through the right heel and then the other,reverse your circle. uddiyana bandha. we draw the navel in towards the spine. so we're notjust loosening the belly, but engaged. and then we release the left foot down. we takea deep breath in through the nose, and exhale out through the mouth. one more time justlike that. inhale in, and exhale out through the mouth. awesome. slowly lower to the kneesand take a slow release, extended child's pose. press into the tops of the feet, niceand easy. we tuck the chin into the chest and we roller up, and we come to seated. soyou can use your hands to guide you. we're going to come to seated and we're going toreturn once again to this shape with the hands
behind the thighs. i inhale, loop the shoulders, lift my heart,smile, sit up tall. and then i'm going to come here yes, checking in. maybe i'm slowlybeginning to put less weight in my arms, and i can stay here or i can reach my fingertipsall the way out. inhale in, exhale, bring the palms together, up and over towards theleft side of your mat. straighten through the right leg. you might know my image, ormight have heard me talk about holding simba over the rock here, so we're doing an extension,but we're really keeping that full body experience. let's just all have simba here, and take simbaup and over through center, and then to the right. press through your left foot now, strong.we're only going to do this three times, nice
and slow. so here we go, second round. allthe way up and over. you can also have the palms here. namaste. inhale through center,and exhale to the right. only one more round, here we go. inhale, keep your heart lifted.exhale. inhale, up through center, lift your heart, and exhale. final one. right, inhale,don't give up yet, reaching all the way up through center, bring the hands behind you,and we rock it back. excuse me, hands behind the legs, and we rock it back. rock it a coupleof times if it feels good. maybe you take a second to rock the toes allthe way back into a plow pose, and then together, we'll center ourselves on the mat, bringingthose soles of the feet together, and the knees nice and wide. supta baddha konasana.hands come to the belly and we rest, softening
through the wall of the pelvis, letting thetops of the thighs grow nice and heavy. gentle release in the hips, find your breath. slowlytaking the fingertips now to the outer edges of the thighs, we draw the knees together.press off up through the toes, and we hug the lower back down to the earth. so scoopthe tailbone up. soles of the feet now become parallel to the ceiling. we grab the innerarches here for a little stirrup posture, or happy baby pose. so, i welcome a littlemovement here, but definitely play with your pelvis, so we rock the tailbone down awayfrom the base of the spine. you might grab the outer edges of the feet, you might relaxyour shoulders. so you can just play here. and we'll take one more breath wherever youare, and use an exhale to slowly release,
draw the knees together, palms come to thekneecaps, and we just draw slow circles here one way, and then the other. you can close your eyes here, and then we'llcome to hug the knees into the chest, deep flexing here in the spine as i inhale in,exhale. draw the nose all the way up. you might grab the arches of the feet here, relaxthe shoulders down. even if the nose comes nowhere close to touching the knees, we canstill visualize this beautiful space between each vertebra here with the nice support ofthe earth. take one more breath, and then we release. supta baddha konasana. so, i'llgive you the option here. you can stay here as you settle in for a little relaxation,little bit of a yen posture here just kind
of allowing a slow release in the hips andthe pelvis, softening through the groin. so stay here or begin to slide the legs out oneat a time, spilling the right arm out, and then the left, and taking this moment to getsettled in, for rest. take a deep breath in, on an exhale relax the weight of your bodycompletely and fully onto the mat. give thanks for this moment. namaste.
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