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winter birds

♪ ♪ max and ruby ♪ ♪ ruby and max ♪ ♪ ruby and her littlebrother, max ♪ [laughter] well, here we areat santa's treeland. this is so exciting grandma! i can't wait to pick out ourchristmas tree, can you, max? max?

hello!and welcome to santa's treeland ... where not only can youpick out your very own tree... you can alsomeet santa claus! (excited)santa claus! we're here to find the bestchristmas tree you've got, mr. huffington. well you've cometo the right place, ruby. we've got all kinds. i know what kind i want:perfect.

and what does your perfectchristmas tree look like, ruby? (enthusiastic)you know, grandma! nice and tall. not crooked at all, andbushy all the way around. in other words, just... perfect! well, you'd better hurry- they're going like hotcakes! (delightedwith his discovery) santa claus! look how long thatline-up is, max.

if we wait in line,all the best christmas trees will be gone. it won'ttake us long to find our tree. by the time we get to santa,the line-up will be gone. good. hmmm ... this one is bushyall the way around... but too small. (sigh) ooooo....

this one is nice and tall ... but it's all crooked. hummmmm... this is going tobe harder than i thought! (sighs) huh..hi roger! hi mr. piazza! hi ruby.- hi ruby. looks like you founda nice christmas tree.

uh huh! are you going to seesanta now? sure am! i hope we can find atree as nice as that. (cheerily)now, don't worry, we will! ok grandma. max!where are you going? santa claus! (with a laugh)i want to see santa too.

and we will - as soon as we'vefound our perfect christmas tree. (gasp!) i think this might be it! it's hard to tell untilwe brush the snow off. you want to help? we need to see if it'sbushy all the way around. (chuckles) now we have to brushthe snow off you !

(laughs) (giggle) thanks grandma. it's nice and tall... and not crooked at all... and it's bushyon this side. how about your side, max? hummmm.where did he go? oh!

hi max. where are you off to? of course you are. (amused)max! someone's eager tosee santa claus. (excited)i've got good news! i think we found ourperfect christmas tree! come on and look. then we can gostraight to santa!

(happily)right down here. oh my. oh no! someone elsefound our tree. well, there are lotsmore trees here. what do you thinkof this one? hmmm ...too bushy ... way too crooked... hi ruby!

hi louise!hi morris! you found your christmas tree! we sure did! and now we're goingto see santa claus! we'll be there as soon aswe find our christmas tree. okay, bye ruby. bye louise. grandma,look at this tree! it's nice and tall.

what do you think, max? santa claus. (amused chuckling)oh no. not again! louise! what's the matter, ruby? (with a laugh)you've got a passenger. huh? ... max!what are you doing there? (urgent)santa claus!

don't worry max. you'll get to see santaclaus sooner than you think. grandma and i foundthe perfect tree. come and see. it's nice and tall,and not crooked at all ... it's right-(gasp!) oh no! they're takingour perfect tree. don't worry ruby. now, we'll find another one.

(resilient)i know grandma. we just have to keep looking. santa claus. do you see one you like ruby? not yet grandma. and this is the last row. uhh...what about this one? hmmm ...i guess it doesn't have to be a perfectly perfect tree.

this one's almost perfect. once you get thedecorations on, i'm sure it'll lookjust beautiful! that's true, grandma. what do you think max? (with a laugh)max! (laughing) ♪ oh christmas tree,instrumental version ♪ so ... what did youask santa claus for?

(gasp!)oh my! oh max!it's my perfect ... christmas tree! (enthused)come on, max. louise is going to help us makeour christmas tree decorations. it's all laid out onthe kitchen table. what a sweet little bird! what is it? it's a cardinal.

it's probably looking for food. in the winter, there aren't anyberries and seeds on the trees for birds to eat... so they have to work extrahard to search for food. that's whyi always carry bird seed to feedthe birds in the winter. here you go. merry christmas mr. cardinal. we'd better get inside andstart making decorations.

good idea. grandma saidshe'd come over soon to help usput them on the tree. max, do you want to helpus make our decorations? i bet ours will be the onlychristmas tree with all natural decorations! decorating the christmas treeis one of the things i love best at christmas time. me too! but i also love christmascookies and stockings

hung by the fireplace and... christmas presents! (good natured laughter) max's favouritething at christmas is seeing the presentsunder the tree. but first we need to decorate the tree. we've almost finishedthis cranberry garland. it looks beautiful, ruby. i know.

a few more cranberriesand we'll be done. there. i think that's enough now. i hope so! we've used up allthe cranberries! if you takethe cranberry garland and put them on thesofa in the living room, louise and ican make the next garland. then we'll be ready todecorate the tree faster.

thanks max! (gasp)don't let it drag on the floor! max?! don't you want to helpwith the decorations? oh well. next -the gingerbread men! christmas presents. first we need to giveour gingerbread men faces. all natural faces,right ruby? (giggle)

(giggle)right, louise! what's that? [tractor] well, you asked him not tolet the end drag on the floor. (giggles) [bird chirping] (gasps) (gets and idea)christmas presents. these gingerbreadmen look handsome.

and yummy! max, those are forour decorations. see? and we have to finishdecorating the tree before we can put christmaspresents under it. there, that's the last one!it's ready to go. you want to take this garlandto the living room, too? (giggles) i guess he got tiredof helping with the decorations. or maybe not!

careful, max. thanks! enjoy your helicopter ridelittle gingerbread men! [birds chirping] this pineconeand popcorn garland will make ourchristmas tree look so wintery . and it's all natural! huh...? you're pullingthe garland, louise. i'm not pulling it.

well you're not pulling itand i'm not pulling it... (explaining)christmas presents. i know you want to putthe christmas presents under the tree. but you'll have to be patienta little while longer. we have to finishthis garland first. it'll just be a second. there!all finished! now you can take it tothe living room.

(sigh)little brothers. [remote control plane] thank you, max. grandma will be here soon andwe'll be all ready to decorate the tree. (insistent)christmas presents. i can't wait to see how theall-natural decorations will look on yourchristmas tree, ruby! we don'thave to wait long.

grandma should behere any second. come on! our christmas tree is goingto look so beautiful... (gasp!!) where did all thedecorations go? (baffled)i don't know. (puzzled)huh? what a beautifulchristmas tree! what do you mean, grandma?

just take a look! (gasp)our all-natural decorations! what are they doing out here? it looks like they're making alot of hungry winter birds very happy! we thought we were makingchristmas tree decorations. but it turns out we were makingthe birds some delicious.... (excited) this is theperfect spot for us to practice our specialbunny christmas carol.

why here, ruby? because nobody willhear us when we practice. and then, as soon as we knowall our parts perfectly, we can go from store to storeto sing it for everybunny. good idea ruby! i know i need to practice! okay!i've got everything right here. (with awe)bell! max, there's even a part foryou in our christmas carol.

if you come here,i'll show you. your part is toring the bell! bell! yes.here's your bell! won't that be fun? now, here's the song sheet. you're so organized, ruby! (excited) and wait tillyou see what grandma got for us. wow!

oh candles!they're beautiful! now we can see oursong sheet perfectly. okay, does everybodyremember how it goes? um ...can you remind us, ruby? sure.we sing two verses, and then maxwill ring the bell, and then we sing "merrychristmas to everybunny." got it? got it!

♪ harmonica ♪ ♪ (singing)everybunny come along ♪ ♪ join our bunnychristmas-time song ♪ ♪ ring-a-ling, ding dong ♪ ♪ join ourbunny christmas-time song ♪ ♪ everybunny come and sing ♪ ♪ when you hearthe christmas bell ring ♪ ♪ ding dong, ring-a-ling ♪ ♪ when you hearthe christmas bell ring... ♪

(cueing him ina stage whisper) max, the bell! (helpful) right, you'resupposed to ring the bell. but you have to ringit at the right time. (patiently)we sing "when you hear thechristmas bell ring", and we listen for the bell... and that's whenyou ring your bell. [little bells] and after you ringyour bell, we all sing

"merry christmasto everybunny." when we can do thewhole thing perfectly, then we'll go from storeto store and sing it to everybunny.got it? (bells) ♪ everybunny come along ♪ ♪ when you hear thechristmas bell ring... ♪ (good humoured)not again! no max!

you're not supposedto ring that bell! that's the big bell they ringwhen they want everybunny to come to the town square forsomething really important. this is the bell you'resupposed to ring - the christmas bell. now you remember,right max? you ring your bellafter we sing the line, "when you hear thechristmas bell ring". then we'll all sing

alright,let's try this again! bell. ♪ ding dong,ring-a-ling ♪ [town bell ringing] max! you're not supposedto ring that bell! you're supposed to ringyour little christmas bell. we have to practice beforewe can go from store to store and sing itfor everybunny. um ruby...

i don't think we have to gofrom store to store to sing to everybunny. what do you mean, louise? everybunny's come to us! i guess they heard the belland thought something really important was happening. what's going on ruby? we were practicing our specialbunny christmas carol and max was supposed to ring hislittle christmas bell,

but instead herang the big bell. yes!so we heard! we wanted to practicetill it was perfect. but i guess we've practicedenough and we're ready now, right max? hello everybunny! louise and valerie and max andi would like to sing you (crowd reaction - pleased) this sounds like the perfecttime to light the town

christmas tree,don't you think? oh yes! wonderful!- terrific! ♪ instrumental-oh christmas tree ♪ are you ready,louise and valerie? (hushed)ready, ruby. and max, you knowwhat to do, right? (quiet)bell! right. bell!wee.

merry christmas to everybunny!

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