[xander] stay tuned! band inseattle starts right now! ♪ hi, welcome to band in seattle.i'm xander, your host. band in seattle features up andcoming bands from all over who are trying to make their bigbreak. tonight, we have two great bands van eps, andmountains and tunnels now in our studios, and they'reready to share their music and their stories.
we'll be back with van eps music with a classic feel,and a modern edge. ♪ i come from the,i come from the ♪ ♪ dirty south! ♪ ♪ i come from thedirty south and i ♪ ♪ got honey suckle stuffedin my mouth, i like ♪ ♪ muddy water and amuddy truck, when you ♪ ♪ see me coming youbetter start running ♪ ♪ put you down likean old hound dog ♪
♪ through the swampand the midnight fog ♪ ♪ with my doublebarreled 12-gauge ♪ [matt] my name'smatt strutynski, i play guitar andsing for van eps, and i work at the ram,which is a restaurant and brewery in seattle. my dad was a pianoplayer, and my mom was a singer, and theyhad me sing in choir with them, actually,in church. and
i did that for years and years. i just kept growin',and i started liking other styles, i mostlylike rock and roll, and wanted to rebel, andthat's when i started playing music. ♪ with my double barrel12-gauge and chevy truck ♪ it's so hard to find aband name these days, they're either taken,or not any good. jake came to practiceone day, and said
"well, how about van eps?" and my first thought was "what is that? i haveno idea what you're talking about." it'sthe name of a mountain patch that he used tosnowmobile around in a lot. when i first asked himwhy he wanted to be van eps, he just said "idon't know. sounds cool." and it's a little pieceof northwest. it's a part of where we'refrom, so that's where
the name came from. ♪ i get in wantingsatisfaction ♪ ♪ we'll mess around, ♪ ♪ but you're gonnahave come for me ♪ ♪ waste time tryin'to get a reaction ♪ ♪ you've got thewords, but your...♪ [matt] brad actuallybrought the chorus to me. he said "hey, i'vegot this chorus idea!" and he showed it tome, and was, like,
"i just want people tobe shouting 'go ahead!'" and that's kinda themain thing we want out of the song. it's basicallya song about girls being teases. ♪ go ahead! go ahead!turn me on again ♪ ♪ go ahead! go ahead!dare you to pretend ♪ ♪ go ahead, go ahead,will this ever end? ♪ ♪ go ahead, go ahead, yeah! ♪ [jake] hi, my nameis jake. i play drums
in the seattleband van eps, and i work at a lumber yard,gene summy lumber. we were looking fora bass player, so i switched over todrums, so it was drums and a guitar player,and we were, like, "well, we need bass! weneed to make this louder!" so i found my buddy bobby,at the time i'd been friends with bobby since3rd grade, and started playing bass, andhe was horrible!
and then one day someoneflipped a light switch, and he'd learned to playreal well all of a sudden. [bobby] something aboutbass always struck me. every time i went to aconcert, it's the first thing i listen to. everytime i watch a concert dvd, i'd be complainingbecause i couldn't hear the bass player. everytime music came involved it was just bass, bass,bass, so i gave it a try, and it just took off, ididn't even think about
guitar. i just keptgoin' with bass, and now i'm a bass nut. ♪ well, he went crazyby the early age of 17 ♪ ♪ ain't got no job or aplace to lay his head ♪ ♪ slave to a worldfilled with heartache ♪ ♪ and hypocrisy ♪ ♪ go live the lie beforeit shows up at your door ♪ ♪ save yourself! ♪ ♪ wake me up before ibreak myself again ♪
♪ this ain't the way to go ♪ [bobby] the van eps playedat the showbox market in the green room, and jakeand myself were not 21, so we couldn't hang out anddrink beer with everyone else, so we had to siton the stairs of the main entrance while everyone wasdrinkin' beer at the bar. the bouncer kept saying "hey,you wanna glass of milk? want some cookies?" andmaking jokes because we're minors, not allowed to bein the venue. so pretty
much we came in, loaded ourgear, sat on the stairs to watch everyone have fun,went downstairs, played the venue, came backupstairs and had to leave, and brad and matt carriedall our gear back. ♪ ...alive while you'relookin' for a way to be ♪ ♪ go live the life beforeit shows up at your door ♪ ♪ save yourself!save yourself! ♪ ♪ i put myself in this hole ♪ ♪ it keeps my feetto the floor ♪
♪ the taste of falling out ♪ ♪ i came so close to doubt but ♪ ♪ i keep on looking for more ♪ ♪ now i'm trying tofind my way out ♪ ♪ gotta find me a reasonto keep on breathin' ♪ [jake] started playing musicwhen i was 5 years old, in a croatian folk musicgroup, still do that. when i got a littleolder, 9 or 10 years old, rock and roll just stolemy heart, so i've been
playing rock androll ever since. i took up the drumsbecause our drummer at the time quit, and iwas the only one at the time with a drum set. [brad] i really wantedto learn how to play guitar like my dad. igot frustrated within a couple months, andput it down, walked away from it, didn't touchit for quite a while, and then one day i heardstairway to heaven
playing in our basement.i went downstairs, and it was my dad playingstairway to heaven, the song, on his ownguitar. at that point, i realized i had tolearn, so i picked up the guitar again, andstarted learning again. i've been hooked ever since. [bobby] i learned frommy dad how to play guitar, and he triedto teach me when i was nine years old, andi hated it. so i put
it down for about threeyears, and finally, out of nowhere, i justpicked it up again, and asked him to teachme, and he was kind of doubtful, but iactually gave it a try, and said "okay thatbetter be done when i get back, and ifit's not done, i'm not going to teach youanything else". so i got back towork, and i would sit there and practice andpractice until i nailed it,
and when he got home,i'd show him i did it, you know, first threechords of smoke on the water kind of thing. ♪ drove down to theend of the road ♪ ♪ to see how farback it really goes ♪ ♪ as i made my waypast no return ♪ ♪ i can only praythat i will learn ♪ ♪ from my mistakes,the past erased ♪ ♪ without a trace,i saw your face ♪
♪ a love erased, itwas just a waste ♪ ♪ tried to speak butmy mouth was dry ♪ ♪ so i closed my eyes anddrifted off instead ♪ [chainsaw] [jake] one of thereasons why i can balance the music and my work isbecause it's a family run business, so i dohave that flexibility. you're not gonna get a hugerecord label like back in the 90s right off thebat, so we're working
every angle that we can totry to get to that point where we don't have towork the day job, where we can support ourself playing music and concentrate strictly on that. [brad] so, i'm a securityspecialist, and balancing the job with the otherjob of the band, it can be a bit of a challenge attimes, but for the most part i make it work.sometimes it's... there's some nights idon't get a lot of sleep,
but that's the dream ismaking that music career. ♪ give a little timeit'll come back around ♪ ♪ sing another songabout coming down ♪ ♪ of all of my dreams,yeah it seems ♪ ♪ all i want is you next to me ♪ ♪ so honey, what do you say ♪ ♪ but the train, yeah, i knowit's rollin' back at 10 ♪ [matt] music for me is, it'shelped me get through a lot. i deal with depression, ideal with stuff like that,
like a lot of peopledo. and i've never... i don't really like medication,and stuff like that, and music for me is mymedication, music is how i get through theday. sometimes i write tunes that are supersad, and people are like "oh, doesn't that depress you?" and i'm, like, "no!it gets it out!" that's what music doesfor me, it gets all these emotions that wouldprobably eat me away,
gets it out. ♪ what's the problem baby?what's the problem, girl? ♪ ♪ are you over me? ♪ next up on band in seattle is mtns + tunnels.classic folk rock, punctuated by vintage horns andelectric ukelele. see if you notice anythingdifferent. ♪ perhaps you're the typeto fall in love ♪ ♪ all on the first sight ♪
♪ i will try to stay out ♪ [chris] when i was workingon another job with a painter buddy of mine,i was looking a band name, and he was talkingabout when he was a kid, he would make mountainsand tunnels for his ho scale railroadtracks, and i was, like, "dude! mountains andtunnels! that's a sweet band name!" [chris] in bring it on,one of my favorite parts
is the tuba part, evenif it's just one note, it kinda comes throughlike a fog horn. ♪ i can see it in your eyes ♪ [chris] for me, songwritingis always different. i can't bring it downto, i can't pin it on one box, because the secondi do that, it eludes me, and i go to try to workmy formula and it doesn't work. i don't know if it'sbecause i'm scatterbrained, or if it's... i justalways have to reinvent it,
almost like i've neverwritten a song before. ♪ cold glass of waterhelps me swallow the pill ♪ ♪ i walked on up just tosee what i might find ♪ ♪ a faded pictureof a faded friend of mine ♪ [chris] i can't stopgoing out and playing and doing what i always havedone, so the best way for me to remember howmuch i love my wife is to write a song abouther and it sort of reminds me.
♪ i want you here with me ♪ ♪ right by my side ♪ ♪ i want you here, honey ♪ ♪ i hope you realize ♪ [chris] so i used towork at a fruit market in bothell, my grandpaowned it, then my parents bought it from him, gotto a point i realized i couldn't work thereand pursue music at the same time, so now i workon word of mouth stuff,
and it's really nicebecause i can schedule my time based on if i'mgoing to go on tour, or if i'm gonna need todo some studio sessions, and i pretty much tryto only work with other musicians, too, so we kindof keep it in the family. ♪ packing my bags, as i'mheaded to the bus stop ♪ ♪ got a couple of hoursto catch the plane ♪ ♪ it's all good ♪ [sarah] every single day,especially my two year
old, comes up to me andsays "car bus? car bus? can you play car bus?" ♪ i don't mind, cause i heardit's really nice there ♪ ♪ so she tells me ♪ ♪ such a long way ♪ [chris] i thought it wasfunny how many types of transportation people takeon a daily basis just to get from point a to pointb, but it's cool that we can do it! it's just a hustle.
[norman] um, that one'sa good song, coverin' all the modes oftransportation. 'cept boat. there's no boat in there,there's no hangglider, so i kind of have somequalms with that part. ♪ car and a bus and atrain and an aero plane ♪ ♪ whatever i gotta do ♪ ♪ car and a bus and atrain and an aeroplane ♪ ♪ whatever brings me to you ♪ [chris] so manytimes, i'd be, like,
i've got this opportunityto do this tour with this band, but its, like, idon't know if i should go, because then we're notgonna have money coming in for the month, and itsgonna be really rough, and i have a two yearold now, and it's part of the reason why i livein her parent's basement right now, but it's alsopart of the reason i love my wife so muchbecause time after time, she be, like, "go.you need to go.
when are you ever goingto have the chance to go to europe with this band,or go to africa, and blah blah blah, and she'sconvinced me to make sure that i stay on track. ♪ brings me to you! ♪ [katie] so what i do duringthe day is completely different from playingmusic. my work day is completely controlled,there's no imagination, really, in what i do. butmusic, on the other hand,
exercises a totallydifferent part of my brain, and i just get tohave fun, and i get to imagine things, andtell stories, and it's good to have that balance,because sometimes, if you're in this worldtoo long, you start to feel a little dry. [sarah] i'm actually beenteaching preschool for seven years, and i've beenwriting music for about twelve years. when ifirst wrote music, though,
my son was little. hewas about four years old, so i wrote a lot ofmusic for him, and when i started working atpreschool, it just naturally came to the preschoolenvironment. i realized that i wantedto use music as a tool for therapy with childrenthat have to go on mental delays. at the sametime i started realizing that it was pretty therapeuticfor me. so there's this little circle aroundme that all kind of
the common bond is music. ♪ oh, something in the light ♪ ♪ well, i don't wantto let you down, ♪ ♪ but if it's got to hurt, ♪ ♪ i'd drop you likea ferris wheel, ♪ ♪ full speed in reverse ♪ ♪ you're not anyone, anymore ♪ ♪ so quit actinglike a troubadour ♪ ♪ gather the things you need ♪
♪ and make your wayon out the door ♪ ♪ well, i don't wantto let you down ♪ ♪ but if it's got to hurt ♪ ♪ so quit actinglike an animal ♪ ♪ any day now, you canget just what you need ♪ ♪ same old way now, they canbring you to your knees ♪ ♪ so watch out... ♪ [chris] this is my mom! so this is thefruit market, and this
is where i spent the first10 years of my life working. [chris' mom] my sonwas a musical prodigy! [chris] no, no, no,let's start over. [norman] i was like,wait a minute, you play guitar and banjo? i thoughtyou only played saxophone and flute and accordion andfarfeeza and organ and piano and tambourine. what's thisguitar stuff you've been holdin' out on us! ♪ take me to theedge of the world ♪
♪ where the sidewalk ends, ♪ ♪ the boats just sailright into the sky ♪ ♪ tell me there's somerebar holdin' it together ♪ ♪ when the earthstarts shakin' ♪ ♪ and the baby'sstartin' to cry ♪ ♪ just step to thecrumblin' cliff ♪ ♪ and kick yourflops right off ♪ ♪ let the magma seepbetween your toes ♪ ♪ and if you start sinkin',cut off your legs ♪
♪ come on, come on,cannonball into the sky ♪ ♪ and our memoriesfade and we'll forget ♪ ♪ how to talk whenwe're sick of it ♪ ♪ and our bodies turn to dirt ♪ ♪ and all that's leftare these parting words ♪ [sarah] the song forwill i think comes across a little surreal, andthe words paint a picture of if the worldwas going to end. what are you going to do?are you going to sing?
are you going to shout? or will you sit there andpretend it's not happening? [katie] there's this partin the middle of the song where i bust out the plunger,and it gets really dirty. [chris] it's got a greatpart with katie playin' some plunger trumpeton it, that just, like, brings it home. ♪ well, how couldthis be wrong? ♪ ♪ when it feels so naturalto sing this song ♪
[xander] did you notice what wasdifferent? my beard. thanks for watchingband in seattle. to see the complete concertsheld in our studios go to our webpage:bandinseattle.com next week we return withayron jones & the way for more great music and greatstories on band in seattle. [subtitles by davis herbig]
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