- hi. certainly glad to see you today. i thought today we'd just do apainting that's a lot of fun. hope you have your paintsout and your big brushes and you're ready toget along here with us. so i tell you what, lets start out today, have them run all thecolors across the screen that you need to paint along with us. and while they're doing that, as usual, let me show you whati've got done up here.
today i have a standardol' canvas up here. and i've covered the top ofthe canvas with liquid white, the bottom with liquid black and i've just blended them together. so you have a nice evenflow of color here. it goes from white to black. and it's that easy. shoot, let's have some fun today. i thought today, maybe,
let's just do a paintingthat's a lot of fun. make you feel good in here. start with a small amount of phthalo blue. don't need much. it's very strong. just a little. just a tiny bit. let's go up in here and lets just tap in all kinds of little
just all kinds of little happy things. tap, twirl, whatever. let's make a sky that hassome life in it today. just spin in all kinds of little little doers, like that. we're not too worried about 'em. just have fun. painting should make you happy. should be a good timewhen you're painting.
there, see? just sort of swirl it in. let it go. play with it. reach over here and get a smallamount of alizarin crimson right on the same brush. very small amount though. and that will give us sortof a reddish lavender, cause there's blue on there.
and we'll let that bouncein here and there, wherever. and we can go back and get alittle white here and there. just a little white on the brush. and we'll just spin alittle bit of that in there. i'm just varying colors. i want a sky, i say thathas a lot of little things happening in it. and each and every one ofthese will be different. yours will be different than this one.
the next one we do here will be different. so don't try to just copy now. let yours, let yours be an individual. there. just blend that a little bit. and you can vary back and forth. went back into a little blue there. the blue is much strongerthan any other color up here. so you have to sort of keep that in mind.
it'll get away from yousometimes if your not careful. and phthalo blue is sucha strong beautiful color. it might be just about my favorite color. there we go. it's quite a warm blue. some blues are very cold feeling. have to put on a coat just work with 'em. phthalo blue is a warm blue. probably has a little green in it.
something like that. that's probably all we'llneed for that little sky. i with the brush, i'm gonna put a little little prussian blue, and i'm gonna go rightover this dark color about like that. just let it blend up with it. see how easy that is to cover when you have the black on there?
this black works wonderful for areas that you know in your painting are gonna have a lot of dark in them. it work wonderful. now we're gonna clean the brush. if you've painted with me before you know that's the most funpart of the whole technique. (tapping) (chuckels)
and that's really the fun is just beatin' the ol' brush there. tell you what, today let's have a littlemountain that live way back in the oh it's far away. take a little black,little alizarin crimson, little blue in it, something like that. pull it out flat, cut across,get our little roll of paint.
and maybe in our world a little mountain lives right there. i don't want much paint. scrape off all the excess. in fact, if it bothers you to scrape, add a little white to it, so that way it won't be so dark. i don't mind scraping the canvas hard. alright.
just as small amount ofpaint as you can put on. just enough to stain the canvas. now, back to our two inch brush, and we want to grab this and pull it. just pull it and then blend it outward. i want to make this very light. the lighter a mountain is the farther away it'll look in your painting.
if it's close to you, it'llbe very distinct and dark. i want this one to live wayback somewhere, far away. so it's very light. there we are. something about like that. and we just blend in theentire thing a little to bring it together. okay. okay, that's all.
little white, just a little. maybe i put the least littletouch of the bright red in it. just enough to warm it up a little. we have a little pink in the sky so we'll have a little of that in here. cut off our little roll of paint. now i don't want a lot of detail back here so just put the tiniestlittle bit of color on here, little bit of white.
don't want much though. once again, i want this to look far away. so i don't want a lot of detail in it. just enough to give the indication that there's a bigmountain living back here. i don't even know what we'll do in the foreground exactly yet but we'll come up with something. don't worry about it.
that's what's so great aboutthis style of painting. you can literally start off and only have a time of year in mind. that's really all you need. and time of day probably just to determine whereyour light is coming from. but other than that,you really don't have to make any major decisionswhen you first start. and i like that becauseprobably halfway through
i'll probably change my mind anyway. little blue, prussian blue, little white. maybe a little more white. lighten it up. oh, that's just perfect. little roll of paint. almost no color here. just a hint. just to give a little,a little indication.
because i'm probablygoing to take the little blender brush and blendthis whole mountain to soften it. i'm not trying to put much detail in it. little blender brush. and very lightly. following the basic angles. this little blender brush, the hair in it is so softyou could paint right over
this firm paint, as longas it's very gentle, without destroying it. there, soften it. blend it. we just pushed that little mountain back about five or six milesright on back there. now then, let's go into it. we'll just use that bluethat we had right here. just tap that brush right into it.
same old bluish color. go up in here. now then, i'm want to justtake some of these angles and begin coming downward with them. make all kinds of shapes. grab another brush. i want to do something. take the least little bit, least little bit of indian yellow,
least little bit, least little bit, and just blend it up. just had an idea. i think if that's there, watch here, watch here. it'll create all kinds oflittle things happening down in here when you come across. cause this yellow along this blue is gonna give us a basiclittle green color.
sneaky huh? maybe there's a little doerthat come down from here. comes up like that. we don't know. and then lift upward. make it look like there'slittle trees living back here far away, far, far away. just little devils. put a little black with that color.
but just a small amount, maybe. maybe there's another little doer. yep, your right! and he comes right up in through here. lift it up. just let your imagination take you wherever you want to be here. all these little hills andstuff that live back in here. you can have them.
you can have 'em wherever you want 'em. see just vary a lot ofthese colors and lift. that lifting though, once again will make youlook like little trees that live far away, far, far away. another brush to clean and dry. now i want to create mist
so i'm going to tap the base of all this. but just the base. and you can even add a littletitanium white to your brush if you really want to create mist. but just a tiny bit, tiny bit. and make all kinds of little,little soft areas in here. wherever you think they should live, that's exactly where they should live. i like to make paintingssometimes that are very soft
and very gentle. they don't show up to well on t.v. so most of them we do ont.v. are a little brighter. but they are still a lot of fun to do. when you are at home, try some of these. let's go into, well there'ssome of that lavender color we had made the mountain out of. i think that was someblack, alizarin crimson. we're gonna put some sapgreen in it, little blue.
somethin' about like that, let me get a little white, be right back, oh yeah, nice color, nice color. maybe a little black in there too just, yeah, perfect. okay, tap the brush. get a little paint on it. maybe in our world, maybe, yeah.
yeah, you're right. i want to make the indicationhere of some little foothills. some little foot-y hillsthat live right along, right along where they live. make a big decision. you decide where they live. but just all kinds oflittle, like little trees, that live far up on a hill. now notice, each layer is agetting a little more distinct,
a little more detail in it. clean, dry brush. and we're gonna tap the base of this, firmly using the top corner of the brush. firmly though. firmly. i want to create thatillusion of mist under there. lift upward. see how soft that becomes. you can do that.
same color. same color only darker. little sap green, little black,little blue, little crimson. but darker. each layer as it gets closerto you should get darker. yep, here we go. all kind of little thingsliving right up in here. there's many, many waysof making foothills. but this is one of theeasiest, most effective,
that i've come up with. try it. try it before the series is over. we'll show you severaldifferent ways of making these. just have to decide where this one goes. i don't know, maybe itgoes all the way over here. don't know if we even care at this point. we only make one decision at a time here. alright back to our brush.
we're using it to create mist. and just mist the base of it. just really get in there and mist it. somethin' about like that. ain't that neat? but already you can see plains just one after the other all the way up through this mountain. there's already a lot of depth in this
and you've done very, very little. shoot that was fun. i'm gonna do it one more time. same colors. same colors but less and less white. each time less white. so once again, it gets darker and darker as it gets towards you, comes towards you. maybe this one, that'salmost the pure color.
not quite. a little white in it but not a lot. and i'm using just thecorner of the brush here and make some very basic little shapes. i'm not looking for detail. it's too far away. it's much, much too far away. you don't see every littleleave in a tree this far away. about like that.
(brush strokes) while i got that color on the brush, maybe there's water back here. we'll pull a little of that down. just pull it straight down, like that. reflections are one ofmy absolute favorite things to do in this technique. we'll put a little white on the brush too.
that will make them sparkle. just a little though. don't overdo. it gets working and it feels good and the next thing youknow, you've overdone it. now go across very lightly, just enough to sort of move everything. maybe there's a littlelight spot out in here. it's up to you.
just a little shimmer across the water. you can do all these things that easy. that easy. okay, sometimes, there. the least little touch of pink in that. just to reflect some ofthat color out in the sky. not much though. least little touch. least little touch there.
but keep these strokes straight so your water looks like it's level. otherwise it'll sort ofgo away and leave you. take that same ol' dirty brushgo into a little sap green, some of the yellows, yellowochre, indian yellow, all of them. i want to make a little green color. in my mind, this area right here is beginning to get close enough to us
that we can make out color. i'm not making a lot of detail yet. but we're getting somebasic colors, shape, form. once again, we're notgetting a lot of detail yet. too much detail can bedisturbing to the eye. because even if you're not aware of it, your mind knows thatthings that are far away you can't see a lot of detail in. sometimes you're not awareof that, consciously,
but subconsciously you are. i don't know if that makes any sense but i know you've lookedat paintings and you'd say, "something's wrong with that painting. i don't know what it is. but something bothers myeye about that painting." and it can be something as simple as that. i'm just taking a little fan brush with a little green on it.
and just sort of pushingupward just a little. let me put a little liquidwhite on there to thin it. a thin paint will stick to a thick paint. and i also want it to bea little lighter in color so it shows up a little better. so the liquid white reallyaccomplishes that very easy. little more of the liquidwhite on the knife. put the least littletouch of bright red in it. just the least little touch.
and we'll just take hereand cut in a water line. just cut it in. it's just sort of a light area to break up between the darks. we don't even know wherethat goes over there. at this point, we don't even care. don't even care. there, a little, few little ripples on the water here and there.
all those nice things. find a fan brush. liquid white. okay, fan brush, liquidwhite, titanium white. i put the liquid whitein there, once again, only the thin the titanium white. be right back. get a little blue. a very small amount of the phthalo blue.
ready to have some fun? let's do it. it's your bravery test. pretend you're water and you're floating along here one day. you just having a good time. you're not bothering anybody. it's a wonderful day. you're just floatingalong enjoying the scenery
and all the suddensomebody pulled the stopper right out of your world and- (spews) and it goes over. and there it goes. just let it come right over. but if it goes straight and then down doesn't matter where you go here. we'll cover any of thatup that we don't like.
it'll give the impression ofwater that's falling over. the best reason they call it a waterfall. let's take a little bit of brown paint, straight van dyke brown. i just want to put some dark in here. we'll put a lot of nice rocks in this. but i just want somedark right along in here to get us started. (grunts)
really get in there and mash it in. i'm gonna have some fun today. let me clean off a spot to work. let's take black, little bit of prussian blue, little brown, maybe a even alittle bit of crimson in it. and i'm going to take paint thinner and i'm going to thin this color till it's quite thin.
quite thin. just use paint thinner,plain ol' paint thinner, preferably odorless. or you'll be working alone. and just mix it till its nice and thin. now then, i want to take white and a little bit of black to make a grey or there's a little bit of blue there too. guess we don't have alittle blue in there too.
but mostly black and whiteto make a nice grey color. maybe a little darker. perfect. let me get a little thinner. i want this to be thin also. now you remember our golden rule, a thin paint will stick to a thick paint. so all i'm doing here, is making us some thin paint.
so it'll stick to allthat thick that we have up there already. wipe off the ol' knife. let's get us a little oval brush. oval brushes are easy to distinguish. they are the only brush we have that has a black handle. and i did that intentionally so you wouldn't get them confused.
load both sides full of color. see, both sides. now,take one side, only one, and go through that light color. dark, light. now watch. up here in our world lives a big ol' rock, big ol' rock, right there.
see? he's got a friend there. now let's just have some fun. here comes one, comes right over. here he comes. zoom. this is the nicest, easiestway i have ever found of making some gorgeous rocks. now then, let's have some fun.
let's take black, some prussianblue, little sap green. let me get some phthalo green. i like phthalo green in there. in our world... you ready? there lives... decide where. right there. one big evergreen tree.
and when we said big todaywe mean big evergreen tree. pushing upward. just pushing upward. there it comes. big tree. i didn't realize how big that tree was. but that's okay. in our world we can have atree any size that we want. if i'd have known it was gonna be that big
i'd have probably used a two inch brush to have made it easier. now that same brush gointo a little yellow. a little yellow ochrejust mix them together. we can go back and put in a few little highlights. don't want a lot. keep these treesbasically, basically, dark. basically dark, some light.
take a two inch. we'll go in that same color, the black, the blue, littlesap green, or phthalo green. yep, right there lives a bush. we can just drop him right in there just fill that all in. over here on the other side. ah, be brave. using the corner of the brush
we'll just drop in another one. wherever you think they should be. just drop them in. just sort of fill all this up. just fill it up. there they come. all we're doing is putting in some darks so our light will show. and this liquid black,really makes that easy.
really makes it much easier here. here comes one, yepright over the waterfall. we'll go through some of that yellow, little sap green on the brush. we can just use a two inch brush. one direction. and go right above here. you could do this with a one inch. i'm doing it with a two inch today.
doesn't matter. put a little liquid white on the brush. needs to be a little touchthere so it will stick. very quickly, very quickly,you get a feel for this. as soon as you touch thecanvas you know, you know. see there, darker,darker, darker down here. now then, maybe in here, here right there livesanother happy little tree. notice i'm making this onewith the corner of the brush.
the other one i made by pushing upward. just so there's somevariations in your world. we want all kinds of littledifferent things happening. there they go. indian yellow, yellow ochre, every once in while a littletouch of that bright red. give it a little fire. little bit of fire makesyour painting look nice. little bit right in here.
like that. wherever you think these things should be. just think of all the little bushes. and we can go back to our oval brush. it's got the dark paint that's thin. light on one side. and here and there, put in an indication of another little rock or two wherever you think they should be.
and in our world maybethey live all through here. wherever. dark on the bottom. light on top. this allows you to do thembasically in one stroke. maybe it comes all the way out like that. over here, oh, there's one. there's one. get a little more dark in there.
comes out. and put a bunch of these in then we'll just go back, there, with our ol' two inch brush, the ol' two inch brush, and we just go in and fillin all the little holes now with all these little,all these little things that live in here. see 'em? okay.
the other side, put a few over here. one little bush at a time. little touch of the yellowochre headed here and there just for a change of flavor. oh, nice one there. little sparkler. now we can go back to our fan brush. has a little liquid white on it. little bit of the phthalo blue.
let's splash a little water back in here. (splash) got to make those little noises. let our waterfall justsort of wander around. little splashes here and there. just let it go. and that easy. shoot. leave some little open spots.
looks like little pools in there. and i think with that. shoot, we'll call thata finished painting. hope you enjoyed this one. from all of us here, i'd like to wish you happy painting and god bless, my friend. (smooth jazz)
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