jo, hi you all welcome in antwerpen (belgium) antwerpen has a big fairground one of the biggest fairgrounds of belgium. hasselt has the big fair of belgium but here in antwerpen are more rides here are about 150 showman. further is the fairground here every year a problem. the local residents are againts the fair 6 local residents, yes 6 are against it and for them this fair was almost removed it is totally crazy that 6 people can stop this fairground. there are thousand people who making fun and 6 people can complain and stop the fair, crazy i don't understand it, is really crazy. if you want not have nuisance why you go life in a city and not on a farm? fuck those complainers we gonna make fun and hopefull a lot of noise! in 1989 bought ludo a house in south-antwerpen. in that time the "sinksenfoor" was already 20 years in antwerpen-south 20 years later he decided to complain and make a complainclub against the "sinksenfoor" to remove the "sinksenfoor" outside south
make this action ludo a son of a bitch? yes, this action makes ludo a nasty motherfucking son of a bitch! hehe, i like this style. it's the truth! but this posters are removed and replaced for: thanks for your support you're welcome. but it is strange that 6 local residents can remove one big fair. that the town this allowed, i can't understand it this is a big fun house, with only one turning room. for 2,00 euro you can do it i like this, those people are complain and they build up a bayern kurve. this make noise, wunderfull! what a noise! fur sure is this a winning for the belgium fairs more lights on it, a lot more. more theming on it, a lot more. but if it is finished it is a great ride
i think a flat tire... there goes my ride, it's a pity. but they will repair it this is a nice older buggy with that palmtrees nice! the magic world is here 2 times. further standing the double etage and this is the single one, it's the old patapoef nice wooden slide, it's new i geuss there are extra rags on the side because other the neighbour getting wet! the whole tower standing on 4 big arms. allmighty good making this ride, this is a selfmade ride by van der beek this are the buttons to open the lapbars on the seats so people can make it open by them selfs during the ride this is for slow turning the swing and this is for the speed for goes up and down this is stop, this is down, this is up and this is for turning the swing on low-speed
that are lights? yes. emergency brake and rest and what is this, timer? no you can setup the machine. for automatic ride time, goes up and down, speed up and that stuff this is the third of fourth tower build by van der beek. you see it by the cable that is in the tower here we are up! around the world at the top of the tower it is a nice swing on 60 meter high! very good ridetime we have, long! i like this ride so high we have a good view here! nice machine, we go down we are safe and sound on the ground. we go the next ride he looks every year better: the name around the world on the top. leds lights, tree's very good
this is a very nice picture. it is make in leiden, my hometown ;) 70 meter? that is very rounded up maximum speed 127 kmph.... i never make that... let we just say he is not so high and not so fast behind the bush at the end a rollercoaster this is fairground! nice, this is standing high above the ground this goes normally and then he comes in the last brakes and... slow... automatic and here brakes it till it stops. never did that before the ghosttrain stand always on his own place but one person that lives before the place has complain about the noise from the ghosttrain so they have move it away to the place from the ferriswheel it is unbelievable that you must move away for one dickhead who complains. but here in belgium is that possible. complete waanzin
the belgians put there fairgroundattractions always to the outside and not the inside like we do in holland. so you can look at aaa... a road! well the deca dance have make already a party here. you see some confetti in the trees he had also have a restyle, looks good new staging and a new nameboard, deca dance! the only thing is miss is the stars with break dance in the front or in him case: deca dance it has a high income like this and under it is it empty there is here also a beach party i like this babyflug, is a very nice ride!
over the beglium fairs travells an original rotorrr, beautiful attraction on this tv you can see what happening inside. he is just finished! and the cake walk from roels that is a dutchman but travells in belgium fair with the a-tour young lady all okay? yes? young man alles ok? all under controll? all relax? yes? i don't... the emergeny brake, alarm when the battery is low, for the bungee pull up and let it down. "and push!" no no, is the motor movement. left it goes up and right it goes down and shoot, the 2 buttons on every side. "why 2?" safety! "o yes, ofcourse"
and you can play whole day with it the highest! you must do it! here live one of the complainers. this dumbass want to have move away this fair but if i see it, he is not at home. but nuisance? cozy activity is a better word this is the old mouse from bufkens with a new colour. new nameboard, and specially a like the lights on the curves beautiful ride is it now! you see this lunaparken a lot of this fair but this one can open on the side too here the ferriswheel, on the place of the ghosttrain because somewhere here a complainer lives that not like fairgrounds. and screw up for thousand people their fun that is possible here in belgium, to crazy for words
i hear some think. and i you live there? i dont mind the fair for my door. the second thing is that it is dumb because if you go live in a city like this where millions of people live millions, i don't know but thousands there is live, noise and fuss. here is it always noisy, it is antwerpen-south you know... but that guy has shoot in his own feet. because now there is an aggregrate for his door! yo, this is nice? the see sturm bahn is one of the better rides in belgium they take out everthing of the machine it is a caterpillar with turning boats, he turns around in a moment and now the turn backwards... the can turn saperate from eachother... saperator on eachother and so you can make a varience ridetime, nice ride! lotery like this one you find more in belgium but i don't think some one is winning here. the prices are staying long time in the stand this is a very nice looking monster 3 from schwarzkopf who travell here by lauwers this machine is really finsished
in belgium travells garbage but also nice rides. and this is one of the last only the rides are not so fast, just like us on holland. only the german goes fast with this kind of carrousels well, okay. i'll take back my words. he goes better and faster then by us in holland the eclipse virus that standing for years on this place and gives pretty good rides away this is also belgium, parking their cars on the fairground... it's all possible here! we just saw the small one and this is the big one. this one he use for the bigger fairs and the small one for the small fairs but he stand here with 2 magic worlds on one fairground this is a 2 stage ghosttrain but you don't see it from the outside. here you see it good that it has 2 stage. not big, but it has! you almost thought that antwerpen don't have one but here it is: an autoscooter, not much but one is enough
in belgium they like shooting galleries, you have them here in all kind of size and looks. here you must shoot on a wheel of fortune more shooting and more shooting, with kind of balls shooting gallerie and shooting gallerie but here you must shoot on paper and another shooting game, this time with dice for the best shootingstars under us and another shooting game and another one, you can shoot on a paper with a person also here you can win weapons, if you have this in holland you get busted
another shootinggame, you must shoot the ball outside the waterfontain en this contains more voilence! as if there are not enough lunaparks.. this is a double one by this lotery you can win nothing, those tv's are standing in the stand for years psychodelic is hired by a belgium showman who travells with it over the belgium fairs a smashing jumper not from fabbri but b&m. with a background... the background is not that expensive but you can see it they can put flags on it but they have not done it yet, it's a pity what a noise make this thing, nice for the complainers!
this is a nice stand! he is a little bit of squint, he miss it all. don't now wich way he throws? and if you see not enough walk-attraction, here is the crystal palace haha, what a joke! there are 2 bayern kurves on the fair! this attraction makes so lot of noise. now they can complain! also this is a normal bayern kurve. it was build by senk in germany and sold it to belgium. nice looking attraction also the paybox is looking fine, it is a firetruck and the cars like yellow cabs. very nice! that wheels with motors speed up the train. allee, speed it up!! on this side is a same one next the whole track is a sliding contact for the lights on the train
my big friend, dieter. we have walked togehter over this fair and it was nice! next year we do antwerpen again, till then!
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