get free riot points, gift cards and muchmore, and be sure to use the code monk for an extra 50 points. hey guys, what’s up, what’s going on itscaptain monk here, today we are going to be playing some syndra in the midlane with theatlantean skin, so let’s go ahead and get ourselves a doran’s ring, a few health potionsand a warding trinket and head on into the midlane. let’s take a look at the teams here today,as always it is yours truly playing that syndra in the midlane, we have cyriaz playing asthat nautilus top, welke playing on that olaf in the jungle, rockpaperzed playing as ourvayne ad carry, and last but not least is
voidsquid on that thresh support. it looks like we are up against a weird compositionhere, but it is a composition none the less, with a singed top, ivern in the jungle. then we have a shaco mid, which is reallywhat i am thinking is odd, the rest of it is really not so odd but then again it couldbe zilean mid with exhaust then shaco support with ignite but i kinda doubt that, it ismore likely the ahaco in the midlane with the ignite but then we have a more standardpick with the ezreal adc. i am really hoping here it is not the shacomid, that it is the zilean because the zilean is a bit more of a standard midlaner and thatis what i am trying to show you guys here
today. but if it is the shaco mid i guess i willshow you guys how i would handle the situation of playing against an ap shaco mid, becausei don’t think he is going to go ad shaco, that is really just unlikely so we will seewhat happens here, we will hopefully be against the zilean here but if we aren’t well that’sok. so seeing things like cheese land bottom laneswith ignite shaco is more common, more common than midlane shaco i think but anyways yeaheither way guys make sure to drop a rating on the video down below it really helps outa lot, whether it is a like or a dislike it is really about total ratings so either wayis appreciated.
and so the fact is that it is shaco mid andhe is going to place a box, so i am going to go and try to take that out right away. ok and i will go and do that right away, extracs for me, extra ten gold i will take that with a smile on my face (but not really) andok with these minions here… ok got it. i wanted to use my q on it so i didn’t loseit to the turret, and get this next one. ok and i am going to try and autoattack theshaco here and, oh i tried to get the thunderlord’s proc here but not quite going to happen, andthen miss a minion here but that is ok. so i am going to get another autoattack inhere, and whenever you are playing a ranged champion against a melee target when you getthe opportunity where there is no minions
you have to last hit, just look for autoattacks,like right now, yeah he is going to hit me but that is going to cost him some mana andi am going to get the luxury that is some damage on him. there we go tl proc, nice now he is gettingquite low but we are also starting to get chunked. i think we will be ok, but i am going to popmy first potion here though, and get some minions. i wonder if i can throw his boxes, now wouldthat not be hilarious if i could throw his boxes?
that would be so great if i could throw hisboxes at him, i could be like hey… i can dude i can fucking throw his boxes. that is so great, like you wanna throw yourboxes at me? no i am going to throw the boxes right backat you. and i was hopefully going to last hit therebut not quite so, and let’s go ahead and stun him there but oh not quite. i didn’t get the stun there that is kindaodd, i guess my q just slid past him but my e hit him, that does happen some times, fromtime to time as it is a weird hit box but sometimes its not too bad.
and yea these minions and that box is goingto die. yeah i could use my spells to kill the boxesbut i would rather let it die so i don’t use my mana to kill a box and get 10 gold. i am just missing that one, and it looks likefirst blood is going to go on down there. and yeah there is a way to get both of them,i like it. i was thinking hmm how do i get both of theseminions? and i found a way. so i am going to try and get away and i thinki can just walk right out. juking this ivern and actually i think i mightbe able to kill him but he is juking right
along with me. ok and come on, i got his flash but he gotmine. which is kind of unfortunate but flash forflash is not too bad i don’t mind doing that at all, and i am going to autoattackshaco a bit and yeah take some autoattacks to the butt, and he has to back soon. so do i but less than him, because i havea fair bit more health here and now that i know his jungler had to go back to base here,i don’t feel so bad. toss the box over there i don’t want itnear me. so now i am starting to miss more minionshere because my autoattacks are quite weak
and i don’t have the mana to use my spells. just yeah we are just going to chill hereand use a q to get the last ones but now we are going to go back here, and we are at 26minions whereas he is at 12 so yeah we are doing ok in this lane so far. it is a bit of an awkward lane but are doingfine. bot lane is having troubles tho, 2/0 on theezreal already? olaf died, thresh died vayne died that’sgoing to be rough for us, but top lane is bringing it back, getting a kill on the singed. great work and lets get ourselves an amplifyingtome and some boots.
yeah i think that is what we want to do, andi want to be able to go back and get the full lost chapter rather than just getting a componentbut we had no choice we had to go back since we used our spells too much fighting againstthis shaco and now that we are getting back into this lane, he is catching up on cs. and since we are returning to lane here, imight as well bring up a few things that i want to mention in this video, the first ofwhich being as the league of legends client is being updated to the beta, it does nothave a chatroom anymore so for those of you who play with me often in the recordings thereis no way for you guys to do that anymore in the league client.
so what i have done about that is i have setup a discord server that is partnered so what literally all of you can do is join us whetheryou are playing on north american severs or no, so there is a bit of an advantage therebecause it used to be only those on the na server could play and talk in the chatroombut the problem still lies in that i only play on north america so if you don’t palyon north america, but i wont be able to play you if you don’t play on north america serversso if you want to play with me you need to be on north american servers, but you willprobably be lagging and that is most likely not in the best interest of you so lets justgo ahead and toss this back at him. toss this box back at shaco and you wannaplace a box next to me?
who do you think i am. do you think i am playing a champion who isnot syndra? ok so let’s go ahead and get some minionshere and he is placing a ward in his own brush, or at least the brush that was created bythe ivern but you know what i am saying, and blue buff is up here soon and i am going toask olaf for that here soon. and dammit i went for the box when i shouldhave gone for the minion and gotten the last hit. but that is ok since i really want to killthe shaco here before he hits level 6 and let’s see if we can do the damage here!
and let’s see… one more autoattack here,come here shaco and yeah we got him, that is why i like ghost on syndra. see you can chase down the wild jester inthe jungle aha no not really but still a really nice way to get a kill there for us. uhoh i found the ivern and he is going tomiss his q, luckily for us and we are just going to walk right on out. thank you ivern for making that easy for meand with that i will place my control ward and go back to base. but i will ask blue after i base?
i just want to communicate with this olafa little bit and it looks like nautilus getting that solo kill on him nice! good job killing that singed, and lets getourselves another amplifying tome as well as the what is it called the lost chapter. also going to get 2 potions, don’t needanother control ward as we just placed ours before we went back to base. and i would like to get a refillable but ican’t afford it as it costs 150 and i only had 100 so we had to buy the biscuits whichis really ok since we do have the biscuit mastery so its ok to be buying biscuits sometimes here.
so we literally have double shaco’s cs hereand killing him was really really good for us. and so with that i think we will be able totake that pressure to the rest of the map and make shit happen. ok and oh i picked up the orb ther, and iwas trying to get the box but we also hit the stun there and we actually got the stunbut i was not expecting to hit that there since my orb went over here but shaco wasoff to the side, that felt wrong there. so that just goes to show the very weird hitboxsyndra’s e does have when you use it with your uh orb.
so lets go over here and get the blue buff,thank you friend that is very much appreciated. ok so lets head back here, and shaco is missingso ping that but he is back. but yeah so the discord link is here in thedescription and i really recommend it especially for those of you who play on the north americanservers. but he is using his deceive here so i thoughthat would be a really easy way to get some damage on him, and just go ahead and destroyhis box. yeah so i was hoping to knock him away withmy e but i don’t think it worked, i think it hit something different. ok so where are you at?
i thin it is this one and i am right. i kinda took a shot in the dark there andguessed but it is always nice when it happens, but the way i could tell is that the player’smovement seemed a lot more champion like. a lot more realistic. it is kinda like looking a photo and seeingthat it s photoshopped, you know it is photoshopped. same here, i could look at the shaco and saynaw that is a fake shaco run by a computer. and i know that is not the best advice, iam not really telling you what to look for but a lot of the time i tend to find myselfjust… yes i will take this that is a great idea.
but a lot of the time i don find myself justknowing, it is the same for wukong and his decoy. i can always tell if it is a real decoy orif he is just standing still. there are just a few types of things thatafter playing the game you can just know, you can just kinda tell. you cant really vocalise what i am lookingfor but you just know, and is this shaco really going on me again? bro you have been down this road before, youknow where it ends. aha what do you think is going to happen?
now you have to dance around your own damnturret to survive and is that really what you want to be doing? no i don’t think so. and i am just going to knock him away fromme here since he is going on me again for some reason and now i am just going to killhis box, and proc that tl too! hmm procing that thunder lords feels goodman. yeah take that, take your own minion to theface. and i also almost have my ultimate here andwhen i do, i might just go for another kill. and ouh almost had him, i was planning onflashing that raptor pit as soon as i ulted
and killed him but i did not get the killingpart done, and i have to ghost here if i am going to get away from singed. which is why ghost is so great and i am doingthis to singed… ouh i thought i was going to hit that andthe reason i did that is because i knew the olaf was coming and was thinking maybe i cando some damage to this singed. i don’t think we can kill him, and it reallydoesn’t look like it is very good for us here anymore. now i am worried about shaco finding me andassassinating me, since i am kinda low and he is an assassin at the end of the day.
so now i just pick up the siege minion andtoss it back into the fight, nice and actually zilean is around but i don’t know what tothink about that. and i am just farming mid lane but olaf isfighting them up and actually oh wow he timed that perfectly with the kill, i am impressedgood job. so now top it looks like the nautilus is goingto get a fight on with the singed and the nautilus but it looks like he is 2v1 so far,not sure how is doing that but props dude mad props, and he is actually going to getthe kill on the ivern but is he going to get away? it looks like he is and that is not the itemi want, that one is.
ok and we have the morellonomicon here guys,that extra ability power of course, as well as that extra mana which you do want on syndrasince you are spamming your spells on her like crazy, and to make that even easier wehave extra cdr which allows us to spam our spells even harder. and the extra passives are sweet too, becausethe extra health and mana on a kill makes it so when you do stuff you get stuff andthat is dope. and the last thing is that healing reductionbut that is like a cherry on top of the item because that is not why you get the item butthat is a really nice thing to have, but most of the time you don’t notice but it cancome in handy.
it makes a difference against champions whohave a lot of healing when they are low, champions such as aatrox. really any kind of lifesteal. but that is odd that the box became untargettablelike that because i threw my q on top of it but it didn’t do any damage. that is a very strange interaction there buti was hoping he was going to walk into that but not quite what i was hoping for, but atleast our farm is really good this game because shaco is putting no pressure on us and thatis kinda what i expected because you know shaco mid.
like i don’t think he realised what he wasgetting into playing this guy, but the rest of his team is doing pretty well other thantheir singed who we are going to murder but unfortunately, we are going to miss and nowi don’t think we can kill him here because i missed my stun there and the stun was kindakey to making it work so no worries. so we are just going to head back into themidlane and wee what we can do here, but that just summarizes the discord point i wantedto make here, even if you are not playing in the north america region, you can alwaysjust hang out with us and chat. but especially if you are on north americathat is the easiest way to play a game with me, since it is so much easier to interactwith you guys in discord compared to the client
chat. but yeah it is a pretty easy link, you justclick it and it takes you to the program unless you don’t have the program then you shoulddownload it, but the link will take you through your browser and using discord in your browserreally isn’t too bad but using the program is definitely much better. and it looks like nautilus is getting another,damn but it looks like i am getting attacked and chased down, i need to ghost but damni died i guess ezreal showed up too, i did not realise ezreal was there, i didn’t knowthat they were at dragon, i was really unaware of what was going on there.
that was really unfortunate there but we aregoing to get ourselves the sorcerers boots here and head out. it looks like nautilus is up top getting thatturret, and for ourselves lets get a oh wait we don’t need a control ward we alreadyhave one. i was just looking at my total gold and waslike eh we could get a control ward then i realised we don’t need one. another thing to mention is my instagram page,that some of you might already be familiar with, but if you are not basically what idid is i posted a before and after photo of january 1st and a photo i took earlier thisweek.
well people seem to be liking it i am alreadyat 300+ followers on instagram from it, because i advertised it a little bit to you guys andthe purpose of this instagram is that i am going to be posting photos of fitness-relatedstuff to show progress and shit like that but i am more going to be leaning towardsposting workout routines and shit, because people have been asking me how did you getto where you are now, and it is hard to say it in just a sentence and explain it to people. you have to be able to show, that is why iam going to be doing that because i think it would be really cool. i am going to post some pictures and somevideos to show you guys what i do, and i am
also going to add some text in order to showwhat i am doing and what to be thinking about but also some music to make it more enjoyableto watch. so yeah, if it does sound interesting to youguys to watch, make sure to check out the instagram page and drop it a follow, thereis only the one photo there right now, but soon, soon enough there will be… and seethe box, the box did not take damage. that is what i am talking about there, thebox goes unmarketable for a second there. alright so i am just going to fight this guyup, i am confident we can kill the ivern first, then move on to the shaco. let’s toss his box at him, and see you shaco.
wait nice flash there, but oh boy voidsquidthere with the plays. what a beast, holy crap that was so good! well played, that was all him, i just pickedup the lantern and finished off the shaco. well that was impressive, lanterns, flashesand gets the hook, all perfectly lined up and that puts us at 4/1, with 138 cs thatis really nice for us. lets go ahead and take out the minion here,and oh it is going to die from the autoattack, i did not see that one coming and i guesswe will keep pushing down mid lane, why not lets keep going. so that basically summarized the instagrampage guys, not too much there yet but make
sure to check it out, and once you start followingit, if i get a nice number of people interested in it, and into the type of content that iplan on posting, then ill be more motivated to start posting because if people are actuallyinterested in this, lets do this. like i am already pretty psyched to be doingthis but with 300 followers, i am like yeah i am pretty pumped to be doing this. but i do want to see if i can get a biggerpercent of my youtube viewers interested in that. because i know my channel is all about leagueso a lot of you will say i don’t give a fuck about your fitness, i watch you for leagueof legends, but i want to branch out, i want
to be more than just a league of legends producer,i want to do more, i want to encourage fitness because i wasn’t really into fitness youknow, until this past year and it has changed my life for the better. so i definitely want to get you guys involved. so basically at this point in the lane phase,i am basically able to walk up and farm and harass and do anything i want. no one can really fight me right now unlesstheir bot lane shows up and their bot lane is dead right now. i don’t need to worry about them but atsome point they may rereturn to the midlane.
i have a sense for this game, that kind ofsense where it feels like early on, right now it is a cakewalk but that is because itis shaco mid, this guy is not very good at shaco mid, and not to mention i counter himvery hard, because i can literally throw his main damage source away you know, so i cantreally blame this guy for doing badly vs me. what i do think is going to happen tho isthat the singed is going to scale slowly, because he is out cs’ing the nautilus. yes he is dying right here, i think and yeahbut i still think he can scale up later into the game. i think this ezreal might carry as well, anda lantern from thresh, thank you sir.
and actually, i don’t know if i like thisso much, there is 3 of them, make sure i don’t lose that minion there. k. and actually olaf is looking for somethingbut shaco might just decoy away. not decoy but… what is that spell called? deceive? i think that is what it is called, but yeahwe got him and i didn’t actually seem to get anything for that, but i had the rightidea. wait hold on here is the fight. ok, there is the ult on him but he is actuallygoing to get zilean revived.
no wait he is not, i thought i did more damagethan that but he has athene’s. that would do it, but oh here we go, see yazilean, and wait here comes… daisy? no daisy is going to back off, but ezrealis here though. what are we going to do? i am going to get rid of this first. we are in an awkward spot here because olafhas no mana, daisy is on us. let’s just toss daisy at ezreal and aha50 gold. worth, and alright lets just back off butwait it looks like singed is going to catch
out nautilus here, i am going to try and helphim out but i am not sure if there is much we can do but no we got him. and oh wait now shaco is here too, are wegoing to get him as well? we are. see you later shaco, and seeing out teammatesis actually going to help us out and come in handy here i think. are we getting chased? no i don’t think so but it does look likethresh did go down. did ezreal get the kill there?
i think he did because he had 5 kills lasti checked. wait does he want to get rift herald? no i am not really down for that because thatis not the best idea right now. like yeah i’m sorry dude but they are pushingmid and i need to be here right now to defend it. like yeah not what we should be doing rightnow, and if you have no mana why do you want to go for rift herald. i am sorry but that just doesn’t make sense. oh man at least i did not get stunned.
that is going to do some considerable damage,but now i gotta flash because i don’t want to risk dying to that ezreal. aha i am just going to walk up and finishhim off. i mean it was either me or thresh who getsthe kill and ill take the kill you know cause i’m the mid laner. that makes sense, so lets get ourselves thatfinished rylais, our next item here i think will be a rabadons. i am not quite sure, but i am also thinkingabyssal since their team has a lot of magic damage.
but their magic damage threats are weak itis really just ezreal. so i don’t know lets just go rabadons. i have the blasting wand already, so i mightjust go into void staff, because they are building some magic resist but more than likelyi will just go into rabadons. so there we go, i talked about discord, italked about instagram, i kinda have a list here on my second monitor to make sure i don’tmiss any topics. another think i think i should mention toyou guys, as of december 1st when i am recording this, well the entire month of november ididn’t shave and you guys didn’t notice a damn difference because i don’t grow facialhair.
well i grow this long clear hairs but no onenotices them and cant see them in recordings so it makes no difference to you guys. so now that it is december i did shave andi nicked my upper lip so for those of you who are unavoidably going to ask hey whatis wrong with your face, well now you know that i nicked my lip whilst shaving and thatis the result of that. but it should heal pretty quickly, like itwas bleeding and stuff but it should heal quickly. but yeah i managed to clear that wave andfight off singed, i wasn’t really looking to fight him or kill him as i don’t reallythink it is worth the time because he is 0/7
and he thus wouldn’t be really worth muchgold at this point and to add on to that it would take a lot. i would have to invest a lot to kill singedwithout my team here and my team is going to get a kill on ivern which is good and theyare also going to get shaco but they are pushing down mid here so i am just going to try andclear the wave here and do some damage to ezreal. i am just going to get the siege minion andi am going to kill this guys and yes i will, i am not sure what else i can do, i have theballs here but zilean is going to die and ouh he is going to pop his ult on himselfactually.
and ouh i don’t know if we can quite dothis and my ball didn’t quite reach so damn another thing i want to mention here thati haven’t yet is that i am maxing the w second, and the reason you want to max outthat spell second is that as syndra, when you max out your spells you get extra abilities. and when you throw your w, you are able tothrow more spheres, more orbs. or more bawls. so with that it is pretty great because normallyyou can only throw 1 but with this you can now throw multiple, i can literally throw3 balls, or i guess 2 but still you can throw up to an additional 2 which is really strongso lets go ahead here and ouh why is the tower
hitting me? but i am going to live anyways. wow that is lucky, so incredibly lucky. so lets go ahead and snare the singed here,but i want out keep my distance too in case the poison gets me. ok there we go. and lets hit the tower and oh ivern is goingon me, the tower is on me and i think i might actually be dead. i don’t know why the tower was focusingme, and i still might actually be dead daisy
no, so lets actually just hold on to daisyhere and throw her back in to the tower like nah get out of here, that was a weird noise,why did i make that noise. can we knock away ivern, i just wanna help. i love that i am playing against a team wherei can throw their most damaging source, it is so funny. i can throw daisy around, i can throw shacoboxes around, if only i could throw zilean bombs at people. ok so shaco is probably going for me. yeah i think i knocked him away with thattoo, and i got him with the w there nice.
and the shield from locket was a bit latethere unfortunately so vayne is going to go down there unfortunately. but hey man, we are at 9/1/6 a pretty goodgame for us, and pretty good farm too. and unfortunately it is one of those gameswhere i got huge since they had a really bad matchup mid. this was a draft normals where i first pickedsyndra mid, you think they would put a better opponent mid against a syndra mid, than shacobecause i kinda see it the same way i see heimerdinger, right because you don’t puta heimerdinger against a syndra because he will just have his turrets thrown away.
that is no good and why would you put yourselfthrough this. that beats me man, but we can almost affordthe rabadons, and i think i am just going to wait for it because i really want the rabadonsbecause that will be a lot of fun, and we will just nuke some kids it will be great. yeah because our ap is at 268 and it willprobably be in the 500 range, i think, with rabadons. 470, and no i am only 470, hm i thought thenumber was going to bounce up first from the flat amount and then from the percent buti guess, no, 470. i guess my math is kinda off but still 470is nothing to shrug at.
it is a pretty good amount of ap for 24 minutes,we are really strong. so lets go down mid here and see what we canfind. we still need to worry about ezreal becauseif someone on their team is going to carry it is going to be him. and keep in mind this game is not over, don’tforget zilean provides his team with the ability to have 6 champions on the map. not all at once, but during a team fight,he will allow for 6 champions to be a part of the fight, because he can revive one personalmost fully. that is quite strong and ezreal is also quitefed, but vayne will do some nice damage to
him here and it looks like he might actuallybe caught here, and lets go ahead and just kill the shaco here, i am not sure which oneis the real one but i am going to try and get both. and we know this is the real one now, andauto attacks to the death. alright and what is next, ezreal is goingto shift over here and i am going to finish him off with the orb, ok who is next. ok we are going to go for ivern and thereis the kill for thresh aha, and that is their whole team dead except for singed, so maybethis game is actually over, maybe just a little bit, lets go ahead and knock these minionsaround and push the wave and actually, singed
is back, what is he doing; oh that hook, beautiful,and that is going to be the kill and i guess singed just wanted to die, 9 deaths was notenough for him. gg? yeah they are going to surrender this on,i hope you guys liked this one, if you did be sure to drop that like rating it reallyhelps the channel very very much and i would appreciate it. i would like to apologize because this gamewas a little bit of a stomp, but i am also happy with this game because i felt like iplayed well, had a good commentary and showed you a lot about syndra, and the mechanicsand stuff, so if you did like it be sure to
rate the video and subscribe for more, andyou can follow me on facebook, twitter and twitch i guess, i don’t really stream muchthese days, you know all the social media is down below, discord is linked, check thatout and of course instagram too if you are into fitness, and that is here guys, i’llsee you in the next one, peace out.
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