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winter view

good day everybody,... how you all doing? my name is ken say,.. i've got a little something that i thought i'd share with you folks,... it's located just down the trail here. just a little ways, ah maybe an eighth of a mile come on along and i'll show you what it is. well here we are, this is stewart tunnel, located on wisconsin's badger state trail. built by the chicago madison and north central railroad, construction crew started work at bothends of this tunnel project on december 13, 1886. it was to be one quarter mile inlength

and it had a two-degree curve to it. it's total dimensions are, 21 feet high, 14 feet wide, and its total length is 1,260 feet. it runs about 100 feet under the summit of the hillside above. drilling of the tunnel was completed in december 1887 the two ends met exactly in the middle. one side of the tunnel was off by one inch, and the other side was off by less than three quarters of an inch.

i'll have to admit, that was prettyremarkable for back in the day by late january 1888 the first train madeits way through this very tunnel,..... now,... you're all probably wondered how this tunnel had received its name well,... it was in the memory of a mr. jamesstewart. of lancashire pennsylvania, while following theproposed route, james stewart was involved in a tragic accident he was fatally thrown from his buggy ashe rode along. well with that being said, let's go have a closer look. as you can see as you enter the tunnel,

there are little square openings in the walls here. well,... these are actually use for letting theground water that seeps through the rock to drain from behind the brick walls throughout the tunnel. okay,..as you'll notice, there is a little dripping, that's actually water dripping from theceiling. [ a brief greeting with hiker as he passes by ] "hello" taking pictures?

yeah getting video. you can walk through that's okay ok okay but one very distinct feature of thistunnel is that it has a very unique acousticsto it this next clip was shared with me by john & michelle, and they were fromillinois, while visiting here this is what they had witnessed on their last trip through here spiritual music

okay here's a little known thing here, it's called a letter box somebody i hid it up into thewall i'll go ahead and give you a more information on thislater on in the video on how to find it it's kind of a crude little kind of time capsule type of thing it's all sealed and stuffed into an old mayonase jar and inside we've got a little notepad it's in a baggie what you do is take it out

kind of thumb through everybodies comments and you know stuff like that where they're from, it's pretty neat a lot of people have found it we open it up & got to the end and we put our names in it & where we were from & on what day that we were here as time goes more and more peoplekeep add to it so this will be kind of interesting to find in a year or so from now & seewhat other people have written in here okay and one more thing in here they've got like a wooden stamp

it's a block but the ink is all driedup they had it in here so people could stam the paper and wright over it so but otherwise it's kinda of a neat feature but ifdoesn't do any good to today so when you find this put it back, i'll give you directions and when you find it put it back inslide it in with the blue lid okay this part will shine so what you want to do is kinda hide it you want people to find it. but yet you want to make them look for it

i'll show you here in a second, with the lid on it & seal everything up. put this back to the first page and putit back in the bag here seal everything up all nice & neat this just something fun to do hope you all enjoy catch you later can ownership sun air yes hip yet jericho okay doom this gentleman was telling my father abouthow we was involved in repairing

part of this tunnel many years ago we had later found out that he lives not toofar from our home town of ladysmith wisconsin small world eh? yeah i guys,...hi,....hi how's it going? good (teacher) guys watch where you're going. this kiosk is located about 500 feetsouth of the tunnel

besides a picnic table under roof, it hashistoric information & photos posted inside of the glass enclosures and here's a little bit information i'dlike to share with you before i go for people at our hiking or walking onthe trail you do not need a trail pass people that are riding bicycles or like snowmobiling during the wintertime you do have to have a trail pass. i'll leave a link to where you can view the information for this thank you for stopping by and until next time have a good dayeverybody,..... bye bye

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