hello everybody! this is tr0n again... anyways, i am obviously disorganized right now, but i wanted to say this is me on the test website. um, so, the test website was just re-released,i guess you could say? and now there are major perks and it's definatly up for live testing now you know, untill corndog says otherwise. first thing i wanted to point out in this video is that this video is partially for my subscribers who actually want to see videos from me
and would be interested by this, and i'm sure i will detail the entire test website during this video, but also, part of this; actually the biggest reason i made this video is more of a mass bug report to corndog himself should he, you know, feel like checking my youtube channel. if a random bug pops up, i'll just link him to this video. i'm leaving stuff in the description; times that correspond to the video where bugs happen i don't know, i'll figure it all out. (i figured it out, lol and added captions) i'll probably be more organized by the time you watch this, so i'm not going to drone on about it.
the first thing i have to say, um, blah blah blah ok so the new news on nitrotype is that the test site racing is ready. which is *cough* it's pretty obvious. it's very exciting, and there are many things in it. the biggest hilights ... i'm just going to skip all of this and just not report it as bugs... this is one of the major perks for testing. so, test if you can. it's awesome.
especially when he mentions... what it says there. so... blah blah. right now, on the test website, gold members can get an extra 20% cash bonus. on top of that, the regular site offers 20% discounts. bam, what?(tv series reference xd) i don't actually have anything i spend cash on....? like, idk, i might grab smasher's car while i'm at it. i've been meaning to get it.... *headset pinches the back of my neck*
owwww i've been meaning to get smasher's car, so, yeah, i'm probably going to get that. you know... yeah. blah blah. bad news though, for the zonday. what they're going to do is... the new daily rewards mystery box system and that sounds like a really good thing, like a mystery box every day but, there's no more waiting a week to get a mystery box and no longer will 20 mystery boxes get you a zonday :'( so yeah i guess i'm never going to get the zonday
i procrastinate too much (though the zonday will be achievable some other way, the website says) so, i'm going to jump straight to this. i've already done a race, and i'm going to actually do another race *cough* off camera, i think so i can properly adjust my sound settings. nah, i'll do it on camera. it'll be laggy, but i'll do it on camera. i did a race, and right off the bat it was a little laggy, which is probably because of my system specs so i wanted to pull this up (system monitor) and look at that. thanks for reminding me, myself, and i. (blah blah blah blah blah) blah, blah, blah.
i'm going to start that race now. let me just mute my speakers.... *mutes microphone* so, um, uh, yeah. that race basically exploded on me. in my attempt to pause the recording and then go into the sound settings and adjust the volume firefox gave me about... six? sound adjustment bars. and now there's just three of them. <--- helpful? anyways, so that's a glitch.
i'm going to turn my system volume down (yeah why didn't i think of that before?) and hopefully *cough* you can get to listen to the sounds that the track is making, because it's very... glitchy... and i though it was my system specs. and it might be. but, yeah. you need to listen to it, it jumps. it might be my computer.... *talking about system monitor* you go ahead and listen to that... i don't... blah, it's laggy... :/ can you hear that?(yeah it's too loud...)
you hear how it's in and out like that? ahh, it's annoying to say the least. *noise warning?* *music lag* yeah. well, anyways, there's that performance. you saw how well it ran. (actually you didn't, it ran much better but the recording made the overall frames lag. it ran really smooth, actually. hardly any lag, pardoning the startup. it looks like the audio adjustment bars glitch has fixed itself.
blah blah. it was still laggin at the start and all. i'm sure you heard the sound lag. (yeah i turned it up too much there) pumpkin hauler! lol *image loading glitch?* anyways so, yeah, that's that. in the firefox browser... (not done yet)
i'm going to take a quick peek at all these other pages and make sure that nothing else is acting up too much. oooh, these graphs. so laggy. *considering why cpu is so high* *realizes that the recording program is causing the high cpu readings* the lag at the start of the race existed before recording, it wasn't made any worse by the recording. but, seriously, the framerate during the race was fine. even though it looks so laggy right now. *looks at dealership* blah blah blah
oooh, aww. the cars looked cool with no background... blah blah blah blah blah... nothing bad going on here. *buys samsher's car* that was fun. *realizes that i didn't make use of the other website's discout* who am i kidding, i have pleanty of cash to spare :p lol *must buy to have an even number of nitros!*
oh, so that's a feature. you can buy nitros in groups of ten. that is... really handy, actually. that might be one of the smartest things i've seen so far. that is awesome. ok, friends. i'm sorry if i don't talk much here, i'm browsing for the first time myself, trying to take everything in. exactly 100 friends....?no. xd i saw this guy a race ago. so yeah.
teams... let me take a look through this. pretty sure the friends races were offline... one of the known issues? ummmmmmm i don't have any requests... right? nah. i want to see what happens when i try to start a friends race. probably, i'm going to break something. blah blah blah.
breaking something? let's see if it'll ... let's see what happens. ohh, my car! :d *mutes sound effects* you've probably heard enough of taht sound effect.... anyways, i wanted to invite my friends... uuuuuuuuuuuuuum let's make it a party, i'm going to invite everyone. alright, so clyde cooper showed up, but nothing else really happened. um, yeah. i'm going to go racing then.
let's see how bad it laggs.... *lag ruins race* well, um, yeah. just for anyone who doesn't know... when the screen fades to grey, it's similar to how on windows (os); it just means that the browser window is not responding. *blah blah* anyways, i'm going to try one more race. and then, i'm probably going to leaf through all the other tabs in firefox. and then i'll try it again in chrome. then that might wrap it up for me tonight, because it's relatively late. i want to actually go to sleep tonight (on a friday?????)
*blah blah balahblayha blah blah balh* *decides not to open spotify* shoutout to clyde cooper, and the smasher, because i got his car. awesome. *wants to say something* smasher and his team, nts... nitro type stars. i do plan on ... *cough* ... do plan on actually working hard to get into your team. i am attempting to level up, and at the very least be active enough to level up into your team. relatively quickly. *cough*
that's what i'm going for. i've been more or less grinding to get xp to join the team. i did try to ask you to lower the requirements, but you really didn't respond.... and you know what, he shouldn't have to. i should have to work hard... i should earn my place on this team... anyways, it doesn't look like clyde cooper is showing up... :( *checks teams tab* i'm pretty sure i explained last video, so i'm going to summarize this. i am in the team [brc], the british rcoming! because i was leafing around teams while i was racing... there aren't many users in my higher wpm range who show up...
basically anything around 80-100 wpm. i usually fluctuate in my speed around there. where am i right now... i'm at 85 *cough* and, um, one of these people in brc came by and after i viewed the team when i tried to join another race,i hit the "join team" button by accident... it looked just like the race button.... and then since i'm not mean i decided i might as well stay with the team untill i have the requirements to join nts which is obviously just a little bit above my level... (about 11 at the time) just a little bit; i'm working my way up. i'm at 89 right now.
this is very inspiring. very inspiring words. samsher... i'm sorry, i called you smasher before. that' just... i'm sorry. i just... lol. you read this wrong. haha. i mean, i read this wrong. anyways, samsher... very inspiring words. i'm sorry i keep calling you smasher... achivements...
i'm going to take a peek at the achivements page... :d oooh this looks awesome this is fun. *realizes what the car just did* the way it gets bigger, though. that is awesome! these little things... :d so fun does anyone have all these achivements? let me know in the comments down below
i can click each one individually and it opens up an entire.... thing. (section) this is cool. this is actually really nice. i mean, i love it. i love this. techinically, someone bought gold for me. this is awesome. congrats ftw thecorndog, this is truly an acomplishment right here. i am going to miss the old style... *sigh* nitro type... it's like watching a kid grow up... of course,i'm sure corndog has more of an emotional attatchment because he raised the "kid"...
anyways, i'm going metaphoric, i'm going to try to avoid that. (i love nitro type<3) so yeah that's the achivements page. *fail* scoreboard... i'm going to take a look at the scoreboard. this is now the scoreboard right now. really nothing has changed. blah blah blah. i was on there before, i had a average speed of 92.
*gives up on typing closed captions for a bit because my hands are tired lol...* *yeah,i'm just going to start typing after i get in chrome. this is taking way to long... :/ google chrome, uhhh. i'm just going to cut to the chase (race)after swaping a few cars. laggier in chrome... but, no question picture thing during the animation. chrome is generally laggy, but it doesn't freeze during the race start. at least not during the earlier test tracks. ohh, *text size glitch*
the finish line is on the left... *it's not normal, displayed correctly in firefox* into the void! *notice the lack of background cheering* anyways, so, that was google chrome, and that was a handful of glitches, actually as i have mentioned in news posts before. mostly they probably have to do with my cache, so let me clear that and fix it really quickly...
well anyways, so i just cleared my googlechrome browser cache ah, this is the, um, error i was talking about. *restarting browser* time warp! i'm back into this, again. graphs are faster here i'm going back to the race before i sign off so i know this stuff is really boring... i'm sorry i talk so much... lol
i remember the first time i launched firefox, the *thumbnail* quality was not the best. that's really irrelivant right now, because i'm not using firefox at the moment... considering gold membership.... zoom zoom zoom *plays with car like a kid :3* to the races! finish line is gone... it's like the middle of the track. some of the engine revvs didn't play no typo gear shift grind sounds after the use of the nitro none of the other finishing cars made a sound
finish line is to the left, it's like it's the end of the track. second nitro did not make a noise errors no longer make a noise, either.
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