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♪ got them striking back here on thetop. there's something out there. >>something making them nervous. >>we're gonna see whatit is. >>boom!! >>what you got? uh oh!! >>there we go get it blair, that's a lot of fun ona flats rod huh? >>yeah it is! [laughing] (lets go then!) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >>alrightjimmy i believe we are coming up to it. hey watch this new feature here brother. get thattrolling motor would ya? >>man that's sweet i don't even have to get it. >>that is thelatest and greatest feature from minn kota there brother. >>auto deploy. >>that is theminn kota ulterra. unbelievable unit brand new this year. i just hit the spot lock. >>jeezit does everything but pops popcorn doesn't it.

[laughing] >>yee ole sub wreck. it use tobe nobody knew about this one huh? [laughs] >>for years and years this was thesuper secret cobia spot in the winter time. but that's gotten out too. >>well welcometo this episode of addictive fishing. we are fishing off the space coast. captain jim rosswith us once again hopefully we are gonna show you some great big fish today. we'resitting basically right off the sub wreck right now. bottom machine was lit up. hitthe spot lock, back on the spot. still got a great mark. >>you feeling it? >>feelingsomething. >>there you go get that fish. got them striking back here on the top. that'sa good sign. >>the wonder fish. you wonder what it is fishing on the bottom. oh it'sthe elusive jack crevalle. >>got him right

on the bottom huh? >>yeah he was way downthere. unless it was a giant yellowtail. [laughing] nope it is a jack crevallie >>cool,cool. you got him or you want me to get him? >>nothing on the top water. pulled over thewreck and i mean the screen was absolutely lit up and we're hoping it ain't nothing butjack crevalle [drag screams] >>uh oh, we got something uptop here. >>uh oh what do you got? well we ain't gonna mess with this jack crevalle toomuch, get this unhooked. >>that's about the average size we're getting of of this spotright here. >>oh yeah? not too bad. >>eight, ten, twelve pounds. >>what you got a jack?>>i think it might be. >>say bye to him. you said you were having the goliaths coming uphere the other day? the goliaths were coming

up and trying to eat these twelve and fifteenpound jacks and when they weren't eating them the bull sharks were eating them. we'd getheads back. this might be one of them fifteen or twenty pounders. >>could be one of themelusive red snapper. >>that could be. [laughing] >>i threw a couple of chummersover there and it seemed to kinda just get them stimulated you know they were down onthe screen but they really weren't coming up to the top to get these baits. then ofcourse you went down and found that one. >>he's having his way with you right now. >>yeahi think he's a little bigger than the last one, at least i hope he is. [laughing] it'd be embarrassing if he's notright? ♪ ♪ ♪ >>oh there's color. >>i

see color. that's a big old beach donkey rightthere now! >>that is a big one. that would be considered a mogan jack crevalle. [laughs] >>oh my goodness. that reminds meof the first show we ever did together. >>hour jacks. >>hour jacks show. >>when we say hourjacks we're not talking about 'our' jacks we're talking about 'hour' jacks. cause thatusually what it takes. let me get that dehooker. >>that's a stud right there. >>cool beans.that's a good way to start the day there captain jimmy. look at that come right out. >>coolbeans. that- that's thirty pounds, easy. >>that's a whole lot of pain right there. but you knowwhat, a lot of guys come from the mid-west they have never seen anything look like thatlet alone caught something that fights like

it. it's absolutely a fantastic fish no matterhow you look at it. >>i remember when i was guiding out here- i'm gonna go ahead and lethim go. when y'all do catch these and they're this tired. just like a tuna when you release,straight down. it gives that big poof of water that goes their gills and he's gone. and hopefullythe big man in the brown suit don't get him. >>good stuff bud, good stuff man. >>rock androll. well that's the start of the day let's see what happens here on the next drift. y'allstay tuned we are gonna get repositioned and come back over that wreck again to see whatwe can get. (play it.) addictive fishing is brought to you by dick's sporting goods.every season starts at dick's. skeeter boats. eat, sleep, fish. minn kota. anywhere, anytime.humminbird. simply, clearly, better. and by

trokar. the world's sharpest fish hook. ♪ i want that goliath brother. [laughs] they're down there. got somegood marks. cudas coming up looking at the baits now >>well welcome back folks we'restill sitting out here on the tug wreck and i know i called it the sub wreck maybe a littlebit ago but it is the tug wreck. just basically seeing what we can get. whether it be jackcrevalle, cobia, the elusive red snapper flounder, there's a whole bunch of different fish thatwe can get out here. >>man i can't believe i haven't got a shark bite yet. i got an eggsinker down there i mean come on. yesterday that's all i needed.

[laughing] >>i'm digging these new spinningreels we got now. >>well they got a lot of drag to them now twenty five or thirty poundsof drag pressure is more than adequate to lift something off of the bottom. most ofthe time people can't even hold thirty pounds of straight drag if you try and lift a rodwith a thirty pound weight on the end of it, it's a lot of weight. >>my biggest red snappercame last snapper season it was thirty nine and a half inches and i got him on this rigright here. his head had that chunk out of it from sticking his head in the coral holes.gah that was a big red snapper. that's a pretty good show of that wreck huh? ♪ ♪ [drag screams] >>mm hmm. ha ha haaa. thereyou go! >>guess what i got. >>you got the

man! ♪ coming around? let me get out ofyour way. ahh he got it. >>well we know he's down there. as you can see our conditionshave just totally changed it's not the same day we got blown off the water yesterday.>>yeah we hightailed it yesterday and it was all we could do to get to the dock beforewe got over run by the rain. >>and if you saw what happened to me yesterday about threeor four times, it happened just now so we got the two hundred pound test threadlockhundred and thirty pound test seaguar fluorocarbon leader, and a big old trokar hook so we'regonna see if we can show you one of these fish that keep breaking me off that we can'teven get off of the bottom. let's put one down. what do you think? >>it's time! ♪ >>ohh,nope. >>he got nervous though didn't he? >>oh!

he just got thumped! take a step back jim. [laughing] >>is he on it? something is onthere isn't it? oh yeah! oh ho oh yeah! something is on it! [struggling] ♪ ♪ >>i don't think thisis a big one. >>that's your warm up fish. [laughing] >>he's big and brown boys! >>ahyeah there's your warm up fish right there now! >>there's one! [laughing] >>oh yeah! heck yeah! >>that ain'ta big one, you know here i got the big rod... >>cause we have been getting hammered. >>wellhe's just a little bitty guy. there are some down there that we know are much much biggerthan that. >>they'll be half the size of the

boat some of them. >>now, since it's a goliathgrouper, it's a protected species- you can't pull them out of the water, so all we aregoing to do is unhook him with the circle hook right there and send him on back down.>>heck yeah, good job bro! [laughing] the warm up fish. >>that was fun.talk about getting revenge. revenge. go ahead and get that circle out and send him on down.they are one beautiful fish they got a big lobe tail on them and they use it all causethose things are powerful. >>that's what it took right there. [laughing] >>and off he goes. hey, let's puta double slapper back up on there. see if we can get a grown one. >>y'all stay tunedwe are gonna be right back with captain jim

ross on a nice cool day today right off thespace coast. catching big old goliaths today. we'll be right back. there's something showing down there.come on baby eat it. it's not an ice cream cone don't lick it. bite it like a cheeseburger.well welcome back folks we're hopping from wreck to wreck to wreck trying to catcha couple of big fish. and we're just hoping for some fish right now because everyplacewe've been the bottom finder looks like it looks right now all lit up like a christmastree. haven't been able to really catch much today, so... we're at the last spot of theday. look at the fliers- >>fliers are taking off. >>there's something out there. >>somethingmaking them nervous. >>we're gonna see what

it is. so what is the last spot of the dayhere? >>it's one of the little rock piles on the brevard reef. something that one ofthe local sport fishing clubs helped put out here. it holds fish on it so you never knowwhat you're gonna get. >>this is the hero or zero spot? >>yeah, this is one of the closestbottom spots that you can get to out of the port and actually call it bottom fishing andnot just drifting over sand, you know. >>well if it's the one closest to home, maybe weshould have started here >>instead of the farthest one away? >>instead of forty milessouth. [laughing] >>boom! somebody came up and ate.>>hey, you're right. [laughing]

[drag screams] oh lordy, lordy, lordy. anddid you see how far i threw that thing out? >>we got drag action going on, gotta loveit. >>oh, spooking up the fliers. ♪ what do you think bonita? >>yeah most likely. withthe way that the fliers are running around. i don't think that it's anything but that.>>bonita are great pullers. poor man's tuner. at least it's a little fun on the eight footer.uh oh, if it's a bonita it's a grown one. i got to go around. >>he's running you aroundthe boat isn't he? >>yeah he is. how do you like that one bill dance? [laughing] that's called bill dancin' himi guess. dancing him around the boat. >>it's a lot of fun on a flat's rod huh? oh oh ohoh!! he tried to get you in the yamaha.

[laughing] ♪ >>come on. yeah he's fightinglike a big old bonita. >>uh oh, we got another strike and another fish on. let me get thisone clear. >>oh you got the big rod there. [laughing] this is called making the bestof a bad day. we have been dropping down on what looks like christmas trees on the humminbirdand have not been getting hit. >>he's charging the boat, that or he got off i can't tell.he is moving. >>yeah we have not been catching what we have wanted to catch. we've been upand down the beach looking for tarpon- what you got? >>i don't know but it's gone aboutfour hundred miles an hour. golly, i just took up about sixty yards that i didn't thinki was going to get in time. >>having fun. oh, i got color! yes sir that's a king sizebonita.

[laughing] >>oh come here. >>lordy that'sa big bonita. oh watch out for the trolling motor. i got him. wright and mcgilled himto death. >>oh that's why he came up easy. [laughs] somebody got a hold of him. we'lljust leave him right there and let him make a nice chum trail for us. >>i'm gonna headon back. you got the bonitas chummed now? >>we got them chummed up. >>yes sir that'sa grown one. >>that's a full grown one there, heck yeah. >>he even hit the wire. well theywill definitely get your breath going and they are one pretty fish. they're actuallyin the king mackerel family they're not even in the tuna family but they sure do look alot like a tuna. >>i love these rudders back here. >>they'll even do the tuna kick justlike a tuna. same thing. head first real good

chunk in the water, get that air going throughtheir gills and off he goes. >>that wasn't much of a splash, i'll give him a five pointseven on that one brother. [laughing] >>well bonita are a whole lot offun. y'all get a chance to come fish with captain jim he will do everything he can toput you on fish cause we have been trying since day light this morning had every winddirection... >>and run all over the ocean. [laughing] >>we got to re-rig. y'all staytuned we are going to be right back with some more addictive fishing. with captain jim rossand who knows what from brevard reef. shh. [laughs] rig it right by wright and mcgill. ontoday's rig it right segment i am going to

show you what captain jim and i were out thereusing but first i want to talk a little bit about jim. jim and i actually went throughcaptain's school together many many years ago and got our captain's licenses together.love fishing with captain jim. every time i go to the space coast i'm always, 'hey let'sfish with captain jim!' and if you've seen the shows in the past, you've definitely seencaptain jimmy on the show a bunch. he is the man when it comes to the space coast. he doeseverything possible to put you on the fish. our targeted species this time was tarpon.last year jim's book was just lit up with stars on how many tarpon he was catching thattime of year. so we went out expecting the same thing and the weather was a little bitoff. the fishing bite was a little bit off,

and the tarpon. they weren't there. so, jimdoes what he always does he says hey let's go wreck hopping and we could definitely gofind some fish to catch and make a good show so, that's what we did. we went out and startedhitting all the wrecks out there and believe it or not, the eight footer. it was definitelygetting the job done. i had it rigged up with twenty pound test seaguar and this is thesmackdown i've been using, awesome stuff. 4/0 trokar circle hooks, thirty pound testseaguar fluorocarbon and basically just throwing the pogies behind the boat and y'all see whathappens. it catches fish. that's the object of the game, is getting fish to the boat.also got to try out the new two-hundred pound test threadlock on the goliath grouper downthere. ended up catching a little guy, but

there was some mooses down there. if y'allever get a chance to go fish with captain jimmy on the space coast. highly recommendit, one heck of a captain. remember one thing though, every fishing season starts righthere at dick's. rig it right, by wright and mcgill. ♪ that's a good mark whateverit is that just went under the boat. >>object of the game is to put the fish in the boatbaby. >>exactly, get as many as you can. >>let me show you these pogies how we get them riggedhere. what i like to do, right up in the snout they got a big giant piece of cartilage rightin their nose. and it's a great spot to put that trokar circle hook. and you can wingthem pretty good. alrighty then. flat lines out. how about that! >>hey, hey he's comingat us.

[laughing] coming back this a way. >>comeon bonita wake up. >>he hit it and ran straight at the boat didn't he? >>no he ate it andstayed there i think. ugh! come on fishy. they're a little easier to get in on thisstuff. [laughing] >>oh yeah, that little light onethat i was using... put just a little too much heat on him to try t stop him and thenhe popped it. mmmm! ♪ >>putting a little more drag on there. >>they pull a little bitharder than a walleye. >>and the object of the game, we were talking about it earlier...object of the game is to catch fish right? >>yup, that's right. ♪ ♪ [drag screaming] ♪ ♪ >>ugh, come on bonita.♪ as i was saying before bonita everybody

thinks they are in the tuna family. especiallyby the way they fight cause they fight a lot like a tuna. but they're in the mackerel family-he had something on his tail there. >>oh yeah, somebody is trying to eat him. >>everythingeats bonita, except me. [laughing] i actually did try it one time,it wasn't all that bad. >>boy that's a full grown model right there isn't it? >>set himup here on the deck so i can show everybody why people think they are tunas. >>get thatout of his face, got it. >>one of the main reason people think they are tuna is the finsback here these are the steering fins, and also their peck fins right here fold backand become hydrodynamic just like a tuna. that's why they are so fast and can absolutelypull and pull and pull, but- bontia! that's

a full grown one. >>that's a fatty too. >>awesome,awesome little fish to come out here and fight on trout rods, offshore rods. >>whatever youwant to catch them on. >>they're a lot of fun. once again straight down get that airshot over their gills and there they go. well jimmy, i think i've had about enough of thisday today. it's starting to get rough they're predicting thirty mph winds. and i've hada ball once again brother! >>we've been all over the ocean haven't we? >>we've had tohit so many spots today, you don't eve know. if y'all ever get a chance to come fish withcaptain jimmy here, definitely give him a shot because he does everything he can toput you on fish. that's about it, don't forget about the website addictive fishing dot com.hashtag show your mogan on instagram and what's

your website? >>fine line fishing chartersdot com. >>give him a shot you'll have a ball. want to say thanks to tom bartosek at thespace coast office tourism. put us up at the radisson awesome place to stay too. we'llsee you next week. check out more footage from this show by logging on to addictivefishing dot com for out takes and bloopers. >>oh bacarruder. >>oh!! [laughing] yes sir! i got him on the troutrod [laughing] >>arrrgghhh!

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