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winter sonata

we will start recording ~feliz navidad~ (merry christmas) hello everyone weekly idol actually, this christmas special is quite saddening me. for christmas special, we always have girl group that come here. it was like that today's recording, we are predicting that it's going to be the most difficult one. we have never seen them before in weekly idol and it is an abnormality that they are here.

its the first time they are making an appearance here.. why did you bring them here? (to the writers) we are thankful if it goes well. if it doesn't go well, we will come back with another special. we have to look at them as idols. we have to change the title. weekly musicians with people from korea's audition program, antenna angels is here. first of all, one by one please introduce yourself. don't you want them to do that "blablabla"

i don't think it will work on them. just try to do it and see "blablabla" hello, we're the antenna angels. they came prepared.you were told to do this right? by your boss what does antenna angels mean? our boss gave us that name. it's because they say we look like angels when we are working for men also? yeahh

our sunbaenim are called antenna warriors who is in antenna warriors? yoo hee yeol, peppertones, lucid fall, park sae byul and jung jae hyung that person? that person is in the company? jung jae hyung in antenna? yeah please greet the audience. hello. i came back with a new album called "the voice". i'm jung seung hwan. nice to meet you

jung seung hwan his song is doing well in the charts these days. next person, please introduce yourself hello. i am a singer songwriter, sam kim. nice to meet you. is it sam gim or sam kim? how do we call you? can't we call you kim sam? i need to get approval from my boss. who's your boss? yoo hee yeol

just go with kim sam. okay, i understand sam kim, you came from america? yes that's right. yes that's right. where are you from? i'm from seattle. seattle. wowww seattle super sonic gary payton! hehehe

how about you, jung seung hwan? i'm from incheon. yeahh incheon. like chinatown baby . in all of a sudden? chinatown china town, man kekeke :p hyungdon is very good at speaking english.

talk to him in english how are you? (learned from american tv shows) umm i'm fine -yeah -hehehe so cute (native speaker) (face english speaker) did you like your santa claus hat? yeahh woahh . (my type) hahaha

don't you have a more difficult question? he's teaching english really? yes. yeah, is teaching correct? hehe ah! he's learning english english running man. run? what? he's learning english now learning? are you learning it? walking running man, ok? (i've no idea what he's talking bout too) a difficult question.

difficult english question. difficult one?-yes, difficult english question. umm so, what do you think about plants photosynthesizing? umm... hehehe are you laughing? i'm sorry forgive him

forgive him, please hold on, seung hwan then can you speak english? come here speak in english. do your english i thought it was funny to see that you understood what he said we look like we studied in the states we're good with sam it's because we have swag okay, next person.

hello. i am a singer, kwon jin ah -nice to meet you. for weekly idol, kwon jin ah is wearing moderated traditional clothes it's very korean is it a natural dyed dress? - right what a beautiful color! - in natural dye ... we're with madam kwon jin ah if you turn around, can we see any letters at the back of the dress? ouh, i don't think so

next person. hello, i play piano and sings, lee jin ah. nice to meet you. jin ah, you were a contestant in kpop star right? that time, when i first heard your song, ahh i knew you were going to be a hit singer. actually, i was hoping for you to choose yg entertainment.. ouuh. but why go antenna? i thought i'd be fitted into antenna more no. no. you're so yg look at how well akdong musician is doing.

but i'm curious, why you all choose antenna? i think we all have the same thought why? we are all match well in antenna right now, honestly, you are regretting it right? no -not at all your manager is not here, so tell us black pink is hot right now see how twice made a hit. they're a hit

only now you all appear in weekly idol. they've already visited here before you're here abruptly. can you not see how choked up we are? what are you going to do now? we'll do our best what? what are you going to work hard at? do not lower your voice since we're in the basement, it's too reverberate here

actually,it's the first time that musicians came to weekly idol. for today's special, there is no random play dance. it's a corner where we will be listening to ur music we are going to listen to antenna angels with this first corner (live) as for kim sam,he brought guitar and lee jinah with keyboard. here we have a jukebox really? can i request for a song then? he can play any song on that guitar

"ibibi" it's not a jukebox wait a minute. is it because of the singer? is it not responding because we are the one singing it? (taken aback) 1,2,3 "don't listen to the women that you broke up with" don't do that song

how would they know the song? you don't know? is it possible with jinah? can you also play any song? i really like that song what song? you know shostakovich's waltz no.2. yes? "bambambambam"

(oh it works) (as expected, music genius lee jinah) you know ....? i don't really know hot classical songs "uuuuuu" excuse me, i'm really sorry. don't you have any other jukebox instrument? you're prepared with christmas carol medley right? yes let's hear it

(grateful melody) (grateful melody) (grateful voice) (christmas time is here) (vince guaraldi trio) (in the 3rd basement) (never heard such a high quality live) 1, 2, 3, 4 (let it snow - vaughn monroe) (happy with all the voices) (angels are singing in the 3rd basement) (here must be the heaven)

(voice of an angel) i want to buy them all (jingle bell) (sweet voice for your ears) (was i a good child?) (this is a real christmas gift) (yoo hee yeol's treasure box) (last christmas - wham) - wham - wham michael!

george michael! (i brought four best voices) (since i do not know your type) (harmonization of all voices) (sentimental) (so ​​sweet) (sweet, even sweeter) (antenna angels, you're so angelic) (when everyone was worried about casting them here)

(yoo hee yeol forced it) (you'll get blessed, yoo hee yeol) (touched endlessly) while all of you were supposed to make harmonies, why did not seung hwan do it? i did i could not hear - me neither is it a fluke? i thought you were lip syncing can not you do 3rd or 5th triads? i could hear all the rest of others' voices

really? - i have such a tidy sound can not you do la la? 1, 2, 3! come over here. i can not hear come up here since i can not hear you get out of the team you're so bad let's do it together (kind of enough to smile it away)

(among the music angels) (music pigs are coming in) 5, 6, 7,8! (disharmony) (a whole new world for him) (singing only one note) (singing only one note, harmonizing) (angels, do not try so hard) wait a minute can't you play the guitar louder?

we want to make a harmony why do you sound so quiet? be confident when you sing - be confident can't you make triads? of course we can let's make d then - seung hwan watch and learn it - yes this is how you make triads this is what harmonics is

give us the first note (angels are suffering again) (destructing the harmony) (it's supposed to be messed up) (singing one note) (the guitar sounds so loud) (feeling nervous to listen to) (christmas nightmare in 2016) one more time

(do not say one more time) (excited) (sam is also overly excited) hey! let's go to hongdae let's go to a club seung hwan - yes this is how you sing i was so quiet - can you make harmonies?

i guess i can - it's about your confidence and kim sam ... you should play the guitar louder - yes okay - i was too quiet yet? - the volume was too low this time, they have prepared idol hit song medley they have prepared a lot seung hwan, move away if you are not confident yes

i will sing louder this time okay. i look forward to it. music heaven in 3rd floor basement again for you i have a secretly hidden aegyo to show everyday, i will not bore you i'll make you laugh you will not know how i love you

ah-choo! (the song itself is not that touching) i can not help sneezing when i see you there are many things to tell you my lips ... (is ah-choo so sad?) they're too ticklish to tolerate (grumbling) (serious)

(before doniconni stops) (mistake) sorry that's okay. - it's fine this can happen the instrument can be mistaken it's not an audition program you suddenly became kind - no no it's not a sudden thing

we used to be very kind - we're just unkind to someone let's watch (yoo hee yeol's music box is re-opened) (what's the next song?) 24 hours is not good enough for me when i'm with you as i look into your eyes - seung hwan, join us (twitching) i'm touching you - she's making us dance

as you touch me 24 hours 1, 2, 3 (goodness) 2, 3, 4 this is real music - this is real you should make someone dance - it has to make body moves nice. good job music makes us dance

while praises make a whale dance cool song makes people dance you should do like this there was no response when you sang just now we will proceed to the next song i thought i was already grown up (doni's favorite song) although it's my feeling why can't i control it

as i keep pushing you away i'm still falling into you, falling into you baby i'm like tt just like tt - seung hwan, what are you doing? do not you know how i feel? you're too mean. you're too mean just like tt tell me that you'd be my baby wow, kim sam good

kim sam is this the dance? i want to learn from you - this is good after this, give him some seaweed three packs for him he makes us dance this is what music is, ok? you know music? - yeah jin ah, let's go!

she got me gone crazy why is my heart beating? you're beautiful. you're my goddess your heart is closed, yeah yeah i'll knock on your heart. will you let me in? i'll make you thrilled with eyes of curiosity you're already into me by the way

can you play a song we know? can you do growl? - growl? - growl growl, growl, growl sorry. we want to dance seung hwan wants to dance, too she knows how to dance with growl - really? then, we'll dance with jin ah (i can play any music)

growl! growl! i'm growling growl! growl! i'm growling - jin ah (lee jin ah's extreme job) seung hwan, do you know the difference? can you not feel it? i did not feel anything before, but today ... so can you feel it? - is there a song you can do? other members can make me dance i can only sing ballads

what do you mean? we can even dance with 24 hours i feel so lonely i feel like sobbing i really feel like sobbing my life is full of splendor loneliness come i miss my maternal grandma who i've never seen before i'm asking you

do you feel happy in this moment? seung hwan have to learn from us come and find us and we'll teach you (next corner) first written profile with antenna angels first written profile is for people visiting us for the first time . they cannot escape the first course. we will now look for jung seung hwan's charm right now. antenna's poet with 500 works

yoo hee yeol said, he leaves his poet on his way do you write poems a lot? i just like to write down things by myself but, people call my writings as poems somehow it's kind of embarrassing there's a poem about lee jin ah really? - you did not know it at all? (blurred) (nodding) was there?

title, lee jin ah the smile in the morning is still in the corner of the room it comforted my crouching night she was once darkness thus i know love and hate what are you really? (irritated) this makes me too fancy

i do not want it we like rough things it'll be great if lee jin ah playing the piano for reciting seung hwan ... - okay let's have a look (rebooting the emotion) comforted my night - comforted ... thus i know love and truth she tends to give a smile of tears

when i did not know the morning she handed slender, but a rough hand saying she wishes for my happiness i wish for her happiness, too what does it mean? - it's about ... jin ah was about to have a debut a long time ago we used to do v app in a formal way when someone has a debut ... - he's crying

(i got a caught) who? are you crying? - why? it was so beautiful he's really crying no. hold on i can not do this with antenna guys i will not do this with musicians it's kind of ... - i can't catch up with him

why are you suddenly crying? did you get something in your eyes? (feeling spring in your poem) how did you feel to listen to this poem? jin ah is not crying, but sam kim is what's morning smile? you said it comforted the crouching night. did you meet seung hwan in the early morning? it's not that

i was trying to make it symbolize as jin ah could you write such a poem while u have no feeling towards her? i like jin ah a lot okay - got it so, you like her - that's it (seung hwan, fool) how about you, lee jin ah? he's okay. not bad i like seung hwan it's not that. i just like him as a friend

that's it you'll be surprised to watch the show music genius, lee jin ah i heard you can sing anything in your own style you can sing a centennial life, southbound train this will be fun can you sing a centennial life? (2015 mega hit song, a centennial life) when i'm 60 ...

and grim reaper comes i really do not want to go there tell him i'm too young to go there i can not really go there can you really do that, too? the gloomy song? it's not the end yet i really love the song

really? - i never saw someone like you this song is really hilarious i never saw someone like you i listen to it when i feel gloomy but, i've never sung it before it's more difficult than you think there's a lay back in the part, no no no no no it will not be that easy - but the words ... no no no no no

you're not good no no no no no. you should sing like this (nasal voice lesson) look down start from your real voice to falsetto. do it naturally no no ... it should be like this this is how you sing. does seung hwan know how? does seung hwan know how? try it - try it then

5,6,7,8 no no no no no - not good enough (displeased) i'm sorry. i was trying hard no no ... is not it right? - no way (listen, this is a gifted nasal voice) you have to open up here no no ... - no no no look at his eyes. you should flip them

no no no no no - not like that call us later - we'll teach you you can write songs in a minute about how you feel to be here sounds nice can you write a song about it? we have a bard here, too if you play the keyboard, can seung hwan sing with words? (sketch book in the 3rd basement) (unexpected performance)

(the oldest just wrote a melody) (automatically reacting) i do not know what i'm doing now sing louder i'm working hard - i'm working hard i do not know why - you really do not know? when i dance, it's not that good enough do you really not know what you need now?

monitor this on tv - i do not know what i really need watch this on tv, you little one watch the actual show you'll know what you need, you little one you little one - ah okay (good job seung hwan) can we make a song out of this tune? nice. conflict between seung hwan, hyung-don and defconn

i like this you little one jin ah, it's amazing we will have a look at the next person antenna's iu, suzy. kwon jin ah who wrote that? who do you think wrote it? yoo hee yeol wrote it according to it, you can dance traditional like sexy dance yoo hee yeol said it was like the wailing he thought she was in possession

sam kim and seung hwan can not even watch that sexy dance in antenna, i heard she gets dance tutoring that means kwon jin ah gets ... - high expectations she must have a talent for dancing we prepared a song i hope sam kim and jung seung hwan to watch jin ah's sexy dance till the end what shall i do? - she has a lot of talents, i see let's go. music start! (suddenly changed)

(see how the two guys' face change) (when i dance, people pay attention to me) (brisk movement) (a result from investment) (impatient calmed down) (beautiful moves) (it looked like a flamenco) i heard jung seung hwan is a dancing machine in antenna there's one i can dance

what's that? a foreign artist charlie puth it has a song called suffer suffer. s, u, f, f, e, r did not charlie puth sing sing again? - right accompanied with this do you want the music or what? - i can play it then, play suffer for jung seung hwan (kim sam's sweet guitar sound) (jin ah's voice along it)

(jung seung hwan's awful dance) (dancing) (what's that?) (performance art) what's he doing? (he's dancing, but not really dancing) is it like poomsae for taekwondo? (ending) (ending with point dance)

was it like poomsae? - no the tempo was too slow - is it like traditional martial art? anyway ... - charlie puth - enjoyed your dance and kwon jin ah's amazing sexy dance i thought she was beyonce lastly is our kim sam you have a lot of personal skills lee jin ah and maengu's voice mimicry, cover dance of beyonce's single lady who told them?

yoo hee yeol told us all - he told us everything why did you do that? how do you do cover dance of beyonce? you'll do this one - you should show it to seung hwan, too music start - do we have it? music start! (single ladies - beyonce) (laughing shocked) (hello. i'm beyonce sam)

that move is like plating rice (this is it for today) (absurd) (tactless) can you play the guitar and sing? - for the last time can you play your favorite song? (playing automatically) (this is it) (how cool!)

(he's born as a musician) (fabulous) it's very rhythmic (astonished) (forget that beyonce cover dance) (i'm the handsome sam kim) (i say sam, you say kim) woah nice

we are here with antenna angels why hasn't it ended yet? today, the person who has made all this possible to happen is here this person has personally came down to this 3rd floor basement the reason behind this absurb christmas special the person who named antenna angels, yoo hee yeol is here (the boss is entering) they don't look like they are welcoming you absolutely not welcome

have a seat it's the first time it's a king's chair i have not seen this chair for years it's very uncomfortable you are a person with a position hello. i am in charge of antenna's main vocal. i am yoo hee yeol. the air is not good here why did you send them to our program?

you do know that it is an idol program right? they should be appearing on programs like yhy sketchbook . why did you send them here? shouldn't they be appearing in yhy sketchbook for christmas special? so, what do you think about our kids? its not weekly musician in our company, whenever i look at them ,i feel that they are like an idol there's a huge problem here. we cannot do random play dance

at one glance, when i see them dance just now , ouh i didn't know you have that many great dancers in your company you did a dance? jung seung hwan showed us a dance just now. they are taking the same dance lesson just like in jyp it's a no wonder that they have those vibe. they are taking dance lesson at that place right? were they taught by the same dance instructor? no wonder they're a musician

since the boss is here, you have to go through the 3 obstacle courses. does the bosses came here? jyp personally come here he came here alone. he didn't come here as a boss? he came here as a singer park jinyoung. he also played the boss role here and in terms of looks, i am better than yoo hee yeol. ~jyp (so upset) i can't stand seeing jyp face and the fact that he came here is quite distasteful.

actually, i want to invite jung jae hyung we did not know jung jae hyung is in your company it's a secret for us, too (music angel is in all secret) (honey-tongued yoo hee yeol) he's not good at selling, right? we'll see your first set of course as a boss this is the first one (curious)

jyp was a legend - hey, i have something to tell you hey, i really like you this much, this much, this much i really love you this is called aegyo we'll invite you the bosses from all agencies where are you going? do you know how we suffered? do you know how we suffered? - worked hard for them

watch the show on tv that's ... we're too old to do that it's okay if you do not want to do it without music, we can make a background music for you play it (working for the boss) you can see lyrics in front (toy is singing) hey i have something to tell you

hey i really like you i really like you (a legendary moment of antenna) (heart) (impressed) you really love the kids here i did not know you really love them he does not do such things - he never does such things he really does not do this

he never does such things i can see how much you love them. it's okay. you do not have to be ashamed why are you hiding your face? gosh. his ears are so hot is there anyone who has cold hands? (getting a fever) jyp and antenna has quite a difference i thought you were wearing a mask i can see how much you love your staffs

(are you there?) it was not that bad after it, right? - sure. now ... or do you want to monitor what you just did? no way. i do not want to see - seung hwan, did you see? yes - this is how you do let's have seung hwan try it let's do it, seung hwan (watching him like his dad) jin ah, could you please ...

(little prince of ballad is singing) hey i really like you - he was like this for the entire show good work (you little one) (i did not raise you like this) he was like this for a whole day we've been filming for hours so, the first course is passed (addicted to aegyo)

(true teaching method) you're done with the first one among three is this just one? am i done with just one? (good gracious) the second course is ... since the boss is here personally and usually the boss always treats coffee using the their own card for our staffs can you pass me your wallet? you're going to take out the card from the wallet itself. use your own personal card

yoo hee yeol is going to treat we will check for you we will check your own personal card woah black credit card (nervous) we will move on to the next corner with the boss personal card it's the boss's treat! show me the boss card! what is this? with the boss's personal card, if you succeed the mission, you can get any gifts that you want! using his own personal card.

so, we are treating them with gifts and not coffee? using my card? in yg, a fridge and a computer were treated to them did hyun-suk do that? - yes but he can afford to it every morning, he sends us the price of yg's stock with this what can they do with it? i'm sorry. since it's lack of production cost, can you please spin it by yourself? you can just spin it like this - me?

sure so, we can feel like in movie awards like academy awards - isn't it supposed to be automatic? we have small budget let's hear what you want to have now seung hwan, that's a real card yoo hee yeol is treating you -something you need i need a foot bath machine foot bath machine? - isn't it too cheap? - is it?

isn't it too cheap? - is it? how about a bath tub for lower body? - something more expensive a bath tub for lower body that's right what's that? - it's a tub - you can find it apink got a bath tub for lower body, right? about 700,000 krw is a big basin not good enough? - no way a bath tub for lower body? - yes that's good

kim sam? how about sam? how about a business class flight ticket? - to visit hometown you should go to seattle a ticket valid for 12 months - you should go to seattle kim sam, a flight ticket for business class he's meeting his parents what a nice boss! - wow, amazing - i admit you're so cool you are large-handed

a flight ticket is okay even i've never taken a business before that's why it's a christmas gift when sam goes back to the states in a business seat, yoo hee yeol is a big guy it's the best - when antenna is known for it k-pop star contestants will chose your agency they will not go to yg (i'm doomed) kwon jin ah! i ... i want a laptop

nice - you have one that's a big size i want something portable i can not afford it for myself either so, you're giving staffs a thing as a gift that you can not afford to buy this is ... - when viewers watch this ... when you spin it too fast, viewers might feel dizzy when you spin it too fast ... (being a boss is too lonely)

they have to succeed it first when they fail, they can not have gifts how about lee jin ah? i want a guitar then guitar! - which guitar? that sounds nice i want something small what brand? - it was a very small one i can not remember - what's the price?

about ... 2 or 300,000 krw? no no no that's not good enough who's sitting on the golden chair? he's the king everyone wants something pricy guitar and ... guitar and ... - guitar and launchpad - is it a keyboard? - drum? - is it a percussion? yes - knew it wait, the guitar she's talking about ... i think she knows the price not right are you talking about t brand? - that's the one you're the worst

why? what's going on? how much is it? - how much? it's really expensive - how much? you can not even buy it anywhere - really? let's summarise it easily firstly, bathtub flight ticket. you can do it this way. flight ticket laptop

and guitar like this it will be less burden the mission that they have to succeed is... "shouting in silence" they must have not done it before what does that smile mean? it's quite difficult to do with 4 people. jung seung hwan have to leave for his schedule what recording do you have after this?

music program yoo hee yeol will take over seunghwan's spot (reallyy?) you can't be like this. i really want to buy a gift for you. jung seung hwan, please say your farewell i have to leave suddenly... do it while you you're dancing he has been doing this the whole day

dance genius yes, next time, i will be back with a better appearance. thank you all for everything (goodbye to this fool) jung seung hwan has left early for his schedule so yoo hee yeol will be filling his spot. do you know what kind of game is this? no i will show this to yoo hee yeol then i will blurt out the phrase using my mouth after you have seen this, then you will tap the next person to do the same thing and it continues to the next person

until the last person where he will have to guess correctly from what he says. please do not try to get it wrong on purpose i always do it properly. we will definitely be able to guess correctly. let's cheer, 1, 2, 3 hwaiting ready start they will definitely guess it correctly what is it? it's too easy

peppertones (got it right away) eating rice? (our sam kim is doing well) slowly, i'll have one more try. okay, the answer is... (please, kim sam) ahhhhhh (my kid)

you're enjoying it alone you're enjoying it alone here sam, let's do a regular album recording like this, it's possible to have regular album yes, it is possible i think the problem lies in sam kim i will trust your conscience anyways, you won't guess it correctly hyungnim here we go, sam kim hwaiting!

hwaiting! (tap tap) do ni co ni do ni coni it's not good this way. okay

doniconi (i saw something) ah! conni (helping angels) (does not know what's going on) doni coni (cheating) doni doni

(i do not understand the word) (no, not that) doni, doni coni doni doni? doni coni! (boss yoo is sacrificed by doni conni's cheating) (laughing) why? why? why? (boss is laughing, too)

why? - do! what? what? it's okay. relax just relax doni coni doni conni (too easy to miss it) knows. he's confused - follow your conscience ah ah ah

- yoo hee yeol - do yi do yi co yi take off your headset - i trust your conscience - it's up to you what is your answer? (i trust you, boss) yeaaa. that's the correct answer you got it right i like to get it right

jyp's music is on in this can you change the music? this is the most hateful song i can hear jyp in the intro i think this will be difficult one more quiz hold on (cheating again) (beat is on)

(bringing a new quiz) i like a word like winter sonata - this is the 2nd one (laughing as soon as he saw the word) this is the 2nd one yoo hee yeol jjang! yoo hee yeol jjang!

ouh hehe (can not miss the answer at all) ju gan ... - yoo hee ... - yoo hee yeol - jjang (dang it) he's thinking he's thinking now we'll show you - the answer in advance - he's in deep agony ju gan ...

(boss is struggling) (many eyes are watching on him) - yoo hee yeol jjang! dang it! - right answer! yoo hee yeol jjang! dang it! - right answer! right answer right answer antenna angels won the prize finally! yoo hee yeol! yoo hee yeol! "sorry for his wife" yoo hee yeol!

boss followed his conscience this is great - he's spinning it as promised, you will be giving them the christmas gifts. you became yoo hee yeol santa and please take a prove shot of the presents here is the last obstacle course. it's a contract [pledge] i, yoo hee yeol have attended today’s recording and am deeply impressed with it. yoo hee yeol, toy or antenna warriors that releases song will definitely appear.. (wait, stop) will definitely appear..

nope i don't think so why didn't you ask our opinion about this? pass (boss, where are you going?) we did not see this contract - i didn't see.. why would the warriors.. anytime can you make this official we couldn't even imagine that.

we've had antenna angels today with antenna warriors's boss yoo hee yeol visiting us here. kwon jin ah, how do you feel after being here? thanks to you, i'm getting a laptop thank you so much i will get a prove shot of the gift and send it to you. to end it off, let's hear it from our antenna angel's boss, yoo hee yeol. to make the closing. for this christmas special, our kids have come here and i'm very thankful. and also this is weekly idol, i don't know whether we all fit in here for the program to be doing well, there must be at least a difficulty

i wish for the program to keep on doing well. and as for these guys, i think of them as my musician hoobae and we will work hard to have you with good music. have a happy holiday. happy christmas lastly, we have presents for all of you. weekly idol's neck pillow thank you have a safe flight please give this to jung seung hwan oh, it's not for me

woah, both of you look horrible to end it off, after i shout out "we've been with antenna music!" sam kim can play a cool song how about a carol? carol what do you wanna play? let it snow? or last christmas? last christmas the harmonisation is better now that jung seung hwan is not here.

we have been with antenna music! (merry christmas everyone)

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