hey guys, welcome back for another very excitingtutorial here at the photoshoptrainingchannel.com. my name is jesus ramirez and you can findme on twitter @jrfromptc. in this tutorial, we'll be creating this moonwalking scene using photoshop cs6's 3d features. we'll start off by creating a few simple shapesto create the earth and the moon surface. then, we'll bring in a 3d model of an astronautand a lunar lander. we'll, then, apply textures to the earth and the moon, as well as addreflections and shadows to the scene. and, by the way, the 3d models and textures usedin this tutorial were provided by nasa. nasa's website, actually, has a section where youcan download 3d resources to use in photoshop and in other 3d modeling applications. i havedirect link to all the files used in this
tutorial, but i'll quickly show you how toget into the 3d resources section in the nasa website, so you can find other 3d objectsand textures to use in your project. so to get to the nasa website, go to nasa.gov,that's g-o-v. then hover over multimedia and click on 3d resources. in this section, youcan download 3d models or images and textures. let's look at the 3d models really quick.if you click on 3d models, you'll see a list of all the 3d models you can download to usein your projects. we'll be using the mark iii spacesuit and we'll, also, be using theapollo lunar module, which is this one, right here. and like i said, i have the direct linksto these models, so you don't have to go through all these steps to find them. but once youclicked on the link, click on the "download
.3ds file" in this case to download it intoyour computer. and, then, as you will see, you can import that into photoshop. and asi said before, you also have images and textures, so, let's click on the gallery, here. andit's going to take us to a gallery of different textures. for example, you have jupiter, saturn,and a whole bunch of other different images you can use. so, we're going to be using someimages of earth that i'll link to from the website. and, before we get started with the tutorial,i just want to let you know that in order to save some time, i'm assuming that you'vewatched some of my other 3d tutorials, so i won't be covering some of the basics. ifyou get lost while watching this tutorial,
i recommend watching some of my other tutorialsfirst, and then coming back to this one, okay? anyway, guys, let's get started with thistutorial. first, let's make sure we're all on the same page by having the right panels,the right workspace. so go into window, workspace, make sure 3d is selected, and click on reset3d. then, we're going to create a new file, so i'm going to file, new, and i'm going tocreate a file that is 1280 by 720, then i'm going to press ok. and, the first thing i'm going to do is i'mgoing to create a mesh from preset, and that's going to be a sphere. then, i'm going to create;i'm going to click on the sphere. i'm going to move it up to the side, and, maybe, pushit back a little bit, maybe, something like
that. and i don't want the sphere to giveoff a shadow so i'm going to click on cast shadow. i'm going to click on that so it nolonger gives off a shadow. and, you know what? maybe, i'll push it. i'm going to move itto the side, for now, maybe up here, something like that. and i'm going to put this backhere where it belongs. okay. then, i'm going to create the ground plane for this image,which is the moon. and to do that, i'm going to create a new layer and i want to fill thiswith 50% gray, so shift and backspace, and use 50% gray, as i said. and just to showyou how this works, i'm going to create this rectangle, here. i'm going to fill it withblack. i'm going to move that and fill the second one with white. then, i'm going togo back into the 3d panel with this new layer
selected and i'm going to click on mesh fromdepth map, plane, click on create. and that's going to create this 3d object, here, which,as you can see is flat, and it's got this indentation that goes down and this one thatgoes up. well, that's because in our depth map, here, we used black and white. so, 50%gray keeps the 3d mesh flat, white raises it up, and black brings it down. so we'regoing to use this technique to create the moon's ground. and to do that, i'm going to go into the foregroundcolor, and i'm going to change it to 51% gray, which is just 1% higher than 50%, obviously.and then, for the background color, i'm going to do 1% lower, which is 49%. then, i'm goingto go into filter and clouds, and you really
can't notice it now, but there's some cloudsgoing on in here, and if i go back into the 3d plane, you'll see that i created this plane,here, and it's got some hills and valleys and stuff like that. the reason you see thiswhite stripe and this black stripe is because it was applied to that depth map in the diffuse--it's going to bring me; let me close that, actually. press ok and i'm going to deleteit, of course, but i'm also going to fill it with gray, like so. so whatever you applyas a depth map, it also applies it as a texture. then i'm going to bring in the 3d models fromthe nasa website. so, i'm going to click on 3d, new 3d layer from file, then i'm goingto select the mk2.obj, which is the astronaut. and when you bring in a new layer—a new3d layer—it's not in the same 3d layer as
all the other layers we've been working on.so let me just rename this. i'm going to rename this one "earth," this one's the "moon," andi'll keep the mk3 and that's fine. and i'm going to merge all of these into one3d scene. so i'm going to press ctrl e to merge all of them into one 3d scene. and,if i click on the move tool, and click on the default view, this is what we have. so,obviously, the ground plane is too small, so we got to scale that and make that much,much bigger. so, i'm just going to make that bigger, like so, and, maybe, bring it downa little bit; something like that. i'm going to double click on that 3d layer and i'm goingto click on the astronaut, the obj mesh, which is the astronaut. i'm going to bring thatcloser to me, and i'll snap it down to the
ground plane and see how far down it goes.as you can see, it didn't go down as far as i wanted. i need it to go further down, andthe reason that happened is because with 3d objects that you bring from other platforms,things don't always work the way you expected them to. and, actually, now that i'm here, i want toselect the front view just to make sure that everything is in the right spot. so i'm goingto swap those views and i want to zoom in, and, you know what? let me move that. actually,you know, that's fine. that's fine. i'm just going to swap them back. zoom out. i'm zoomingout by holding alt and the mouse wheel, by the way, and that's option mouse wheel onthe mac. anyway, i'm just going to rotate
this astronaut by clicking on this arc handlehere. oops, sorry, i'm rotating the ground plane; got to click on the obj mesh from themk3 and click on the y axis arc and rotate it the other way there. and, maybe, i'll makehim bigger. and, maybe push him back just a little bit. and, now, i'm going to bringin the moon lander. so i'm going to go into 3d, new 3d from file, and i'm going to clickon the lunar lander, here, and this time, it's a .3ds file, and photoshop can work withthose as well. so click on open, and we're going to have to do the same thing. we'regoing to have to merge that one back down with all the other layers. so i'm going topress ctrl e, command e on the mac to do that. i'm going to double click on the 3d layer,here, and find a lunar object here. and i'm
going to move that into position. and, by the way, if you can't move it to theright spot, always swap with either the top or the front, or left or right so you canget better views and dragging it into position. so, now, i'm going to click on top. i'm goingto swap it, and i'm just going to move that one over, right next to the astronaut, rightthere, and it looks like he's right on it there, so i'm just going to move it to theright a little bit, and then, i'm going to scale it. and i have to push it down too becauseit looks like he's floating, so, i'll scale it in a moment. also, the earth is right ontop of the moon plane and that is not going to work. so, i'm just going to grab that,push it back, and move it. i want to swap
views again, and, actually, i'll move thisone to the side. push this up and i'll scale it. oops, sorry about that. let me press ctrlz. i was scaling it on one axis, not all axes at the same time, so scale it uniformly andmake that much bigger, maybe that big. and i'm going to move it over to the right, andbring it down, like so. okay. and what i'm going to do now is i'mgoing to make the lander a little bit bigger. i'm going to click on the lunar lander andi'm going to scale uniformly, and make this guy much, much bigger, maybe about that big.and in reality, i don't know how big this thing really is, so i'm just estimating, sothat might be a little too big, so i'm just going to make it smaller. and the astronautis working on it or trying to fix it. i don't
know. we can make up whatever story we wantfor this illustration and i just got to make sure that the rover is actually standing onthe ground plane. if i go too high, he's floating and you can see the shadow right under thefoot, there. or, if i bring it down too far, it sinks into the moon. so i'm just goingto push it up right about there, as soon as it's past the ground, like so. and, i don'tthink i'm going to need this at least for now, so i'm just going to close it, and i'mgoing to press m on the keyboard to open up the marquee tool, so i can hide all the other3d tools, and everything's looking pretty good. i'm going to press ctrl s to save. it'sa good idea to save a lot while you're working in 3d.
okay. now, one of the things we have to fixright off the bat is the lighting in the scene. every 3d scene has at least one light; inthis case, it's the infinite light, which is the default. so i'm going to click on infinitelight and press the v key on the keyboard to bring up this icon here, this tool thatwe can click and drag to work with the lighting. if you don't see that, go into view, show,3d lights. anyway, infinite light, move tool, and you should see this tool, here, that youcan click and drag, and i want the sun—and this is sort of like the sun—so i want thesun to be on the right side, here, like so. so we're going to get some shadows on theastronaut which is going to be pretty cool. and the earth, here, so it's going to be morningtime on the east and night time on the west,
and i'm just going to do a quick render. i'lljust click on the render button, just to see how things are looking like so far, and soi may see the shadows and what things are looking like, and, yeah, things are lookingpretty good. now, what i'm going to do now is go back intothe layers panel, add a new layer, bring that down, and i'm just going to call this layer"space" and i want to fill this layer with black, so i'm going to press d on the keyboardfor my default foreground and background colors, alt backspace, option backspace on the mac,to fill with black. i want to create one more layer and i'm going to call this layer "stars."i'm going to create a star field and i'll do that by pressing b on the keyboard to accessthe brush tool, and i'm going to make the
brush about 3 pixels. i'm going to go intothe brush presets, here, and i'm going to make sure that shape dynamics is turned onand have size jitter to 80%, minimum diameter 50%, angle jitter 43, roundness jitter 31,and minimum roundness 25. i've also added scattering all the way up to 1,000 and thecount jitter to 100%. and i, also, increased the spacing of my brush, and i get somethingthat looks like what you see down here. and i'm just going to paint with white, and i'mjust going to create some stars, like so. and if i think i needed more stars in otherplaces, i'll add them, like so. okay, this is fine for now. what i'll do nowis i'm just going to increase the brush size to, maybe, 9 and just create 1 or 2, justa few bigger stars, brighter stars, like so.
and, if i didn't like any, if there's somethingi don't like with the stars, i'll just click on the eraser tool and just erase areas wherei think i have too many stars, so something like that. this looks good. then, on thislayer, i'm going to double click on it to bring up the layer style options, click onouter glow, and i'm going to add a blue outer glow, just to make them just a little morerealistic. so if i hold alt, or option on the mac, and use the mouse wheel, scroll upthe mouse wheel to zoom in, you'll see that outer glow on the stars there, like so. okay.so that was it with working with 3d models and 3d shapes. what i'm going to do now iswe're going to start working with textures. so i'm going to click on my 3d layer, and,actually, i'm just going to call this layer
"3d scene" because it's not really the earth,it's just the whole 3d scene, and i want to double click on that, and let's work withthe earth first. so, i'm going to click on the earth layerand on the sphere material. the diffuse color for any 3d object is the actual color of thatobject. so if i change this to red, that turns into red, or green, or whatever color youwant. there is a texture on it now, and you know, because there's this icon here. if itdidn't have any texture, you'll see this folder icon. so if i click on edit texture, it'sjust something that's blank. so, if i were to make a selection, and fill it with green,for example, and i would come back into the file, here, actually, you kind of see thegreen, there. let me just move that over to
this side so you could see it better. andthere you go. so it now makes that part green, and the other part whatever the diffused coloris. if i were to change the diffused color to red, it makes the other side red. i justwanted to show you that so you can get some ideas, and, maybe, come up with some cooldesigns on your own. but, anyway, i'm going to go back into the layer, here, and justdelete every pixel, and i'm going to place a file that i have, which is earth texture.again, i got that from the nasa website. there's a link to it right under this video. so i'mgoing to click on place, and i'm just going to match that there like so. actually, letme close this since we won't be needing that map anymore. so, as you can see, this is theearth, there. if i were to click on it, i
can actually make it rotate, and it lookspretty cool. that's africa, and then, north and south america, pretty cool. and, thisis looking pretty good but it's not looking too realistic because if we were really lookingat the earth from space, we will see some clouds, and there are no clouds here. so,why don't we add some clouds? i'm going to go to file, place, and i haveanother image from nasa, which is just a picture of clouds from earth. so, they actually wentahead and removed everything but the clouds, which is going to work great for us. i'm justgoing to match that there, press enter, and i'm going to change the blending mode to screen.that way, everything that's black becomes transparent, which is going to make this imagelook great. so, if i come back into the earth
scene, you'll see the clouds there, and theearth is looking much, much more realistic. now, the sun is coming in from the right.so let me just rotate this a little bit, so we can have some fun here. let me find theright tool. here we go. we're going to rotate that down a little bit and rotate it thisway. so, if the sun is coming in from the right side, it's hitting africa and europe,so that's daytime, so we needed to be night time in the americas. so what we're going to do is we're going toadd one more file. so i'm going to go to file, place and click on earth night, which is anothertexture provided by nasa, which is, essentially, the earth at night time, with no clouds, andpress enter. so if i were to bring that down,
and, actually, you know what? this cloudstexture is too strong, so i'm going to bring that down to 75% or even more, maybe 70%,something like that. so if i come back into the earth texture, you'll see, now, that thereare lights, here, in the united states and in brazil, but this part is daytime, so wedon't need lights on this side. so what i can do is i can create a selection of justnorth and south america, apply a layer mask, click on the layer mask, click on mask edge,and just feather it, like so. it's a nice transition there. press ok. we'll come backinto the 3d scene. so, now, it's daytime in africa, europe, and nighttime in the unitedstates and south america, as you could see. so i'm going to zoom in so you can see itbetter; so you can see the lights here and
there. it just makes things a little morerealistic. okay, so now that we're done with the earth,let's work on the astronaut. let me zoom in to him so we could see him better. and i'mmoving the space bar to get the hand tool and place them right in the middle. so, iwant to double click on the 3d layer and i'm going to press the v key on the keyboard,and this astronaut, the mk3 3d layer, has all these different 3d meshes, and noticethat when i click on them, different parts of his body are selected. that means thatthis particular mesh controls, for example, the shoes. so if i click on diffuse, go tored, i could give him red shoes if i want to, and i can, obviously, apply an image thatwould wrap around his shoes so i can make
him look like he's wearing, you know, sneakersor, you know, some nikes or something. but, anyway, the one that i'm looking for, now,is the very top one, which is his helmet and it's the facemask, and i want it to be reflectingthe environment around it. so, once i have that selected, i'm going to click on reflection,and i'm going to bump that all the way up to 80%, like so. if i press on the m key forthe marquee tool, make a selection just around his head, i can click on the render button,and it's going to render just that section, and you'll see that his helmet is now reflectinghis arm and is reflecting the surface and part of the rover. so that makes it much,much more realistic. so that's a pretty cool feature that photoshop3d has that it can interact with the objects
around it. what i'm going to do now is i'mgoing to just apply a few more reflections to some items. so i'm going to press the vkey and in the rover, i can actually click on different sections of the rover, and ifi wanted to, i can move them away, but i'm not going to. you feel free to do that withyour composition, if you like. but, i'm just going to select areas that i think will bea little more reflective, so, maybe, this area here. so once i have that selected, ican scroll down and find it. it will be highlighted, and there it is. so i can click on these twoitems, here, and increase the reflection to 50%, and i'll do that here for this one aswell, like so. and, maybe, i don't know, maybe this bottom part, here, to be reflected too,so let me find that. and i'll, also, bump
that up to 50%, like so. okay. so, now, i'mgoing to press the m key on the keyboard, again, and i'm just going to make a selectionhere and render it, just to see what everything is looking like. okay. i'm going to go aheadand deselect that. and, yeah, things are looking pretty good. what i'm going to do now is i'm going to createsome texture for the ground plane, so i have to find that, which is the moon layer here.it's obviously at that snap, but i still have a diffused color, so we can change the diffuseto a different color if you wanted to, but it's not doing anything because we have atexture for that, so let me open that up. and what i can do is i can apply action herethat, i think, would work, so let me go into
window, actions, and under textures, and,by the way, if you don't have that, you can just click on the fly out menu here and clickon textures, and you'll have these textures, here. and if you click on cold lava, pressplay, it's going to create this texture for us automatically, as you saw, and, now, ican just bring down the opacity and come back into the earth layer and see how it's affected.so, now, as you saw, it gave it some texture, so let me add just a little bit more, likeso. i can also make a copy of this pressing ctrl a, then going into edit, copy merge,and let me just close this since i won't be needing this for now, and i can come intothe bump map, create a new texture, press ok, and edit the texture. i can, then, pasteit on to there, and if i come back, you'll
see that, now, i have a rougher surface. andthe way the bump map works is similar to the depth map, 50% gray is flat, anything thiswhite raises up and anything that is black raises down, but unlike the depth map, it'sonly sort of a visual effect. it really doesn't alter the geometry. it just may give you theillusion of depth. so this is what we're doing here, and we can bring the bump down or wecan bring it way up. so, i'll keep it low and just find a good spot, maybe 9%. let'sdo a quick render and see what that looks like. i wasn't expecting the shadow to be there,so let me just render the entire ground plane just so i can get a better sense of it. okay,i think this is going to work. the ground
is looking much, much more realistic now.the only issue i'm having is, i think i need to extrude out the ground plane, just extrudeit out just a little bit more, so i’m going to go ahead and do that. so i'm going to openthat and i'm going to click on the depth map, here, and, maybe, i can just push it backand that will work. yeah, pushing it back might work. and i'm just going to select themarquee tool, and just do a quick render of the entire scene, just to see how things arelooking. okay. the only thing i'm noticing now is that the shadows might be just a littletoo rough. i just want to soften them up just a little bit, so i'm going to go ahead anddo that now. i'm going to click on the infinite light, and i'm just going to increase thesoftness just a little bit, maybe, 5%. we'll
see what that looks like. i'll go ahead andrender that area again. yes, as you can see the shadows are a littlebit softer now. so i think i like them this way better now. so, yeah, i definitely likethe shadows softer, so i'm just going to leave them like that. and, what i can do now is,now that i got everything set up, maybe i can make some changes, and i sort of wantthe astronaut to be a little bit bigger, so let's scale him up, maybe, scale him up aboutthis height, here, like so. and i'm going to click on the lunar lander as well. i'mgoing to have to zoom out for that because for some reason, the cage is this big rectangle,and it's just the way things work when you bring in other images from other programs,you know. photoshop doesn't always do a good
job of keeping cages and things together,but, you can work around that. it's not a big deal. i'm going to push it up a littlebit. and i'm going to grab my astronaut here, and actually, i think, i'm going to put himsort of behind the lander, there, and make him taller, so, maybe, the lander is not asbig as we thought, so i'm going to push him back even further. let me zoom in and seeif i like that. actually, i liked it better when he was closer to us, so i'm going togo ahead and bring him back. i don't like him being that far away from us, so, maybe,right there. i'll do a quick render just to see how things are looking. and, yeah, thisis looking pretty good. so we still get a reflection of the lander. we get a reflectionof his arm. shadows are casting over his body
from the lander. the sun's obviously on thisside. so things are looking pretty good. now i'm going to go back into the layers paneland i don't really think this image needs it, but i'm going to show you some thingsyou can do. once you finish working with your 3d object, you can always create adjustmentlayers. so, for example, the earth might be a little desaturated, so i can saturate theimage and just make a selection around the earth. you fill that with black to hide everything.so, now, the earth is saturated and it's not affecting the astronaut or the lander. but,anyway, you can go ahead and keep adding layers or you can download more 3d objects from nasa;totally up to you. and, you know what? now that i'm here, one thing that i'm noticingis these orange things, here, on the rover,
i think, they should be reflective. so, letme see if i could find this one out there. yeah, it's that one right there. so let meselect it again. oops, sorry about that. those things need to be reflective. so let me adda lot of reflection to that. let me find the other one, which is right there, and i'lladd a whole lot of reflection to that, as well. so, i just caught that, actually, wheni was practicing for the tutorial. i didn't really notice it until now. but, anyway, soi added reflection to that as well. so i don't know how much more realistic it will makeit, but it can't hurt, and it's actually reflecting part of the rover there, so that's lookingpretty cool. anyway, guys, i hope you enjoyed this tutorialand as always, thank you for watching and
i hope you learned something new. don't forgetto share this tutorial on facebook, twitter, google+, or wherever you like to share yourstuff. also, remember to check out my website photoshoptrainingchannel.com, where you cansign up for my free newsletter, where i'll send you an email every time i put up a newtutorial, and where you'll get access to my "subscriber only" tutorials. thank you forwatching and i'll talk to you, guys, again next time.
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