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winter soldier highway fight

you've the scent of success about you, brother i've learned much about our enemy share your knowledge, then let us see what can be done with it robert and his templars walk the city they've come to pay their respects to majd addin they'll attend his funeral, which means so will i what is this, that templars would attend his funeral? i have yet to divine their true intentions, though i'll have a confession in time

the citizens themselves are divided, many call for their lives still others insist that they are here to parley, to make peace peace?! i told you, the others i've slain have said as much to me that would make them our allies, and yet we kill them make no mistake, we are nothing like these men though their goal sounds noble, the means by which they'd achieve it are not at least... that's what al mualim told me so what is your plan?

i'll attend the funeral and confront robert the sooner the better fortune favor your blade, brother malik, before i go, there's something i should say be out with it i've been a fool normally i'd make no argument, but what is this? what are you talking about? all this time, i never told you i was sorry

too damn proud... you lost your arm because of me, lost kadar you had every right to be angry i do not accept your apology i understand no. you don't i do not accept your apology because you are not the same man who went with me into solomon's temple and so you have nothing to apologize for malik... perhaps if i had not been so envious of you, i... would not have been so careless myself

i'm just as much to blame don't say such things we are one as we share the glory of our victories, so too should we share the pain of our defeat in this way we grow closer, we grow stronger thank you, brother rest if you need to, altair, that you might be ready for what lies ahead... amen! we gather here to mourn the loss of our beloved majd addin, taken too soon from this world

i know you feel sorrow and pain at his passing, but you should not for just as we are all brought forth from the womb, so too must we all one day pass from this world it is only natural, like the rising and the setting of the sun take this moment to reflect on his life and give thanks for all the good he did know that one day we will stand with him again in paradise! as you know, this man was murdered! we have tried to track his killer, but it has proved difficult! these creatures cling to the shadows and run from any who would face them fairly but not today!

for it seems one stands among us! he mocks us with his presence and must be made to pay! seize him! bring him forward, that god's justice might be done! i would see your eyes before you die i sense you expected someone else what sorcery is this?! no sorcery, we knew you'd come robert needed to be sure he'd have time to get away

so he flees! we cannot deny your success you have laid waste to our plans first the treasure, then our men control of the holy land slipped away but then he saw an opportunity, to reclaim what has been stolen, to turn your victories to our advantage al mualim still holds your treasure, and we've routed your army before whatever robert plans, he'll fail again ah, but it's not just templars you'll contend with now

speak sense! robert rides for arsuf to plead his case that saracen and crusader unite against the assassins that will never happen! they have no reason to had perhaps, but now you've given them one nine in fact the bodies you've left behind--victims on both sides you've made the assassins an enemy in common and ensured the annihilation of your entire order well done not nine, eight

what do you mean? you are not my target i will not take your life you are free to go, but do not follow me i don't need to, you're already too late we'll see it was a trap! i had heard the funeral turned to chaos. what happened? robert de sable was never here

he sent another in his stead, he was expecting me you must go to al mualim! there's no time she told me where he's gone, what he plans if i return to masyaf, he might succeed, and then, i fear we'll be destroyed we have killed most of his men he cannot hope to mount a proper attack wait... did you say "she"? yes! it was a woman

strange, i know, but that's for another time for now we must focus on robert we may have thinned his ranks but the man is clever he goes to plead his case to richard and salahuddin, to unite them against the common enemy... against us surely you are mistaken this makes no sense. these two men would never-- --oh but they would and we have ourselves to blame the men i've killed, men on both sides of the conflict, men important to both leaders

robert's plan may be ambitious but it makes sense, and it could work look, brother things have changed, you must return to masyaf we cannot act without our master's permission it could compromise the brotherhood i thought... i thought you had learned this stop hiding behind words, malik! you wield the creed and its tenets like some shield he's keeping things from us, important things!

you're the one who told me we could never know anything, only suspect well i suspect this business with the templars goes deeper when i'm done with robert, i will ride for masyaf that we may have answers but perhaps you could go now! i cannot leave the city then walk amongst its people seek out those who served the ones i slew learn what you can you call yourself perceptive; perhaps you'll see something i could not

i don't know, i must think on this do as you must, my friend but it's time i ride for arsuf every moment i delay, our enemy gets one step ahead of me be careful, brother i will be, i promise come no further! hold a moment! it's words i bring, not steel

offering terms of surrender then? it's about time you misunderstand it's al mualim who sends me, not salahuddin assassin! what is the meaning of this? and be quick with it! you've a traitor in your midst and he has hired you to kill me? come to gloat about it before you strike?

i won't be taken so easily! it's not you i've come to kill! it's him speak then! that i may judge the truth who is this traitor? robert de sable my lieutenant?! he aims to betray that's not the way he tells it

he seeks revenge against your people for the havoc you've wrought in acre and i am inclined to support him some of my best men were murdered by some of yours it was i who killed them and for good reason! hear me out! william of montferrat: he sought to use his soldiers to take acre by force garnier de naplouse: he would use his skills to indoctrinate and control any who resisted sibrand: he intended to block the ports, preventing your kingdom from providing aid they betrayed you, and they took their orders from robert

you expect me to believe this outlandish tale? you knew these men, better than i are you truly surprised to learn of their ill intentions? is this true? my liege, it is an assassin that stands before us these creatures are masters of manipulation of course it isn't true i've no reason to deceive oh, but you do!

you're afraid of what will happen to your little fortress can it withstand the combined might of the saracen and the crusader army? my concern is for the people of the holy land if i must sacrifice myself for there to be peace, so be it this is a strange place we find ourselves in... each of you accusing the other there really is no time for this! i must be off to meet with saladin and enlist his aid the longer we delay, the harder this will become hold a moment, robert

why? what do you intend? surely you do not believe him? it is a difficult decision, one i cannot make alone i must leave it in the hands of one wiser than i thank you no, robert. not you then who? the lord let this be decided by combat

surely god will side with the one whose cause is righteous if this is what you wish it is! so be it to arms, assassin! it's done then your schemes, like you, are put to rest you know nothing of schemes you're but a puppet

he betrayed you, boy, just as he betrayed me speak sense, templar, or not at all! nine men he sent you to kill, yes? the nine who guarded the treasure's secret what of it? it wasn't nine who found the treasure, assassin not nine, but ten a tenth?! none may live who carry the secret

give me his name! oh, but you know him well and i doubt very much you'd take his life as willingly as you've taken mine who?! it is your master, al mualim but he is not a templar! did you never wonder how it is that he knew so much? where to find us, how many we numbered, what we aspire to attain? he is the master of the assassins!

oui master of lies you and i just two more pawns in his grand game and now, with my death, only you remain do you think he'll let you live, knowing what you do? i've no interest in the treasure ah! but he does! the only difference between your master and i, is that he did not want to share ironic, isn't it?

that i, your greatest enemy, kept you safe from harm but now you've taken my life, and in the process, ended your own well fought, assassin! it seems god favors your cause this day god had nothing to do with it i was the better fighter ah, you may not believe in him, but it seems he believes in you before you go, i have a question ask it then

why? why travel all this way, risk your life a thousand times, all to kill a single man? he threatened my brothers and what we stand for ah, vengeance then no, not vengeance justice, that there might be peace this is what you fight for? peace? do you see the contradiction? some men cannot be reasoned with

like that mad man, saladin i think he'd like to see an end to this war as much as you so i've heard, but never seen even if he doesn't say it, it's what the people want, saracen and crusader alike the people know not what they want it's why they turn to men like us then it falls to men like you to do what is right nonsense! we come into the world kicking and screaming, violent and unstable

it is what we are we cannot help ourselves no. we are what we choose to be huh! your kind, always playing with words i speak the truth! there's no trick to be found here we'll know soon enough but i fear you cannot have what you desire this day even now, that heathen saladin cuts through my men and i must attend to them

but perhaps... having seen how vulnerable he is, he will reconsider his actions yes. in time, what you seek may be possible you are no more secure than him do not forget that the men you left behind to rule in your stead did not intend to serve you for longer than they had to yes, yes. i am well aware then i'll take my leave my master and i have much to discuss it seems even he is not without fault

he is only human, as are we all you as well safety and peace be upon you

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