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winter soldier falcon

wow guys it's great to see you again i'mso glad you came back we're gonna have another all some lego marvel avengersgame today this is a iron man level and the actualname of the level is ready aim fire ok let's go ahead and head to space andfind the level lego marvel's avengers - level 9 - ready a.i.m. fire! game, gameplay, walkthrough by wd toys so we're going to press start go tospace take our spaceship to space and the level is right up here it is like i said it's called ready aim fireis iron man level and it is cool let's get going yes i'm sure

you think that tony stark would be happythat he helped save the world from the chitauri but something about him isdifferent now he spent most of his time building newiron man suit his mansion and is somehow managed to get himself in trouble withthis mysterious menace known as the mandarin i'd like to think he knows what he'sdoing but well is toning you see that lovely malibu penthouse well that's where i live with tony starknormally it has a beautiful vista of the pacific but today it has a fleet ofgunships hired by the mandarin to

redecorate our lounge he's the same villain that's beencreating all kinds of chaos around town even putting our friend happy in thehospital guess he's not so happy now definitelynot tony's best decision giving our homeaddress to a bunch of love of blood villains on a positive note at least hisnew iron man suit fits me snuggly the whole wall they blew this place up ok i think we're going to have to getinto a suit

ok this is awesome looks like we'll beable to play as tony's girlfriend pepper potts also sweet oh let's see we're going to go ahead andbuild something now looks like it's some type of a flyingrobot but it's just seen do sui it picked up that giant box as awesome since tony can't change it since tony can't get into suit now we'regonna switch to pepper potts we're going to have to cut around this thing

ok so ok ok looks like i could control it from myside so let's see yeah so i gets gonna grab that giant firehydrant and put out the fires sweet okay all the fire just their roomup i guess just the room ok maybe we could build something let's see what's here

- is destroyed this big piano maybe not ok let's see what pepper potts can dowith this stuff here anything else she could blow it up buildsomething well she rescued somebody oh not tony took over her suit okay sweet we're not pepper potts has no soup the more danger knowledge she ok let'sget this puzzle done and it looks like that release some moreparts or i thought it did

ok complete fire at this guy no i guess not but he sure could blow beup a wall ok let's see pepper could do something okay it looks like i'm going to meltdown the christmas tree here hey what's this going to do it was abuilding part yet cool something with grab bar maybe i since ican't get up there maybe pepper good let's check that out oh ok this is there's a grab bar above theok let's see that she grabbed it

yes she could and what does that do just gave tony a bunch of weapons i've been wanting to send the mandarin haha think it through the piano at it that was cool oh wow blew up right inhis living room ok today again building parts here ok i could build something not sure whatit is but it's definitely something let's hope you've still got some tricksup that i on sleep of yours tony

ok must be something was gone see a gathering it has also ok sweet for a second we thought it wasover but a final missile slip past i watched in horror as the entire condosunk into the abyss thankfully jarvis had managed to helptony escape a watery end with the suit had shorted out leaving him stranded in tennesseefurther adding to his troubles

the hot-headed villains happen to bevisiting the area and tony's only ally was hardly a local boy with a prettymean potato gun the pair were left with no choice but totake on the flame heads together tony really should start keeping therest of the avengers on speed dial oh boy she's evil i mean yeah you know it in a bad way tome too much of a problem there transformers around here that will shutthe power off i accidentally did that happen twice

ok let's see i guess we could place harley so looks like there's something in here bad okay we've got some buildable parts here it looks like some type of switch whichraises the shutters were the bad guys are in there haha potato gun is awesome there's some hawk member of really inhere

anything else ok maybe tony could do something inthere ok yet when he could pick you definitelybuild something here ok some type of drone ok jump on it or no offense but i thinkyou might be a little too heavy for this let me try ok let the kid try before school trip up here let's go okay all right that's one of them takencare of now to find the other one

yeah we took one transformer down wellanything else up here ok let's see partly said it's on theother side oh here's something ok let's see whatthis is ok looks like there's some type oftarget up there so maybe we can get that with the potato gun oh it's not that melted particularthere's something about vehicle here okay go ahead tony picks it up take thisbag out let's see if we take this thing forarrived okay it looks like the kid's gonna rideit carly's gonna ride it

and what's going to do it oh cost him down there would it up area oh wow well he took that thing down ok anything for me to do here oh looks like he busted the othertransformer which should take care of the power issue ok the powers off and get past now right

sweet maybe i don't know kid yeah roy these things rebuildable pieces no there's a guy withthe probe are trying to break into the store just catch my breath for a secondman and lady is evil will play okay good i get her with the hydrantmaybe no no ok tato done nope ok tony is not going anywhere so let'ssee if we can help but maybe we can get in here

maybe i can get her with the potatoagain here this thing's some assistance sure ican talk you through this and maybe not okay we've got her you have to shoot her from the back gether from the front you can't give her if i could targetknowledge let's take these back oh yeah tony do your thing oh she's pretty mad now she broke intothe store

let's go after her oh man she was angry like really angry how hasshe been going like that party was your english up ok do anything here ok looks like we've got the buildableparts here let's see if you put something together it's a turkey jace they're serious turkey roaster haha

sweet oh man microwave tony defeated the remainingextremists fueled agents and headed off to take down the mandarin then thingsgot complicated very quickly the mandarin turned out to be awashed-up british actor called trevor and the real villain was actuallysomeone familiar not an ex neighbor but a nerd turn superhuman called aldrichkillian got to admit he was looking much more suave these days kelly and only went and took me hostageexposing me to extremist he also kidnap the president to and planto serve him up like a roast turkey

tony turned up to save the day this timewith iron patriot by his side and his entire back catalogue of iron man suitsthe ten-year-old the potato gun would have gone to but he had ideas room ok this is awesome okay sweet let's see what we can do here like we got a save point here myselfsave it always good to save ok what is this build

now ok let's see what's over here okay we got a bunch of bad guys here football wow guys seriously strong ok we should be able to build this thingdown buildable parts or what is this elevator ok let's see what's over this way behold that was not in that thing

and here i think we're gonna have toburn through this thing anything in here click with yeah you can slide throughhere okay go ahead and land x ok ok as moving that big flaming thing forfuel audit here doesn't blow us up now let's get back over there and see ifwe could do anything ok let's take a flight for us now good in here

okay we've got some building pieceslet's see what we can make ok looks like we made the switch and move it man ok arts and elevators see wow ok let's melt these things down buildable pieces hey we got something here sign - so let's go ahead and do that

maybe gotta go closer hey now this gives us a bunch morebuildable parts let's see what we make that looks likesome type of a giant magnet let's see if i'm right ok could be he that was awesome ok let's continue on and what we got ithere here i am i am the man really is a main redcar get him

now ok if i gave you will need straight that guy's we even see them come in they just notright in in target him what this platform love i think maybe dance i guess maybe just gotta keep fighting delaying the inevitable phony for happenteaching nicer people

randy part ok looks like you just fight the guysuntil he comes down let's do it the same does laughs and maybe i need a man herestarts ok stark will have to build somethingwith this ok let's see what this does hey some typical left maybe

here comes is all blue ivy that's it was just like you failure service doing a favor and go mark 42 even after being cooked in an iron mansuit killian was still up for another round luckily for tony i was in no mood forany more nonsense combining my terrific lee toasty powersand an iron man repulsor i flame-grilled the big geek with that maniac out of theway tony celebrated by blowing up all his suits promising to spend theholidays with me rather than with a

screwdriver and an arc reactor with thepresident now safe and sound tony promise to use his super genius tofind a cure for the extremist enhancement straight after we had afestive dinner oh and after he had a shop now removedoh and don't forget he is iron man okay well guys that was awesome that what would be what i would considerlevel 14 and that was sweet guys don't forget to click like it helpsme a lot and i really appreciate it if you wait to this video ends of awesomeand card with a lot more fun videos wow we'll have a lot more fun together andwe unlocked harley iron man mk42 iron

man patriot pepper potts we and that's all of them well guys i hopeto see you soon

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