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winter sale

hi there, everyone. aira here. and i'm showing you a new game that i just got called grow home. it's not a new game. i've kind of had my eye on it for a while, but i didn't really want to spend the money on something that i, you know it's kind of a small, simple little game, and i already have so many, and blah blah blah, but... the steam winter sale came

the price went down to just a few euros, so i said what the heck and i got it, and i am so glad that i got it because it's awesome. now, i'm playing with a controller here. i've heard that the keyboard controls are fine too but this is really fun to play with a controller. i have just started the game i haven't gotten very far yet and i'm not that good at it yet but i just want to show you because it's so much fun.

and here we are. let's get out of the teleporter, here. there we go. that's me. i'm b.u.d. b.u.d. is a robot. and all of b.u.d.'s movements are sort of physics-based.

very... fun to move around as this guy. and you can have fun just running and jumping as b.u.d. see the little backpack i've got on there? that is for flowers, which you can use to glide. and my flower is almost gone... need to pick a new one. now i'm down here at the bottom of the map. but you can see i've made some progress up there. this is the star flower, or star plant...

i was going up to the next teleporter the last time i played, and i fell. and i decided to just quit and pick up from here. so i need to go up there. climb the plant up to the next teleporter so that i don't have to climb all the way up every time. but since i'm down here i actually have heard

that there are... oh, oh! some crystals! ...that i missed while i was down here before. there's one... i think there's another one in here too. these crystals are your power source. no, no, grab the rocks... you grab on to things with l and r. and then you can drag them around.

it's too big. i think there's another crystal in here. yup, there is! let me just... let me just get down there... er... let me just... got it! yes! ooh, and i've got 20%. 20% power means 20 crystals. there's

100 crystals on the map somewhere. that means i can have a rocket pack now. what! alright, so here's how you climb. the l and r triggers, and i think it's the left and right mouse buttons if you're using the mouse. it's kind of hard to describe. i think i missed a crystal over here, or did i get it? maybe i did get it... i can zoom out here... ah, i did miss it!

goodness. what was i thinking? so, yeah, you use the left control stick and i think wasd if you're using the keyboard to guide your movement and the little ys are where his hand will fall if you click the trigger and the circle is where he's grabbing. and this, this right here is enough of a reason to buy the game because the mechanics are just so perfect.

it's so much fun to climb. as a robot, you don't do well in water. by the way. so you don't want to fall in that water over there. ah, this is just so much fun! i'm not even, you know, properly playing the game right now. i'm just kind of climbing around. one thing that does bother me aside from the... the camera can be kind of crummy sometimes but you can control it with the right joystick, so...

one thing that bothers me is the colors they've chosen for the left and right. they made the left hand red and the right hand blue, which just is contrary to (give me that flower! there we go...) ...it's just contrary to everything i've seen left is traditionally blue and right is traditionally red.

like if you have 3d glasses it's always that way, and i also have synesthesia which if you don't know what that is, it's kind of a cool thing i have several different types. including, like, every letter of the alphabet has a color in my mind. like, the way you think the grass is green, the sky is blue well, for me, you know, the letter s is red. so with directions i also have that and so i have a very firm connection with left being blue

and right being sort of red or orange. so i do get a little confused about which hand is which, is what i'm trying to say here. hold on little guy! you see that red flashing up there? that's what i'm going for. that's the teleporter. last time i was trying to get the crystals instead of going straight for the teleporter like i should have and then i fell.

had to climb back up. there we go! new teleporter unlocked. so now i can teleport from here to the bottom or to the start. now, oh, there's a crystal over there. i love the way he moves! it's so sort of... so sort of awkward and cute. sometimes there are crystals on the sides or the bottom...

i don't see any more here. i think i got them all. which means it's time to climb up to that big one up there. and you can see... can you see... the little blue dots on the bottom sort of little light blue dots on the bottom of that big rock above us, those are the crystals. i need more of those. so i'm going to have to do some climbing.

so let's do some climbing. and i can show you how we grow the plant as well. because that's super fun. we can use this one here. these little red flowers we'll just grow one randomly. you hold on to it and you press x and then with the left joystick

you can control the direction that it grows in. boom. until you crash, or eventually it will just stop growing. that one's kind of sticking out, the end there. okay. this is just feeling so super dangerous. where is the nearest crystal? there's one below me. let's go get that. actually, i think there's another teleporter up here.

got it. maybe i'll go up. i'll come back down after. this is tricky. this is quite tricky. i know there's a cave up here somewhere. i watched a little bit of somebody's "let's play" so i know a few things just here at the start, and after this i'll be totally on my own. yeah, that looks like the cave entrance. something is making a weird noise. i just got an achievement of some sort.

ah! it's a little creature. hi little creature! i want to take you with me. come with me! i've got your butt! you're cute. like a dodo. i bet there are lots of crystals in here... oh, there's tons of crystals in here! it's going to be quite difficult to get them all just because there's so many, i think it will be easy to miss one. there's one.

yay! there's one up there... i'm not very good with the jetpack yet. i just got it. just got it! almost fell. and... mine! come on! i see one there... oh, that one's going to be tricky to get. the dodo is watching me. what's up, dodo?

my friend. i like you. i'm going to grab your face. [kissing noises] we're going to dance. [humming music] that was awkward. sorry. sorry, guys. that turned out to be more awkward than i was hoping for.

oh, look at that! how am i going to get that one? let's find out. actually... i'll come back for these after. because i do want to get up to the top because i think there's some cool stuff up there. i think i'm better at climbing than at using the jetpack so far. mine!

so the goal the goal of the whole game here is to grow this big plant two kilometers high. 2 kilometers is quite a ways. we are... here we go... that's the map. b.u.d. is at 295 meters.

it's not it's not very far, and we need to get all the way to the top of the map. so where is that... there. it's pretty up here. i like it. camera just went a little crazy there for a sec. it's alright. i think b.u.d. is my favorite character. ...that i've ever played.

by the way, this has really good feedback if you've got a controller with feedback. i've got an xbox 360 controller. every time there's a little rumble you do feel it. which is fun. that's where we headed next, up there. and the way you get the plant to grow is... hey, hey, hey... where are you going, b.u.d.? ...those green rocks

they're like a power source. and you need to grow the edges of the plants, like we did before, we kind of rode the tendril up you need to make it hit those green ones and that gives power to the plant which then grows higher and higher and higher. which is cool. and there is a crystal right above me. i mean, i think this is pretty much the entirety of the game, is basically this.

but... it's super fun! it doesn't need to be complicated because it's super fun. oh, that was tricksy! i guess some of these aaahhhh... by the way, as simple as this looks i have got a really good gaming computer

and when i play this, when i play grow home i can hear it i can hear it really cranking, like really sort of struggling boom! yeah, because it's just generating the physics of b.u.d.'s movement. i think that's just move of what it's doing, most of what the computer is doing right now is just making b.u.d. look all pretty.

oh, the sun's going down. there is an achievement on steam for surviving your first night and the achievement says something like "what, no zombies?" hi there, sheepy weepy! so i don't think anything actually happens at night. i think it just gets dark. i want carrots!

they look yummy. and there's butterflies... i mean, i can tell that i'm going to get a lot of hours of of fun out of this. whoa! something's shaking. what the... sheepy did you just uproot this flower? was that your doing?

i can put it in the water... i don't think these flowers and plants do anything. i'ts just... pretty and cool. whooo! there's so many crystals to get... but i also just want to grow the plant for a while. maybe i'll do that for a while, and i can always come back for the crystals later. it's not like i need them now. that was it? that was the whole night? what, no zombies... yeah, there we go. it's in the bottom right there. my 'chieve.

alright. one last thing i'll show you is just growing the plant into the little islands. oh and the leaves! i haven't shown you the leaves. the leaves are bouncy just like the mushrooms. oh, actually, maybe these leaves aren't. nope. just normal leaves. alright, where was that... there. okay. last thing last thing and then i'll call this a video.

call it over. where's the... alright, there's one there. we'll grow the plant up to the next teleporter. come on, b.u.d.! i know you're super clumsy. [laughing] once you get going, it's like very intuitive. missed!

oops! [laughing] whoops, whoops, whoops... no, no, no! ugh! [laughing] that's not the way i meant to grow it! still getting used to the... the joystick. i don't usually play first-person games with a controller. so i keep turning the

the joystick the wrong way. it's alright, we've got another one here. there's no shortage of these. we could always go down to the lower level. okay. go... that way. alright. it does move a little bit of its own accord. you kind of guide it. wheeee! i don't think it's going to make it all the way. it'll get close...

we're very close. okay. that's it. now we can grab another one. i'm going to show you these leaves. these are fun. when you jump from them it trampolines you into the air! and then you can hit y to open your flower. float yourself down.

i want to go... there! and once again i've guided it the wrong way. where's the next sprout? further down... uh-oh. i'm getting further and further down now. can we do it? and... boom! you don't actually have to connect it to this, because it's not a power rock. it just makes it easier to get up here.

that teleporter... and... ...some plants... ...open this baby up! grab it! i said grab it! that's open. i need to plug into these glowy rocks. i know i said i was going to stop after this, but i will plug in to one glowy rock.

so you can see the main plant growing. which one's closest? i guess... that one? that one right there's probably closest. this is tricky with the camera. sometimes the camera... makes you think you're facing a different way than you are. they could have done a bit of a better job on that, i have to say. it's fun anyway. grow! can we reach it?

i don't know if we're going to reach all the way over there. oh, we might, we might! boom! power! the controller's going nuts. see? the flower is growing bigger. it's awesome. that's, um...

i'll fall for a bit. and boom. so that's grow home. yeah, that's pretty much it. that's pretty much how it works. there are other things you can unlock when you get more of those crystals, but... i don't know much about them. all i know is that this is just ridiculously fun. and you should get it. if you're watching this before the end of the steam winter sale

the 2015-2016 steam winter sale this is half off or something... maybe even more than half off? cheap enough that i didn't hesitate to grab it. just a few "monies", whatever country you're living in 3.50 euros, i think, or 4 euros? it's probably the same in dollars or pounds or wherever you are. so grab it if this looks like fun. it's... it's really fun. it's really really fun.

it's cute. and it's beautiful. and there's butterflies. and mushrooms. what else do you really need? thanks for watching, guys. hope you enjoyed it. see you next time!

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