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winter running gear

hi guys its sam i'm here to talk toyou about my running essentials things that i've learned a good to buy thingsnot so good to buy because i've got quite a few bits and pieces that i havelearned a really good for me they might not be for everyone to share them withyou first off because i'm a girl i'm lady tiger running i start with skincare when i go running now can imagine the guys thinking but i do i stop sowhen i go out running it's a bit chilly out when i go out i like to make surethat my skin is really moisturize soccer a few products down here i want to sharewith you so the first thing i will do before i go out is almost rise my skinand one of my favorite is an oil by una

brennan is called the super specialistsand it's lovely rose hydrate miracle makeover facial oil and i put some ofthis few drops of this in my hand and then i will put this all over my facebecause we live by on the coast i live by the beach i'm literally about threeminutes from the beach and when you run a long running either hopefully with thewindpipe me if i'm running into it i just like to make sure my skin is notgiving a pounding so put the facial alone and hope that helps keep thingsnice if it's funny i will break out my peter thomas roth they go the camerafocus sunscreen this is really lightweight it's spf 30 hamid now but iwill break that out in the summer

put that on my skin if i want somesunscreen lips now they're very important as they get very dry so i'vegot to products that i use all the time one is the elizabeth arden eight hourcream and that's excellent for keeping your lips really good and my hands arereally sore i might put it on the backs of my hands and sunscreen on the backsof my hands off my hands age and then enacted a luxury one is the clarins orwhat's called instant light lip come for oil they go and its core reallylovely and applicators almost like velvet and you put that on and you'regood to go so i do put skincare on and people say to me do you really wearmakeup when you go running but yes i

might do sometimes i think i look betterthought look better so i've got makeup home from being out working or whateverthen i'm not gonna take off and overrun ultrastar for a rough but i will put allmy lip balm definitely and i might even put some moisturizer over the top ofwhat i got i just don't want my face to build really dry and tight in the whipand create there's another good one so they go you've got the 845 instant knowintense recovery the hand cream is very good for your hands especially cuz youdon't want them to get dry so what i've done my skincare then i want to takecare of my hair now argues lots of head totals on the market and the ones arereally love these ones and they're from

scratching down below but if you usethese you get them men clear black only i think you put these in your hair in aponytail your head does not move it doesn't slide down and i know thisbecause if i'm running even if a run like six miles nothing moves it juststays exactly where it is so i can highly recommend these that brilliantand i haven't had any break on me at all they're fantastic and they're reallygood at the gym gym classes as well when you're doing high impact jumping up anddown everywhere they do not come out i get my hair in a ponytail and then imight use of headgear number some laughs cuz sometimes i've been known to goalong the front in my pussy cat hat with

my is which yes i might look like afruitcake but it doesn't matter cuz i will go back for when it's really coldand then when it just windy and i just want to keep my is protected becausewhen i run along the front i often has found i get arequipa don't put somethingon my is so i bought this skiing headband i think i just bought it fromall day for about to quit or something but that's fantastic so i just put thaton over my ears and also stopped my earphones from falling out when i'mrunning today i can't recommend those highly enough that brilliant and anaddress if you get a bit sweaty whatever douche up in the wash machine backthat's my head gear if it's funny which

hasn't been much lately i just steppeddown and get i've got a pair of oakley sunglasses eyewear which will help andthey're really good because whatever you do they don't fall off but they'veblocked the glare when i'm running along the seafront these ones are looking alittle bit hamid now because i don't follow the rules i often put mysunglasses down on the front which is not a good thing to do because you endup with scratches so i might need to get a new pair of these but i find theseopenly i think they call cat i dial based on really well and they don't falloff that's good because you don't want them falling off when you do get runningup and down what do i have to entertain

i use and whole shuttle i got a blue onei feed my son has got a silver while my daughter now i often pick it up and itsays low battery so i just one of the kids i think differently you know and ijust use the apple earphones and they seem fine for running a do have a littletrick will hit the kids laugh at me for but whatever i put this from the bottomof my top so i might just click on the pocket of my jacket on the bottom of mytop i plant this and i'm not my feet under my top under my bra and that upinto my ears because i find otherwise it just they just keep slipping down so itrip with my bra technique works for me i really like rap music as really couldbe and i don't slow down just keep going

i know some people run with theiriphones strapped onto their arm but i just i just got a big phone so i find that it doesn't work for meunderneath all my gym gear yes i'm gonna talk about underwear now i am i got jimkerr i'm just gonna drop down here everything around me at the moment i'mgoing to be talking about i have coaches like this i have a pretty tops with theback here and another one here but these do not cut it for me when i'm runningtheir lovely but therefore when i do weight lifting at the gym will thingslike batman not jumping up and down you want to reduce the pounds how come isent it so i highly recommend these

broads by shock absorber if you aresmall up top but i am not small so i need i need structural support up thereso i buy these these are the shop shock absorber sports bras it's called theultimate run brought i think it gets light with best reviews and all thatsort of thing is really good because it has additional struck the back herewhich holds you in and i think they say that you cut back your pants by 78% idon't know about that but that's pretty good you don't want to get it too tightso you can't break but you do want to hold those babies then you're runningisn't obstructed by uncomfortableness so i've got lots of these only wear themonce they get trapped in washing

machines so i've got loaded though somelook a bit hamid some not so not just been showing you my new one which okdown the bottom haha i've got some very unattractive may be fought snickers ifound when i reason australia that by an australian brand cope and all i boughtthem when i lived in new zealand and they are fantastic they apparentlythey're one of the most popular sold out there because they have thisshape at the bottom where they going right under your bottom under the legsunder him looking at the camera and the front they're really low down as well the not the flash thing they're notgoing to get any hearts racing trust me

but they hold everything in an effingtastic have been known to run in a brazilian cut one like this shouldreally quickly but i have been done to run in those cases either i want to nickaligned right underneath you know your bottom area or one you can't say youdon't wanna be running along with a horrible nikolai that's not in the rightplaces not a good look and you want to wear shorts sometimes why will wear is apair of these wonderful nike pros so these are really brilliant move veryshort white top i will wear these underneath the pair of really likerunning shorts i got all sorts from nike to adidas but it doesn't really matteryou can buy cheap ones just put them

over the top i just because sometimesthey're very light and they come up high on the leg i just like to be covered upa bit so i keep rose or where those big girl pants sports so i'm wearing runningtights got a brand that i really like i've gotlike middle of the range brand high high end of the range so i will buy ipod lotof new balance staff which goes down just past the knee and it's been reallysuperpower but i have started to buy some compression wear from a companycalled skins are being very very very happy with this stuff is reallyexcellent i heard about it from a friend this is the brand new show you don'tknow if you can see that

skins and they come in the show got hereand there you buy them really tight like on their website they got your heightand your weight and then a banding which you buy i bought thesmall about the size of you know average size 10 and i bought this small and theyare tight but that's what they're supposed to be because they help yourrecovery supposed to help your muscles recover in the hold everything in is quite nice if you could look as wellthen when it's really cold when it's sort of below about six degrees outsidea lot lately i've been wearing these long one from skins the long one cigarright down and lovely to they've got a

time to waste a really good i turn theminside out when i wash them they're fantastic we haven't degraded a goodjudge of good running tights as if you sort of leaning on you can't see on thecoast through them like these ones a really really good quality you don'twant them to be see-through why you're running along seeing everything that'snot a good look so these are really excellent i can highly recommend thoseabsolutely i do have some fashion once when i see something come quite snazzyor something at h&m or even little sometimes have them i might pick them upof their fashion buyers behalf and the best ones to buy are a little bit moremoney and branded and also they lost

wages you can wash it every time you sayyou don't want something that's gonna fall apart stop bullying becoming reallyor doctor not many uses top wise let's go to the top of a new balance stuff idon't like to be title my top 10 running i feel a bit stressed advocate twothings get too tired and also i care very hot when i run so i buy these oneswith no sleeves i don't really like running with leaves unless it's reallycold and they're sort of i don't know if you can see that this sort of got littleholes in that era rated r by the size of these these are a million euro or largecouncil meeting love but then nice and loose and their long they go down theydon't go past the bottom but they sort

of cover the bottom of it so i like botha lot lot of long sleeve pink stuff from new ballets i like buying broughtstuff because i often run in the evening i'm not a great morning person so i runin the day or in the evening so i like people don't run like the black knighthead-to-toe dressed in black and this drive for one from nike this is new ibought this and i bought this in a medium from the storm this is fantastici like it a bit flowing like a set don't like to get stress things really tightif it's really cold i will wear a jacket over the top on my way this one herejust to block the wind got one from ron hill here though it's very bright enoughthat can shop and camera so this is

actually a men's one i bought a men'ssmall and it's quite nice because it dipped down below the bottom so i reallylike that style this is where i put my ipod shuffle on my pocket and then iwoke up underneath on through my brought that through the top another reason thei like wearing a shuttle when i run is someone told me this stefan it's reallytrue is that you can't hear yourself breathing sometimes if you are readytied really put you off when you're running so if you are listening to musicsuper loud but if you're listening to music it's sort of two strikes you andyou don't get caught up when you're running really important the mostimportant your shoes so i got pushed

stocks but lately i've just been buyingthese thoughts from primark believe it or not but they are aerated they've gotquite thin my feet get really hot and they're all air 850 alike fitted socksand i like the trainer socks alone these ones are really good this week to pounds50 45 peso that's brilliant running about five times a week and then showsmost important part art recently por favor runners of all time i've had loads of runners but these havereally been the bomb i bought some a six yr know twenty ones i think at themoment there are up to 22 the latest model but i got these on ebay they werenew unused i got them for about 55

pounds and thereby a hundred and tenshots i feel like i could have fallen so it's quite pleased they've got reallygood i like memory foam the bottom so it's got quite a lot about if you don'tlike bounce when you run i find out more about the morehouse got lovely bout andthey're very supportive and great souls because i often run off road as well the beach i'm always running on thetracks around on the coastal path in these have been really great site i canabsolutely i highly recommend days now my feet or size 5 i actually bias icesex that my feet shorter swell up might get really hot but these give me lots ofsupport our size six and i do it you can

do the laces up to hold you beaten andthese being brilliant and i actually get my new train of thought so i've gotthose and i'm already i'm already looking for another page just differentcolour satellite to get red not red black and pink because they're myfavorite colors for running my old ones that i had which i still locked in akept them fall 2011 new balance ones and lots of people probably sold enoughrunners but they were brilliant there are these pink and black that's myfavorite color combo and they will buy new balance and they were fantastic whatbrand you i don't know w 790 be whatever the problem is this different styles ilike new balance so because they come in

a wide fit my feet quite wide and thataerated again so that you you do actually feel thebreeze coming in over your feet when you're running which are really like sothey're fantastic but not gonna be used anymore so they're there for emergenciesand i think if i dig down by my feet are cold one more pair covered in mud i likethese all the adults you can see piece of being fiercely well-worn they prettymuch given up the ghost now these are ante zeros and they're very aerated soit's really hot weather i might actually be tempted to pull these out i'm lookingfor another pair but haven't found a pair yet but i really love you can feelthe breeze on your fate and they've got

quite a bit of bounce in this wellthey're quite nice but they if you can see there so hamid now the right nobounce left in those babies but am i running shoes last week it that helps soi think i covered care running tights and the capri tightshalfway short prose to go under your shorts unless you want to show a bitmore likely to have to wear those and then lose jackets for me i don't likecompression way up top and then a windproof light jacket and all thisstuff is really easy to track in the washing machine i have found that thegolden rule to keep me running because i don't always want to go i know somepeople say oh i'm addicted to i cant get

up i can't do anything in the septemberrun not like gonna be honest is when someone said to me why did you cut yourrun down to 30 minutes and ever since i've done that i just think of just doit nike just do it if it's thirty minutes then i can't spend an hourpsyching myself up to go because i used to run for minimum hour and sometimes it was hard to findour in the day because i don't know being a lady whatever i had to maybe puton makeup on again wash my hair ready to go out with kids or something like thatso with half an hour i can go for a thirty minute run and get myself lookingpresentable off towards have a shower

and then get on with life and i foundsince i've been doing that are just being doing it because i can't talkmyself out of it i just say right thirty minutes and just do it and that's whati've been doing since i've changed that ruling i've been getting a lot betternot really been enjoying it and if it's really cold you don't get likehypothermia 30 minutes you go out dere on comeback nice hot shower and whitesmoke cuz you think i can be a good person i can have that extra glass ofwine you know or have a chocolate whatever but thirty-minute ron has beenmy real success advice from my friend and that's workedfor me i hope this is how it's just an

essentials basic running guide i tend tobuy better gear now just because it lost me something pretty in little h&m dinnerbecause sometimes it's nice to have something a bit different just black sothat helped guys if you've got any recommendations for making put them inthe comments below because i read all the comments and i will check out thestaff was always like hearing about nuclear site thanks for watching see you later

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