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winter mod

hello everybody this is ulsan big whale! ubw's gta 5 mod review! today's mod is... it's an incredibly high quality mod by nib mods they made the iron man mod, the quantum break mod, what else.. the hacking one.. what was it? the hulk mod and the hacking one..

- watch dogs! watch dogs mod! it's the newest work of nib mods! this guys' mods never fail to impress with the quality this one is once again amazing it's the flash mod! flash! where was flash in? - he's a dc hero

dc? - dc comics we tried flash mod last time, but the quality of this one isso much better than the last this one really is epic so pay attention guys! don't forget to like and subscribe too and comments! leave any comment down below please leave me lots of comments,i appreciate your feedback

so, uh, hold on- this car's kidnapping me i'll just transform here install the mod, and press ctrl+n and you'll see the nibmods menu on the upper left the flash version 1.0.4 by julio nib from here, you can also put on a suit... and you'll see ...

flashman~ the character looks like he got younger how do you like it? - the color is kind of dull it's cuz of the rain he got wet from the rain so this character, looks like this he's just walking right now but if you press your stick to the leftfor a bit on your pad

it can walk normally for keyboards, i'll add the keys in the description box now release the walking mode, and you can see it running off i'll explain the basic functions left trigger lt it's high speed mode now left trigger + right trigger

press lt rt at the same time for hyper speed - looks faster than an aircraft yeah, looks faster and you can climb walls with him too you can dash on walls he's so fast,you can't even see where he's going looks like a fastforwarded screen lol wait there's a limit to the flash mod

if there's something above, he looks like he's on a treadmill hey it's superman! hi! which comics is superman from? - dc! they're from the same comics hey hey i'll give this guy a taste of my punch

huh? he disappeared where'd he go? there he is here! the b on your pad is just normal attack i'm dc's!! best hero!! that's just normal attack aim your target,

attack! like this he's really strong i'll try busting that car he's so fast he got on top of the car people's movements turn weird when i run - they get slow - only you turn fast - it's the opposite of super hot

yeah, it is when i run the other guys stop i guess that's relative - running through time he's super fast next, there's still a lot left light shoulder, rs

it's a special attack this special attack rs, i mean ls you can change to left shoulder supersonic punch tornado heartattack thrown lightning supersonic punch.. there's a lot of stuff

let's try heartattack first heartattack! wow it throws lightning looks like he grabbed her hair he's like zeus he's like pikachu pika!!! - everything nearby gets hit too

yeah, things around get splash damage this is cool - no pikachu he's zeus - he's like bolt one pun!! i'll destroy that car it's like a sandbag he just turned that into garbage

carbage there's a person inside!!!! how terrifying it must be for him oh he's dead that was predictable this mod is sick next, tornado what the hell is that ? what is that?!lol

dragon's firel!! so.. flash creates a tornado by making a circle really fast? let me try when there's people around he's like kim yuna he's like a blender blender! sick! this mod really is something

- i think it's the most powerful mod we've done yeah, he must be stronger than hulk and iron man i should try next time cuz he has special abilities x is jumping he jumps really high too he jumps even higher after running fast if you jump at hyper speed... wow what..

- he's flying yeah, he's flying around - that's almost like hulk's jump yeah you don't need to do anything with this y is for hijacking vehicles his running is really fast and his hijacking skills are fast too this is awesome..

- he probably poops fast too pulls down his pants and.. did you try fighting a train with him? did you? you don't remember? we gotta try it - he could ride on top of the train let's fight the train let's beat the train down with supersonic punch

here i go!! he's strong let's try tornado whoa!! the train's derailing!! - really? yeah! whoa! so it beats the train too? and it can even target the train this mod is seriously sick

- the train derailed but came back lol yeah, it does derail but.. it returns to normal that was in vain heartattack, train heartattack there's no heart in a train thrown lightning! lightning! the tornado works, that's something

now to the highway let's go running what's he doing? wanna die? - you'll make a mess if you try tornadoat the military base - if you use tornado at the military base, i think they'll shoot at you from all angles anyway with this speed, it'll take around 2 minutes from jeju island to seoul

- it's the speed of light, wouldn't it be faster? - can he run on water at that speed? water.. did you try running on water yet? - no i think he could run on water let's try it let's cross the sea he's so fast he doesn't even need teleporting awesome!!!

that's nuts!! it worked! let's go! he can run normally too you can jump on water! jumping works! how about tornado on the water? nope where's my character?

there he is lol he was hanging out in the deep sea lightning on the water! supersonic punch! the fact that he can run on water is awesome look at the miniweb changing lol where am i?? - before you go to the military base, - let's go up the maze building

should we try the maze building first? climbing the maze building? - yeah, wall climbing wall climbing's good we can try tunnel wall climbing too - it's like trying dududu... lol let's go walking to the top of the maze building! lol.. climbing the maze building by walking up the wall

that's funny there it is, the maze buidling now target the direction, the challenge begins! something above is getting in the way it's not easy ohhh he's going up!! awesome how many parachutes does he have?

again this feels weird will he make it to the roof? rooftop! we're at the top - can hongwol do this with a bike? can you dududu up the wall with a bike? well.. he's not human

he's incredibly fast let's switch to walk mode from the rooftop let's use superjump to go down hyperjump! - he flies really far yeah, he flew all the way here - he doesn't even die from the fall that's why he's a hero next is the military base

let's try wall climbing to get in again he can't go over the barbed-wire fence it doesn't work - i remember going over it when i did it really? how come mine doesn't work - you might have to try from another location - the main entrance ah it works here hey everybody~

nice to meet you i'm flash, the invincible hero let's get the human blender started! they gave up their guns go flying~ that's not even a triple axel.. looks like he turns around 3,000 times he even evades the tank cannons! try shooting me!

- avoiding cannons..super hot mod couldn't even do that yeah. he can avoid cannons now here comes tornado! you mad bro? is there a heart in a tank? there's no heart thunder, thunder! oh the thunder's pretty strong it can kill the tank in a few strikes

1 2 3 4 5 6 is it dead already? are you dead? oh you're dead

he's dead alright now the rest oh, he's not dead yet he survived somehow but you can't survive this one! wait, where am i? i was aiming somewhere else this could be the best mod ever - it even takes in everything nearby

- if you do tornado in the mountain, it might pull out all the rocks what happens if i use tornado in an aircraft? from the air! tornado doesn't work in the air? - can't you do tornado on the aircrafts? if you do tornado on the aircrafts, it'll just become an aircraft tornado isn't it obvious?

but let's try anyway lol his jumping is weird it tears everything apart let's try titan it completely disassembles it whoa it's huge it's like making pizza dough lol huh? this one doesn't break apart ah.. it doesn't explode in the air

- it didn't bump into anything, that's why let's take over the control tower where is this? - you can climb up the control tower wall let's try i'm here - the wall's not even straight, it has an angle - but he climbs it anyway wait, someone's shooting at me

i can see the cannon lol - from the cargo building! is it from the cargo building? - no, i think it's coming from the ground - it came from the ground let's find where it came from wait, it's coming from the air! how can it be shooting from the air?? what the hell?

it wasn't people shooting it - are the streetlights shooting them then? yeah, it was the street lights the military base streetlights can shoot at you i thought it was from an aircraft - i thought the soldiers were shooting from the ground you can see it from here see? it's coming from midair it's from the air lol

riding the tunnel walls! - where's the longest tunnel? i think it's this one - is it? it's really long huh? what was that what?? - he transcends time and space he can get through the tunnel

the tunnel doesn't work if i use tornado in front of the fruit shop will the fruits fly away? you can't sell here! whoa the bananas are flying away - isn't it the store sign? store sign? no, the fruits are flying away lol, he blew everything away

- the fruit boxes were sweeped away the store's out of business now you can target stuff with him let's get the one coming down targeting, done! - tornado is unreal it is today's gta5 mod,

was the flash mod the hero of dc he's seriously awesome if you want to play this mod, use the download link in the description box below don't forget to like, comment and subscribe! especially comments! see you next time! goodbye

tornado! subscribe subscribe now! do i!

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