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winter lastik

good morning folks, and welcome to key westford tv. my name is ryan. today we're going to do a walkaround on this 2014 roush stage3 mustang. a stage 1 is the esthetics of the vehicle. so you are going to get the bodykit, badging, etc. in a stage 2 you are going to have the esthetics plus a handling package.and, in a stage 3 roush mustang you are going to get the esthetics, plus the handling package,plus a performance package. in this video, we're going to go through the esthetics, thehandling, and the performance in the 2014 stage 3 roush mustang. at key west ford weare british columbia's largest volume ford dealer. and, the only ford dealer that alsospecializes in selling and servicing roush products. we have a brand new part of ourdealership called aim performance. the goal

behind aim performance is to promote responsiblehorsepower and to make sure canadians are aware of how special these roush vehiclesare. without further adeau, let's take a look at this 2014 stage 3 roush mustang. so thestage 3 roush mustang is built off of the base gt mustang with the 5.0 litre v8. asyou come take a look at the engine bay here, you have the great 5.0 litre powerplant thatyou are already used to in your gt mustang. what roush does is they add their performanceparts to this engine bay. up front here, these couple of fluid boxes sometimes confuse people.one is for the radiator, and one is for the inter-cooler. the inter-cooler sits underneathof the super-charger. the twin vortices super-charger is a 2.3 litre bay that has the twin vorticesrunning through the middle. some of you are

used to the terminology of a twin screw. atwin screw supercharger is very similar to this, with two screws sitting inside the superchargercompressing air as it flows through the interior of the super-charger bay. but, with a twinvortices, instead of a screw pattern, it's more of a paddle patter that flows throughthe inside of the super-charger. you also have a throttle body up top. leading to acold air intake developed by roush. you also have roush coil covers. you have the optionof red or black. you have a serial plate here on the left that says "powered by roush".and, it has an engraved signature of the person who put these parts together. now these vehiclescome right from the roush factory. but, we at key west ford, can also build these inhouse. and, you get the same serial plaque.

and, it just so happens that bruce, our roushservice tech at key west ford, would engrave his name on there if he was to build a roushvehicle. and, that is an option for those of you out there. you can buy a gt mustangfrom us, and we can go ahead and turn that into a stage1, stage 2, or stage 3 roush mustangfor you. on the right hand side...you have this roush plaque here. you have the rs3 badge,you have a serial number. this one is 14-0552. the first two numbers represent the year.so, 14 represents the 2014 model year. and, the last 4 numbers represent the number inthe line up that this vehicle is. so this is #552 made in 2015. then you've got thehorsepower rating at 575...and, the torque rating at 505 on that badge. one of the nicethings about these roush products is there

is not a lot of them made throughout the year.roush only makes about 400 - 600 roush products per calendar year. so in 2014, this beingnumber 552, this is one of the last production models that came off the line from the roushplant. when you compare that to the shelby...shelby makes anywhere from 5000 - 7000 shelby's peryear. which makes this a much more collectible item. with only 400 - 600 of them made peryear, you can have one of only several of them in canada, let alone western canada,in comparison to some of the other specialty products available through ford. now, let'stalk about some of the esthetics on the stage 3 roush mustang. you'll notice right off thebat the 20" roush wheels. that's a 5 spoke wheel for 2014. and, this rubber is specificto roush as well. this is a cooper made tire.

it's a zeon rs3 s. this is 100% a sport summertire, and you want to take that into consideration when you are ordering or purchasing a roushproduct. you may want to save yourself a little extra money in your budget to opt for a wintertire or an all season tire. you've also got a 6 piston roush brake. and, this nice rs3badge in the centre of the wheel. on the top of the hood here you have these hood slats,that are functional. that's a functional heat extractor on both sides of the hood. withoutthose you can potentially get a ballooning effect inside the engine. and, a lot of peoplehave complained about that in previous models...that with the amount of airflow coming into thefront of the vehicle it can make that hood look like it's about to pop up. so these heatextractors are functional. they help to not

only dissipate the heat, but also some ofthe excess air flow through the engine bay. on the roush stage 3 this hood vent is notfunctional. it's just an esthetics piece. i think it gives it a great look. i thinkit's a necessary part of the roush badging. but, you can also delete that off of yourroush if you are ordering these vehicles if you really don't want that on there. thistaping around the hood vent is a legitimate painted vinyl tape. if you really come inclose you can see it says "roushcharged" along there. now that's not stickered on there.that's printed right onto this vinyl taping. so this is going to last a long time. in 2013hid headlamps became standard, so obviously on the 2014 we you have a standard hid headlamp.and, this top fascia is all new. you get this

nice billet grille. so the top fascia withthe rs3 badge here again to help move air into the engine bay. you also get the loweraero grille as well. it's a nice looking billet grille. you can get these two parts separate,but when you order a stage 3 roush it's going to come with these parts. and this bumperis a whole new bumper including the integral fog lamps up front...built right into thebumper. and you are going to get an extra bit of air flow down the side moving intothe brake area. this chin spoiler is functional as well. get a nice look at how aggressivethis is. it think it not only gives it a great look, but it is again functional. it is designedto create some down force on the front end of the car as well as pushing air up intothe radiator, again to get more air flow into

your engine. down the side of the vehiclewe have some additional badging. roush has started to go away from that old style hockeystick badge to just a nice functional esthetic on the side of the vehicle right behind yourfront wheel well. on this red vehicle you've got a matte grey with a white accent. again,printed into that you have "rs3" on the top... a nice sharp look. and, the "r" badge on theside as well. on the front windshield you get the roush badge across the top. you'llnotice down the side you've got the side rocker splitters. again...a nice accent piece. and,that also continues down the back end of the vehicle. you get a side rear quarter rockersplitter. and then this air diffuser in the rear will give it a little more of an aggressivestance, and really highlight the rear stainless

steel exhaust...the squared off roush exhaust.but, if you get down really close here you'll notice that this is for sure a functionalrear air diffuser. again, this is all roush. that exhaust as you've heard in previous videos...there'snothing that comes close to it as far as the sound quality. and, that does add to the performanceof the vehicle. that's a cat back exhaust right from the engine bay. you've got theclassic led sequential tail lights. a jack roush signature badge at the back. and, inthe centre of this ford badge you've got again the "r" roush badging. and, this deck-lidspoiler is specific to roush. the only place you will find this spoiler is on a roush product.i want to highlight some of the roush badging on the interior of the vehicle. starting withthis door sill. you get that lit up roush

badge. that normally would say mustang. nowif you want to keep the mustang door sill badge in there you can do that. but, of coursewith a factory built stage 3 roush you get the roush door sill badge. normally you wouldsee in here roush embroidered carpets. we've got those pulled out just for the cleanlinessof the vehicle for the time being. and you've got roush pedals. let's get you a nice shotof the roush billet pedals. this vehicle is equipped with recaro race seats. so you geta full grain leather recaro race seat. you have roush badging on the top of the centreconsole lid. cup holders. and that great looking roush cue ball shifter. i love the littleaccents. it's the little things that make a big difference. like the little "r"...theroush "r"...where the reverse is on the the

cue ball, and the roush wording down the side.and, you get the rs3 badge in front of the shifter boot. couple of other things to noteon the interior of the roush vehicle is you get this great looking roush boost gauge.it's an led lit boost gauge on your driver's side left hand vent. surprisingly that doesn'treally block any of the air flow from the vent. it's a nice lit up led gauge, especiallyat night time...that really sticks out! this steering wheel is a specific roush steeringwheel. it's a sued wrapped, very comfortable sporty feeling steering wheel. and, up frontyou have your typical aviation style gauges, and you do have your basic mustang track apps.let's talk a little bit about maintenance and warranty. one of the most common questionsthat we get is around the warranty of these

vehicles. ford has a 3 year or 60,000kms bumperto bumper warranty, and a 5 year or 100,000kms power-train warranty. when you purchase aroush product you will get a roush warranty that matches the ford warranty. so on allof the roush components they are going to match the 3 year or 60,000kms bumper to bumperwarranty from ford for all of the roush products. but, you need to make sure that if any ofthe roush products on your roush vehicle are being serviced that it's done so by a roushcertified technician. so, again, if you're in the lower mainland and you've got a roushproduct you are going to want to make sure that you come to key west ford to get thatroush product serviced. so that you maintain your warranty at full value. maintenance onthese vehicles is a little bit of a change.

on most ford products, ford recommends oilchanges at 7,500 km intervals. but on a roush stage 3 product you are going to want to getoil changes at 5,000 km intervals. that's recommended by roush. as i mentioned beforethe stage 1 roush mustang is just the esthetics of the vehicle...the badging and the bodymoldings. a stage 2 you are going to get a handling package. the handling package inmy opinion is what really differentiates a roush from any other performance vehicle outthere. it's all in the mindset in the team at roush. jack roush himself was a race cardriver and then went and built and owned nascar race teams and he still does so today! he'skind of like the tony stark of our industry. he's he guy that does the best and beyondof all the performance stuff with ford and

mustang. and, he's still in the game now!he's survived two plane crashes. he's got a master's degree in engineering and mathematics.he taught mathematics at a university level for a long time. and, again, to this day hestill owns and operates nascar race teams. so when it comes to the engineering of thesevehicles, this is a track ready car. it's the pinnacle of drive-ability. it's power,efficiency, and handling all put together in one package. in my opinion it's the suspensionthat really differentiates this vehicle from anything else including the shelby's and otherproducts out there. when you get behind the wheel of a stage 3 roush mustang it's notjust about the 575 horsepower, it's not just about the great badging and the great looks,it's about how the vehicle handles. it's your

ability to take that car to it's limit, andto your limit, and learn how to really drive a performance vehicle. that's what the stage3 offers that no other vehicle offers. it's the safety, it's the efficiency, it's thehandling, it's the drive-ability that makes this car sooooo special! it's incredibly importantthat you understand what differentiates this vehicle is the handling...that incredibleroush performance suspension, and anti-wheel hop arms, the 6 piston brakes...everythingthat goes into making this a great performance vehicle under $100,000. now this is a 2014model. it is brand new. it is available right now in our active inventory at key west ford.if you are in the market for a performance vehicle i would highly encourage you to comeand take a look at these roush products. and

get further educated on the roush brand. youcan visit www.roushperformance.com for more information. you can also visit www.keywestford.com.you can also check out some other of our videos on key west ford tv on youtube. or, you cantalk to me directly. my name is ryan. i am one of the sales associates and performancespecialists at key west ford, and you can reach out to me at ryan@keywestford.com or778-984-7431. i'd be happy to answer any questions you have on 2014 models...how you can upgradeyour current roush product or your current mustang into a roush product. i'd also loveto chat with you about the new 2015 mustang roush products that are up and coming. atkey west ford we are british columbia's largest volume ford dealer, and the only ford dealerin british columbia that specializes sales

and service of roush products. we'd love tohave you come down and see us and purchase your next performance vehicle from us. and,maybe even put you behind the wheel of this beautiful red 2014 stage 3 roush mustang.again, my name is ryan. thanks for joining us today. have a great afternoon!

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