♪♪ ♪ johnny got a headof fiery hair ♪ ♪ and a turbo charged backpack ♪ ♪ his genius sistersuse him like a lab rat ♪ ♪ a neat freak dad at home ♪ ♪ a super busy mom ♪ ♪ the boy's best friendis a talking dog ♪ ♪ talking dog ♪ ♪ that's right ♪
♪ three extreme teensand an air breathing shark ♪ ♪ mega action game controllerskating in the park ♪ ♪ a pharabooster,bling-bling ♪ ♪ what do we make of this ♪ ♪ johnny test ♪ ♪ this is the life of a boynamed johnny test ♪ (fireworks whistle,rapid explosions) captioning made possible bywarner bros. animation announcer: hello, everybody,
and welcome tothe hogwash center where the undefeatedhairbelly hammerheads take on your winlessand pathetic porkbellyice pigs. announcer:big crowd on hand tonight for what should be a verysuper-duper exciting and totally painful nightfor the ice pigs. hammerheads break away... he shoots! he's scared! he scores!
and he's hurt! ooh! what a body check! ooh, another body check! oh, more body checks! i got it! [thud] i am doing greattonight! 3 helmets, a goalie glove,and a referee! [groans]
now if the ice pigscould just score a goal. let's go, ice pigs! [shouting, growling] boo! boo! announcer:ooh, that crowd of twois really getting into it! boo! hammerheadsreek! boo! announcer: the hammerheadsdon't like it. they're headinginto the stands!
are they allowedto do that? it's hockey, johnny.since when are there rules? run! aah! [growling] turbo protectiongetaway mode. i poke funat your sisters a lot, but they do makea nice armored bike. yeah. if they couldonly help me makea decent hockey team.
computer: thomas edisonexperiment commencing. experiment failed. girls: eew! i'm not eatingthat. we need edison'soriginal plans onaccelerated veggie growth. this book apparentlyleft out some details. susan, mary,you've gotta help us! [sniffs] whoa!who busted a grumpy? don't look at me.
i know usuallyit is me, but this time,doggie no go. actually, johnny,we're recreating one of the lost inventionsof thomas edison-- the electriclettuce accelerator. and yet you wonderwhy you don't havea social life. when you plug these electrodesinto common soil, you can grow a head of lettucein less than 10 seconds! it's the microwave popcornof salads!
yeah, but it's a salad,not popcorn. is there somethingwe can do for you? yeah. the ice pigsare getting theirpucks kicked, and i wanna help themwin a game before theymove the team to florida and change their nameto the sun pigs! announcer: and at the endof the first period, it's the hammerheads 10 and the futureflorida sun pigs zero. you don't supposethis edison dude
invented an electrichockey-winning thing,do ya? it's highly unlikely-- that you'd find one ofhis hockey inventionsin that book. but you could alwaysgo back in time and ask him yourselfwith... the turbo teahousetime machine. it's a little girly,don't you think? yeah.but dad doesn't suspectit's a time machine. i'll set the coordinatesfor edison's lab
about a hundred years ago. just pick up theoriginal plans for the lettuceaccelerator. then ask him abouthis great "hockey"inventions that would helpyour haplessice poodles. ice pigs! if we hurry,we could make it backbefore the end of the game. [humming] yipe!
now, if you get lost,just consult this history book. oh! mary: and pull the creamerto make it go. you mean this thing heeeeerrre? [groaning] ahem. huh? what! who are you?what are you doing here?
[loudly] we've justcome from the future. in that thing?it's a little girly,don't you think? yeah. just show usthe hockey inventions. don't have 'em. but i do havethe electric lettuceaccelerator. it will increaseour food supply and wipe out hunger. yeah, well, i'm fromthe future, pal, and what we'rereally hungry foris accelerated nachos.
na...chos? hmm... come on! didn't you everinvent a magic hockey stick or an auto-scoring puck? mr. edison,it's an honorto meet you. your inventionshave contributed so muchto modern society--hey! what's this do?! ♪ aaeeeeiiiiyaa! ♪ aah! i just blew upthomas edison!
what? now how am i gonnahelp the ice pigs? i think he's breathing. don't sweat it.says here he doesn't diefor another 20 years. but he mysteriouslywalked with a limpfrom this day forth. oh. that's not so bad. mr. edison! is everything all right? dukey: yeah, uh... i'm fine.i just inventedsmoking hair.
carry on. i got the plans.let's go! take the creamer!let's go backto the present and forget all aboutthis time thing. what about the ice pigs?we need to help them! let's face it, johnny.i don't think the toughestguys in history can help the ice pigs. hmm. well, there's onlyone way to find
oooouuuut! [trumpets] hey, caveman. you hit rock in cave. ow! heh heh heh heh... hmm? dukey: he's tryingto eat my leg! settle down, you two,or i will turn thisgirly teahouse around.
[wind howls] is there someone namedattila the hun? i heard he's a big wuss! rrraah! [battle cry] welcome aboard! vikings...vikings... [growling,guttural muttering] we're back.here are your plans.
gotta go. bye. [objectshatters] um...who arethese guys? well, he's a caveman.he's a mongol warrior. that guy's a viking,black knight over there, and my man hereis attila the hun. duck! johnny, those arethe most violentwarriors and savages from all recordedhistory!
no. they are the newice pigs hockey team. dad's preciousmeatloaf collection! johnny, do something! [running footstepsfade away] oh, all right.i'll talk to 'em. [yelling, battle cries] excuse me, savages? we need to talk. ow! now, you,stop that!
i want to talk to youabout somethingreally important... hockey. [birds twitter] see? we all have dreams. [vaguely patrioticmuzak plays] vikings, you wantto sack villages. huns, mongols,you want to takeover the world. [grunting] and the caveman,well...
don't worry, friend.evolution is on the way. the point is,we all have dreams. and if one of our dreamscomes true, it should be mine,'cause i got youall together. so let's win onefor the ice pigs! huh? [growling, yelling] great. you inspired themto stop beating up the lawnand beat us up instead! it's part of the plan.there's still timeleft in the game.
come on! announcer: and with just2 minutes left in the game, there's absolutely no waythe pathetic ice pigscan win this one. ooh! looks like the ice pigshave made a line change with bigger and hairierplayers. the hammerheadslook confused. now they look hurt! oh, it's a big pileon the ice pig... who breaks away!
the puck is loose.he shoots! he scores! and the ice pigspull off an amazing comeback! it's working! [buzzer] rrrr! score! unbelievable! the newhairier ice pigs win, and they are going crazy! sort of!
hairy ice pigs rule! the only thing missing now is a disgustingly yummysporty snack food. how about a salad? from thomas edison'sgreatest undiscoveredinvention-- before he gothis famous lamp-- nachos? it makes nachos? it doesn't getany better than this!
[chewing] hey, buddy.try the nachos. you want me to do what? clean your room. [flies buzzing] i have a very importantclient coming over to dinner tomorrow night. but it's not likehe's having dinnerin my room...is he? no. but this placeis starting to smell.
and your dad is a littlewound up about playinghost tomorrow night. ah...i can seemy reflection, but it's not...crystal clear! he's been having nightmaresfor weeks! just try to make the houseexactly the way he wants it. [alarm blasts] when was the last timeyou cleaned your room? there wasno last time. i think i've brokenthrough that layer
of petrifiedpizza boxes! i'm going to save thesefor the museum! dukey:i think i hit carpet. huh. so that's whatcolor it is. [both grunting] that wasn't so bad. yeah. but thatmight be. honey, the placelooks perfect. uh, well...lookon the bright side.
my room is clean. oof! uh! ah! mom: no more of thosehorrible nightmares. the houselooks great. oh, it's not just that. i wish i could redecoratethis entire place. i've kept a notebookby the bed for years, filling itwith home improvementand design ideas for my dream house!
but i guess it'll always be...just a dream. i'm headingto the airport ♪ to pick upmr. spurling ♪ great! i'm runningacross town to grabsome ingredients for what will bethe best dinnerfor my wife's client ever! [car starts] come on. susan and maryare waiting. waiting? for what? this notebookis filled with ideasfor dad's dream house.
we're gonna build itfor him! johnny, your parentswill be backin 2 hours. we don't even haveenough time to readthat book! oh, we don'thave to read it. of course not. the computerwill scan the notebook and download itto our team of roboticconstruction drones. sweet! awesome! dad'sgonna get the houseof his dreams,
and mom's clientis gonna besuper-impressed. johnny, have you actuallylooked through this book? there's some weirddecorating ideas in here. like what? well, like havinga living room floormade of quicksand. maybe it's some newdesign trend. but it's what dadwants. aah! snakes! aah! fridge! full!snakes!
surprise! we used yourhome design notebook to createyour dream house! my design notebook? sure. you know,the notebookyou keep by your bed. johnny, this is notmy design notebook. say what? this is a dreamjournal, which means... you built memy nightmare house! announcer: that's right.your fully electronicnightmare house
comes completewith scary cave basement... and more! well,that definitelyexplains the quicksand floors. the what? johnny, are youtrying to tell me that this entire househas been refurbished based on every nightmarei've had for the last 2 weeks? yeah, that's right.
and your mom...is about to bring home... mr. spurling,please let metake your coat. why,thank you, lila.i-- [whimpers]not quicksand! help! help! help... hold your nose.according to theseblueprints, this should drop usdown into the scarycave base... ...ment.
what is going onhere? uh, mr. spurling, we just wanted togive you a complete tourof our happy home. this is the cave. [whimpering]oh...oh... are the centipedes gone?please tell methey're gone! and this is my husband. our best chanceis to cut the power. there's a centralswitchboard in thecesspool vault.
your room. oh. right. here, mr. spurling,let us show youthe rest of the place. and that's wherewe keep our pet,uh...cats! ha ha! [screams] run! lila: run again! [chittering] [roaring] [screeching]
[chomping] i can't go on!it's too much! make it all goaway! [sobbing] make itall go away! come on, dad!you can do this! thanks, son.i feel much better. [roar] aah! yi! uhh! yi-- ah! ooh! ah!
we need to go backthat way. ooh! ooh! ah! ooh! it's ok, honey.it's just steps. there's nothing here. please, no! not them! not the stay-at-home-dadclowns! [shrieking] wow. your dad has issues.
this...cannot...be...happening! i'll go and pullthe circuit breaker! [groans] uhh... no! no! no oh oh oh! [sobs] johnny:a little help here! over here! yah! hey, yah! johnny!
yo, spider, get a whiff of this! [electricity powers down] i never thoughti would say this, but thank goodnessfor dirty underwear! the house should beback to normal in about an hour. uh...what aboutmr. spurling? oh, he should be fineonce he comes to.
i can't imagine howi'm going to explainall this to him. but i can! well, here we are! [yawns] aah! spiders! monsters! clowns with aprons! aah! w-where am i? what happened? oh, you must beexhausted, mr. spurling. you fell asleepon the way homefrom the airport.
i had...the most horrifyingnightmare! nothing my husband'shome-cooking can't fix! [car doors close] listen, dad, i'm sorryabout all this. i just wanted you tohave your dream house. i already do, johnny. i realized that today. now come help mewhip up a quick dinnerthat'll wow mr. spurling. one more thing, dad?
can we keepthe quicksand floor? johnny. please. come on. you have to admitthe quicksand floorsare pretty cool! announcer: the nightmare house! super funny endingnot included. captioned by the nationalcaptioning institute--www.ncicap.org--
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