how's it going everyone my name is ahmso and welcome back. we are playing as the bat once again episode 5 the city of light before we start i want to say thank you to everyone that has watched the series so far i appreciate it and love every single one of you guys you guys are the best audience and with that being said
let's play it's obvious that's why he hates you for dad he'll bump off her parents why would my father have the veils killed said he killed the sales she was born in markham victoria arkham where you gonna go got some other business i need to take care of
what did you do that that was me getting rid of lady or construct innocent people i did what i had to do this but what sacrifices to make you don't understand batman without me gotham what is doomed thank god he was finally stopped nice work batman my job's not done yet i
still need to find lady are go before it's too late bruce all of your backpack is linked to this computer if you take it offline it will all be operable if penguin hacks in he'll have control of all of it i have to shut it down breaking news the children of arkham have taken hostages high-profile gotham
citizens including police commissioner peter grogan who was taken while attempting to intervene i repeat the children of arkham taking hostages carry-ons bosses it's time to get the best attention that meant side of us right on top i've got no tools going to the school mainly way
o3o commission get to safety i can't just leave we're going old-school tools i love it that now it's a trap shit i don't know the commissioner you know go figure shot in the stomach it wasn't a fatal shot how that's gonna be family you have
to stop them save our city i mean commissioner commissioner he's gone let me just walked off into the night i should really do a a brutal run through with this game would be kind of interesting old school taxes thank god with the covers off line i've no idea what's happening out that i
always fear the worst i need to get back to the batcave figure out penguins next move i can't let him keep hurting innocent they would improve the armor impressions ever live off the grid but we treat you well that what's your point what is your the end of your rope you can't even stop me
often a bullish commissioner without your toys nothing just turn yourself over 21 that sketch on local union i don't need toys to deal with the likes of you you sure about that that man has from meet you could use a little help doctor just stay put oh he's really fucked that one up if i
could just find a way to hack into it i can get to paint with get solutions will figure it out he's made improvements even deadlier than before wayne tech and penguins hands it's a dangerous weapon who was this shell as much tougher than the original model
what is pain when gearing up for obviously war capable of firing automatic piercing rounds these could tear the city apart another trap one of his men used a device that targeted my armor if penguin has more devices like that that suit will be a liability it's already in bad shape it can protect
me from a knife let alone penguins new arsenal if batman can't take the fight to penguin maybe bruce wayne can face segment of this bruce without your ama you'll be more vulnerable but far from helpless who meeting him as batman would play right into his hand penguin once hostages debate bad man
bruce wayne will be the perfect hostage you can get closer to strike when he least expected besides i won't be going alone get gordon allied give him our files on oswald cobblepot tell them that we did a little digging averey took my position as ceo he should know who really killed commissioner growing the killer will be
in cobblepot park tell them that bruce wayne man we're setting a trap for a track is gonna be nice if these officers risk penguin is made it back only flesh wound i thought i've got it transmitter in behind this that you give us room transmit waynetech controlling the
dreams she saw all back got damaged some of my officers are still in there i'm not gonna let some stupid feet kill my men if you can destroy the transmitter oswald loses control of the drones there's no way to get to what you heard martinez lieutenant you need a distraction
i can keep him talking while you get into position how are you gonna do that i don't think listening to the guy who publicly attacked him it's at the top of his priority list i know exactly how to push his buttons i'll make him so mad the only thing he'll see is red that's all well and good but he wants you dead
trust me lieutenant i'm your best shot at getting those officers out alive this is insane i'm all out of options i'll going around the back if he sees me he won't i'll keep him focused on you will be your chance if the perimeter tight if he suspects anything before those drones are offline
we're both dead let's go play angry birds guys no man you're gonna make an angry bird out of this one's the fried this is a hell of a trip off they're all over the all over the place flashback i'm really really hate them might be want because my movie because he's an arkham those bullies aren't coming back they got not
oh they say but things about my family oh gosh the vices stop pause please smosh of the dumb faces get the word i all the channels the penguins got away in cobalt block oswal growth well come the pigs are making it hard to bring in the paper batman but now you're is i
have the perfect lure not that i'm upset what does bring by never known a way to stick his neck out you have something of mine and i want it back well being is that right your company your tower your praises reputation i'm taking so very many things from you promised i wouldn't know where to start
still i'm chalking pop by so far only goldman's pharmacy plotted to show they paint to stick us nancy when they don't below you know i'm surprised back man not already to save you he's usually so on top of it maybe i need because a few more screenings maybe you just aren't important enough
everyone knows you're only lady arkansas nobody's lucky white new york and i am more partners in crime and that name will show he just can't help himself will not do it stank and when he arrives oh nice sounds the blood running into the garden once she's out a picture there'll be nothing left in our way mine or lady articles
she's got some pretty big ideas for the season and they're about to kick into gear lady arkham doesn't care about ur's she's just using you well we've got an understanding her and i love my oldest brah you want so long ago you and me met in his very park they gonna you looking down from on high take a gander at is now no i and a good
are they recognize different you belong in a gutter all i see is a thief a lowlife thug who stole my life i saw an opportunity and i took it which is will you have dammit what the hell is it really so funny drink this wouldn't be some kind of plan would it
you working with the back did you really come around bruce anyone could afford to improve on the table it's you why ours are you scared about would be if i want so certain of my up i had as it were not that you can't look after yourself certainly do not have a beat-down on the drug only reveals your true feelings they're like you were
working out some issues there a british you best be off you pissed me off so you got what was coming i'll tell you what's coming to me right and it's about bloody time locked my phone in arkham asylum this deal a fortune from oil that sarah side ways cause the root of my entire blood family nobody you trying to
get me or you're not on the way they don't we can check the releasing these drugs will make negative and all the normal around this park oh yeah your mother deserved argo you heard me she was insane unfit to walk the streets that you know it now theriot terry are young blood
it's gonna be like the goblin maybe not oh ya ya bastard wow you got a lot to answer your body papes house these forgot sir have a good distance on that is that all you got goodbye us while we could buy oswald read him his rights now easy to find lady arkham let me know how he gets his limp
i gotta admit you surprise me you were right about this one got the most you a debt the gcpd does too i won't forget it thank you i didn't do this for gratitude will tell you that when you've been fighting crime and got them as long as i have you take you thanks where you can get you think
this changes anything do ya lady arkham's gonna have your heads served up on a plan he has a point we just took down lady organ stop man she's not going to stand for this no she's too never thought i'd say this but the goddamn batman is a better idea where she is a weeden
i'll nah have no idea where she might be i gotta say those games that definitely definitely nice we are tech back i think i'll go the repairs going offline kept penguin from finding the batcave but it also scrambled our system back computer barely runs and worse most of my tech isn't working it's going to take time to
get everything up and running again if it gets wrong again it's going to make tracking down lady arkham hell of a lot harder you've proven that you don't need armor or gadgets to help this city in the end bruce wayne was the one to stop penguin bruce these last few weeks i worry about the
toll they've taken on you facing off against harvey oswald inner matter of days not just the physical toll those were menu once trusted and after finding out what you did about your father people must seem a great disappointment to you always letting you down even those whom you admire everything on
one is like my father or oswald what harvey became it wasn't by choice and me everything that happened i could have stopped it if i done something all those years ago this this is my fault all of it i told you i wanted to leave your father's employee but if only i had the guts to do something instead your mother
she wanted that wanted to put an end to his crimes if i'd helped her if i'd stopped thomas none of these horrors would have occurred lady arkham oswald even harvey i don't hold for what happened alfred you did the best you could impossible situation and help to make me the man i am today i
thank you bruce but our work isn't done the children of our members still out there and lady arkham with both penguin and may identify the board she's the only remaining piece we need to figure out her next move the only thing we do know is that she moved on from her plan to poison the city with penguin gone and my ceo access
restored and finally log into wayne enterprises see exactly what oswald was doing during his time in charge by cross-reference that with all the data we have on vicki vale we might be able to figure out the children markets next move alright so wayne login email access gotta feed codex dammit can access the
newsfeed need to get this watching account your administrative access to wayne enterprises should have been reinstated by now along with your title of ceo and see what ours was doing well he said in my chair most a couple part sense of humor hasn't changed much in sure boys can we just see what he was doing surveillance let's check that i
was having a surveillance systems across gotham any building using wayne tech security can be spied on the ceos office how is that any different than the back door into the way network that he uncovered that's 9s who will take that a second hospital was trying to buy an island what on earth for that he was using his new legal
control of carmine falcone is assets and likeness to brand the place it's some kind of tourist attraction it was going to call it falcone islet we need to figure out lady archives next of course that sounds stupid but i want to go to that heart certainly wasn't very frugal with my money you have a few yolks to return it appears also explains
how the children of our command is seemingly endless supply of guns oswald was using way money to arm them interesting thing altered several public records using the way network here we go worth oswald manipulated my records as well it would appear your degree was in sociology and my medical records there are some bourbon colorful diseases
annoying that not hard to fix yeah that's better oswald cobblepot surprise here oswald wipe away any trace of his criminal records his background is completely fabricated it was enrolled at cambridge ridiculous calm down offered i'm sure the board realizes by now that they were fooled
all mention of her birth name victoria arkham is completely got me really what's this he also erase something from vicki's research at the gazette i can't tell what was removed from here but waynetech leaves a trace when it alters data1 the bat-computer can decode what is it miss vale wanted to hide interesting that
that was then check out our security of here they did more than just look at these schematics every building and gotham with the waynetech security system can be accessed from here and remotely controlled oswald was the brawn vicki is the brains let's check her file she may have left clues about what she was using oswald's
access for ok let's check the file a layer arkham vicki vale mid-thirties reported for the gotham gazette and not in the public record her true name victoria arkham to think she was here in the manner she gave nothing away of her true nature then hmm vicki embrace this identity to follow
through on our twisted crusade mask inspires fear not unlike that man i just need to find her interesting children of arkham the children of arkham their symbol dates back much farther than their terrorist activity they formed to get justice for those wronged arkham asylum but the message fell on deaf ears until they
found a leader gotham couldn't ignore and the gazette's records of the articles written by vicki vale this record isn't complete your right there are notable gaps between entries but yet it doesn't seem she ever left the gazette employ so what was she doing in that time this record wouldn't be easy to alter seeing what oswald was a to
could give us a fresh perspective now that we know how oswald manipulated vicki's records that bad computer should be able to there no more holes who she was looking into arkham patients viewing records checking submissions prior histories she was trying to figure out who was actually sick and who was committed because of hill falcone and my
father can we look up the joker vicki was digging deep gotham city records freedom of information requests posted conspiracy forms all to find it's a list of buildings that use wayne tech security systems it's a list of targets city hall arkham asylum gcpd headquarters gotham first
national it's almost every landmark in the city iran has something he wants to bypass the security at a gotham landmark but without a man inside wayne enterprises she can unlock that door remotely she'll have to get her hands dirty when she does wheel finder oh see there it started one of the bad
prototypes has been stolen my lady arkham not quite i'm patching the feet now she stole from you after we opened our doors to her after all that you too alfred yeah i know bruce but why would she do this she that cold-hearted that selfish she must have her reasons but i'm sure
she does the devices storm it's a prototype it's an electronic skeleton key with it you could bypass any security system me by wing tech that key is far too dangerous in miss kyle's hands especially with lady our cups turd large get the car ready offered i'm going to get some answers from selena
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