hello now, we will begin the interview we will put the camera there here we will place the microphone and we can start you could perhaps present yourself hello, my name is ahmed guessous where were you born ?
i was born on june 10th, 1918in benchyine in the area of taza tell me about your parents our village was invadedby the french army my father defended the best that he could my father was a good combatant,a valorous warrior ! he was killed during the fight i remained the onlysurvivor of the village
that was very difficult to live for a child ? it was horrible, ground was eaten there was a piece of ground near us argillaceous we ate that ! it may have been horrible ! yes and you survived in spite of that ? thank god !
god protected me ! i read your book all your history and i must acknowledgethat it was fascinating it is really extraordinarywhat arrived to you ! tell me a little aboutconditions of your childhood ah yes, it was painful ahmed it's not good it is all that we have
i am hungry why did dad leave without us ? because it's dangerousthe french would make us kill but it is our village why french we would make us kill ? i know, but it is… dad i brought back milk- milk ! milk ! i have another surprise for you
what ?- wait thank you, dad how are you ?- i'm fine he sleeps ?- yes, milk made him good not only him ! how long will that last ?- i do not know, ito as a long as the frenchwill occupy our grounds ! do you think that you will succeed ? i am afraid
every day, i request godso that you return in life. and every day, he hears your prayers. until when ? never despair of the almighty look at these stars how much wars did they see ? all wars finished one day this one will finish too and the french will leave our grounds
i believe thati will catch a renegade i got you !- stop ! stop, dad ! you return to bed ?- yes, dad i come with you i'm tired too come my son when i leave, you are the man you will protect your mother- yes dad pay attention to you
it's good that he learns quran it is all that remains to us god will protect him sorry are you ok ?- yes here, i finished why do i look after youif go out again to fight immediately the others need me i can come with you, dad ?
who will protect your mother ? if you come with me ? stay here, my boy ahmed, come i want to still remain here no, we must leave.- where do we go mom? follow me why do we leave ? we don't have anything to do here any more
and the french ? god is stronger than the french come my daughter, where do you go ? stay here, you don't have anything to fear it's madness.- the true madness would be to remain here the village is occupiedby french soldiers you know what they are able to do to you they don't do anything to womenwho don't fight it's treason !- and him ?
it's not treason to let him die of hunger ? wich one is our house ?- our house ? you don't remember it ?- no i will show you you see the large brown tent ? it's just there- i remember it i am not a combatant- what do you want ? i come home- it is not your home any more and my son, where do i put him ?
sit there with him ahmed, give me the basket why do we clean and not them ?- it is our house then, why theylive here ? i don't know if dad were still there,he would them drive out leave-him ! takes him with us, he will accompany uswe can't leave him like that. a your orders, captain
come you want to come with me clean the village.- yes, captain captain bourget ?- yes ? and him ?- he comes with me come help me othman my boy, like that... we will not go trough here, now you can release me
you can release me well what ? i don't understand a word of what you say ah ! the door ? you wanted me to close the door ? what are you looking for ? the clock ? you like the clocks ?
me too i have something for you slowly give it to me it's good ? still ? come here don't be afraid she's nice
here is, good dog it feel good ? give me your hand,gently go and you're really sure that he doesn't havefamily any more ? no more near family his mother waskilled in the village by whom ? holly god, you are completely insane !
we killed his mother and you keep him ? imagine if the natives know it ? or worse, the general staff ? nobody will know ? think, as a good christian ! this boy was alone among dead bodies what did you want me to do ?- i am atheist atheist ? what is that for a religion ?
very funny ! bourget, we are at war ! atheist does it mean inhuman for you ?- you don't listen to me ? it's war ! i could do nothinghe clung to my boot ! you could remove it, like mud i decide to adopt him you don't even speak berber and you ?
as an officer of the indigenous businesses,you speak it ? what's that ? it's the boy, he makes nightmares wait, i'll be back my lord, please, protect him you will come with me captain ? captain will not come any more finished
why do i speak you,you don't understand a word come with me captain is dead ! you have to come with me he sleeps ? you could have tell it to me first listen, i had sworm i have to hold my promise.i signed all the papers this morning, he is officially our pupil
having a child is a decisionthat we must take the both of us ! having a child ? he's the army's pupil,not our son ! you'll see, you will like school ! you will learn how to read, to write you will learn how to draw, to countyou will have a lot of friends, you'll see hello francine- hello irma look, it's just there.you will meet a lot of friends. he never had gone to school.it's his first day. it is frequently the case, here, madamour mission is to educate them
he does not speak nor frenchnor arabic, only berber he will not learn arabic,he will learn french it will be difficult at the beginning,very difficult, but if he works hard sir, i've heard about certain methodsinappropriate for childrens what do you mean, madam ? it was said to me that maltreatmentwere inflicted to "non-french" is it true ? listen, they are not like usthey are culturally violent perhaps but this boy is different
i would ask you to spare him good madam, we'll take care of him thank you and what's his name ? he's name is ahmed ahmed gassiaux he's there can i stay alone with him? please, call me before leaving
you fought again ? they insulted me i told you before, you should not listen to them ! don't answer they said that i'm a native. but they say just lies but i'm not like them you are like them ! you must be a fool to see a difference
so mister gassiaux is a fool ? mister gassiaux is a bit little fool, yes. but it's our secret he loves you very much that's not true but it's ok i know that you love me i love you so much shall we go ?
i'll make you a good lemonade come on it is so comma that bore the universal declaration of the rights of human been and of the citizen
in 1793 point its third article stipulate that all men are equal and it is for everyone?- what ? article 3 equality ? yes
me too ? of course ! then why did they call me the native ? ahmed! it is a dictation,not a course of philosophy shall you write what irma dictates to you ? please ! come on ! its article... come in
somebody's asking you for sir what does he want ? he says that he has a letter of introduction- let him come in good morning sir good morning sit down forgive me to disturb you sir i am ahmed gassiauxthe pupil of raymond gassiaux i have a letter of introduction thati wished to give you in your own hand
a letter of introduction ? but we don't need for gardenernor of clerk any more dear jean, i allow myself to write to youin order to request the engagement of my pupil inthe service of agriculture and colonization i must confess, dear jean,that my wife and me were very astonished bythe intelligence and vivacity with which my pupilhas followed his studies he goes then in the technical school
in alger where he succeed i tought then to send him in paris but his morrocan originwould have closed too much door i ask you, dear jean, to approvehis candidature in your service sincerely yours,raymond gassiaux it is true that you havea brilliant course taking account of your ageand of your condition which job do you want ? officer in your administration, sir
officer ? you really now what you want ! in respect of your stepfather, i'll see what i could do you can dismiss thank you sir you're still there ? sir, i was waiting for your answer you are tough
come here tomorrow, at 8 yes, sir last advice as we'll ask yourname within the administration don't give your first namegassiaux will be enough and ? tell me i don't know if i have to i'll have an heart attack
i'll take a drink first take a drink i'll begin tomorrow i'm so proud of you ! thanks to you mam thanks to your talent but don't feel victorious too soon he must test me first but he will not be ableto do without you any more
we'll tell it to raymond mom, wait please i don't think that it wants to know yes, he wants ! i do not know but..- as you want, you decide in any case, you stay here tonight,we'll celebrate it ok come here, gassiaux mister dujardin
good morning gassiaux, i thought you'd come earlier sorry, i have to go firstby the residence of the courtois their palm trees presentsigns of disease them too ? blasted "bayoud" and yours ? how are they ? i have the impression thatthe treatment functions that's good let us go see them- oh wait ! let us take a drink first,it's important for the friendship
and i haven't stopped for this morning you will largely havetime to make your inspection i 'm going to buy bottles by yvan smuggling ? i didn't hear anything smuggling, don't be silly ! and my smuggling ? it's delicious you didn't dieso the dates are fresh !
i would not swear ! and your job ? i'm beginning to like it last months were difficult but it's enthralling ! and barreaux, he leaves youalone, i hope he don't interfere in my business too much i know a lot of things about him, you know you want to corrupt me ?
oh, great words, corrupt him ! last drink ? no, i must go to work listen if you need anything,clã©mentine is in the garden i'm going to begin my inspectionthank you for the drink and that's how ito fell withlmilchil into the cave why all storiesthat you tell me are sad ? you found it sad? to die
tell me something funny let us find something funnyin this newspaper for my clementine not the news, franceis occupied by the nazis france occupied ? the world 's going upside down don't say that something funny- so ? i've found one an anecdote which has told methe captain grosjean
the large thin one with a spot on his cheek ? you know that he's maniac ? he has 2 toothbrushes every night, he brushedhis teeth with a different brush and every night, he leaves his brushon the wash-hand basin drying to find it all fresh the next day it's exceptional your story !
wait one evening, he notices thathis brush was still wet proof that his "majordome" use it he called him and asked him to brush himhis behind with the brush and the "majordome" obey without asking and then, a few seconds later he flees, with convulsions and disgusted nobody used ever againhis toothbrush it isn't true ?
it's disgusting ! i forgot, i'm late do i look good like this ?- yes, it's good this friday, i go up in tazzeka for an inspection of the palm trees your dad tell me that he will goto rabat for one week i tell myself that, maybe, you... i will await you behind the large treeat midday a lover trip ?you becomes romantic, mister gassiaux
hello dad ! you're late ! i am sorry- we must go see your mother in the cemetery i didn't see the hours passing this boy drive you crazy ! a boy ? which boy ? i 'm going to change my clothes- no, wait, come back here you're playing with fire i don't know what you're talking about
people talk i don't care about people ! listen, i like him, this boyhe is beautiful, he is intelligent but he's not like us ! thank you dad, but that's my business you are stubborn you look like your mother more and more ok, go dress yourself,i'll wait for you in the car welcome !
welcome mr gassiaux welcome madam mr gassiaux good morning mr gassiaux it's a pleasure to see you the pleasure is mine it is an honor to be receivedby the master of these place mr gassiaux, i am only caã¯di am not emperor but it is me the caã¯d of the tribe
mrs gassiaux accompany you ? heu...clã©mentine is not... allow me to make you visit the placewhile mr gassiaux controls our trees with pleasure this evening, we organize a fest in honorof the officer dujardin and in your honor too tahnk you, it's kind the holy writings talk aboutus as the descendant of the shrarhil peopleour city tilit is thousands-year old. and the word "shrail" is only a deformation due to timeto the word "israel"what do you think about it, mr ?
it is true that the word "chrahil"is a reference to the people of israel but concerning the city of tillitpersonally, i believe that... i was talking about the roe it was very good miss ? it was deliciousthank you taste this "mahia" it's strong ! mister caã¯d, i wrote a little funny songfor you
a song ? with pleasure ! yacob imchi la guerre, y a babaya aini ya chloumou yacoub imchi la guerre,don't know when he'll come backhe'll come back at easter easter is gone,yacoub didn't comme back eat, you are welcome. he didn't see that the caã¯d was jew ?with is stupid joke ! he didn't noticed it i was humiliated in place of the caã¯d.
he found himself funny this imbecile but the worst,it is that he didn't want to hurt anyone you think so ? yes i'm sure let's stop talking about it clã©mentine ? i have something important to tell you will you marry me ? don't answer now
think about it but not too long good morning, mister ahmed mister barreaux asks for you i almost finished my reportabout the farm of adrien i bring to him in half an hour- it is not about that, mister what is it ? but mister i am not reservist i know but your tutor tell usthat you could be a very good officer
sir, i.. gassiaux ! it's a honor thatyou can't refuse sir, i would like to say... you have nothing to say you were committed. be tomorrow at dawn,at the barracks of rabat, leaving for mtarka sir, i'm asking... my boy, let my explain you something the french army gives you the honorto take you in his rows. either you respect it,either you begin your career in prison.
soldier ! yes my "adjudant" ? where is this cave ? at noon, sir, 400 m from here it is well the cavewhere the rebel are hidden ? yes, my "adjudant" we will camp here we will attack this night during the night ?
it's the orders ! they know the ground perfectlythey can move the night it is the night that they are most dangerous on the contrary the day we area target even easier to reach well, my "adjudant" god helps us ! install the camping ! we'll attack tonight i've got you, bastard.
if you are a man of honor,kill me and don't deliver me kill you? are you insane?you know the price of your head ? i've got him ! i've got him ! my "adjudant" !i've got the rebel! i defend my grounds and my people it is you who are traitors- shut up ! he has to shut up ! help me bind him you doubt. you know what theyare going to do with me shut up !
i said, shut up ! enough ! what did i do ? what you did,you did it for your country give me your weapon you'll tell them that i stole it and that i killed the "goumier" or you can join us, if you want but i see in your eyesthat you've already joined us
clã©mentine, one week already without writing to you i 'm writing you tonight totell you how much i miss you i'm lost something wrong happens to me, today i can't tell you more in this letter i obtained a permission,i'll join you very soon did you think of my request ? i love you, my love
we've got him ! we've got the rebel ! that's the rebel ? it's you who killed one of my man ? what if i kill you ? right now ? take him there i'll show this dog how the french armydeals with killers someone can see us...
how could someone see us ?it's desert we never know you look fine yes, i took some rest did you receive my letter ? i can't marry you i had a lot of thinking we're coming from two different worlds what are you talking about ?
i really like you, ahmed but i'm not ready for that people are cruel i understand i'm not good enough for you no, i've never said that how could i believe... please, don't think like that listen !
i am ready you are really decided ? you don't believe that you're makinga little too much for this girl ? it's not her. it's my affectation i saw barreaux this morning you asked for this affectation come back what were you thinking ? how could imagine thatyou had a single chance with her ?
you don't know what you're talking about maybe i don't know what i'm talking aboutbut at least i know my place ! you two, stop ! listen, my angel i know your pain but you have to go trough the two of us had no future here what are you doing ? you don't go ! too late !
my affectation is accepted. i'm gone so leave, but peacefully he said that to protect you she also tried to protect you you may have right, mom but i loved her hassan how are you ? sit i'm fine
tell me, do you still have some "amlo" ? i have just received an arrival of agadir.i'll take some fine no, it's for me tell me... do you have any news ofour sultan sidi mohamed ? he's going wel,moulay hassan too god keeps them believe me, hassan,they'll be back sooner or later
thanks to people like you god helps you go blessed us with your help bye hassan when did you come ? 10 minutes ago you weren't followed ? no, i don't think sobut we must make quickly are you sure of this place ?
no meeting was organized there i believe that they do not know it at least not yet take the feather and write write what they do to us all the misdeeds of the french they don't let us live freely it's unfair ! it's unfair ! one thing at once
i'm writing the letter and i know what i must write in it you are sure that it will be signed by all ? all the notables of the cityand majority of notables of morocco they will sign with us so, i believe it will succeed let's begin yes ? follow uswithout noise
why ? what is this ? convocation i can read ! thank you i don't understand why me ? the general lapara will tell it to youhimself go prepare me a cup of theplease sirs
dismiss first of all you have to know the respect i havefor your tutor, mr gassiaux how is he doing ? do you know why i convened you ? no really ? "deceived by the attitude ofcertain french soldier seriously compromising the relationsbetween france and morocco",that say anything to you ?
i wrote this letter and i have to tell you thati have the support of many your support ? they all change their minds ! they all reaffirmed officiallytheir attachment to france i could have made lock you up ! but i decided to commute your punishment by sending you to taza i protest my general you will protest over there
taza must face an invasion of… of acridiens you wanna say grasshoppers ? indeed you'll be useful over theredismiss why are you angry ?- we're working since this morning and him, he plays with grasshopperslike a child he could hear us- and ? he doesn't understand,he's a french.
french ? you're the french !he's moroccan, like us no, he's like them he grows up with them he doesn't understand a wordlet me prove it to you hey, big head ? you're bad beg your pardon ? moreover, you have a turkey nose and eyes of fish
you look like these grasshoppers.you are surely their brother see ? he doesn't understand ! you'll make us fire i need help would you, please, hold this plant ? of course what's this ? nothing, just one of my brothers there is a ladywho came to see you
who is it ? she did not tell me her name.she awaits you upstairs ok, i'll go see her good evening, ahmed what are you doing here ? i came to see you i wanted to see you one last time i'm going to paris paris...
i wish you all the happiness you deserve but...so... don't say a word what's happenning ? some people come to see you they are downstairs they're waiting for you what time is it ? midnight
and they want to see me now ? yes, they asked me to give you this card i'm coming good evening good evening, mr guessous i am abdelsadik glaoui i am the son of the pasha glaoui yes i know who you are sit down, please
why do you come to visit mein the middle of the night ? i am sorry to disturb you,but it is serious you know my father the pasha glaoui- yes, of course you know his attachment for france ? because of that,people in the street insult me they spit in my face you must help me ! i do not know… what do you want me to do ?
the only thing which i seeit is that your father must change position precisely help us to make him change position i do not understandand why me in particular ? because you are french how's that, i'm french ? do not take it badly mr guessous,but you have a french education you were adopted by french you have an attachment for francethat the pasha glaoui understands
you must help us ! i am sorry i believe that you chose the wrong guy i don't think so, mr guessous help us i have something very importantto do now ? in the middle of the night ? why do i have the impressionthat you won't return ?
and us ? father father, allow me to present to youmr guessous welcome mr guessous bring to us to eat. so mr guessous, the trip was longwhy do you come to see me at this hour please excuse us mr glaoui we came to talk with youabout what occurs in our country please, don't tell me you came hereto talk about
what i've already read in the newspaper ? no, certainly not we came to ask youto support the return of the sultan mohamed you came to ask methe only thing that i will refuse ? why will you refuse, mr glaoui ? you know my position with the french i would never betray them it is not a question of treasonmr glaoui you know that i grew upin the french culture
and that i likepassionately this country but it is legitimateto give its freedom to our people we know you'revery influential near the french and...- precisely why would i riskto lose this influence ? asking what they will refuse ? because you like your countryjust like us you cannot leave itgo to its loss. i like this countryit is true
but it is my lossthat you ask me the revolt is growing, mr glaoui a bloody conflict will burstif the people are not released if a war starts as in algeria you will lose all but if you join us, the frenchwill be obliged to listen to the voice of the people they will recognize his majesty sidi mohamedas king of morocco if the french lose your support, theywill have to accept the return of the king
but what do i win ? beyond the recognition of people?the eternal recognition of the king ladies and gentlemen, here an extract of the speechof abdessadek glaoui, in the name of his fatherthe pasha glaoui my arrival near the council of the guards of the thronemust be by no means interpreted like one recognition for me of this council of which idid not cease and does not cease denying legitimacy i approve the joy of the entire moroccan peoplewith the advertisement of the return in france of its majesty sidi mohamed ben youssef. friendship of franceand morocco must be safeguarded at all costs
and it is not in the mind of anybodyto accept that, interests of france and french, in this countryare ignored. i hope that i am not late- no let's go i have the impression that he will leave mea second time why don't you stay ? stay with me, mom you know it is him which hasbring me to morocco i adore this country,but without him it is not possible
and franceit's home too you will come to see me, i hope ? i promise you will see mom,you will be accustomed to your new life time alleviates the pain i know somebodywho is still not alleviated she lives in france she's still single, i think you could perhaps see her again ?- too late !
it is too late for us we were born too early but today, persons from different colourwill be able to live together in peace and found true families my son is philosophical your son... it sounds so true in your mouth i have to tell you something- me too, i must tell you something someone came to see you
hello clementine hello ahmed thank you for coming i saw your mothershe looks great yes, she's fine she was well accustomed i'm happy for her and you ? how are you ? i think to leave too
clã©mentine, i...- no ahmed i needed to see you one more time i know what you must feelafter the events which crossed your life. even me, i hurt you but i needed to tell you one more thing after the night we spend together i thought that you wantedto take your revenge but i know that you are not like that so i want to ask you :
if you still love me come with mewe leave immediately, far from all and we could love each otherwithout hidding ourselves i can't ! i suspected it, a little i wish you good luckin your new life clã©mentine farewell, mr gassiaux
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