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winter fashion

and welcome back to redheart.com as well as the crochet crowd. i'm your host mikey and in today's tutorial we're gonna be working on this fabulous boot cuff cover and this is a pattern designed by my assistant kathy cunningham and she did a remarkable job on using the corner to corner stitch as well as rib stitching in order to put everything

together. this product is all about self customization what fits me may not fit you. this pattern is very versatile because you can play with the ideas and make this fit you without a problem. first of all what we what we need to do is that we need to do the banding area. make sure the banding area goes around

your leg. we talked about that a little more in the tutorial and where that happens is that you will do a seam line just like so. so you can tell because of the colors that i've used where the seam line is and once you have the size that you want you're gonna want to come to the bottom section and finish it off to make

it really nice and pretty and then come to the top and do a little bit of rib stitching at the top to bring it all together. now you'll notice that my yarn is really thin. you can use any size yarn any size crochet hook because it's about adapting this pattern to fit you. today i've used the red heart heart and soul. this is a sock yarn available by red

heart and this product is a, is a combination of 70% superwash wool and 30% nylon. it's meant for stocks, that's meant for wear and tear in the boots and because of that it's really easy to use and barely, really quite stretchy and we'll have a long-lasting effect. you will be using a size 4 mm crochet hook if

you're following these directions exactly and then that equivalence to just under a size 'g' and us measurements. so again your creativity is up to you, the yarn is up to you, just have fun sit back and enjoy your new boot cuffs and you obviously need to make two of these for this tutorial today. so let's begin

and we're gonna create a slipknot to begin. there are always slower tutorials available if you need it. and we're gonna create a chain of six so just rotate and pull it through so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and now counting back go to the fourth so 1, 2, 3 and go to the 4th, for a double crochet and then double crochet two more times. and so one into each of

the last two chains that remain. getting started and holding thinner yarn like this is always takes a little bit of practice. and so there is your first part so let's move along to your next row. so here's where we are watch how i turn this. i'm gonna turn it just like so, just like you would if it was a regular project and i want you

to chain up six. so 1, 2, 3 and watch this i'm gonna pinch right where i've done the three that is the first stitch that i want to go into and i'm gonna go 4, 5 and 6. by pinching where i did i don't even have to count back i know it's the right stitch i wanna go to and what you need to do is put in three double crochets, one into each one

of the remainder chains leading back to the main block. so one going into the next chain available. this will be how you always start a row when you're growing from the corner to corner, and so we come into our final just like so. so this is what we have here, we have this block, see how its turn like this and this one looks like this

what we want to do is fold it up. so just come up and go to the very last chain that you started with on this side and go through, pull through and through that's a slip, slip stitch. so now you can see that this box here was originally like this but now it looks like it's on its side because of the way that we pulled it. and now i want you to chain three so 1, 2, and 3.

and now double crochet three times into that same gapping space so 1, 2 and 3 and that completes that row just like so. so in the rules of crochet this is what i call it. these each are a box and so what i'm looking for here is three and a half inches tall. so if you're substituting you're yarn just go about three-and-a-half inches wide and

then the each one is a box. so for this size hook that i'm using and this size yarn i'm gonna have seven of these before i get to my size that i want to. so let's move along to your next row. to begin your next row just simply turn your work again and we want to start off exactly the way you did. so you're growing out corner to corner.

so if you look at it from this point of view you're growing it out. and so we're gonna chain six against so,1, 2, 3 and pinch, because then that's where you can go, 4, 5 and 6 and right where you're pinching is your very first stitch. so it's a double crochet. just make sure your work doesn't twist. when it's smaller like this, it loves to twist around.

its when you get bigger, more finished work in your hands it's easier to manage i have to say. so you're just gonna double crochet there back. once you have your three in okay, you just gotta make sure you've got it looking at it from the right perspective. okay, this will always be facing down and so we literally come up to the, to the

chain so you have a block, there's a chain there and we're going to slip stitch. and now 1, 2 and 3 coming into that same chaining area for three double crochets. so if you've ever done a corner to corner afghan, corner to corner scarf, anything corner to corner with this concept it's the same as what we're doing right today.

so three, okay, so you have another block now. you look for the last chain that's available at the very top, you slip stitch in and we create the final block to go on top. so 1, 2 and 3 and then coming in again for three double crochets. i love this yarn coloring. a lot of people really like funky socks and this is a

great way to be able to do it. so you're now finish that row let's move along to your next. to begin the next simply just turn our work. we are still growing it out in both directions. so 1, 2 and 3, pinch, 4, 5 and 6. right where you're pinching again is your first double crochet 1, 2 and 3. so we're now ready to fold that block up

on top so we just pull it up and go into the last chain for a slip stitch. so the last chaining meaning that gap space and then 1, 2 and 3 and then in for three double crochets. so just look at this project like you're climbing stairways. so essentially you're going up the stairway. a lot of people look at it from a diagonal point of view but you're

actually going upward. so once you get your three and we look for the next last chain going into the gap space for slip stitch, so 1, 2 and 3 into the same space for three double crochets and it's got my three and then what we want to do is come to the next one, slip stitch again so 1, 2 and 3 and we're doing three double crochets again.

so how many blocks do we have on at this point, i'm looking for a total of seven. it doesn't matter if it's seven one way or seven another way. i just have to commit. so i have four so 1, 2, 3, 4. i have three more to go. so let's start on our next row. to begin the next row we simply just want to turn our work and again we're gonna chain up six. so we

got 1, 2 and 3, pinch, 4, 5 and 6 and right where you're pinching is the first one double crochet and double crochet yourself back on the chain. and then we just want to fold it up and go into the last chain space here, slip stitch and 1, 2 and 3 and then three double crochets into the next, into the same gapping space i should

say. just like so. again come to the next one up into the gapping space slip stitch and then 1, 2 and 3 and again three double crochets. okay, next gapping space up here, so last chain 1, 2 and 3, three double crochets. i'm completely in love with the the color scheme. there are so many different colors

in the heart and soul that you can just really have a lot of fun with their color schemes that they have. so coming up to the last block that we have here just slip stitch and 1, 2 and 3 and then three double crochets to finish. so that are complete and i believe i have five blocks and double check that. so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, two more blocks to go before i'm

finished off going for the height of the banding. to begin the next we simply turn the work again and chain up six so 1, 2 and 3, pinch, 4, 5 and 6 and then where we're pinched the first double crochet. and you'll notice that i'm starting to speed up a bit because i'm holding more of the finished product in my left hand here and because of that

fact that it's just easier to manage. so let's start the first one here. we pull out, we can see the gapping space, slip stitch, 1, 2 and 3 and then three double crochets into that same spot. okay and coming up last gapping space there so 1, 2, 3, and then three double crochets. so the secret to this really is

three, three and three and three, three and three [chuckles] just like so and come up to the next space slip stitch it in, so 1, 2 and 3. coming in, three double crochet. last gapping space again 1, 2 and 3. and those are three double crochets and then the final one here and this will bring my total blocks i believe to six,

so i just have one more to go. so i'm doing three more double crochets to finish off this row. so i just got one more row to go before we have our total maximum. so we got one two three four five and six. let's move along to your next row. so let's turn our work and this is gonna be the last row that we go in order to get

the width of our band. so this is how we're gonna start again, is just again chain six. so 1, 2, 3, pinch, 4, 5 and 6. and then coming in where you pinched for a double crochet, so 1, next one and the next one, so you see, see how the pinching really kind of saves you from counting all the time which is really wonderful. coming into the top, so it's essentially

you know what you're doing at this point 1, 2 and 3, just crochet yourself across. so when we get to the other side this will be the final that we're gonna be growing on both sides, um, we're gonna stop growing it on the one side so that we can start going in a rectangular formation. if you stop growing it in both sides at the same time then you'll end

up with the complete square. so i'm gonna show you how to manage that in just a moment. you know the thing about the heart and soul yarn too by red heart is that it's somewhat elastic as well. so it's meant for socks, it's meant for high wear, so you can substitute your yarn at any point to to match your yarn budget or

what you have access to. um, it's just that this is gonna be in the boot area, there's gonna be a bit of wear and tear from your feet in motion from walking and et cetera, so sock yarn is really your, your best kind of yarns that you can use in order to prevent the wear and tear to your project. it really stands up really well.

so you can see i'm really not even having to think about it, it's the corner to corner afghans are probably the most popular thing of to 2013. i've noticed and uh, it's because they're so easy and kind of mindless to do and not that people are mindless but the simple fact is, is that not that people are mindless but the fact is, is that you know people don't

like to count and go through the patterns like a hundred percent of the time but you can still create a pattern like this and not really have to think much about it and let the yarn do the work. so this is the final here. so we're now determined that i have my seven across. so i can either decide that its seven this way or seven that way. i just

have to commit and go in one direction or another because this is a corner the corner it won't matter how we grow it because it's going to look the same but either way. so in the next part of this to tutorial, i'm gonna show you how we're gonna stop and just start growing out of band and i'll show you how to do that next.

so we're now gonna start committing to it so this is the final block. so i want to turn my work at this point and i don't want to grow this anymore on this side so i'm gonna commit to know more growing on this side. so what i need to do is that i need to come in to the first three stitches right in the end and just slip stitch and what i'm trying to do is

that i'm trying to get myself back to this beginning stitch over here. so i'm gonna go to the first one, the second, okay and then go into the third and you're gonna do that for every time you're not growing out. so what i want you to do now is 1, 2, 3 only and because we're not growing out we're no longer gonna do that fancy footwork on this

side of it we will be doing it on the other side. but we immediately come into the chain space right here. the reason why when i did it here is that i never went into the space. you will have a really sloppy edge if you do so you wanna make sure that when you count your three out that it's gonna be originating from the last group of

the three here before it gets to this chain space. so we're gonna be doing it like we were before so just crochet across. so just go all the way across at this point and we want to finish it right up into the top of this other block just like so. so i'll meet you back up there in just a few moments. so i'm coming up to the other side and i

want to make sure that i go beyond on top of this other one. so if i was doing a complete square right now, if you look back where it was is that you can see that i have now formed the final corner on this side and so if i wanted a square then this where i am right now would be the final square before quitting. the fact is, is that i want

a banding so that it's gonna go around the leg at this point. so i'm gonna continue to always grow on this side of it and it becomes very obvious once you start doing this. so your last one here we're gonna come in to the last and we want to again build another building block. so 1, 2, 3, so always on this side we're gonna continue to build it

and add more blocks so that we can go in a rectangular motion in order to go around. so let me start off the next round for you. so to continue on. so right now at the bottom here we're no longer growing it down here so when we come down the stairways we're gonna be stopping this block right here. we're no longer

gonna continue. so to start off because we wanna continue it going in the furthest direction like this is that we're gonna do our six. so 1, 2, 3 and pinch, 4, 5 and 6 and right where i pinched is my first one and the next two double crochets and then we come in to the top here. so continue to crochet across the line up

until you get to the point where you're right here and i'll meet you back up there in just a moment. so we come back to the other side and again we're no longer growing it on this side so this is the last block. so 1, 2 and 3 finalizing off the last block together. so now i believe that i've got you on your way. so you'll just attach it to the top here

slip stitch it and when you turn to begin again you're just gonna turn it and slip stitch it into the first three stitches. so 1 and 2 and 3, like so. and essentially what you want to do now is 1, 2 and 3 and begin again just immediately going up the block. so what i need you to do is that i need you to continue this configuration. going in a

complete rectangular shape. and this whole banding one is a little bit elastic and what you need to do is just need to wrap it around the top of your boot area of your of your feet now you or of your leg. what you should know is that when you're sitting down versus standing up your leg is in different thickness so i would

recommend either stand up and measure around your leg or have a friend do it for you. and because this is elastic just like so you don't want it to do it so that you the measurement that you get matches is completely you want to do a better in short so that you can have some stretching power. when we come back in a few moments i'm gonna be just

crocheting this off-camera and getting it ready because i'll show you how to once you get your length how did then bring it to a close so that you have a complete band ready to go for the next part of this tutorial. and we're back and due to the miracle of the internet i have fast-forward myself. i've got myself, my band and this is wrapping

around my leg and at this point now i've determined that this is the last time we're gonna start growing out our project. i determined that this here when i wrapped it around my leg is the right distance to go around my leg just like so. it's actually going around daniel's leg to be honest with you. so what we want to do is that when we go to

finish this now we're gonna start now bringing this triangle now into a final square and so every row that we're gonna do is gonna get smaller and smaller. so this is how you would decrease on the other side and again you can use these kind of tutorials to do afghans and et cetera. so immediately going to, we're not growing on this side here,

we're just immediately just starting up and we're doing our three double crochets in. so every time you do a row at this point the row is gonna get smaller and smaller and that's why people love to do afghans with this particular project because once you get to the halfway point every row gets smaller

therefore there's less work involved in there for you speed up. so it's like going up a hill for half your afghan and then just flying down the hill for the next. so we're just continuing to crochet along. so the key thing right now is to make sure that this is gonna fit you when you go around. you will need a darning needle at the, once we get this

complete to be able to sew it together so you have a complete round and then you want to test it on yourself to make sure that it's going to be fine. because it is sitting in your boot in the top part of your boot it's gonna be compressed to your leg anyway. but you obviously don't want it to be too big that it's being sloppy

either, that it's gonna cause a crease within the material. so we're coming up and so we're no longer gonna grow this now in the length. we're gonna stop it so the next block is your final. so 1, 2 and 3. so now we're gonna start decreasing on both sides once we get this done. so on the final block here we would have

normally kept going and adding a block on top but we don't want to. in this case we just want to slip stitch in and turn your work. so you now can see that you're coming in across the top at this point so we're gonna meet back in right where my fingers are touching. so essentially it's just, you already know what you have to do so let me just get

you started and you can finish off this on your own. is that we're immediately going to single-cro or slip stitch into the first, slip stitch into the second and slip stitch into the third and then 1, 2 and 3 and you begin again. so that's how you do it. so just continue to go back and forth every side you're decreasing on both sides and when we

come back we'll be in the final corner and then we're gonna have to bring it all together and then start the next process of this boot cuff. so just have my last squared to do and 1, 2, 3 and then we're just gonna finish this up and what we need to do is that we need to leave enough string on our material so that we can use that to be able to sew

the two ends together. so we're just gonna come in out here and what we need to do is that because we're ending here and not on a corner i need you to turn the work before you do so and just come and slip stitch yourself to the very corner. so it's like you're about to start another round just like this and don't go into the final gap because it

will pull it apart and just slip stitch it like this and then grab your scissors and just leave enough yarn on there so you can whip stitch it on this edge with the two sides together. so we're just gonna slip on our darning needle to go through like so and what i highly recommend you could actually slip stitch yourself and just put it through this

hook here. what i would recommend is that you could slip stitch all the way down through this side edge. the problem is that it's inside your boot and if your slip stitching leaves a ridge you're gonna actually feel that on the side of your leg. so just grabbing your material on both sides just matching the

stitches, um, you know for on both sides and you just want a whipstitch going over. so just come around on one side grab it to the other and just continue to just take your time, enjoy the process and this will bring both edges together. so when we come back this we'll be together and we're gonna start the next part of this and we're gonna start on the

bottom part first to get that finished. and then we'll start on the top part where we're gonna do the nice rib stitching at that point. when you get all the way to the other side just to fasten off i just create a little quick little knot like this and i do it twice. i just go in through a different spot like that. and what i want to do then, this is the

same edge. i'm just gonna feed in my my loose end down through the seam line. and because you're using the same color yarn it pretty well blends pretty good. so i'm just gonna go underneath my stitches pull it through like so. pull on the slack, grab my scissors and just simply trim. i also have the starting string that i did in the very

beginning also underneath that as well and voila. so there you have the outside. this is the inside of your cuff, now this is the outside and now you'll have your beautiful seam line just like so and now we're gonna begin to do the cuff at the very bottom parts. and so you can decide which is bottom which is top at this point it doesn't really matter to

me really. okay to begin our next section we just want to do a slip knot to begin and what we want to do is i'm gonna start at the seam line at the back and i'm gonna do the bottom section. so i'm just gonna go into a stitching area just to get it started and i want to take both of the strings on here pulling

through so we can really trap them into position. and then i'm just gonna grab both of them again and just put through. like that and i'm gonna leave that straggler down on the line. and simply all i'm just gonna do at this point is that i'm gonna work my way across just look for the stitches to the best of your ability and

you will find your rhythm it really will make a lot of sense just doing one single crochet. so here is your three in a row so you want to go in and just going between them you don't need to grab on the outside picture you really can't see them and just go in between the stitches. now these ones here are lying on their side

and we know that coming up and up like this so i would put two single crochets in that one. not three i would only put two and then again you're into the next group of three. you can see them how they're facing up so 1, 2, 3 and there's the gapping space so you just want to eye it up and make it look good.

so here's the one lying on its side, remember what i do before i only put in two into that gapping space and then here is your other group. so if you can just follow that same pattern going all the way around you will be laughing and off to the races. and then here is there and now we're on the ones lying on their side again. so continue that same idea of going all

the way around and at at the end we're gonna fasten off and call this side done. and this is the bottom and this just makes the bottom edge a little more refined than just finishing off and making it look like this. when you get all the way back around i have no more spaces to go so i'm just going to slip stitch to the beginning single crochet

and again i'm gonna take my darning needle, gonna cut off enough material so i can run this through a darning needle and i'm gonna, totally this is an area that is on your body that is in high-traffic mode. so you do want to take your, your time and actually finish it off properly or you're gonna be in big trouble if the stitches are falling

out or the yarn looks like it's falling out anyway because people will notice. so just pulling up on there on the loop just put your darning needle through just like so. so now what i want to do is just go across the stitches just underside of them using the darning needle because i'm using the same color the blue is kind of coming onto the needle i can just take

my time and actually just pull it through. so i go one direction, i go a second direction and then i go a third and that will secure that loose end in permanently. and because you've gone three ways that if it's gonna pull one direction it has to pull in all three at the same time which is virtually impossible. i'm gonna

stretch it out and then trim this and this is done. so now i wanna move on to the next section so this will be the bottom of my cuff and you can see it looks a little more refined, a lot more refined and now we're gonna start with the ridging at the top of the cuff so we're now gonna work on the other side so this is the bottom now this is

the top and we're gonna create some ridges that are really desirable and again we will just want to create a slipknot to begin. and insert it on the one side of the seam just like you see. so let's pull that through and so what we're gonna do now is that we're gonna half double crochet. so let's chain up two first 1 and 2. see how

i'm using both because i really want to trap in that first string just like so. and now i want to go in, so just like we did with the single crochet in the, the row below. we just want to do the double crochet. so we just wrap and going in between the stitches again and we're wanna keeping everything, want to keep these stragglers in check. so keep them

down so they get stuck underneath. so pull through all three loops. so just like you did before, so it's just a matter of looking at what you did underneath. just do it on this side because this is the corner to corner what it looks like on the other side should look the same on this side as well. so now we're on the one that's on

the side so last time i was telling you to put two single crochets this time it's to half doubles at this point and now we're in between the stitches again. so we're just, there should be four in a row if you've done it right. so 1, 2, 3 and there's the last gap there between. so when i was looking at

the other side of this like in groups of four immediately right here and then the one line on the side always has two. so again you have your four spaces here. so continue to do that all the way around the back up in a moment move on to the next part. and now all the way back around and now what i want to do is that i want to start doing a rib stitch. so the very

first stitch we just, i don't want you to slip stitch i just want you to come in behind the first post just like so and sorry, i you want you to double crochet so we're gonna wrap first come around the post just like so. okay, so now the next post we want to come in from the back side so we're gonna just come into the back pop it through

the front and take the post back out to the back. this is a rib stitch. what this does is the rib stitching provides contraction and so then the next one we're gonna come in through the front, pop it out and we're just grabbing around the posts. okay, so the next one is in behind. so you just want to go every other stitch

either grabbing it from the back of the post or from the front. so this is a front post we're gonna come in to the front, pop it, okay, the next one is from the back so we're gonna wrap it, come in to the back, pop it, through the front and then back and this is how you do basket weaving and et cetera so if

you're interested. so continue to do that all the way around. i'm just going back and forth like so and we'll meet back up in the next round will start the next one. so do double crochet, this is called back post double crochet and front post double crochet. so now come all the way back around and now what i want to pay attention here is that you wanna make

sure that your ridges stay in alignment with each other. so we're not gonna be slip stitching at all to move up. we're gonna go into continuous around. but so i'm here on the back here i have one more and then this one is the start of my front on the other side. so what i would do because i don't want to mess up with my ridges. what i want to do is i

want to come in through the front side going to first one and the second and i can bring those together just like so. so if you ended up with that situation nobody's gonna be able to really tell. so when we start this around and i need you two go around two more rows and that were done this project for today.

is that we're gonna come around so you will know which ones in the back because this one is sunken in behind. so i want you to continue to grab it from behind to keep those ridges going up on the same side. okay, this one is in the front so i'm gonna come in the front. once you have that first row established this row is

very simple because you can see what it is and the ridges are sticking out very easily for you be able to stick in your hook. so continue to go around two more times and then when we come back we're gonna fasten this off and call this tutorial quits for today. off-camera i've done my two rows of rib stitching and you can see it's going

around. and all they want to do now is that i want to go to the final time around and i just want to do a half double crochet in. so basically i just wanted to make it look like it's refined edge more than just leaving it just the way it is right now. so just finish it off going around a half double crochet we'll meet back up in a few stitches

right beforehand before we finish off and then we will fasten off and call this tutorial quits then for today. on the final three stitches we've been doing half double crochet so in the final third one from the last, we're gonna do single crochet the second one in we're gonna do single crochet and then we are going to do a slip

stitch into the last stitch that's available and then a slip stitch into the final just like so. and just how i weaved in off the the ends we just want to take a darning needle and just finish this off just perfectly, so leave enough material onto your, onto your, um, project, grabbing my needle, want to insert your darning needle in

and just pulling up on the loop, just pulling this through, pulling it through just like so. so now what i want to do is just come into the top edge and just kind of put my darning needle in through the stitches. the white is the same color so i can go as far as the white before changing over to the red before it will actually look like iive actually done this. so i'm gonna

go over, see i'm pulling the slack. i'm gonna go back in but i'm gonna go in through different space just like so. again i'm gonna pull on it and then i'm gonna go back one more time it's the third time. this will prevent any loose tails from falling out of your work just like this. i'm just stretching it to make sure i've got

the maximum pull on it so somebody's pulling onto their leg. and now i can just safely trim it. i almost trimmed the wrong one and here we go and this will be the conclusion of doing your boot cuffs. and these will just ride nicely in the inside of your boot and looking like that you're wearing and higher sock with your project. till next time i'm mikey on

behalf of redheart.com as well as the crochet crowd. we'll see you next time as we have more fabulous free tutorials available to you. until then. bye, bye.

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