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winter essentials

[♪] yes i have beengone for a long time. [baby voice] and i sorry. this is my life in fast forward. too much has happened. so i'm going to take you all theway back to toronto, canada where i spent theholidays with my family. there's malachi,i'm blogging, hello. this is my cousinmichael. [laughs] sleazebag.

it's snowing. yay! east coast real nice. [chatter] and that's mylittle cousin grey. that's my cousin michael, and he's facetimingwith his brother, akacousin jay in new york. that's my cousin matt,my brother, my family. ew! [laughter] and my friends, josephine.

come josephine. 50% off. woo-hoo. it says bamboo - it says bamboo, it'sjust designed like a bamboo. milla victoria. we're still editingand uploading for you. [laughs] look what we do. oh it's a video, hey. and i'm allergic to jackie.

(maya) oh, she's allergic - no my left eye, my right eye,like went down real quickly. my high schoolfriend celeste, aka tina. you're going to miss toronto?you're going to miss mom? she going to likethe heat. bring da heat! so maya recentlymoved to la from new york. (maya) la baby! oh from new york -- (new york accent) new york, newyork, she was in harlem right?

she was living inharlem i was there. - you didn't show? youdidn't vlog anything in harlem? oh my god! i didn't vlog, i wasscared watching them streets. oh yeah i know. (maya)not even a joke. mad shootings up there,i was like maya you needto get out of there, bro. (maya)get out the hood,yeah and i did. she got out the hood.she got out the hood! (screaming & yelling)

and i got to pickup that trick jackie. come on jackie. come on. comeplay in the snow. [whistles] ok, fine, bye. you are such a geek. [dog whines] are you going to cry? cry me a river. cry me a river. this is a cali dog. who is being watched bymy mom for months on end until i found a home here insunny california, which i did.

so i came back and i attemptedto make my home a home because i was living outof my suitcases and boxes. and my first taskwas finding a couch, which i found oncraigslist for $35 dollars. so what i'm going todo is take this apart, which is what i'vestarted doing here, and i'm just usingthis to like pry it open. and then i'm going toreupholster it, with fabric, i don't know, i'mlooking for a teal blue,

but i still haven't found it. and thankfully ibumped into a shamelessboo, kim in downtown la, and she suggested thati try out home fabrics, and i found exactlywhat i was looking for. and to get it right forthe new year i was in church, as i always do everysunday, mosaic to be exact, and i took part in their freedomwalk with that trick jackie, who loves to go for walks. and we werebasically just bringing aboutawareness on human trafficking,

which happensall over the world, and it happens inyour own neighborhood. it's an issue that i'mvery passionate about, and i'm trying to figure out wayhow i can get more involved. and what else? i still don't have a car, but the goodpeople over at sti drive have been hooking yourgirl up with these loaner cars. kia sedona, and it is super big.

trying to help make mylife a little bit more easier, until i figure outwhich one of these rides are going to workfor my lifestyle. this is idealfor a large family. so it's a luxury family ride,all of the seats are reclining, i mean all of them. there's a sensory trunk. it's the roof top, the sunroof. this is another one.

ok, ok there. i shouldprobably rest it there. ok, i recommend buyingseamless paper in person, and not ordering this online. i read so many bad reviews from people on amazon.what's wrong jackie? you look so pained. ok, i'm here atmy dentist office, about to get my root canal done, part two of four.

then after i getmy root canal done i have a bunch offillings i need to do. that's what happenswhen you don't go toa dentist for 8 years, and i brush and i floss,but i just have finicky teeth. [pretends to cry] tears of joy andpain. [chuckles] don't do that, don't do whati just did. wear black socks. this week i'm currently drivingaround with the mitsubishioutlander. and this is more of my steeze.

outlander sport. (female) i'm about a/c. this is very cool. ok, i literally just got this. oh, wow! that is so cool! - that's a lot of moon.- can we get over there? i feel like i'm inan aquarium right now. [laughs] they should callit the aquarium roof.

tanning day at the beach. ok. this ride made me fall inlove with crossover vehicles. i love the size because it'sbig enough to fit surfboards, table saws, you know furniture,what nots and what have yous. and small enough tofit into hard to findparking here in los angeles. what else did i do? i was invited byjeannie mai to be anaudience member on "the real." [chatter] oh look it's cool!

west coast. (female) that would be awesome, yay. (maya) i'm filming. - yes film! - this is my friend matthew. - hi! - hi, nice to meet you. i'm [inaudible]nice to meet you too. oh my goodness, you'rejust such an inspiration. oh thanks. i just want you to know that,you're like freaking awesome.

thank you. oh my god, this is like theperfect little hollywood moment. can i take a selfie with you? i know that's really weird. you're like dying. (matthew)are you videoing? i'm goingto video you taking a selfie. (female) how are youguys doing today? (maya) good. are we seeing? isthis where she is? (female) yeah i'm bringing you --

(maya) oh yay! i have to introduce you guys. (matthew) with comments likethat it'll keep you going. (maya)we're about tobackstage to see jeannie get glammed up byher fabulous glam squad. thanks babe! i amso happy you came, because it's like only friendslike you would understand that the only way i'mgoing to see you, i'malways in this hole, like -- (maya) yeah, yeah, no i'm so excited.

(matthew) hello i'm matthew. (maya) this is matthew. (jeannie)matthew nice tomeet you, how are you? i'm good, i'm good. (jeannie) you're so cute. thank you, aw. (maya) i had to. (jeannie) big fan of maya, big -- (maya) aw yay!

(jeannie) i'm going to bewatching this, you are too. (maya) thank you jeannie and her team,morgan for getting us situated. and then life happens,you know things like -- ok, so i spilt tea on my laptop, and bought thisfrom radio shack, and i'm about toperform open heart surgery. oh, wow. there is a lot of dirt, and it was stickingbecause of the honey, so thank god ididn't turn my laptop on.

so i'm going toclean it with alcohol. i'm watching thesevideos on youtube on like how to remove thebattery and stuff, and of course it's still wet. so i'm so glad idid not turn this on. i got to hang out witha couple of youtubers, "anneorshine," and she gaveme a little tour of long beach. we got to check out thelong beach flea market. i'm going to keepthinking about it.

oh! come here. (female) it's ok. [dog barking] oh ok. it's ok. (maya) she's just saying "hi." [inaudible] and i scored this beautiful acidwash jacket for $16 dollars. ok, there we are,the new vlogging camera.

hello, i am vloggingfrom my sony a6000. i have retired mylovely, not retired, i've retired my canon5d mark iii for vlogging, and rightfully so,so-so, for sure you know. uh, it's too big. look at thathonker, it's too massive. [chuckles] dirty minds. um yeah, so i'm going tobe vlogging with my sony a6000, it's perfect becauseit's small, it's lightweight,

and my arms were thanks to that, but now my arms aregoing to hopefully notdeflate with this little thing. but it's perfect tocarry around with me, i can put it in my anna bag,along with my wallet, makeup. what's in my camera bag? my fat wallet, mycharger, ok it's not on. i have poo bags, a pen, extra charger, i lovethis perfume, my fave. yes i do notes.

that's like my diy shea butter. everyone makes fun ofme calling me an old ladybecause i have a notepad. i always need towrite stuff down, i'm not really goodwith the phone thing. but having my to-do's and ilike to cross them out as i go. and this one is small. i caught with"makeupbyeman," me andher go way back to vancouver, that's seven years ago. my channel is makeupbyeman.

i hope you guys can hear me, but we met in vancouver. yes, canadians. we're canadian,eman is a makeup artist. i was doing photography,and we did a shoot together. (eman) long, long, long time ago. (maya) long, seven years ago. (eman) oh my god. (maya) it was seven years ago.

(male)do you want me totake the phone for you? (maya) no, that's ok thank you. and we met eachother here in los angeles. yes, it all comesback around guys. it all comes back together. so we want to askyou to nominate a friend who you think isdeserving of a makeover. because eman isgoing to make you up. [laughs] yes.

i'm going to photograph you, but before we do thatwe're going to go shopping, and we're going to hangout. we're going to have afun day of hanging out. yeah. it's going to - (canadian accent) out. (laughs) that's a canadian thing.

that's acanadian accent coming - i can't say out again. (canadian accent) coming out. - two girls. - two girls. and us two, fourgirls, girls day. full on girls day. so nominate a friend, whoeveryou think deserves a makeover, who would love a makeover. and just read the descriptionbox for all the information.

taking yogaclasses with life by jazz. how do you like class today? (female) it was really good, yeah. (maya) hey, what's your name? hi, asante. (maya) asante. i'm asante the artist. (maya)asante the artist, she came in, look we have the same camera.

can i see your camera? you guys have toget this camera. i want sony to like sponsor me. (asante) it's really nice. it's everything. it's so clear, and it's like reallygood with like lowlight too. (asante) right. (maya) oh, what was your name? i'm jamie, i'm oneof your [inaudible].

(maya) jamie, you're from here? i'm from virginia, ijust moved here 5 days ago. (maya) oh 5 days ago,thanks for coming out. yeah, thank you for posting it. now i can actually come to - (maya) ok, story of my life. (pan is sizzling) the broccoli stem, which i'm keeping,

i'm going to try togive that to jackie because we're goingto eat this together, that's anavocado, it's still good, i just need tocut off that thing. it's just like exposed to air. that's my spaghetti squash thati'm preparing and some kale, and some green onions. ok. turn that down, get some spaghetti sauce.

chef shameless allup in your business, oh boy. [pan sizzling]some of that sauce andthen the spaghetti squash. you basically put the squash, you cut it in half, youput it on a pan in the oven on like a shallow bed ofwater, that's on the pan, and you let it bake,i don't know for like 40 minutes, an hour, and you scrape itwith a fork, and it comesout looking like spaghetti. i'm doing this and, did i showyou my armpits? don't judge me.

i'm trying to build this. so it's a table saw. and then there'sthe rug rat herself. hi jackie. ok, it is bath time, yes it is! don't be scared jackie. (baby voice) it's ok baby girl. [water running]it's nice and warm! stinky doggie!

have you been rollingaround in kaka all day? and she's nice and clean! it is time for the rubdown. [making drying noises] oh you're going, where areyou going? where are you going? i'm on a bike. go, go, go jackie go. oh, you [inaudible]. as you can see, [germanaccent] i love ze bike.

that's my anna bag. and i'm going topark my bike right here. i've been takingfilipino martial arts, yes. because i'm producingmy own original scriptedshow for you guys. there it is. this is where i'm training. [singing] goodmorrow, good morrow. don't judge me. these are some flowersthat i bought for myself,

look how pretty they are. i was at a red light, and this womanwas selling them on afriday night, so i bought it. you don't have to waitfor someone to buy flowers, you can actually buythem for yourself. [laughs] oh and my hair, omg,my hair has been laid. [blow dryer] i had to like make a promise tomyself to stop touching my hair. i keep pulling, at firsti was pulling my hair out,

then i started cutting itjust because i keep feelingdifferent hair textures, and my cousinsare like "you have aproblem, you have to stop." ok, that's the look,what do you guys think? giving you sonicthe hedgehog realness. sonic the hedgehog. ok, this is a look. i also have to go shoppingfor the grammys, congrats. oh my gosh,congratulations to judith hill, she is nominatedfor two grammies.

so i'm going to go with her.i'm going to be her wing girl. find me a richbillionaire husband. oh yeah. joking!not really. [laughs] so i went to the grammyswith the talented judith hill. i was her plus 1. [chatter & laughter] who didyou dress like? kelly rowland? what up chicago? [laughter] is it a video? (maya) yeah, what up chicago?

y'all know what it is. we got grammys going. we're late. but we're rolling. [cheering] turn it up. minutes away. yeah five minutes. we were sitting front row, andwe had katy perry to our right, rihanna to our left, abunch of celebs, insane. being at the grammys i feltlike i was in "hunger games." thank you so much judith, thatwas so awesome and so much fun.

i went to a couple ofafter parties with them, but i had to leavebecause i had to go pickup jackie from the day care, pack because ididn't pack for chicago, which i'm going to pack now. i'm only doing a carry-on. that is a large carry-on. ugh. that's the garbage i'm goingto take out before i leave. that's jackie's bag. and that is [inaudible].

i booked a last minute ticketto surprise and celebrate my great granny's 99th birthday. happy birthday to you. [happy birthday song] ok this, this -- i had to stop eating this because that nearly killed me, my ears are on fire. how is my ears on fire? the spice was so spicy thatit burned the back of my mouth,

to this part of myears, here granny. she likes old style. [inaudible] jerk? jerk, yeah. (grandma) ah! [inaudible] that's what it is. (maya)that's jerk chicken. that's mac and cheese. (grandma)it's from theisland, it's too spicy.

and this be like anold dishrag. [laughter] granny said the [inaudible]shell was like a dishrag. look at this. you think i'mgoing to eat that? [laughter] welcome to theus of a's, say hey. i came back and i celebratedmy aunt's 90th birthdayhere in california. oh, and then my friendscame in town for pilot season, which is the time of theyear when the major networks cast actors for the new showsthat premiere for the fall. so my theater schoolfriend jamie came in town,

along with my temporaryroommate alisa from vancouver. omg, i'm going tohave her on this channel, we're going tointerview her because she'son one of my favorite shows. so i'm going to getinsight for you guys, ok. this is how cat mccormickended up in the hospital. - no?- just kidding. oh, how to open a wine bottle,we've got a wine opener. or the screwdriver to [inaudible] (male)you're supposed to use a littlekiss when you open it right?

(yelling & celebrating) yay! that's the trick,that's your new bottle opener, that's the new bottle opener. pepper and parmesan,and olive oil, and garlic, and that's anchovy paste, because it's like saltyand, that's like the secret. - anchovy paste.- really good flavor. and then -- (maya)i know you want some jackie.

what else? oh, i went todisneyland for the first time with the ladiesover at the platform. hey. [screaming] oh my god,78,000, angela beat me, she got 79. what did you get? - 50. - 50? i don't feel so bad. [laughs]

when i'm not herei'm busy producing a bunch of otherfabulous projects. and one that's coming upthat's still top secret, but i am so looking forwardto sharing more with you. that's pretty much it. comment below and let meknow what you guys are up to. i miss you, what has happened inyour life since last we spoke? remember to do you, be you, andstay true, boo. be shameless.

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