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winter dreams

not long ago, of a day unlike today, one of my most fascinating creations was nearly complete. it was a map. unlike any other. for one person, with power, to transport dreamers to any place imaginable. and yet... the map was still unfinished. ♫theres a feeling that you were meant to find.♫ ♫let the voice of inspiration be your guide.♫

♫every color, every wonder that your heart has inside.♫ ♫find the direction, feel the connection♫ ♫follow the light.♫ ♫if we all believe in a world of dreams and imagination♫ ♫if we overcome, there's a way to know where this spark will take us.♫ ♫so much more than a destination.♫ ♫a journey to imagination♫ you are an apprentice, mickey. someday, when you learn the secret of the map, then you may join the others.

oh, gosh. ♫when we get lost♫ ♫and we don't know which way we're going♫ ♫look inside and trust, we'll get there.♫ ♫we'll get there.♫ ♫if we overcome, there's a way we'll know where this spark will take us♫ ♫so much more than a destination♫ ♫a journey, journey, journey to imagination, imagination, imagination♫ hey, wait!

you missed a spot! hmmm. now's my chance. maybe if i paint that spot master yen sid will let me become a mapmaker. huh, nobody's looking. what could it hurt? i'll finish painting the map. what was that? oh, you wanna play? oh, you're ticklish aren't ya? hey spot, come back. i'm going to finish painting ya.

woah, uh oh this map is magic. ♫now i'm the king of the swingers, boy, jungle v.i.p.♫ ♫well i've reached the top, and had to stop and that's what's bothering me♫ ♫i wanna be a man, now man cub stroll right into town♫ ♫be just like the other men, i'm tired of monkeying around♫ ♫oh woopidee doo, i wanna be like you-ou-ou♫ ♫i wanna walk like you, talk like you do-o-o♫ ♫you see it's true-ooh-ooh, an ape like me-e-e♫ ♫can learn to be human too-oo-oo♫

♫i wanna be wanna be wanna be like you♫ ♫walk like, talk like, be like♫ ♫just want to be like you♫ ♫i wanna be like you-ou-ou♫ ♫i wanna walk like you, talk like you too-oo-oo♫ ♫you see it's true-ooh-ohh, an ape like me-e-e♫ ♫can learn to be human too♫ ♫you see its true-ooh-ohh♫ ♫an ape like me-e-e♫

♫can learn to be human too.♫ woah what just happened? alright spot, where'd you go? hey! you're not supposed to paint me, i'm supposed to paint you! take that! eh, hey! what're ya doing?

i'm sinking into the map! oh boy! wow! this is amazing! i'm flying! ♫what i love most about rivers is:♫ ♫you can't step in a same river twice♫ ♫the water's always changing, always flowing.♫ ♫but people, i guess, can't live like that♫

♫we all must pay a price♫ ♫to be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing♫ ♫what's around the riverbend♫ ♫waiting just around the riverbend♫ ♫i look once more♫ ♫just around the riverbend beyond the shore♫ ♫where the gulls fly freedon't know what for♫ ♫what i dream the day might sendjust around the riverbend♫ ♫for mecoming for me♫

♫who is that girl i see, staring straight back at me?♫ ♫why is my reflection someone i don't know?♫ ♫somehow i cannot find who i am, though i've tried.♫ ♫when will my reflection show♫ ♫who i am inside♫ ♫who i am inside?♫ ♫all those days watching from the windows♫ ♫all those years outside looking in♫ ♫all that time never even knowing♫

♫just how blind i've been♫ ♫-now she's here shining in the starlight-now i'm here, blinking in the starlight♫ ♫-now she's here, suddenly i know-now i'm here, suddenly i see♫ ♫-if she's here it's crystal clear-standing here, it's all so clear♫ ♫-i'm where i'm meant to go-i'm where i'm meant to be♫ ♫and at last i see the light♫ ♫and it's like the fog has lifted♫ ♫and it's like the sky is new♫ ♫and it's warm and real and bright♫

♫and the world has somehow shifted♫ ♫all at once everything looks different♫ ♫now that i see you. it's all my dream back then.♫ ♫-now that my reflection shows-all at once everything looks different♫ ♫-just around the riverbend-now that i see you♫ oh, spot no use hiding i'm putting the brush down. i'll getcha!

fine if you won't come to me, i'll come to you! gotcha! stop squirming! uh oh, looks like we spun a leak better hold my breath now where are we going? ♫the seaweed is always greener♫ ♫in someody else's lake.♫ ♫you dreeam about going up there,♫

♫and that is a big mistake.♫ ♫just look at the world around you♫ ♫right here on the ocean floor,♫ ♫such wonderful things around you,♫ ♫what more is you looking for?♫ ♫under the sea.♫ ♫darling, it's better, down where it's wetter♫ ♫take it from me.♫ ♫up on the shore they work all day,♫

♫out in the sun they slave away.♫ ♫while we devotin'full time to floatin'under the sea♫ ♫hey!♫ ♫the newt play the flute♫ ♫the carp pay the harp♫ ♫the plaice play the bass♫ ♫and they sounding sharp♫ ♫the bass play the brass♫ ♫the chub play the tub♫

♫the fluke is the duke of soul(yeah)♫ ♫they ray he can playhe lings on the strings♫ ♫the trout rocking out♫ ♫the blackfish she sings♫ ♫the smelt and the sprat. they know where it's at♫ ♫an' oh that blowfish blow!♫ ♫when the sardinebegin the beguine it's music to me♫ ♫what do they got, a lot of sandwe got a hot crustacean band♫ ♫each little clam here know how to jam here under the sea♫

♫each little slug here cutin' a rug here under the sea♫ ♫each little snail here know how to wail herethat's why it's hotter under the water♫ ♫ya' we in luck here down in the muck here under the sea!♫ ah, come back here! oh, boy. ha, take that. what? i'm gonna paint you like it or not! i just gotta be a mapmaker!

oh gosh. what am i doing? i never thought, maybe, you just never wanted to be painted. awwh you're a masterpiece just the way you are! how about one more adventure together? what do you say, pal? alright, you lead the way! oh boy! this is the best! ♫aloha ä“, aloha ä“ê»anoê»ai ke aloha ä“♫

♫there is noplace i'd rather be♫ ♫than on my surfboard out at sea♫ ♫lingering in the ocean blue♫ ♫and if i had one wish come true♫ ♫i'd surf til the sun sets beyond the horizon♫ ♫ê»ä€wikiwiki mai lohilohilawe mai i ko papa heê»e nalu♫ ♫flying by on the hawaiian roller coaster ride♫ ♫piê»i nä nalu lä lahalahaê»o ka moana hänupanupa♫ ♫lalala i ka lä hanahaname ke kai hoene i ka puê»e one♫

♫hele, hele mai käkou ä“hawaiian roller coaster ride♫ ♫there is no place i'd rather be♫ ♫than on the seashort, dry, wet, free♫ ♫on the golden sand is where i lay♫ ♫and if i only have it my way♫ ♫i'd play 'til the sun setsbeyond the horizon♫ ♫it's time to try the hawaiian roller coaster ride♫ ♫ê»ä€wikiwiki mai lohilohi♫ ♫lawe mai i ko papa heê»e nalu♫

♫piê»i nä nalu lä lahalaha♫ ♫ê»o ka moana hänupanupa♫ aloha! gosh sir. where'd you come from you see, mickey, by leaving that spot unfinished you've discovered the secret of the map. the map contains never ending magic. for it will never be completed but as long as there is imagination left in the world and now you have found this for yourself, you are no longer an apprentice.

for me? wow and so my young friend it is up to you choose where the magic will take you the possibilities are endless. oh boy. this'll be great! ♫it don't matter what you look like, it don't matter what you wear♫ ♫how many rings you wear on your fingers... we don't care!♫ ♫don't matter where you come from, don't even matter what you are!♫ ♫big, tall, short, small;got em' all in here!♫

♫and they all knew what they wanted,♫ ♫what they wanted me to do.i told them what they needed, just like i be telling you!♫ ♫you gotta dig a little deeper♫ ♫find out who you are♫ ♫it really aint that far♫ ♫when you found out who you are, you find out what you need.♫ ♫blue skies and sunshine♫ ♫guaranteed!♫ ♫you gotta dig♫

dig! ♫you gotta dig.♫ ♫for you it's gonna be tough♫ ♫you ain't dug far enough!♫ ♫dig down deep inside yourself, find out what you need♫ ♫guarantee♫ come on everybody! join in! ♫so much more than a destination!♫ ♫journey♫

♫to imagination!♫ ♫journey to imagination!♫

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