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winter drawing

- hi, welcome back. certainly glad you could join us today. and today i have one ofmy little friends with me i thought i'd introduce youto if he's cooperative here. this is a little baby fox squirrel. turn around there and let's see you. isn't he the mostgorgeous little character? he's just a little baby. he's probably, oh maybe, maybe

four or five weeks old,just a little fellow. he was orphaned andone of the rehab ladies here in muncie was taking care of him, diana schaefer, and i thoughti'd share him with you, but he's one of the mostfantastic little characters. i just love these little rascals. they're my friends, right? how you doing? you got a fat tummy.

yes, you do. okay, i guess we have to go to work. you ready to go to work, huh? yeah, okay, let me put him down because i would play withanimals through the whole show. so, let's start out today and have them run all the colors across the screen that you need to paint along with us. and while they're doing that,

come on up here and let me show you what i've got done already. have my regular old pre-stretcheddouble-primed canvas and i'm using an 18 x 24 inch, but you can use whatever size is convenient. today, i've cut a ovalout of contact paper and just put it over the top. then here, we've covered itwith liquid white, that's all. i thought that may todaywe'd just do a gorgeous

little painting that's a lot of fun, and i hope you'll enjoy it. let's start out with alittle bit of the cad yellow, very, very small amount. don't need much on the old two-inch brush. and let's go right up in here. let's do a paintingthat has a lot of color. let's do a winter scenethat has a lot of color. there we go.

i like to do winter scenes, but sometimes they canbe so cold, they're whoo, they're not very much fun to look at. so, let's warm ours up. cadmium yellow, withoutcleaning the brush, right into a little bit of yellow ochre. there, something like that. and we just let them blend together. that's all there is to it.

i like these combinations of colors because it makes a niceglow that comes out. maybe, yeah, without even washing the brush again, bright red. so, we have cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, and now we're into bright red. and using little criss-crossstrokes, little x's, see we can just blend that right together. so, you can't tell where one color stops

and the next color starts. that's exactly what we're looking for. and, i tell you what, i'mgoing to get another brush. i have several brushes so i don't have to spend all my time washing them. i'll take a little touchof the phthalo blue. i don't want much, just a little and maybe even add a little black to it, a little midnight black,a little phthalo blue,

not a lot of color. up in here, we'll justcomplete this with some blue, but i don't want this to be very dark, just enough to give ita little blue flavor. and that's really about all i need. okay, now we can wash the brush. we wash our brushes with odorless paint thinner since these are oils. (beats brush)

(chuckles) and just beat the devil out of 'em. that's really the fun part of all this. let's use a little fanbrush, a little bit of white. load a lot of paint on the bristles and let's go up in hereand maybe in our world there lives a happylittle cloud right there. i don't want one that's real distinct, just a little floater thatlives right up in there,

a little bashful cloud. we can take our little blender brush and very gently just blend this like that. just blend it and that easy we have a, we have a fantastic little cloud. maybe, find the knife here, i want to take some alizarin crimson and sap green in about equal parts, maybe a little morecrimson than the green.

i want this to be sort oftowards the reddish side, but it's up to you. clean off the knife. let's have another fan brush. i have several of those too. load a little color andlet's put the indication of some little clouds that live right here where these two areas come together, using a little bit of that brownish color.

don't need a lot of paint. little tiny circles withthe corner of the fan brush. little tiny circles. ♫ tiny little circles ♫ there you go, see? just drop them in. maybe over here some more. we'll just have themgo all the way across. why not?

something about like that. wherever, there. something like so. okay, and let's take,we'll take the little blender brush and just begin blending it. i hope you liked seeingthat little squirrel. he's so cute. i set him in a little box here, but once i've woke him up, hethinks it's dinner time now.

that little rascal wants to be fed, so i'll have to feed him here in a minute. i have such a fascinationfor these little creatures. there, i really like them. if you've painted with me before, you know i'm almost obsessed with them. i'm going to take a little bright red, a little bit of white. but i like all of god's little creatures.

i'm going to take the least little touch of liquid white and addto that just to thin it, a very, very smallamount, very small amount. don't put too much, shh, easy, little bit. let's go up in here. now, i want to come backand highlight these clouds with that nice pinkish colorwe made, nice pinkish color. there, you want justenough of the liquid white in there so that thecolor comes off your brush

without mixing all together up here. there we are. then you just sort offigure out where you think light's hitting all theselittle things and drop them in, just drop them in wherever, wherever. something like that. there. i'm going back over here, maybe put a little bit right in here,

just a few indications. back to my little blender. this little blender brush isvery soft, very, very soft. as my daddy used to say, "it'stender as a mother's love." there, and in my case thatwas very tender, very tender. you can just wipe the brush off if you collect a little paint on it. just wipe it on a paper towel or something and very gently just go across.

that's basically all there is to it and you can make a dynamitelittle sky that easy. if you want to put little stringy clouds, you can just touch it withwhite here and there, wherever. and just paint over themand it will make like stringy clouds that weave backin the background somewhere. all right, take a littlebit of that titanium white. i'm going to mix itwith some of that brown that we made and thecrimson and the sap green.

get a little more white. i want it to be light. and maybe in our world, yep, maybe back here it livesa little soft hill, way back in the distance. all we're going to do is justtap in some color like that and then very gently lift upward. i want this one to be very soft, very soft far far away, far away.

very far. back to our little blender brush. tap, i want to blend thatbase out 'til it just looks like it's just hangingin the mist up there. come back to the same color,only less white in it, but still that brown that we made from the crimson and the sap green, the crimson and the sap green. let's go back up in here.

and maybe, maybe you're right. there you go. maybe there's another happy little foothill lives right there. you decide. don't just try to copy. that's what's so fantasticabout this technique. all we want to do is teach you how to make effects and turnyou loose on the world

because each and every one of us will see nature through different eyes and that's what you should paint. what you see is what youshould capture on canvas. come on, lift up. once again, i want to make this look like little trees live far away. but do this in layers. paint in layers.

do the thing, that in your mind,is the farthest away first. do it first and then come back. that way your painting willhave distance and depth in it. and that's what makesyour painting special. shoot, let's get crazy. (chuckles) yeah, why not? just look at your paintingand begin to see things in it. notice this one's a littledarker than the previous one. each one as it gets closer to you,

each one of these little hills should get a little bit darker in value. colors should be a little darker. look at that. just use the corner of the brush, tap these in, then lift upward. (clicks tongue) got to make those littlenoises or it doesn't work. there, see there?

and already, it gives the indication of thousands and thousands of little trees that live far back inthe distance somewhere. w don't even know how far they are. we said we was going to have winter so i'm going to take a littlebit of the titanium white. just load some on the fan brush. shoot, it's easy. and let's sneak a littlesnow back up through here.

i should have done this, see, before i put this one on here, but i keep changing my mind what i'm going to paint here,so that's okay. anything we disturb, wejust go back and put it in. no big deal 'cause as you know if you've painted with us before, we don't make mistakes here. we just have happy accidents.

and by that, all we mean is that anything that happens here, we can work with. we don't worry about it,absolutely don't worry about it. see, just put that right back. lift it up because this is our world. we control it. when i go home, the only poweri have is over the garbage. it sits there and waits for meto come home and take it out, but here i can literally move mountains.

i want to get the least little touch of the bright red here andthere, just to warm it. if all this color isin the sky, in my mind, there'd be some of thatcolor way down here too. i don't even know wherewe're going with this. it doesn't matter, doesn't matter. anything we don't like, we'll change it. there, all right. (brush strokes canvas)

now, let's have some fun. we'll save that brown. we might need some of that later. i'm going to take prussian blue, midnight black, and how aboutsome alizarin crimson too, prussian blue, midnightblack, alizarin crimson. wipe off the old knife. let's see here. i 'bout used up all my fan brushes.

let me wash one real quick. (washes brush) there not as much fun to wash. you don't get to beat and bang with them. it's a lot more fun when you can beat that brush and scareeverybody around you. (laughs) load the bristles full of paint. we have a good time here.

full of paint. maybe in our world,here's your bravery test. choo choo choo, right there lives a big evergreen tree. use the corner of the brush. as you work down the tree, use more and more of the brush and push harder and harder. you want to force thebristles to bend downward

for this particular kind of tree. sometimes we make thebristles bend upward, but today let's bringit on down about there. how's that? today we're making them bend downward. maybe there's a big treethat lives right there. and yes, i realize i'mon the contact paper, but that way it will look like the tree just continues right down there.

while we pull the contact paper off, see, we're not worried about this side 'cause we're going to pullthe contact paper off, throw it away. there, okay. looks like a mama and a papa tree. we need a little tree too. what the heck? he lives in our world right there.

so, we have three little trees. that makes a happy little family out here. there, about like that. okay, back to our fanbrush that has the white. we can grab a little ofthat color and pull it. just pull it. it automatically will create the illusion of a shadow right under our tree. just let that blend backand right on around.

got a little hair right there. just lift him off. since these are natural bristle brushes, sometimes a little hair just falls out. just like my hair, it'ssort of wild and unruly. now, let's take, find anotherfan brush that's not so dirty, a little white, a littlebit of the phthalo blue. phthalo blue's such a nice warm blue. i'll be right back.

i'm going to get a littletouch of the liquid white. remember our golden rule, a thin paint will stick to a thick paint. so, i have titanium white, liquid white, a little touch of phthalo blue and with that we can come back in here and we can just put the indication of some real nice little highlights that live right out in here.

in my mind, i think a lightis coming from the right, so i'll emphasize theright side of the tree. but maybe you want your light coming from another direction, up to you. darker, darker, darkerdown here toward the base, darker, darker, darker. and this one up here that goesright off the contact paper. there he is, darker, darker, darker. shoot, you know me.

if you had a lovely place likethis, you'd have to live here so if you're going to livehere, you need a little house. let's build us a little cabin. he lives right there. just scrape out a basic shape. i really find it easier. if you use a knife andscrape out a basic shape, it does two things. it allows you to lay out your shape

of your cabin without being committed, but more importantly, you canhear i'm getting quite firm, more importantly, itremoves the excess paint and so it's easier forthe next layer to go on. our brown was made from sapgreen, alizarin crimson. we'll just continue to use that brown. that's a wonderful brown, veryvery nice chocolate brown. i like that color. cut off our little roll of paint.

and let's go up in here. we'll put a little back eve. the part, once again, that'sfarthest away from you. swooooo. and don't worry much about the bottom. we'll cut it off. right now we're just puttingin some dark brown paint so our little cabin will have some fronts and some backs on him.

we'll take a littlebrown and a little white, mix it together here. that same brown color we wewere using and a little white. once again, our little roll of paint. this is your delicacy test right here. barely touch, swooooo. you might want to use thesmall knife with this. sometimes it's a littleeasier to get in there. but look how it looks like old wood.

and over on this side darker. chooo, just a hint. just a hint over here. let me wipe off the old knife. take a little bit of the dark paint and we can just come along and touch and it will make it look likeold boards that live in there. tu, tu, tu, tu, tu. sneaky.

now, we can do a cabinectomy on the base and just take out whatever we don't want. clean it all up. get our perspective right. we need to fix the roof. this fella didn't havea roof on his cabin. i'll just use titanium white. see, a little roll of paintand let's go right up in here. just sort of outline the edges that

you want to be nice and straight. that's cheating but it works well. and then pull it, zoooo. works well and i'm lazy. i look for things that work easy. now, we need a little snow over here on the other side of the roof. don't want him left out. there, something like so.

now, i've taken a littlebit of blue and white, the same blue i used on the tree, and i just want to puta little on the edge. it makes the snow lookdeeper on your little cabin like it's been here for a long time. all right, i'm going tograb the small knife. now, we need a door. got to have a way to get in and out. so, we just take a littledark, put us in a little door,

little highlight aroundthe edge of the door, and that's all there isto making a little cabin. and that's just a verysimple little cabin. you could go into much more detail and you could turn it into a chalet here or a hotel or whateveryou want in your world. all you need is a littleimagination, practice a little bit, and allow this to take youanywhere that you want to be. anywhere.

you can do this. everyday i receive lettersfrom fantastic people all over the world whotell me their fouth-grade art teacher told them they had no talent, and they never painted,but they always wanted to. and then some crazy, fuzzy-haired guy came on tv and said, "you can do it," and they tried it and guess what? guess what?

they can do it. and if you can do this, youcan do anything in your life that you believe you cando and you're willing to practice and workat, anything, anything. i believe that with all my heart. my son, steve, i'm always telling him he can have anything that he wants if he's willing to pay the price. okay, let me find, let'suse a one-inch brush.

let's have some fun. let's go into brown. this is that brown we madefrom the sap and the alizarin. pull it in one direction. turn it over like that. we want that roundedcorner toward the top. and let's put in some little bushes and stuff that live in our world. just touch and give thebrush a little bend.

push it upwards, see? that's all you want to do. maybe right here. you decide, you decide. i want this to come right over. this guy is like me. he don't maintain his yard very well. there we go, all right. i leave my yard natural sothe animals will live there.

at least that's what i tell my neighbors when they yell at me. (chuckles) let's take and dip a one inch-brush into a little bit of the liquid white. i'm going to go into yellow ochre. it's a nice gold color. yellow ochre, maybe evena touch of the bright red, not much, mostly just yellow ochre. once again, pull itone direction, turn it.

that's beautiful close-ups that cathy's doing here aren't they? gorgeous. i've got some fantasticcamera people here. they've worked with me, someof them for over ten years. they know how to paint these paintings better than i do, i think. there, put a littlehighlight here and there, just wherever we wantthem on these things.

maybe over here. now, this will really, really shine against this color, really shine. a little bit more paint. don't be afraid to reload your brush. if you have enough paintthat's thin enough, remember it needs to bethinner that what's up here, all you have to do isjust touch the canvas, and the canvas will pull the paint

off the brush in the proper amount. takes a little practice toget the consistency right, but very quickly you can doit without any problem at all. just practice a little, little bit. okay, let's have our liner brush. i think we need a tree. no, not a big tree, not a big tree, just a small tree today. take our liner brush,get the paint very thin

with paint thinner, twistthe bristles, turn it. it brings it to a very nice, sharp point. there you can see it. maybe in our world, therelives, zooo, just a small tree. i get letters, sometimes people say, "why did you put that bigtree in right at the end?" you don't have to put thebig tree in your painting. i just sort of like to do that. i like big trees in my world.

but everybody's different. everybody's different. there we go, a few little arms. maybe he's got a little friendhere, just a little guy. we don't know. sticks and twigs alwaysgrowing out of there. shoot, maybe there's even a little eh, eh, eh, eh right in there. it doesn't make any difference.

something like so maybe over in here. we don't want this side left out. just a few little things. clean off our little brush. this one's almost white. and we can sneak backin here and just begin, eh, guess we've got to wash that. no, here's another one,here's one that's white. that one had too much color on it.

there, see? just back in here, pulla little bit of that bush color down so it makesshadows in your snow. and that's fantastic. snow is so easy to paint,so very easy to paint. you can do it with a two-inch brush. there, a few little things back in here. clean the bottoms up, shoot. let's find our knife.

we can go back and here and there just scratch in an indicationof some sticks and twigs. i think we're about tothe point we can pull the contact paper offand see what we have. so, here we go. (paper tears) let's just take that offand isn't that fantastic? i love these ovals. now then, let's go back to our brush

that has the dark color on it, and let's take this treeand let's project him right out of the painting. i like to do thosesomething about like that. see? and back to our brush thathas the phthalo blue on it. and we can put some highlightson this tree that easy. there, shoot i think we've about got it. take our liner, a little bit of red paint

and let's sign this one right here. hope you've enjoyed this painting. it's very easy and you'll really besurprised with the results. so, from all of us here, i'd like to wish you happy painting and god bless, my friend. (upbeat music)

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