must have into that energy source like i take it you guys don't believe in no trespassing signs but you freaks of nature are no match brandon just promise hey dude nobody out ninjas the turtles dude this is no place for it wow talk about a long jump
wanna dance skinny boy absolutely but i have one piece of advice your manner of needs work we must retreat it's not so fast ninja for daring to oppose us you will face the fury of edible mega have you back in a flash after them well talk about his slick exit who
disposed those dudes were and what did he mean we would face the fury of megavolt well maybe we should be careful around common household appliances i got this thing i can't make out what it says must have been written by a doctor maybe i can figure it out with my decoding equipment at the lair it's worth a shot let's go
this is the third ninja style attack tonight there can be no doubt they are the work of the city's most book glorious criminals the teenage mutant turtle no doubt about it we've got to get a new publicity agent at this rate the whole city will blame us then we've got to find out what those
ninjas are up to donatello see if you can get this writing decoded there's only two full words the first is emery bill that's the name of the power station where we bought those ninjas and the other is green power green power come on green the name of the new alternate energy research company they already tried to
get a power plant and green power penalty where they'll strike next right wesley night colonel us armed forces you four are my prisoners not balls i know but if they think they're gonna capture us they're dreaming ever get shelled by the tools and we got the talent
let's take on men you militaristic when they go got orders to put those turtles away and i'm gonna do these guys park that's right april darkwater know anything about it a little but what's going on i haven't heard from you guys says this ninja climb weight started now
well we've had our hands full of water truck the army commandos they also create super high-tech military women it's all top secret so like how come you know so much about it i did one of their scientists a while back we'll see what else you can dig up on the organization april we don't know why but they're after us sure but what's
this all about and where are you we're at the green power building but we may not be here long later there they go we've got to follow them they may lead us straight to their headquarters the megabowl whoever he is ok let's
files turnabout dark water oh there's been a break-in at the green power building ten-to-one it's those turtles again get on it the guy said they were just there but they couldn't have i'll get to the bottom of this they must be using that old aircraft hangars their headquarters
well done men thanks to my training nothing is safe from you and when i can i need we will command the entire city this high-capacity battery would keep me going in the meantime maybe going out on a limb here but i think that guy might be mega volt and say he's not going to be easy to stop guys like that always
have a plan we gotta find out what it is how you gonna waltz in and ask him as a matter of fact yeah what just follow my lead now troops we must prepare for the final assault not so fast megavolt wild we know a lot about you
in fact we want to join your organization and why should i let for tv and psyche or winter outfit haven't you heard buddy where the city's most notorious criminals and will prove it by defeating a team of your best ninjas got god's i admit but there's only one way to join this outfit and that's my gift
the next time you have a great plan remind me not to listen so that's why he was so much energy he can turn power into matter yeah and you can turn us in the shish kebabs oh god how about a side now for the closure class that is good
you will have the honor of joining my ninjas commander we have discovered the location of the lab at last well done men i have a special mission for you to steal the prize i've been sitting for months and to make sure you have no second thoughts 69 in july warriors will accompany you
we're certain this crime was committed by the ninjas who are terrorizing the city this traditional ninja weapon was clearly used to force the door can't go through with this but if we find out what megavolts after it may give us a clue how to stop it ok that too that is break into furniture
company the turtlecom not now ignore it april april here only on silent alarm just tripped at the heat up your furniture company check it out something tells me they don't make sofa beds back here it looks super concentrated form of energy do we can't
let him get away with this we won't get ready to jump don't even twitch weirdos were responsible for all this trouble then capture those turtles and their accomplices rule i don't believe it the guys are only inches only way out of here is to stick with
the ninjas we'll meet again turtles when we do your mind the most powerful most compact sort of entity ever infected you have sure where then we've earned the right to know what this is all about i thought you know so much about me of course the way i was their top fighters
killed all the martial arts they be this way now there's one lovely did but now i have their own source of unlimited energy stop him mission is complete alex mentor is no law initial america ball oh i could create chargemaster on the
back news armor summit stop we know we're turning your the insect it's getting away guys i think we're good the giant has come for tea we've got to follow come on
so like this anyone have the faintest idea what this is all about no but at least we know megavolts real name is alex winter but who do you suppose he meant when he said they did all this to him and what about that science lab disguised as a furniture company named dw incorporated dw the you suppose all this has something to do
with dark water well there's one person who might know april we need your help you've got to find out about alex winter he calls himself megaphone now but he may have been a dark water agent why to help you pull off your next crime i saw you with those ninjas but but many april know we're trying to all right
freeze man not again this time i got some slippery reptiles i hate to agree with that meathead but he may be right you turtles want to escape for me now so like what do we do there's only one thing to do we surrender you heard him we start what we've got to get some straight answers
this may be the only way is all the turtles and those other ninjas escaping the stolen energy cube and now they want me to give them top-secret information about a man who worked for dark water some guy who calls himself megavolt how could you find out anything about a dark water agent anyway i dated a guy who works for them but if the turtles have
gone bad id betraying our own country oh only there was some way i could know for sure there's some kind of crazed electric insect teri phudi setting your time are you sure you're feeling all right got it right now just think holds itself megavolt did you say megavolt why do you still dark waters power source huh
we told you we were trying to infiltrate the ninjas organization and we found out it's being run by a man named alex winter listen to me stumped alex winter was the greatest agent darkwater ever had he made the ultimate sacrifice for his country you've got to believe us he's still out
there and he's got some kind of weird electrical power and he's gone totally bonkers you're talking about a hero mr. for all i care you can write that guy should switch to decaf what a mess megavolts on the loose we're locked up and the only person who can help us is april yeah and she thinks we're the bad guys on all not one of our
better days i don't think you really want to know if we were dark water headquarters rest i'll do that i'm sorry ten seconds to tell me where i could lock you up as an accomplished of these four because of this it's a file on operation altima dark waters plan to
create the ultimate warrior the operation altima was a failure i know all about it oh yeah did you know that the test subject was a man named alex winter what write operation ultimate wasn't a failure it gave winter the power to create charge matter from his fingertips but it
left him hideously ugly so the dude trained a bunch of ninjas to steal energy sources for his power and now that he has your new super energy source he's out for revenge benj revenge against whom whom do you think pal against dark water itself he's made himself a pseudo charged matter body armor and the spine 20
minutes ago heading west down west way you must be going toward our main research was so how can you be sure because that's where operation ultimate was carried out got to mobilize the men you're free to go for now we've seen what megavolt can do those guys won't stand a chance against him let's get the van
whatever you are let's have a prototype exclusive take up your positions very impressive but or to raise sweetness this place will be flow sky slabs are filled with chemicals and mutants an explosion would send them into the atmosphere and into the city opened fire
your choice contact hopeless no it isn't step aside and give a turtle of crack at it how can you get past it in less than two minutes this place is going to blow put too much stock in that guy's power it's just electricity and electricity can be stopped and get what you're thinking rafael go with me you guys get ready to
load the explosives into the bank hey butt breath over here we do you / stop this change burns tone as good as your locks brunch face explosive and we've only got 30 seconds let's play well alright short-circuited him just need the right moment just drive
hurry michelangelo i without a supply of energy he can't generate any charge matter he's harmless i have to admit it you succeeded where we failed now do you believe we're on the same side course officially i'm still under orders from you are in if you ever need
help in the future everybody can i'm going to turn my back for 30 seconds and i suggest you clear out of here before it was quick yeah they do that they have a feeling i'm going to be hearing from those turtles again you are kidding colonel night going to be hearing from you
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