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winter depression

dr. pillai: welcome to everyone. this special hangout is very important for me and importantfor everybody because i’m going to talk about the new year. the new year is not january1st, and that is in the western tradition, but the real, real new year is when the sunenters aries according to the vedic calendar, and that is april 14th. and why would we botherabout this new year? sun entering into aries is very importantbecause the sun is life. now we take it for granted. “well, the sun comes and we don’tpay any money to anyone for using the solar energy”. so it is completely free energy,so that we don’t care about the sun energy. but then i was talking to somebody, who wasthe ceo of an energy company, and she told

me that the energy from the sun is 20,000times more than what we need. 20,000 times more energy is available from the sun, butwe do not know how to access it. that is the problem. we have never understood the sun,and what she was talking about is only the physical energy, so that we can use the energy,and make money, and use it for material purposes. but the sun can do even better, and just becauseas i said: “sun is life”. if sun goes off, there won’t be any life.so studying sun, or understanding sun, is a matter of understanding the life energy.now what is life? what is the current? what is the life current, and how it functionsin the body, and how it functions in the mind, and how it functions in the soul?we don’t know that, but the yogis of india

they have known that. so if you go to thirumoolar,for instance, he talks about not only the sun in the sky, but also the sun that liveswithin us. there is a sun within us, there is a sun within our body, there is a sun withinour mind, there is a sun within our soul, and they are keeping the body alive, and theyare giving us the intelligence. all of these things are available within the body. theycall it the body sun, the mind sun, the soul sun, the sun is a god. and so it’s veryimportant that we are living in the age of information, science, and technology,and this technology is the highest technology. so once they knew about the value of the sun,the rishis told everyone that there is only one prayer that is needed, and that is theprayer to the sun. the sun is not just only a celestial

object, he is also a god. and that, we havenot come to that level to understand that because we are groping in darkness with only5% of the brain working. the day we are able to understand how limitedwe are, then we will have access to all of this knowledge, higher knowledge. for instance,swami ramalingam, was crying to god, ”so how can i put up with this body? this bodyis full of worms, germs, microbes, and then i am very proud of this body, but then thisbody is slowly killing me. it is aging, and giving us pain, and i have only identity withthis body. and then he goes and cries to the goddess: [“tamil chant”(5:01 – 5:11).]so he’s praying to the goddess, and he says: “how come i don’t understand how the bodyworks, and how i am just only light, and not

this physical body. i don’t understand this.[”tamil chant” (5:29 -5:46)]. immediately, she said, the mother divine is not going to, you knowkeep it quiet: “my son, i know you are stuck in this physical body, and is very proudof this body which is killing you, which is giving you all the pains, and aches,and also ignorance. the ignorance is due to the body. if you don’t have the body, youwill be liberated. so i know that you are in a prison”. and then she came and sheembraced him because she’s the mother”. the same thing happened to rama. he had tofight the demon, and he could not do, you know, - after seeing him, the demon had tenheads. how am i going to deal with this demon. and then there was a yogi, a siddha, agasthiar,who was sitting by his side and then said:

“oh, the sun can only help this depression,because he was depressed on seeing this man, and his power. “how in the world am i goingto deal with this man? and instantaneously the siddha chanted some mantras. it’s calledthe: “aadhityaya hridayam”, chant for the sun. the depression was gone. the depressionwas gone. and while i am talking to you, that i am doingsome research on depression and how depressing is a negative force that enters through apeptide within the hypothalamus, and then it is pumped into the pituitary, and thengoes into the blood stream. i‘ve been working on it for several days now trying to see whatcould be this peptide. could be, one thing that came to me last night was cre, or crf.i’ll continue to do this, and i am certain that

i will be able to find an answer for thisdepression. the reason why i am talking about depression in this context is because lightenergy is the answer for depression basically. people who have depression, suffering fromdepression, are given a therapy, and the therapy is to stay in a lighted room. it is an illuminatedroom, and it helps them, some people especially going through the winter depression because theycannot see the light; then they are ... they feel bad, because light dispels depression.so light is not just a symbol in this case, it is an energy. it is the energy. it isa joyous energy. so what how do you feel when you come out for the day, and then see it’s a greatday, it’s a fantastic day, because sun gives you so much joy because it’s life.but we have not even figured out the physical

energy to get the 20,000 times more physicalenergy that we can get, that we can use for all of our industries. why? because ourmind is weak, our knowledge seeking mechanism, or technology, or knowledge engineering, knowledgetechnology is very weak. why? because only 5% of the brain is working. and nobody bothersabout it. at least the time has come that we are now studyingthe sun. the other day i was talking to a harvard scientist; and she was telling methat we do not know. she’s a brain scientist, we do not know anything substantial aboutthe brain. i was talking about the peptide in the hypothalamus, and that can stop thenegative thoughts. because there’s a study from stanford that says that 90% of our thoughtsin a day, which are about 60,000 thoughts,

or some 60,000 thoughts that an adult humanbeing is thinking, out of which 90,000, or 90% are repetitive thoughts or negative thoughts.isn’t it a shame that we should do something about it, and who can help? the one personwho can help is the sun. as i said sun is not only a celestial object, or star, butalso a god. so we have not come to a level to recognizehim, also all the pre-modern civilizations whether it is the american indians, or whetherit is the indians, or the egyptians, or any other culture you look at, they are all intouch with this god, the sun god. including japan, japan’s royalty came from the sun,that’s why only the king is allowed in this temple in amaterasu. the place is called jingu.i forget the name. it’s called jingu, i

went there last october until the goddess was callingme to come. when i went there, there were a hundred thousand people there, but did anyoneunderstand why they were going there? no. so the same thing happens everywhere whenthe religion just becomes a faith, and an institution, and it becomes a meaninglesspractice, where you just go and do it without understanding, the same thing with the sunworship. so the sun moving into aries is bringing anew energy to the entire universe, the solar system, but particularly the earth plane.so it is really a shame if you don’t use it. if you don’t use it, it’s a shame.so i just want you to look at the sun every day, and receive the energy. just go out duringthis time, those people who are able to see

the sun during april 14th to may 14th. youshould be able to go and access this energy. this energy is a tremendous energy, and themantra that i have explained in the upcoming webcast on the day of the new year, the day the sunenters the aries, explains to you how the sun functions within us, and how you can withinthis one month time which is the sun’s exalted time, he is in exaltation.there is a place in tamil nadu, and there was a temple, a very small temple. that temple layburied under the earth for a long time, until a siddha came and dug up the temple out, and then he rebuilt the temple, got people to rebuild the temple. and there are about ten thousandor a hundred thousand or more suns in the solar, in the galaxy, and all of the suns,the siddhas say, derive their power, or sustenance,

or light from this spot. so i just, when i am in india, i just go there. there is a tremendous amount of wisdom available in our ancient civilizationsand cultures, but we have dumped them as superstition. and what is important for us is only material science. it is very unfortunate, but the time has come. the time has come.that’s why i welcome this new year. then we will be benefited by the wisdom of theancient people because they were in touch with the higher force. they were in touchwith omniscience. they were in touch with omnipotence. but now the most important thingfor us is the neocortex. the neo-cortex is the chunk of the brain thatsits on the reptilian brain. the reptilian brain can know a lot more. the ants' intelligence,the siddhas say, is a thousand times better

than our intelligence. although it is very,very, small, all of this will be revealed during this “golden age’ which we are nowentering. this civilization will, material civilization, and material science, will seesoon its limitation, and move on to the divine science, and i personally will play an importantrole in that transition. so we have free energy coming from god, free energy, and we do not know how to use this energy, and this free energy is a lotmore clean energy, a lot more powerful energy, and all of us can use that energy becauseit is free. but then there are already many people who are in the business of energy,are afraid what happens to the industry if the energy becomes free. what will happento us? so they are afraid that their finances

will be affected. and this how the thinkinggoes for the people who control the finances, but they need more enlightenment than anybodyelse. but it will happen, and i’m not pessimistic. i’m very optimistic about everything happening.like the sun gives free energy, god gives free energy for everyone because the sun isgod too. so at this time, i just want to make an announcementof what i’m going to do new in this new year. what i’m going to do new is just commitmyself to the poor people. i don’t want to call them poor, because there are no poorpeople, but they have unfortunately identified themselves with poverty. we have to dispelthis poverty. once we dispel, that’s why i have been defining for some time povertyas a matter of neurology; the function, the

brain is not functioning. and the sun canbring a lot of power to the brain, particularly the left brain.the left brain is directly connected to the sun, and it can give you the greatest intelligence.the right brain is not as powerful as the left brain. don’t think the left brain isonly science, and math, material things and logic,, etc. the left brain can give you divineknowledge better than the right brain. so the sun is in charge of the divine left brain.so i want you to watch that webcast that’s going to be aired on the 14th (april 14, 2015, vedic new year). but what ismy gift for the world, for the coming year? that is i’m going to make, i am creatinga program called, “goodness wins”. “goodness wins”. so we are going to change the world through goodness,

and i see that happening. the world is goingto fall apart as far as the evil is concerned. the evil is going to go out of the world,and it is a transition period. that’s why we feel unrest everywhere, especially peoplewho are very negative and evil. they are already experiencing hardships. and it isa time for them to learn and then to become good, because “goodness wins”. as gandhiused to say, “satyameva jayate”, which means only truth will win.only truth will win. the same thing i want to say: “goodness will win”. so iwant to, you know, just prove that to myself. so i just want to offer the programs, a setof programs, very valuable programs, for free, and under a banner called, “goodness wins”.the first program that i want to release under

this banner is called, “the millionaireyoga”. it’s a program that was sold for $400, $250, or $300, i don’t know becausei don’t get involved in the pricing part. but i am getting involved in one thing andthat is to make this program free because everybody not only can become millionaires,they are millionaires. they already are, but only they are identifying themselves withthe poverty, with the material reality that they see around, which they themselves created.nobody created anything for anyone except they do it. the siddhas used to say, prosperityand poverty are not given to you by others. prosperity and poverty are not given toyou by others. you give prosperity to yourself. you give poverty to yourself. so this programparticularly, will be useful for everyone,

because most of the people suffer from lackof financial resources. so this will change, and i have revealed the technology throughwhich you can completely get rid of your poverty. not only get rid of your poverty, but alsoidentify yourself with the millionaire’s consciousness. the important thing that you will learn isthat you can think of prosperity. you can think of being a millionaire, or in india they callit, “crorepati”. because crore is a numerical, you know, amount or count. crorepati meansa millionaire in english. you can become one. the mind can think it, but what you say is,"well, that is only am i imagining it, but i really am not." because you think that reality is differentfrom what you think. reality is not different from what you think.if, you really have to know how to think, and

the sun will give you. that’s why it isimportant that you, that i am giving this teaching during the sun’s exalted period. you should knowhow to think. thinking free of doubt, and when you are able to get into that technology,learn that technology of thinking, then the inner, and the outer will disappear. theyare one and the same; the outer is inner, and the inner is outer. the duality willcome to an end. the one thing that you want to remember inthe whole hangout, is, "the inner and the outer are one and the same." there is no outer withoutthe inner. if you see poverty around you, if you see disease around you, if you seefailure of relationship, or anything you see outside, is just only a reflection of yourinner. so what is important? the inner,

not the outer, because the outer comes outof the inner. so the brain is the most important organ thatcreates everything, and that is the teaching that you will get from the “millionaireyoga”. since i am making it free, i invite you with all of my heart to come, and usethis program. now, i would ask you only to do it. it hasbeen given out of “goodness”, and “goodness wins”. because the people who are takingcare of my foundation came and told me that we need, we are short of $700,000 to run ourcharity [tripura foundation] this month, this year. and i told them, "don’t worry, we willcreate that." so what i want to ask you at this time, so when you do this program, it is absolutely

free for you, but then i’m giving it outof goodness. and out of goodness, again i want to say it is not a strategyto collect money for tripura foundation. if you can afford to give money to the tripurafoundation, and i want you to do that, however little money it is, because we need that money.so i just wanted to give this program for all people in the world.you may, or may not, give. that is completely free. but then out of “goodness”, i wantyou to donate, because we need that money, and to have this program to go all over theworld. we are taking care of the education of the children in the united states, mostlyin india and mexico. and to sustain it, we need that money.so the program is free, and i’m going to

add more programs under this banner called, "goodness wins." “goodness wins”. so this is the time, and the sun is exalted for this onemonth period, and i want you to take advantage of this, and know the real meaning ofom. just if you say, “om”, the whole brain will light up. – the whole brain willlight up. soon i will show and prove to the scientistswhat happens within the brain, when you chant these mantras.bhur - will give material intelligence pertaining to your mind - lights up.bhuvas – the next level of the mind, that is a more subtle realityswaha – the celestial mind of heaven tat savitur varenyam – there is a speciallight that comes from the sun. that light

is called: savitur. and what it is going to do?dimahi – you just think about this savitur. and what is going to happen?you don’t do anything because you cannot figure out things with your limited mind,or limited consciousness. diyo yona prachodayat – then this sun willenlighten you, will enlighten your brain. he will activate all the layers of themind and give you a greater understanding. then you will no longer be dwelling in darkness.then not only 5% of your brain will be functioning, but 100% will begin to function.again this chant is available everywhere. if you go to the youtube, you will see thousandsof people chanting, you know, video clips

on the youtube, but you have to understandthe real meaning of what you are doing. so that is what i have given in the upcomingwebcast on april 14th. i invite you to watch that and also remember the “goodness wins” will start with the millionaire yoga” because i have been getting representationthat these programs are not available for people who can’t afford it, and this isthe time i’m responding to all those people in the past who have not been ableto watch it. this is the time it’s all going to be available free, and i feel very happyabout it. so thanks to the sun for his abundant generosity,to give us free energy, free life, and we will use them properly, and with gratitude.om bhur bhuvas swaha

tat savitur varenyambargo devasya demahi diyo, yona prachodayatgod bless.

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