welcome everyone to the 1st kids knowledge seekers’ workshop presented by the keshe foundation and spaceship institute. my name is rick crammond and i will co-host this weekly serieswith keyvan devani, and keyvan is organizing the kids workshops, and he will make a short introduction here; then, we will hear from mr. keshe, whowill explain the workings of the universe in a way that the child in all of us can understand. mr. keshe will then answer questions from the kids of all ages.
kevin, can you continue? yes, thank you rick. again, my name is keyvan devani... when i was a kid, approximately6 or 7 years old, i remember asking many, many, let’s say creative questions to my dad, and at that time, i could not get, so i couldn’t get any answers which i was searching for. euh... the whole reason for this kids workshop is to gain some understanding, start gaining understanding
euh... for all those questions which many kids might have, in, you know, when they are young, or going to school, learning physics, biology, chemistry, and... and i guess, mr. keshe, when he was a kid, he... most probably asked himself the same question which i had, you know, about the universe, about our galaxies, our planets, our stars, the moon, what are we made of, you know, planet earth,
so, maybe, you know, all those things that we learned in school might not be totally wrong, but since i’ve been following mr. keshe, reading his books, for a few years, ...i started, you know, understandingthe connections a little bit better. so, mr. keshe, i want to give you here the floor and..... and... introduce yourself maybe to all those new listeners. thank you. thank you very much keyvan, and welcome to all our children, especially myself. ...i’m still very old but very young at heart and a child.
....my son is sitting in front of me and he’s shaking his head. i was actually about his age, about eight, when i was introduced to the x-rays and radiation, and then, i watched the man,at very young age, landing on the moon, and i remember that night, lying on the floor, and watching, hoping that i can see the man landing on the moon. i still clearly remember that day; it was in july,
summer time. and that was the first time when, to me, was to understand more. and he had that, that understanding more about the field and the world, and the galaxies, has never stopped. one of the most important things, i think, for the young children to understand, or young listeners, is that man is here not just because of what we say; man is here because, collectively, as a race, over hundreds and hundreds and thousands of years,
we have gathered information and we have passed it from father to son, and to grandchildren. and now, we have the facility of the computers to be able to share this knowledge much rapidly and better. a lot of you know and have played with magnets. magnets and magnetic fields are the backbone of the creation. nothing in the world is, and can exist, without magnetic fields. but, all the magnetic fields in the universe don’t have the shape of very muchwhat you get on your fridges;
these are the magnets you see on your fridges, the little magnets, so, if you look, you already have and lived and played with magnets. these are little magnets you stick on your fridge, on your door. but, behind these, sits the whole mystery of the creation. if you go to every single small piece, they are actually very much like this. they are little, little spheres. but, in universe, spheres don’t sit on the floor; the spheres sit up right,
and these spheres of magnetic fields, when they sit up right, they look very funny, they look like a little ball, which they rotate. and this, in our language, in the bigger language, we call a plasma. if you see this ball, this is what we call plasma. and the whole creation is made and it’s based on these little magnets which rotate,
and they rotate very fast, and from them, we see magnetic fields. this is like these wires if you look at these wires, these are all what we call magnetic fields. this is what comes out of the fieldsfrom the top of these little balls. and then, they go and they turn, as you see, in different directions and different place, depends how these fields can spread, and where is the friend which is equal to them. so, if you look at these magnets you had, like this little fish,
out of it is coming millions and millions of fields like this, which is looking for a mate, for a friend to play with, or to join. and, when it joins, then it sticks. and then, we call it the magnet. in a very easy way, what it is, we want you to understand this simple thing: in the world, magnets, in the way your body, cells of your body are made, are not flat. they are always in the shape of a ball.
and this is a huge departure from whatwe thought and we think in the past, at least 100 years. so, what we show you is that instead of going and showing youlittle magnets, magnetic fields, we start the process of teaching you, from the beginning, about the plasma. because, it’s no use teaching you about the magnet which is flat and then saying that magnet rotates and then becomes the ball. this is exactly the shape of the magnet, magnetic fields we call the plasma and from it,
one side, fields come up like this, and from the other side, the fields go in like this. so, in fact, what goes in from one sidehas to come out on the other side. but, in the process in the middle, inside there are some more magnetic fieldswhich can join the ones which are coming out. it’s just like when you go in a tunnel. what goes in the tunnel when you go has to come out on the other end. but in this process, we call it magnetic fields.
these are the fields, the little strands you see. so, these strands have to go somewhere and join something. and then, when they join something, it’s usually another plasma. so, what you get, you get two plasmas. and, the field from one has to go in the other one, so, when you look at the overall between the two, you see a mesh like this. so, even though you are looking at the sticker with a little girl it here with the magnet on the fridge,
a little fish or whatever, between them are loads of fields like thistraveling from one to another and back. and this is what we call magnetic fields, . where the rays come out, but in fact, individually, they are little balls but, the difference is that in real life, a magnetic field from the ball can be seen when it comes out, is like an egg. but we know inside, the egg is very soft, is very gentle. and that’s what’s inside the magnet, inside a plasma. so, when it becomes the shell, we see the plasma.
when is not the shell, it is in the shape of very, very soft, very, very soft matter, what we call soft plasma. so, if i break this egg, it’ll go on the floor, on the table. but, if i can gently take the shell out, which is done with this one, it’s a bouncing ball. this is exactly what’s inside this egg. so, this is the difference between whatwe call the matter, which we can feel,
and this is the skin of the egg, taken off, and that’s what you call the plasma. so, this is how beautiful it is. you bring a lot of these bouncing balls, called plasma, their fields join each other, and then, now what do you have? euh...plasmas, which in small balls, all bouncing up and down, and the waves, shaking like this, and now you see how beautiful plasma has become. this is millions and millions of these make your little nails, millions and billions of these make your little heart, but, when they join together.
so, you don’t have a hard heart, like this,that is like egg that you can hear it; it is a ball, a bouncing ball. and this ball balls every where, jumps every where. and, this is, if i break this like this, you see the white and the yolk. you can do this at home yourself. you can see the difference between a plasma, and the matter. matter is when it’s hard. plasma is when it’s bouncy. what you can do at home yourself,
to see the difference betweenthe matter and the plasma is, get an egg, put it in the vinegar for three days and you come, and you see the magic there is no shell. it’s only plasma left. and then, if you break the egg, you see, the inside of the two is exactly the same. the first day when you break the shell when you get the shell moved with the vinegar, you will see the yolk,you will see everything inside. if you have, for example, a chick sitting on the egg for a few days,
and you can take the shell away, you will see the little chick inside. so, in fact, if you can see through this, for example through this ball, you can see a little dog, the little dog is in the plasma. i’ll try to show it to you, if you can see it. so, this is plasma; you see, it’s a ball, it’s bouncing. so, this is what the plasma is. the plasma is loads of magnetic fields which go around, make what we call plasma,
and then, plasma has to come out, they cannot stay; so, when they come out, they have to join the others. it’s just like when you go out of the house, you go on to play with your friends, then is 2 friends and more. but, to make a little nail, or little toy, even to make this little magnet, needs millions and millions of these little balls joining together. so, now, in one step, you have seen how the whole universe works. if it’s small plasma, we call it one atom, or one proton;
but, when it becomes bigger plasma, we call it like earth. and if it becomes bigger plasma,it becomes the solar system, and if it becomes bigger-bigger plasma, we call it the universe. so, in a very simple way,if you can use this plasma, understand how it goes through these vines from one to another, and we can collect the motion of these, it’ just like hundreds of you running down the road, then you can produce what is your dream or whatever you like to be. here we start showing the movement of the plasma,
when we collect its energy, because it’s running and gets tired, we call it the light. you produce a torch. this torch, if you can see, it’s light, is literally, collection of hundreds and hundreds of these plasmas collected, and then it’s charging the battery. this is how we make physics fun. physics is very simple, if you canunderstand it, the reality of it, i’m sure you’ll find out that your teachers will learn from you. and then, the simple ways,
the plasmas have to, and always join each other. as i said, if you find a friend, you can join and play; if i show you these magnets, these are like the sphere, is... you’ll see the magnets chase each other. the... i’m trying to find on the camera that you can see, i can move and the other one moves, if you can see it. it moves, and it moves, and it moves, because, whatever comes from one magnet, it has to go in the other one.
so, what comes out of this magnet here, it has to go back on the other side. you cannot put all the magnetic that are coming out back into itself. so, it goes into another magnet, and that’s what happens. that keeps the distance, if you see; they never come close to each other. they have to keep their distance. and, this is the principle of creation, when plasmas in the universe cannot come and sit next to each other. so, they have a gap, and that gap allows them to move freely. and it’s like you and your friends sitting on the same desk in the school,
in the classroom but there is a little gap between you, that both we can go and move out, and move in. and that’s what exactly a plasma is. so, you can start playing games. you can join them, you can join the few, or you can join a number of them. and, at the same time,you can make them to do different things. if you bring more magnets and more magnets together, you can play different games. this is some magnets,in different shape and form.
if you look at it, you can understand very easy that, how magnets work. they don’t need to be in touch with each other, their fields reach each other, and this is what we call plasma. you turn, the two of the same magnets, if you see, i’ve put them on the table, if you can see the other one, they rattle because they can join, the fields join each other. but, magnets do not need, or plasmas do not need to be next to each other to contact each other.
so, if i turn this, that one turns. if i turn the other one, the other one turns. what happens ? the fields in this one has to go around to this plasma from here in, and the field from this, this one, has to come and join this one. but, that’s what exactly happens, you don’t need connection. you see, from a distance, you play with the magnets. and this is very much what we call plasma.
it’s not flat, it’s a ball, and if you stretch this ball very much like this, this is what you call the light. the light you saw in the torch, the light which gives you chance to see this magnet is the same ball when it gets stretched. if you’ve got a chewing gum in your mouth, and chew it and make a ball out of it, and then take it out and stretch it as much as you can. when it is round in your mouth, it’s a ball, it’s plasma.
and when you stretch it, it’s still the same thing, but very long, and that’s why we call it the light. and this is how everything in the universe is. you become stretched, you become a light, you stay spherical, and you become a ball, a plasma. so, in a very simple way, to make a plasma, you need loads and loads of fields to come together, and they spin and they spin and they spin.
and they become a plasma. so, if you had a thought, i’m sure you’ve seen it in your time, in your classroom, or in your house, you usually play with your magnets like this, very flat; very, very, very flat. so, you see them, this is one magnet. but in the universe, we never see anything like this. and that’s why we see everything in universe like this. and we call it a plasma, because fields rotate, they chase each other.
so, from now on, you’ll understand, that if you’ve seen the rectangular star in your life, when you look into the sky ? no. but you see all the stars are round, the shape of plasma, because, even the sun is very, very big plasma. the reason we start these teachings, is to teach you from the beginning about the reality of how life is in the universe. it’s not flat;
everything in universe, even the smallest atom in your nail, is a spherical shape. the blood you carry in your body is made of millions and billionsof spherical shapes. and how they interact with each other gives you the color which you have. if you have a white shirt, the plasma in that shirt is what the other lights cannot be absorbed. if it’s green, is some lights which cannot be absorbed, which the balance becomes green.
but the light is very simple. the light is made in a very, very simple way. if you rub the two balls, the plasmas together, the plasmas have the fieldswhich are going out, and they have the fields which are going in, when you rub them together when they tighten next to each other, the ones which are going in crash with the ones which are coming out, the ones which are coming out crash with the ones who are going in form the other one,
and it’s exactly as you do with your hand. if you rub your hands, you see heat, and it gets warm. but, you don’t see, if you make it very, very dark, you will see your hands will create light too. so, that’s what happens in the universe. when magnetic fields rub against each other, the ones which are going out of the plasma, and the ones which are going in the plasma,
from one and the other one, you get little, little plasmas coming out. it’s like bits of the skin folds when you rub your skin, you scratch your skin and those little lights become elongated and then become what we saw as the light. so, we bring this part to an end, and then next time we’ll talk about more beautiful things we can learn with the plasma,
how you can use plasma to light things up, and you tell us how you want us to go. thank you very much. is there any questions? from the children. my son is shaking his head and he says‘no, no, not from me’. no, not now, thank you. we are rubbing magnets right now, just to... was it a good explanation, ask him?
yes. he says ‘yes’. what about yours? about the plasmas, we didn’t understand very well really the definition of the plasma. how can we... the children; what exactly is plasma? plasma is a ball of magnetic fields which in the center...; ok, i’ll tell you something, because my son knows, maybe children can explain.
come on, you have to.. "background discussion between mt keshe and his son"... good evening, my name is ruben; mt keshe explain to his son background i know that a plasma is made by an energy field and little magnetic things inside it. can we understand from your child what it means to have plasma? what does he know that we can add to it? yes
yes, these are the children of the world, no barriers, no borders, no color, and no race. they can teach us much simpler than we can. let us see what he understands. he is going to explain what he understands from plasma now. we are waiting. oh, for my child? ok. i have to translate... it’s their program, is not ours.
yeah, so, he said, it’s is... give him the headphones, let him speak. yes, but he doesn’t speak english very well, so i have to translate everything...it doesn’t matter; that’s good, let you do, let him be heard. what language does he speak? he speaks just german and he was, at the moment, very fascinated about the magnets. so, he is playing now around with the magnets on our fridge,
and that’s why, i think, he skipped the part with the plasma, so he’s just trying to discover the magnetic fields, and trying to see how they react to each other, so, yes, he is just playing around and trying to find out how these magnetic fields work out. aha. i think, for purpose of our teaching children, we deliberately kept away from magnets and magnetic flat magnets, like this one; because we have come to understand, then you had to re-educate them to understand the magnets,
euh, or the life, the structure in the universe is a ball of fields we share with each other, what we call plasma. it starts from the center, the center, the yolk, is an exactly copy of an egg, the center, the yolk is where all the field radiates out, and then, whatever radiates out, we call from the time, from place, the yolk, till come to the white or to the skin of the egg, we call it the transition point,
and, or we call it transmission transition field, and then, on the top, when it comes to us, we see it, we call it the matter, or things we call it what it is, like here, it’s the egg of,the shell of an egg; so, a plasma is a copy, no different than an egg; but it has to have a source, you can’t have things free. so, that source, if you look at the egg, is the yolk, and it radiates all these fields outwards
and from the time and the place on the top of the yolk, where the whites starts to where we see it as a skin and a shell of the egg, we call it the transition, so we call the white of the egg the transition. it takes time to transit, to travelfrom the yolk to become to the skin. so, this is how we understand plasma: a source, the whites, which is a transition time from the,where, where it leaves the source, to the point when we see it detectable to us like an egg.
another easy example of plasma, which is true plasma, in true sense of plasma, is our solar system. the sun is the source where all the fields come out. and, then, for example, in our caseit takes over 8 minutes from the surface of the sun to the surface, top of the, top layer of the earth for this field to travel. so, we call the transfer of the field from the surface of the sun to the upper layer of the atmosphere the transition, which is in transit. and, then,
at the point when it rubs against this magnetic field and gravitational field of the earth, manifests itself as a light or changes and becomes matter. we call it the matter state, because now to us it’s detectable. and this is the easiest way to explain to children about plasma, because nowhere in the universe and one of the biggest problems in teaching regarding the plasma technology and his existence of life in the universe is, we try to teach children magnet in the flat form, like this, or magnets like this.
yes, they are like this because we push these balls together, like this, what do you call it eggs, or what we call plasma, and then it’s very hard to teach children no, what you see is collection of these we squished together. but, if you teach children the plasma from the beginning is like a ball, and all the fields in the universe come out of a big ball, from the centre of the universe, and then they divide to smaller ones and then they make the galaxies,
and then the smaller one makes the solar system, and that smaller one makes the sun, and the smaller one makes the earth, and then it, when these fields become smaller and smaller these little balls of magnetic fields, they become the part of our body. and, to teach children about flat magnets and then trying to change, it’s the biggest problem which we have with the world of science today. that’s why we try to explain from the first session about a plasma. a plasma is a huge ball of magnetic fields,
with a source, the time which takes it from the source to come to be manifest to us as a matter, and when he is on his shell, totality with all the fields on the centre, we call a plasma. and, you can change it, you can play with it, you can understand it, in a very simple way, because, even when it’s plasma it’s soft, it’s not hard. the hardness of the plasma,as we see it like in this one,
this would be the egg, without the shell, which is bouncy, and to be hard, this is the same egg, another one from the same chicken, because we had to keep our own chickens in the house, we know all our eggs where they come from, so, if it becomes hard when it’s in a, in a soft position, in respect to the others becomes bouncy and soft, but when it becomes to us detectablethat we can hold it, then it becomes the egg with the shell, but inside it’s still the same.
so, a source, time of travel till where we can detect it, is, on the other hand, for the children the easiest way is, very simple there is a school, the source, the place is home, that’s the centre, and then it takes you, you get in the car and you travel for five minutes, ten minutes to get to the school,
that’s the transition time, when you are in transit, and then when you get to school, that’s the school, that’s where you appear, that’s where everybody, friends are, and this is the same principle. so, the cornerstone of creation is a plasma and not magnetic fields. magnetic fields come out of plasmas and join other plasmas. so, this should clear, make it very easy for children to understand. as i said, plasma is a twisted, very much like this. you have... waves, magnetic fields, and then, this is the centre of the field,
if i can show it in the background of white. this is the centre of the field, you can see it. and, then, as the field opens up, then it manifests somewhere, it ends. that end is when the matter becomes, appears, so that’s how, actually, it looks inside the plasma. millions and millions of fields start from the centre. the centre is very much like this, as you see it.
and, these fields as they open up, at one point, they become the point of where we can detect them. the centre is home, going around, travelling, is the time we are in the car to get to school, and at the point it ends is the point where it becomes matter, that, that’s the school. so, but, in this case, the fields travel in all sorts of directions, and they are not glued together, they are free and they move, and if they attract each other,
in the next program we’ll talk, become gravity, and they repel each other, we call magnetical field or the atmosphere, which is for the next session. is that much more clearer, or shall we try to find another way? yes, it was clearer. it’s clearer. thank you very much. is it to my son, … yes. he understood a little bit what exactly is plasma.
aha.…idea what it is…hum hum and ? it is, of course, something that you, the children cannot really touch it,get in touch with it, so yeah, it is something to play with. if you can find them ring magnets, don’t find them flat magnets. this is what we call ring magnets, yeah ? where in the centre is again where the fields are,
and i’ll put it down, and then stand it off right on its sides. then, this is more or less the same shape of a plasma. and, then they understand the magnet is, you can switch it, it turns very much like this. so, you very easily get him tounderstand what plasma is. the problem, that’s why i said, we started the whole process, was not to show the field, the magnets are like this, these are magnets, you can see, you can play with it, and it moves or jumps and it catches up.
but, in the universe we don’t see flat magnets. everything is a plasma, and i think for the parents who try to teach children from the beginning, the new understanding in,... in the creation, is to get them the real, from the beginning introduce them to reality, not something that then they have to add up. it’s a ring magnet. if you need them, if you can’t get them,we can always, send a link to us,
and we tell you where you can get it, because when you are in that shape you can see it. the magnet in my hand is about 20 cm away, you can see it. i move it and it moves. so, it, in this shape it doesn’t move,when it’s flat, it just jumps. but, when it’s loose, when it’s in a spherical shape, he change, you see, i just move a little bit. then, you can see, this is nearly 10 cm, 7 cm maybe.
so, it’s good to teach children the fact and the reality about spherical shapes, which is the plasma, and it cannot be done with flat magnets,it cannot be done with, with what i call very much circular magnets, like this, because then they don’t understand it. if you can find ring magnetsand give them slight ring magnets and let them play. and, then, as long as they understand, it is very much, this is exactly the same as this.
the egg and the magnet next to each other are exactly the same. in the centre of the egg is the yolk, the source. in the centre of this ring is the centreof the magnetic field, and when it travels from this centre to here, it is the time which the field transfers and transits, and when it is in the matter state,it appears as the ring. so, it’s the same process as the egg.in the centre you have the yolk. there is a gap between the yolk and where it comes to you as an egg, this is the transition, andwhen it’s solid it’s the matter state,
because in the ring youcannot explain a flat magnet like this, you cannot explain it. and, if the children understandthis from the beginning, that inside what it is, then you find out the teaching and understanding for the generation which is going to be what i call the space generation. then, they think, they live the way the universe works. and, as we see with the adults who’ve been brought up with the ethos of a magnet to be flat,
as most of our professors and the doctors and the university graduates, now we have a problemto teach them actually, the plasma is this shape, it behaves this way and we see a lot of resistance from the educated people because now they have believed and they have lived with a false information, which they have to defend. otherwise, they question their own integrity of their own knowledge. and, this is one of the problems we see with a lot of, a lot of plasma physicists,top physicists at the moment
and in magnetic field have a problem to accept the reality that the whole thing asa ball, a sphere, this is how it exists. and, the ones who grasp it, especially at the young age, then you find our teaching becomes very easy, and then it’s so logical that they can teach their own teachers in a simple way. as a professor said in a lecture i gave in the university, when the students were present, he said: ‘i cannot tell you a lie, you heard the whole thing like me, i just learned from the beginning myself" and he is a professor in physics.
so, this is the reason i didn’t introduce any flat magnets or, to show magnetic fields, and we start from the beginning with plasma which is the origin of the essence of the creation. then, the first few minutes is very hard, because they are used to the magnets in this shape, and then they understand, all they need to know is to stand it up and then rotate it. then, you see the real plasma,
because for a magnet to stick to the fridge the fields have to come out and some fields have to go in, and then, but it’s dynamic, so, in fact, the field of this matter is about this shape. and, in, in so many ways, if i take the centre out, this is like a love sign, it’s a heart, but the centre sits in the middle, and then it radiates and it comes to the end, and you can see it. so, the whole purpose of the teachings with the keshe foundation,
starting from last week, has been, for seven months we’ve been talking and trying to teach people around the world about the plasma and they cannot understand it, because the teaching has been on the basis of a flat magnet. now, trying to get them to think a magnetto be spherical in shape has been a battle for us for seven months, so we decided we teach the children from the beginning. in the future, when they want to play with the flat magnets,
there is no problem, because we, as i said, we never see a, what do you call it, a flat star, we never see a flat planet, so this, because man had to use matter to make it the shape they need and it’s always been rectangular or it’s been a horse shoe, this has been half of the problemin trying to transfer man from the space technology into a spaceship technology. so, the good thing is that now we can show them, maybe next time we bring the reactors which make a spherical magnetic field and children will fly with this than most of the parents,
because to them it’s a new, straightforward understandable knowledge, but keep him away from magnets on the wall and buy him a spherical magnet, a ring magnet. and, then you’ll understand they fly, because, you see, their body cannot do with a flat magnet that way, is if you look, as i made the rings, you can play different games with the reality than imagination, because if i put this here, you see it, this is a magnet, spherical, which has been made to rotate.
if i put this here, which is exact behavior of a flat magnet, here, you won’t see any difference, so it’s not reality, it’s the same magnet, it’s the same distance, because then the child gets confused. but, i just put this away and put a realterm magnet, which is near to this, you see what happens. you see the change. so, the fields affect each other; rotation, motion, the speed of rotation. so, instead of starting in the wrong foot with the children with the magnets,
we talk about the plasma, because a child is very hard to understand how come it moves this way and it doesn’t move that way. you look, it doesn’t happen. so, this is a false physics. now, you change again. you put a magnet which is like a light. look. it moves, it behaves, it responds. that’s why how the stars and planets respond.
and, this is why we’ve started the teaching from the plasma point of view, not from how man has been always say,flat magnets are matter state, and that’s the state of man. in the universe, everything is dynamic, and to be dynamic, you see the behavior. very simple. these are called rattle magnets. you can buy them as a pair, becauseyou find out like everything else, they move, you can see the interaction. you cannot do this without the magnets. a plasma moves.
if you can make more and more often, and then, the beauty of it is, why they are called rattle magnets, magnetic fields don’t make sounds but when they interact, they make noise, they make a magnetic noise or plasmatic magnetic noise, but they create light, so you can show that light in the noise of the rattle. they, they rattle. so, this is the behavior of the plasma, and this is a false physics which we have accepted,
and this is how the reality in physics exists. so, you can always play with the magnets, but if you want to understand how the universe works, and our generation from what we do and we see the next generation, which are the teenagers and the youngsters have to learn from the beginningthe correct way, and then, so we don’t have to teach them twice, the false way, and then when theylearnt it, it’s very hard for them. so, it’s easier to make plasma physicistsas the age of 8 than 80 or 18.
and, this is what we try to do. try to introduce children to reality, not just the short cut out, and that’s where it comes. in the universe, a plasma is a source which comes out. if you look at it this way, from the top, it’s flat, but if you look at the totality of it, it’s a spherical shape which is elongated and becomes what we call a plasma. so, please, if you’re parents and if you try to bring your childrenup into the spaceship program,
i’m trying to teach them the reality or fact about how life is created, to me as a scientist who works at this level, when you teach your children this magnet, it’s not very far from the time when the man said the earth was flat and the centre of the universe. the magnet, this is what we have to walk away from. now that we see and understand plasma, it’s to show the children the reality of what it is. you see, the two magnets are next to each other.
from the flat one you get no reaction by moving the other one, unless it gets attracted and it gets stuck, it doesn’t rotate just because you move another magnet. so, this is what happens. a plasma reacts to another plasmabecause it’s dynamic. here it’s flat. this is exactly what we said. these kind of magnets, when you start teaching physics about the creation, about the space technology,
creates a lot of dilemmas for the children in the future. so, it’s better to startfrom the beginning with the near enough realities they can see, and then you’ll find out they become geniuses in the space without us doing much work. any questions? these are called rattle magnets, you can buy them. these are called ring magnets. and, these are called flat magnets.
and, they all behave totally different. any questions...? yeah, that’s it. we are about there… yes, sorry about that. we will carry on with this kind of teaching from now on even in the adult section or the thursday times, because this is, this is what we realized,a lot of parents don’t understand. we have started this teaching this week in the lab here and we carry on now to our teaching with the children.
no, actually, it clarifies for the beginning, as if i were a kid, a lot of things to me. maybe there is some time for, next time, for, i have a couple of questions which as,you know, at that time when i was a kid, because i learned from you, mr. keshe, you know, from your books, that there is no or was no such thing as a big bang, so maybe we could go into, you know, into detail next time why because you always talk about the source and about this universe, and now i’ve learned that there is not onlyone universe but more than one universe.
so, i… that would be a great thing if we could go into detail, because this is a question that always has been fascinating me as a kid. what is the real source if everything is plasma what is the real source of all universes then? we’ll talk about it next time. is there any question from the bigger children or the smaller children? i have no, no queries, now, thank you, thank you for teaching this to us, really, very interesting for all of us, i think.
thank you very much, i hope we get more children, adult children, to listen to and maybe this even makes it easier for us for adult sessions. right. thank you very much indeed, thank you for your time. thank you, mr. keshe, and to all of you up there, thank you. thank you, bye, bye, bye. thank you. thank you very much indeed. goodbye. all the best with your new life. bye bye, bye, bye
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