
cops shooting real bullets at unarmed peoplesuspects for no reason. sometimes killing people. and they also try beating, and. kneeing,kicking and twisting, breaking, and. smothering, pushing.. hard damaging.! out of place. andholds. injuring, choking. dog mauling putting weight and pounding and doing all that ontheir head. too. wrestling, karate, harm mutilating. moves. with blood everywhere. agonizing pain.crucifixion on the lungs with choking. and concussions each blow . agony. macing 30 times.and cuffing them in torturing ways.! 25 times over. with chains, ties, cuffs. while beatingthem to death. when they are people who are compliant not fighting them . unarmed nonviolent. and then those who survive. some of that abuse. they get put in abusive . pepperspray blind the eyes brutal jail ! in bad
conditions ... and then behavior health. mentalhealth hospital. and get abused tortured , chained on beds in torture positions cutting off theirair. if they don't take the meds that torture them ! more torture and abuse from bad workers.injections and drug torture.. bad treatment. and millions of young people and millionsof adults to. get put through jail juvenile detention and mental health. tortured forminor little things ! even completely innocent people ! are did wrong by bad person usingpolice. when most all aren't crazy. just misunderstood in a bad time . p o w style treatment theworst torture ! bad people told by government. getting people to lie and place big chargeson people and report the little things wrongfully lie ! turned crazy to do this ! making peoplefall under behavior health category ! half
the country out of work on welfare disabledon drugs mental health. for life! people serving long sentences in jails for minor crimes noteven proven. no rights to arrest these people. needed. and take them to jail in the firstplace .treated bad. with bad side effects. memory and thinking wrecking and extreme weightgain trying to stop people from thinking isn't the answer and making them sick obesity. beingtortured by it all. by bad workers bad systems... soon it could envelope everyone the wholecountry what happens at peaceful protest where cops shot at a person and hit many othersall innocent ! martial law ok people are upset about policemen killing shooting beating todeath innocent lives. and the system's mistreatment in jail hospitals ! making our people sickfor punishment ! on drugs ! and many think
that military police is a bad idea ! but couldit be worse than what some of us have got ! martial law scares ! but imagine the badcops doing martial law that aren't trained like military they could do more damage...scared because of their lack of training they shot first ask questions later ! while militarywould follow training not to harm innocent ! lives . the whole idea is that evil menin power would make military do bad orders. we just need to find a balance accountability!for both ! body cameras on cops is a good idea restricting police gun access only inemergency should they be allowed to have their weapon ready to use ! military could monitorthis ! cops and military work together and keep each other in check. have the militarypolice the police ! and help police in very
dangerous situations ! maybe only 5 percentthe force could be made of military working with the 95 percent of police! giving militarytraining and discipline to police and the whole military can receive reports about allpolice and help regulate police ! and for those in law who have misused their position.police, mental health workers, law, judges, doctors , dhr , wardens ! they should be finedif we can prove they did wrong. then the pay they received from government. they shouldhave to pay back 20 percent. or so depending on severity on a yearly payment plan. untilthey pay back 20 percent. their pay as a fine ! we should bring forth all records videosof them and their cases and asses their jobs and people can come forth and write theirown report on website where they can review
police information and report their story! and on all law. the money from fines which would be a lot could be used to hire new peopleand raise salary for good workers. and for schools. and to reform the legal system. soit doesn't happen again ! if they can not afford to pay. then they can get a governmentloan pay it and pay interest! involuntary treatmentmillions of youth and adults receive involuntary treatment from big pharma ! even in emergencysituations it should be illegal like a juvenile or adult goes to jail or authority calledto them. there abused made to look crazy by government bad guys . sentenced to go to mentalhospital and forced to receive drugs and stay on drugs. if they refuse to take drugs .. theyget locked up tortured and given a injection.
of health wrecking brain wrecking drugs ! makingthem fat and and not fit ! to work disabled ! and it’s never proven their crazy at allmaybe they think they did bad. ! but that doesn't define them as crazy there not likethat all the time.) and maybe it's the person they're with or around who upset them. forreason. in a bad situation giving them drugs just makes it worse. makes them do worse ! peoplecan have bad days sometimes and not be crazy ! and they take minor things ! and say they'recrazy. lying to fund big pharma. they can't be trusted ! especially in the police statewe are in.. their overly going after millions of people kids youth adults and drugging everyone!they don’t need it. and don’t want it. these people aren't foaming at the mouth crazysaying crazy things doing crazy things. they're
just victims in misunderstandings ! most thetime there the misunderstood victims. and instead of cops resolving minor thingsand keeping kids out of jail they lock them up over nothing. a childish fit. misunderstanding...over zealous parents or people around them call police because they're mad at them. fortheir perceived attitude. really they're the ones that are crazy ! their the ones gettingat them causing these problems. but don’t show respect for each other ! instead we haveabusive government ! abusing the kids. there's no innocent until proven guilty anymore innocentpeople get abused drugged hated on by them ! everyone's guilty. they want to destroyeveryone and bring down this country. and one side hates the other . if they know someoneis crazy foaming at the mouth . crazy all
the time. put them on drugs if they're a danger.if the drugs help and a real test proves their crazy. and it helps. those people if it helpsthem. ( the people's choice is not behavioral health corrections.. to inflict bad effectson them. so they won’t do it again. that’s bad.. big conspiracy to destroy the worldby this.. but people under attack by law. sometimes look crazy because of abuse to them...so even those bottom worst deserve a second chance and time to see if it’s not justthem under stress inflicted on them by situation.! don’t force treat them it will scar them.just guide them back to health naturally. if their sick. and give them a chance to showthey're not crazy.they just a had a bad time ! don’t force mental health on them. theyhave their rights to refuse. the systems bad
conditions treatments. which make them lookbad. so release them. don’t keep on treating them. for just a bad minor response. theyshouldn't be treated involuntary and for everyone else. never treat fiscally well people toinsanity ! or anybody who's not insane. and cops arrest kids and adults. and lock themup when they just need a timeout for a few hours at police stations or a timeout centeruntil things are better . just a waiting room . ! with freedom and for those who deservejail how about. free government motel buildings. free. but restricted away from troubled area.until resolved. nice treatment. no pepper spray. or forced anything. and your own clothes.nice room. bed ,tv, computer ! and freedom. anddrink, food and freedom. only rule is.. not
allowed to go to troubled area. but can comeand go with limits. in town or away from trouble area freely. butcops are abusively arresting people for no reason even shooting at people ! no reasonpeople don’t fight back maybe they squirm when beaten. or defend off brutal attacks.they say they fought and lie what's gotten into the police ! why do they need to makearrest violently and why are they arresting people for minor things when it could be resolvedwithout arrest why are mental health's and jails beating up people drugging them whenthey're not crazy and torturing them in the process. for no reason. why are hospitalsand dhr putting pressure on people to cause trouble and arrest their family and friendstelling them their crazy if they got sick
or have fever go to hospital ! trying to medicatethem ! telling them lies that they have a complex scaring them ! also why are peoplereceiving treatment drugs injections pill they have to take at home for years. whenthey don't need. all to what wreck them make them week . sounds like america's justicesystem is under attack ! why are people being killed by cops and their mental health treatmentslives shortened cops shooting people to death ! many people for population control .legal process just cause or proof they're involved in crime significant . or innocentuntil proven guilty. can't arrest without that proof ! not just a suspect they haveto be involved with guilt and proof . to arrest. evidence they did the crime. to arrest. andin court innocent until proven guilty. more
proof . beyond any doubt . that they committedcrime. worthy of any punishment . decided in fair court. if not release . no illegalsearch or seizure. or and cruel and unusual punishment. can't strip search and shame theirnakedness. can't force mental health or drugs on them or any acts they don't want to beapart of religious or other ! ! or incarcerate not proven maybe guilty persons. for punishment.even for short time ! unless major worthy crimes and are guilty ! but condition's cannever be bad ! or that is illegal seizure ! and cruel and unusual punishment so theanswer is government motels to hold guilty on small crimes and not jails and resolve! without punishment if possible ! to justly keep things good without unjustly tippingbalance in one man's favor. or in control
of government ! justice is meant to keep thingsworking right and and separate!! to do so... not barbaric punishment ! we live in the twentyfirst century. better start acting like it ! no pepper spray this and other tools onlyused in non provoked harmful danger that's serious ! no forced cuffing or restraintsif needed as last resort to separate unwilling harmful person acting bad and not compliantas a danger ! then only either cuff hands once or cuff feet once. never more than thatbeyond measure ! must give proper rights and talk to make them understand what's happeningand options. in the final decision.! to get their compliance. cops must be respectfulif not then they forfeit any grounds to make arrest themselves. and are never allowed toshoot at person who is not trying to kill
them or someone else. unless they are doingso in which case pepper spray tasers can be used and guns ! ! this is the rights our foundershad for us under constitution. bill of rights other. and they had log cabin holding buildingsfor minor crimes and not stockades.. they even did this with enemy british. insteadour justice system stockades.. everyone under suspicion even though we can afford better.! today! jail prison people are being wasted by the government in prison sentence. toolong. brought in made crazy by the government. giving them drugs for minor crimes. if youcan even call them crimes ! housing is expensive those drug companies are making too much moneyfor destroying the people ! it's against our constitution trials aren't fair ! these peoplego on welfare can't work. because they're
made sick by government ! and people in jaildoing nothing seems wrong ! solution people in jail should work . with sentences! whilemurders and really bad jail people should be slave workers ! and lets not waste ourmoney executing them ! when you can have a slave ! also we shouldn't be locking up ouryoung people for minor non violent not proven crimes or our adults for that matter. lockingup should only be a last resort ! and if there's a way to resolve it without jail and mediateit. it should be done and no matter what they should have the choice if they get mentalhealth treatment if they say no they should not bother with them . and adults to ! moresolutions if minor crimes committed. bad case. send them to a comfortable police station.motel like building. no jail until resolved.
. to government trials for everyone shouldbe innocent until proven guilty!!! needs to be a new fair court systems and new laws.after time is resolved release don't hold anyone to long people should have time officesto write their side and truth be heard! and police should be trained not to harass a personsuspect. to help them resolve the matter. and not intimidate them and use excessiveforce. remember their innocent under the law and should be treated the same as the personwho called them. in most cases. such as family people living around each-otheras long as you're not an intruder. also finally if it can't be resolved and theyhave no place to live then they can remain in government housing living. work for governmentuntil they get another job and can get another
place. comfortable government housing whatit is meant for to help the poor needy or if their disabled get it free!when should people go to jail crimes people should go to jail for only ! murderand attempted and rape assault with major harm deadly harm threatening deadly harm andalso with deadly weapon and harm with deadly weapon. hostage taking destructive dangerousbehavior to one's life including hijacking! creating selling substance poisons that killspeople ! and torture and kidnapping everyone else should never be sent to jail only policeaccommodation government motel. police station restricted area time away from trouble untilresolved restrictions restitution to resolve such as probation be under watch restrictedfrom crime or being in crime troubled area.
penalize don't jail restrict !if a child or under adult does these crimes! then they should go to juvenile detentionand do hard time . maybe latter. exile to work program. or stay at jail until sentenceis over depending on crime. juveniles in for murder maybe can go to a work colony. whenolder. guarded restricted but more pleasant. than grown up jail for murders. for somethingdone as a kid. unless judge wants to release them under their circumstancessolution to jail for minor crimes we shouldn't be locking up our young peoplefor minor non violent not proven crimes or our adults for that matter locking up shouldonly be a last resort ! and if there's a way to resolve it without jail and mediate it.it should be done if minor crimes committed.
bad case. send them to a comfortable policestation. motel like building no jail until resolved. young people if minorcrimes committed could be sent to a get away from trouble. government. motel like freeplace to live . but out the way of trouble and not jail even for adults stay there onlyuntil its resolved maybe just an hour or longer if needed. people can come see them any timeand they can leave accompanied to store or something. but can't go back to trouble areauntil resolved bye judge. the cops must give them the option to come without force andexplain what's going on and where they can go in the mean time and how nice it is . anyonecan take them there they can even go themselves. if force is needed and they act out then peacefulforce can be used to take them there . put
them in the room lock the door if they wantto act out give them privileges back when they act better and comply, parent them . evenadults ! and no matter what they should have the choice if they get mental health treatmentif they say no they should not bother with them unless it can be proven their crazy unstableall the time . and adults to! and if they are proven to have done something wrong thena government motel free like places to go instead of jail to restrict them if they didit ! instead of jail or mental health. people who go to government housing adults and stayawhile should be under a work program for above minor but not major crimes ! until resolved.above minor a whole place another section under different restriction and they shouldeven be allowed to go to their jobs. if possible.
if minor things put them there.pay and other pay for our military should be increased doubled or tripled ! pay forschool teachers should be increased as well by at least 60% cops deserve a pay raise firefightersto 50 % raise at least and rescue workers to and other law enforcement . but with greatreward comes great responsibility . cops and law enforcement should be monitored wearingbody cams. on them. all should have cams in cars and on them. on uniforms.. which shouldbe uploaded everything they do. archived to a secure website. and other law can checkon each other live and get backup. we should also place cameras everywhere in neighborhoodson street posts and all around towns. and roads everything should be videotaped. andloaded to a secure website. with limited access.
but access for its users the people. alsohomes should private on there own buy cameras of their own. a community that does so a networkof cams in homes and their security systems cameras. in homes controlled by the occupants.where they the occupants. only view them. and in yards. if they want . outside and in. satellites should see the whole earth and stations for taping public towns cams everywhereit can be used for good. 
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