
hey my name is kathy robertson and i amthe tidy tutor once a week the members of my insiders club get together to discuss all topics that have to do with getting organized staying organized and home. this particular topic i decided to share with you it is about the fear of getting it together if you have ever noticed that when youget closer and closer to our goal becoming a reality that somehow it getssabotaged or abandon altogether and you wonder whythat is and would like to now have to stop thatfrom happening
i get into all of that here in this video i look forward to hearing what you thinkabout it and if it home for you… i thought we woulddiscuss being organized and i know that like that sounds ridiculous becauseit's what we're all about being organized but i thought it was important for us tore to remember like why it's so important and askourselves what is stopping us from stayingorganized sometimes is it only so that we can have thingswhen we need them
and not be late for appointments &parties like is that the reason is it so that we can know whereour keys are know where our shoes are not be late for things is that why is it really only so that we won't beembarrassed when somebody comes over is that why it really is so much biggerthan that and we know that right as people who or organizationally challenge and havelived through the consequences of what is affected when we're notliving organized we know that it's bigger then just
you know having our things when we needthem, we know that it effects much more than that being organized actually is something that makes life easier tolive right it makes us actually have our dreamscome true because we're living life on purpose and notalways just managing our stuff, the stuff that webought when we were out shopping because wethought we were supposed to have it or the stuff that clutters up our lives & acts like sabotage
when we're trying to be organized and to live the orderly life thatwe want to live so i think that sometimes we almost do it on purpose like we're thinking we have to manage this or we have to do that and we have to be incrisis mode all the time maybe because it's what we're used tolike moving from crisis to crisis because its what we do right? how we been
used to living what would happen if we weren't living in crisis mode i want you to like think about it okaynow you could be somebody that is reallyorganized now you have it together you use your binderright? you got it going on yet still you can like if you reallylook at it look at things are you still living from crisis to crisis now what if the house is, this is what i want you to imagine ritht? what if the house
had less things in it and all you had todo was your daily routine and yourmaintenance what would your life be like i think sometimes it could be scary it could be scary and maybe that's whywe stay where we are because living with suchfreedom having the free time to focus us to be like alone with ourselves and to have free time to think of
what it is that we wanna do you knowlike all the reasons why or a lot of the reasons why we came tottu why like at a certain point you just said i can'tlive like this anymore and were searching on the internet for answers right whatwould it be like for you to live that way to be in theposition where were living that way to finallyhave the time to make the plan to achieve or live the life that wewanna live could it be kinda scary to get there
now if only there wasn't an "if only" and let me explain what thatmeans now change is the most scary thing for people right even happy change all kinds a change it's like it's likepsychological thing if it's something that you really wantyou want a baby and now you're pregnant you wanna move to another place and youget to be able to move to the other place you get a new job you know allthese things
are good things but it shown that westress it's difficult to have any kind ofchange so all change is scary so i'm askin you here in thiscawfee talk i want you think about this alright? what is yourfear what is the fear that pops up when youthink about having the time to live your life in a different way then you've been usedto living it is there anything that pops up for you? likewhat would you be doing
if you didn't have to address the messwhat if you reach the goal you know the goal of the "what if" right? "if only" if only way it only kinda is here now whatev the if only i was organized it only all this stuff was in in the waythen i would you know what would you do youknow because we all say that right we all say that in our minds like well ifonly this was done then i know i would beable to do that like maybe
go to college, leave my husband move out of the house start abusiness look for another job it you allowed yourself to consciouslythink of it happening is it scary it think that you've arrived? alright that you're there that you're inthat if only this happen and you know when i sayleave my husband i wanna like make this very clear that i don'tthink that divorce is good i think it's devastating i think it's what you knowwill probably of of the… it's it's close to having somebody diein your life it's
it's a very very difficult thing no it's not good for anybody but i havespoken to people that have been in such horrificmarriages that they the the woman now i'm obviouslyyou know i speak two more women than men so that's my this is my experience of what i'mtalking about right now that the woman was you know beaten down now you know i'm not talking about beingdown physically i'm talkin beaten being down
emotionally and she needed to leave and this is more than one one instancethat i've heard a that the mess with keeping them to be able to move onnow that the book that i read sidetracked home executives that startedme on this road one the authors, pam actually was in a very mentally abusive relationship and one of the reasons that she had to get her act together was so that she couldfinally leave that relationship so we know that there's things that keepus where we are we have that
"if only this" and we're working towards it and my point to all of this if only thing is what happens if ithappened could that thing happening could it could your desire to move on and then to have that happened sothat you actually can is it a little bit scary that that couldactually happen right what if you don't know what to do when you get there right whatif he didn't don't know what to do to get there
what if you don't go to college rightwhat if if you can't leave your husband move atthe house like ya know think to yourself likereally i like i don't think i really want to dothat you know you might think that you really want todo something and then when you get to the place where you can do it it could be really scary what if i starta business and it fails? i like what if i do get the otherjob do i really want another job ya see whati mean
the things that we go for and desire when it gets closer and closer to thatgoal becoming a reality sometimes we think to ourselves i'm a little bitafraid of this actually happening so sometimeswere not and wait this is another thing to sometimes we're not used to gettingwhat we want like that could be an issue to do right so iwant you to ask yourself is it normal for you to settle to notget the your dreams or
your desires are you always settling for everything right like even likepurchases like let's say you were going out to buy furniture isit immediate in your mind that that furniture is something that you know youwill not get exactly what you wanted it because you're so used to not getting exactly what you wanted even if youcould it can be just that you need to break these habits rightlike settling habits it doesn't really haveto be that you won't move forward with it
it could be just that you're not used togetting what you want so you kinda live your life making sure that you don't so here are some questions that i want ya to ask yourself to see if the reason you can't get it togetherand keep it together are irrational fears of what would happen if you accomplished what you were setting out to accomplish iwant to know if you're sabotaging your efforts because
you think that it's something forself-preservation right because we all have some selfpreservation modes in in place to protect us right and thisusually happens in childhood and if you believe these things thathappened in childhood you carry them on and until you you know break that orrealized that it was a lie and you don't need this protection anymorewe keep doing it now something that's necessary isthat we realized that sometimes we r in like asafe mode so that we won't be disappointed so
we sabotage our efforts and don't moveforward so i want to know if you think if youallow yourself the pleasure or the freedom of living a really organize a life withleft stuff will you be in a very unfamiliar place and maybe not actually know what to do with the time right because let's faceit if we've been living in a mess for along long time then when we get close to achieving
like where we have and let me tell ya this happens all right it hasn't happened to you yet it willwhere even on your busiest day by you know 11in the morning on a saturday maybe if that's your daythat you have like a family work day or something everything's done there's nothing elseto do you did your desk day you did your errand day you did you once over day and now here is one of the busiest days and yourdone by 11 in the morning well it can be a little scary whybecause
you're not used to being there now allthe sudden we when we get what we want it can be a little you know nerve-wracking so iwant you imagine what would that be like and tell me if are their are any fears all right?if anyfears arise in you when you think about that time right i want you to expose thethoughts for what they are and ask yourself it the thoughts have any truth to themat all
because remember if you have things inyour head they see much bigger when then whenyou get them out in the open so what if the thingsthat you're afraid of happened alright? i want you to think aboutit so remember these are not rational fears okay mostof the time when fears are in our head they seem really really logical but its only when you say them out loud that werealize how really irrational they are so don't feel foolish about whatyour fears are
until a lie is exposed it seems really big alright it seems even true so i'm going to tell you what i think of when i think that i will have what itis that i'm actually going for so i'll tell you whatfearful thoughts i have so if i get what i want onething is that i'm afraid i've is what if i get what i want and it isn't actually what i want like that issomething that is
scary for me what will happen then? at first it seems like a really scary thingbut now like sharing that with you i realizedthat it's not scary at all like honestly so what so what if i getwhat i want right and so what it's not what i want so what you know like what so what ifthere's something that i wanted and then i get it and it turns out ididn't want it so it it's something that like doesn'tmatter right for one thing that's really goodabout that
i'll actually no what it is right i'll know that i don't want that and if i don't dothat then what what what would happen i would eventually always regret that inever tried it and i would never know that i didn'teven want it, see what i mean? so a lot of the things that were afraid ofif we actually go for it it would be something that would youknow make us more free not hold us back more another fear that i have is is that when that what if i don't get what i want butit's not what i want
then everyone will look at me like i wasfoolish or stupid or ridiculous or dumb because i went in the direction that was so off the grid right so now revealing that then i can address it i can address that its ridiculous so why should it matter what other people thought right why should it matter and so whatwould happen if they thought i was foolish for any ofthose things and another thing is do i really thinkthat the people that love me
would point their fingers at me do ireally think that and another thing to think about ifthere were people that would do that then that's notactually a bad thing because then i would clearlysee who really are my friends and who reallydoes love me who i want in my inner circle not those people who would point their fingers atme i wouldn't want them in my inner circle you see what i mean so whenwe say the fear that we have then we'll be able to address it just like i did
right like the fear was what if i getwhat i want in every what up i go for what i want it's notwhat i should have or not what i want and then everybody looks at me like i'man idiot right so that could be a fear and then when you say it outloud you say, all right well what happens if that does happen right and you can address those thingsjust like i did and then you realize well so what it's okay see another fearthat i have about getting it all together so that ican move toward my goals are that if i finally do have the timeto use it wisely
what if i don't what if i don't use mytime let wisely what if i don't know what to do with mytime what if like i am paralyzed and stand still and you know a year goes by or i mean honestly do you really think that ayear would go by and you do nothing it works so hard towards something evenif what you're doing isn't in the right direction it is in theright direction because you're doing something doing nothing gets you nowhere it's all right to be his speed bump it's allright if you even fall in a hole
because the thing is is that only thepeople that are on the road could hit the bumps only the people that are on the roadcould fall in a hole if you're not falling in holes then youhave to say well guess what i guess i'm on the sidelines and then what happens then it's justlike you know life passing you by so it easier to stay in a mess or stay in this job or that job stay in a marriage then to be out of it and
faced with the responsibility of finally doing what i've always said i wanted to do right it seems like it's easier but itisn't and and it isn't even really scary when youface it all right so let's see where are we because when we break it down to the okay what if that thing i fear doeshappen we see that it really isn't a scary at all
it doesn't have the weight to cause us tofreeze that we thought that it did it's allabout like you know i know it sounds like so cliche face your fears and all of that but youknow there's reasons why these sayings are what the sayings are why thesesayings have you know been around for as long as they are because there there's so much truth to them sowhat i want you to think about are fears that maybe you have okay do you have a fear getting rid ofsomething
and then you discover that you need itlike is that one of your fears like well i'm afraid to get rid of somethingbecause what if i need it right well when youreally think about it like if u think about that fear and you expose and you see it for what it is then youcould finally step out of the box or that trap that isn'teven really a trap it's like a picture that you drewfor yourself you know you drew this trap and you stepped in it it'snot real like honestly think about it whatwould happen if you got rid of something
like you know i hear people say this allthe time they'll say well you know every time i get rid of something i turn around and there it is i need it well i have two things to say about thatone is what you expect you get what you thinkabout you bring about so if all on you areexpecting all the time is that when you get rid ofthose bobby pins when you get rid of that extra blow dryer when you get rid ofthat
extra flashlight that's exactly whenyou're gonna need it well i'm telling you what if that isyour so prophecy that is what's gonna happen so just stop just stop trying to see the future because you'll created another thing i can say about that is so what, like so what i mean you're not it's not like you'regetting rid of your car right well as soon as i get rid of my car i'll need another car you know what, waht
are we talking about here bobby pins a flashlight how many things do you have to go and buy over again because you can't find them right now right so when you when you're if that's when yourfears i want you to just it you do get rid of something and then you find out you need it again don'tbeat yourself up about it say ok that's okay big deal because nowthat my house is getting orderly and for that one thing that i have toget because i got rid of it and now i need
it is going to be 10 things that i don'thave to buy all over again because i can't find them okay and then you'll see as time goesthat that is gonna fall off it's not when you really think about that fear of having toget another one and the reality of staying in a disaster then put it in on a scale get another oneholy mackerel if that's going to be the biggest thing thathappens the biggest
horrible consequence because you're now organized and you have left stuff andyou living a life that you've always wanted to live right can you see howtwisted that has become right all right let's seewhere else are we what aboutt when i get rid of things i become really poor like what aboutthat like what about you say well you know what, if i get rid of that and then i don't have any money i'mgonna really be upset because i can't have those things i mean really
honestly think about it okay like thatjust doesn't make sense either does it do you really think that their life hasbeen altered drastically because they got rid of all the excess duct tapethey had and now they need to get a roll of duct tape right well i had 4 rolls of duct tape igot rid of three other and then i had to use that duct tape, or myneighbor borrowed that duct tape and now i i need duct tape big freaking deal right how much are wetalking about here right think think it through like i knowpeople that have
boxes a extra glasses alright when you put that on a scale andyou say okay on the one side is all the excess stuffthat i have just in case kmart walmart and every other store in america or inthe world runns out of glasses i will have a glassto drink out of just in case that does happen right andyou put that on a scale and on the other side on this scale isyour dream to do something that you can't dobecause the disaster that you live in
well a doesn't compare does it doesn'tmake sense holding on to things because the fear that you're not going to be able toafford them down the road is just rediculous is it more scary to keep things and stay where you don'twanna be right is it more scary to do that reallywhat are we afraid of i think it's more more of this is just that we don't want to face what it is sowe buy it we push it down ever hear people when theysay i'm
stuffing it right do you think that has alot to do with our stuff is it is it the samething a lot of people that have issues withtheir eating habits because they eat instead of emotionally handle what's going on so they eat itwhen they doing? their stuffing right people say that all the time i'mstuffing so we want to be careful that we'rethinking things through and we're really facing what it is that stoppingus from moving forward in doing what we
want to do and i think once we can really say itout loud whatever that thing is like a lot of times to and that's whatthis cawfeetawk is dedicated to is just pointing it out sometimes wearen't even aware that this stuff is happening likeunderneath the radar because it it's just we're so used to like going from crisis to crisis andcleaning up the stuff that we get, were always just so just this much far away from that "if only" the house was cleanedup part is gone right we're always so
just that much far away from it that wenever have to address it and we never have to see well, all rightwhy why am i always like on a treadmill herewith this why does that happen i think that if wecan step back and ask ourselves am i afraid ofachieving the goal and what happens if i doachieve the goal is it scary and what am i afraid ithink that then things can change so the fear about what would happen if you accomplished whatyou needed to
so that you can do what it is you wantto do definitely it has to be addressed it'svery possible that these irrational and of unrealized fears are the verything that is keeping you from getting out ofthe mess becoming organized and doing what isthat you tell yourself you want to do but somehow you're not doing now remember thisdoesn't only applied to anyone here that is still a mess thisalso applies to anyone of us that anytime even when we've
gotten to you know put on the done reed apron, or you know we feel like we might aswell be june cleaver or and martha stewart now this this is something that on ireally believe that because it's been a habit for us in thepast and we're just so kinda used to you know running running the race and not really achieving or feeling like well theplace is great but oh man how come i'm always fallen off now sometimes
that can be just because you need topractice right and and you don't have to think of it asi'm falling off you just think of it as well i just learned i just learned thisit's just practice the more i practice the better i'll get but ifyou find yourself you know constantly being not just like you know a little in a little bit of amess or oh five minutes from company that kindathing way more than that then really i want you to really startto look at and say what am i afraid of what am i afraid of
achieving so i i hope that you'll askyourself questions and you know like some of the questionsthat i talked about and also anything that you can come upwith to any fears that you might have aboutgetting organized like do i have any fears do i have any fearsabout when i finally achieve what it is i'm going for and i think that you knowthe whole hindsight is 20/20 thing you may completely avoid a hole that youhaven't even come up to yet by recognizing that this is somethingthat happens to all of us
to everybody that start something newanybody that has it changed that thing that has to do with us that'sdifferent than other people that i was talking about like with the all changes are you knowscary like having a baby what you have havin the baby there aint much you can do about it you gonnahave to you keep going with it until you realize there's nothing to beafraid of, let's say you just got a promotion well you got thepromotion so you have to you know do whatever itis that you gotta go
do to step up to that particular job if you're moving right you you decided that or it may be yourcompany moved maybe you decide maybe you have a bigger family or maybe have a smaller family and soyou made a decision to move that's scary but the point that all of thisis that your forced to do it yes it's scary but you're forced to do it in this casewhich is a lot of our problems all the way around is we have notaskmaster
we have no real consequence except for that last-minute oh my god this sucks situation that we usually pull ourselvesout of and come out smelling like a rose anyway so thats i think why we have it why why we can be on atreadmill and instead of the whole facing thefear ting because there's nobody pushing usto do it all we're doing is getting our house cleaned up which weknow has wonderful consequences you know to
a better life but even when we're onthat road and its happenin still we may be sabotaging our effortsby not really allowing it to happen not theway it could be the way you want it to bebecause you know the alternative after that is scary you know so i think that's itfor our cawfee tawk yes it is i'm really looking forward tohearing anything that you have to say like if there if anything resonated withyou or if you know you can't think of anythingright now you know i'd love to hear
anything like is there anything thatyou're thinking like well i never realized that i am afraid to get it together becausewhat if this or on yeah i i don't want to get rid ofthings because i'm afraid that my mother will be soupset because i got rid of that vase she gave me see we can be living in fear of what other other people will think andthen living a life that we don't want to live well
you know honestly she is your mother andeven if it turns out she's the typeof of mother that will hold agrudge you know she'll hold a grudge anyway right haven't we you know how we like live life longenough to figure out that if somebody is difficult they're going to be difficultregardless of if you do something to bother them ofnot so you might as well do whatever you have to do to be happy they're gonna be difficult regardless ofwhat you do
so let them be difficult without thatvase in your house thats clutter in it up somewhere or without all those close that they bought for their your their grandchild you know i hear alot of stories from parents that tell me you know what do ido my mother keeps buying the baby close she keeps buying my daughter you know close we have more clothes for this kidto me know what to do with and they're so beautiful and i don't want toget rid of them well you know think about it i sincerely don't thinkthat the clothes are really the issue
may be if you think of it what happened if i do tell her this what am i afraid of, see? sometimesi think it really just comes down to what am i afraid of one of my girlfriend alwayssays that everything always comes down to love or fear so that's that for this cawfeetawk andif anybody has any questions or any comments i love to hear them okay tim said i'm afraid of holding on towhat i have because i can never take it with me where i'd like to go i don't quiteunderstand what that means i'm
afraid of holding on to what i have you mean like you're afraid to keeping things because you feel like if you need to move on or you want to go somewhere dosomething you won't be able to because now youhave this stuff well be afraid more of holding on to it right because thatmeans that you cant do what it is that you wanted to do ithink i got that right but let's see he said holding me back from change yeah well see
alright so you're afraid that you'reholding on to things that will hold you back from change but so then you know look through your things and say ll right well i'm afraid these things are going tohold me back so if you truly don't want things to hold you backwhere you believe that they will then you know minimize it youknow just make a decision to live with less so that doesn't happento you or really face what you've got and say alright well i don't have too much andif i decide to move on or do something
else i will be able to and if you're notthere that's where you need to be because it's obvious that that's whereyou want to be right so yeah most things are just you know like a like when you say it outloud you see all right well what's the solution so sherl said "everything you saidit's alright on for me it is scary for me and i do getmy in my own way, this has been my place for so long thank you so much." yourwelcome yeah and see
you know it makes so much sense yeah this is who i am. it comes even it comes down to identityeven well this is who i am. this is everythingthat everybody expects me to be and you know so the thing is is that youknow you gotta force yourself to do it that this is what i want to dothis is what i'm gonna do and then face the fear say it out loud you know say it to a friend ask yourself well okay what will happen if thishappens
you know like the whole thing with methat i was i'm afraid that what if i get what i want and then it'snot what i want well once i said it out loud big freakin deal isn't it so much worse to not even try and then go on your deathbed and say iwonder what would have happened if i did this isn't that so sad that maybeif you did it you would have found out you didn't want to do it and you go do you grave regrettingsomething you didn't even want right so talk to somebody about it sayit out loud
martyann said "well all of it resonated with me especially on a crazy day in my head such as today thank you so much." yeah you know what i understand what you're saying about the crazy day in your head like you know holy mackerel, sometimes we're such our worse enemies right the things that we thinkin our minds if we can just say them out loud we'll laugh out loud we'll like to laugh atourselves because we're like
you know "oh, what happens if i get what i want if i get what if i get what i want i don't want it really is that something to bog yourself downand make yourself crazy about but when itcomes out of your mouth you realize how ridiculous it it's thank you for your comment, cherylsaid "i have thought so often that if i get rid of something i willneed it and maybe won't be able to get like bobby pins," yes i know right it's sotrue like you won't be able to get those bobbypins again you know you will like big
freakin deal unlless you live in like you know don't know alaska and its are helicopter ride to get thosebobby pins you know unless that's your issue then you knowcome on but you know the fact is really if you're in alaska and you need to geta helicopter for it you really wanna live much more simplyhave what you need don't have more how much and how many bobby pins do we need right it really is so it's so ridiculous that we could allow things to have gotten so much controlover our lives
that it paralyzes us to think the irrational things of i needto have 10 boxes glasses in the basement because their good glasses and my other classes will break please donate the freakin glasses before you have a flood and then the glasses break from fallingoff a shelf and now you have that to deal with right because we all know everything doesn'tlast for ever and it's not meant for us to hoard things there's achapter not a chapter a story in the
bible were god talks about this very rich man and he has lots ofthings now god does never say if you read the bible it never saysthat we're not supposed to have things were not supposed to have luxuries if you go through when you look at allof the people that god uses as examples almost all of them i can even think the one that wasn't verywealthy and didn't have stuff now the were sometimes like i knowpaul said you know i'm i i'm fine if i abound
i'm fine i have need that's a wholedifferent story he had a mission he had a choice he made a choice paul was a pharisee of thepharisees he had money up the ying yang whatevera ying yang is all right. he made a choice to live a certain wayfor a certain reason alright so i don't want make anybody get mad at me about what my example is so wait my point is that, there's a story about a man who had a great great abundance and he also hada storehouse of things, now that's also
something that god talks about that isn't necessarily bad to have astorehouse of things but we're not supposed to hoard thosethings keep those things to ourselves never give up to anything else youknow that that when he said to what he said to the man was the maneventually died and he was so obsessed with all of this stuff that when he met got or t whatever youknow this is how the story goes he said to him you fool you know while youwere here on the earth you could have done so much good so ifyou if you want to think just in
a way of just like a comment sense thing, that we don't live for ever we can't take everything with us when wego even if you don't believe in god in heaven and all of that still you do know that you don't live foreverand when you're done you're done and all those things that you havestored up in places well they can't bless you and they can'tblessed anybody else now we have things that people have tocome to the house and have to deal with and when we hold on the things we can'treceive
anything so all the way around holdingonto stuff hurts us and then eventually hurts those that we love because theyhave to deal with it alright so tim said that he has too muchright so you realize i am too much you also realize with the fear that youspoke of that you're afraid that you won't be able to you know move on with the life thatyou wanna live because of the stuff so now that you have that realization youknow that if you
really want what is what it is that you said you want and you know that you can do it then you'll get rid the excess stuff andyou'll see it not as i can't believe i'm going get rid of allthis you'll see it as i can't believe that i'm gonna finallylive my dream see it's such a different different mindset he said ebay here i come. yeahamenalright anybody else have any commentsor questions alice said "important ideas to thinkabout
thank you" you're welcome all right andyou know we're on the facebook group if anybody wants to be on there and talkabout like well you know something like wow ican't believe that i was afraid that i didn't realize thati was afraid to get the house together because when i did i so told myself i wasgonna go back to college and now i realize i'm afraid to go backto college in so that's why i've been you know not doingwhat i really could be doing and the thing aboutthat too is that once that fear
is broken then what it becomes isexcitement because once you relize wait a minutewhy am i afraid to go to school other people do it i could do it toyou know whatever it is that your goal was to get the house together maybe instead a fear it could become excitement because nowyou recognize the fear as the lie that it is and you could beexcited about what it is that you're going to get that you are going for and that will motivate you to get thehouse together or get whatever it needs
done to get yourself together rememberthat why wonderful happy you when you realize what the why is why i want what i want and we keepthat in the forefront of our minds, then we actuallyaccomplished what it is that we set out to accomplish so thats that for a cawfee talk thanks somuch for joining me and i can't wait to see you guys on ourfacebook page for us to chat thanks so much for taking the time tocheck out this video if any of it rang true to you i ask you
what is it worth to stop sabotaging efforts to actually get what you've always wanted to getdoing nothing gets us nowhere i invite you to dosomething right now to make a move in the direction to making your dreams come true click on that link in the descriptionbox or below this video and enroll in tidy tutor university you will automatically be included intoour private tt insiders club where we get together to stay motivated and have supportnecessary to succeed
in living the life we've always wantedto live it's not a course that you get andyou're left alone to figure it out, get started kick the fears to the curb and emroll today
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